Losing Weight Challenge #2: Struggling with Antibiotics Effects and Eating Out

Mill Creek Park Greenway, TN


To improve my physical and mental condition, I decided to work on changing my habits for good. Initially, I started with only 45 minutes of Zumba 5 days per week with no food or calorie restrictions. For monitoring purposes, I did weigh almost every day, first thing in the morning. Then, I gradually added minor changes to my daily life. I started a sleep goal of 8 hours per night after the 1st week. My goal is to be in bed by 9:30 pm, hoping to be asleep by 10:00 pm every day. At approximately the same time, I introduced a 2-minute meditation before going to bed. I lost 3.7 lb. from this 4-week schedule. 

Unfortunately, two days before ending this round, I had to start taking antibiotics for a day of surgery. I was still exercising a day before surgery, but I decided to push out the starting day for the 2nd round of the 4-week challenge for five days. Thanks to my lifestyle change, antibiotics and day surgery did not cause me to gain weight five months ago.

The Effects of Antