Yes, We Like Our Fizzy Kombucha


My parents had a habit of introducing healthy foods to our household, and they used to drink Kombucha. When I was a child, I tried a spoon full of Kombucha. I remember that it was sour like vinegar. I do not remember why they stopped drinking Kombucha. I met Kombucha in the United States after years after my first introduction to Kombucha.

In 2018, Mr. Sandor Ellix Katz facilitated a fermentation workshop at Short Mountain culture, located in a lovely town approximately 1 hour from Nashville. We joined the workshop to learn how to make Sauerkraut. Mr. Katz introduced to us a variety of types of fermented products in the class. Kombucha was one of them. Because it was something I drank long ago, I was instantly curious about making my Kombucha. I bought my first SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast at Short Mountain Culture, and my journey of making Kombucha started.


General Idea of Kombucha

Kombucha is a fermented drink made from black tea and sugar. Kombucha’s fermentation process is similar to vinegar’s. That is why I thought it was sour the first time I tasted it. According to the Kombucha Brewing & bottling guideline published by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (May 2017), Kombucha contains approximately 1 % alcohol. During the fermentation process, a white film appears on the liquid’s surface, and it will turn into a blob. The white blob in the picture is called a SCOBY (p. 1). It feels like touching the surface of the hard jelly. 

The SCOBY from my last batch.
It is the SCOBY from my last batch. I remove any wanted parts from SCOBY to keep it healthy.

History of Kombucha

People have consumed Kombucha for a long time. My parents told me that it was from Manchuria, North East of China. The use of Kombucha has a long history. According to Jayabalan et al. (2014), it first appeared around Tsin Dynasty. People have used Kombucha to detoxifying and energizing in 220 B.C. Japanese people started consuming Kombucha around 414 A.D. A physician named Kombu brought Kombucha to Japan to treat the Japanese Tenno, Inkyo Tenno to treat his digestive problems in 414 A.D. (p. 538).

The benefit of Kombucha

As a physician, Kombu used Kombucha for treating digestive systems or detoxifying. My husband and I used it for treating our digestive system. My husband had some problem with his digestive system, which was in control after taking Kombucha. There are more benefits of drinking Kombucha. WebMD (n.d.) listed that Kombucha’s use boosts your immune system, losing weight, reducing blood pressure, and preventing heart diseases and cancer (para. 5 – para. 8). 

The process of making Kombucha

I use sweetened Jasmine green tea as the fermentation medium for Kombucha to shorten the fermentation process. Jayabalan et al. (2014) claim that green tea and lemon balm tea shorten the fermentation process as it has more stimulating effects on Kombucha tea (p. 542). I accidentally found this alternative medium by purchasing Jasmine green tea instead of Jasmine black tea. 

Ingredients to brew Tea used for fermenting

3 quarts of water

Eight bags of teabags (caffeinated black tea) – you can use green tea. 

1 cup of sugar

1/2 cups of Kombucha (Use the Kombucha broth that came with the Kombucha SCOBY for the first batch)

First, clean the surroundings and wash your hands with soap to avoid growing unwanted microbes or molds.

Add 3 quarts of water to a pot and bring to a boil. Then, you steep the tea for approximately 10 minutes. Add sugar, then allow it to cool to about 68F – 75F. Be careful with the temperature of the tea. It is a host to living microbes, and you can kill them off if the Kombucha broth is too hot. Once it has cooled to 68F, add the Sweetened tea and the 1/2 cup of Kombucha to a clean Jar. Then, add the Kombucha SCOBY. We keep ours in the dark area for approximately one week at room temperature. 

We like our Kombucha carbonated like a cider, so we do 2nd fermentation to carbonate it.


Remove the SCOBY and set it aside on a clean plate. Keep 1/2 cup of Kombucha aside for the next batch.

I use 16 oz dark bottles for bottling Kombucha since yeast dislikes U.V. light. We use OxiClean to clean the bottles before filling them. Fill the bottle with 6 oz of fruit juice and add strained 10 oz of the fermented sweetened tea. It took me almost one year to figure out the balance of juice and Kombucha that best suit our tastes. I strain the fermented sweeten tea because I’m not too fond of pieces of SCOBY floating in my Kombucha. Seal the bottles and store them at room temperature at a dark location for about a week. Then refrigerate until ready to consume.

With little to no air, yeast will use sugar and excrete carbon dioxide. This process turns Kombucha into a fizzy drink.

The risk of Kombucha

Despite the health benefit gained from drinking Kombucha, there are some risks of drinking it. Like taking herbal medicine or any medicine, you will need to consult your doctor, especially if you have any preexisting conditions or take medications. For example, my husband consulted his doctor before taking any medications for his hypertension and kidney condition. 

It would be best if you cleaned all equipment used for making Kombucha and your hands. According to Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (1995), two patients from rural Iowa reported getting severe illness after consuming Kombucha. The arterial blood samples from both patients show severe metabolic acidosis, which indicates an elevated level of lactic acid in the body. Both suffered cardiac arrest. Although the FDA could not link direct causation to Kombucha, they suspected that the Kombucha might have become contaminated by unwanted mold or microbes (pp. 892- 893).

I inspect my SCOBY for health every time I make Kombucha. I remove any unhealthy layers or excess layers so that Kombucha will remain healthy. I sometimes wash the SCOBY with extra fermented sweetened tea.

There are a variety of ways to consume Kombucha. Some add herbs or Puree in Kombucha. Some add sugar to keep their Kombucha unflavored. We like our Kombucha fizzy and enjoy the flavor of the juice we use. But feel free to experiment to find flavors that match your preferences.


Jayabalan, R., Malbaša, R. V., Lončar, E. S., Vitas, J. S., &Sathishkumar, M. (2014). A Review on Kombucha Tea—Microbiology, Composition, Fermentation, Beneficial Effects, Toxicity, and Tea Fungus. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety13(4), 538–550.

Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Bureau of Food Safety and Laboratory Services. (May 2017). Kombucha Brewing & Bottling Guidelines. Retrieved March 24, 2021, from

Unexplained Severe Illness Possibly Associated with Consumption of Kombucha Tea — Iowa, 1995. (1995). Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 44(48), 892-900. Retrieved March 21, 2021, from

Kombucha—Health benefits and risks. (n.d.). WebMD. Retrieved March 27, 2021, from

First 4-Week of My Weight Loss Challenge

I decided to work on reducing my weight because I am quite a bit overweight. I noticed some negative consequents of being overweight. I tend to be hungrier than when I was average weight. My heart rate was higher. My energy level decreased. My clothing does not fit me well, and I lost confidence. I decided to challenge myself to lose weight. This blog is a summary of the progress of my first four weeks of this challenge. I experienced some benefits and some setbacks I wanted to share with you to help you lose weight.

perfect figure Image by Justine FG via


With a commitment to being healthy, I started with regular exercise. One of the biggest obstacles for me is making time for regular exercise. Since I am working from home, I could do 30 minutes of exercise during my lunchtime and 15 minutes after work. I picked my favorite workout, Zumba fitness, for my starting exercise. I used to go to Zumba class back in Canada, and I have only good memories associated with the activity. Zumba can be a strenuous exercise, and the calories consumptions can rise to approximately 230kcal with my weight within 30minutes. I use Zumba Burn it Up!. I played the Zumba game since we acquired a console that was able to run it last Christmas, and I like the game a lot. Having a good feeling about the activities is an excellent way to keep me going with my commitment.


The equipment I use for my exercise commitment is Fitbit Charge 3/4, Nintendo Switch, and Zumba Barn it up!

Fitbit Charge 3 & Charge 4: I have two Fitbit watches listed here because I had to replace my Charge 4. I loved Charge 4 as it tracks your activity duration and calculates your active minutes by considering the workout intensity. The workout intensity level is an essential factor for the amount of calorie output as it changes the amount of exercise expenditure per minute. For example, you will be spending much more energy by hiking a hilly mountain than walking on a flat road. The reason is your heart rate is higher for more vigorous exercise. Fitbit is not a cheap watch, but it eliminates my time to calculate activity minutes. You can use a heart rate monitor for around $20-$30 instead. The minutes for a high-intensity activity are double activity minutes. 

Nintendo Switch and Zumba Burn it up!: I used a Nintendo Switch Game for an exercise program. You can use any exercise program as it is more accessible, and you feel you can commit to doing so. My husband, who disliked jogging, used Zombies, Run!, a phone app to make his jogging more interesting. He likes Zombie stories. He can now run 10 km in one go despite his physical challenges due to his brain trauma five years ago.

There are some improvements in my vital measurements, such as my resting heart rate and sleep quality in the first week. For example, my resting heart rate improved from 68 to 65, and my sleep quality increased from 76% to 83%. I was anxious about recent increases in my resting heart rates; it was an unexpected change.

It was not only good news, though. Soon, I started realizing exercising is not enough to lose weight. After a week of exercise, I lost only 0.3lb with 420 minutes of weekly active minutes. I began to review my Fitbit records, so I had to make modifications to my programs. 

I noticed the following problems: sleep duration, water intake, and food intake. They are all equally essential factors in being healthy, but I must make choices. I was in the middle of a financial audit, and I did not have time to research all the factors. It is crucial to understand why I am modifying my programs. I was unsure about implementing the changes in my food intake as not all diets available are healthy nor practical. I decided to work on sleep duration and water intake. Since Fitbit cares about and tracks them, they must be important factors.

Sleep Duration

Sleep duration is essential for losing weight. According to Markawld et al. (2013), insufficient sleep leads to weight gain and obesity due to the change in energy expenditure and the changes in satiety and hunger hormones. Inadequate sleep will increase our energy expenditure per minute to compensate for the lack of energy; however, the hormone changes also signal our brain to eat more carbohydrates and fat, resulting in increased weight gain. Duration of sleep impacts females (pp. 5695-5696).

Sleep duration is a crucial factor for losing weight. To improve my sleep duration, I decided to review my habits. One of my biggest obstacles was I have no sleep schedule. I also like watching YouTube or reading on my smartphone, resulting in less than 6 hours of sleep. Even with my blue light filtering glasses, how good is not having enough sleeping time. So I will make modifications to these habits. First, I made a strict sleeping schedule that imposed a penalty to pay my husband. Second, I made it more difficult to access my mobile devices as my mobile devices are one of the factors taking away my sleep time. Third, I made a habit of meditating two minutes before going to bed. At first, it was challenging, but I managed to increase my average weekly sleeping duration to 7hours and 43 minutes by the end of the 3rd week.

Water Intake

Hydrating our body is essential for our health. There is an exciting news journal you can read on the John Hopkin University website. There are multiple benefits to drinking enough water, but I focused on a few relevant factors to this program. 

According to HR NewsWire published (Jan 15, 2020), water helps hydrate our body and lose weight. Research conducted by Elizabeth Huggins suggested drinking 2 cups of water before eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner decrease food intake by 22% on average. A 2013 study reported that drinking approximately two cups of 71F water before breakfast, lunch, and dinner helped reduce body mass index and improve body composition score by 14% among healthy adults due to the increases in the body’s metabolic rate 33% average. The reason is the body tries to recover the heat lost from drinking cold water. 

Finally, drinking water helps us exercise more effectively. Melina Jampolis, a board-certified physician nutrition specialist, explains that water dissolves and distributes electrolytes required for muscle contractions. Therefore, proper hydration will more effectively gain muscles. We tend to lose hydration during exercise. Sweat has its essential role in regulating our body temperature. So, it is crucial to have enough water before and during training (para. 4 – para. 15).

I struggled with implementing this habit. Initially, I set up a drinking schedule like 12 oz after waking up, 12 oz at 10 a.m., and so on. It became more challenging when I could not take time to drink due to auditors’ phone calls that lasted more than I would like. Then I missed the scheduled time to drink the 12 oz of water at 10 a.m. After few days of struggling, I drank 12oz of water after I go to the washroom. Somehow this method worked for me—the act of going to the restroom triggers my memory to drink 12 oz of water. Well, everyone has to go to the washroom sometimes after all.

I think having a sufficient sleep gave me more energy for being active. The effect of improving my sleeping habits and drinking enough water brought me a fantastic result of losing 3.7 lb in 2 weeks. 


My tip is to work on your goals even when you encounter some challenges. Losing weight can be tricky. In some weeks, you may gain weight, or it may not change at all. It can be frustrating. A slight modification in programs may help you to accomplish losing weight. The most important thing is that you will keep working on it because maintaining a healthy weight will become your lifetime commitment. 


Jan 15, H. N. / P. & 2020. (2020, Jan 15). Yes, drinking more water may help you lose weight. The Hub.

Markwald, R. R., Melanson, E. L., Smith, M. R., Higgins, J., Perreault, L., Eckel, R. H., & Wright, K. P. (2013). Impact of insufficient sleep on total daily energy expenditure, food intake, and weight gain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America110(14), 5695–5700. JSTOR.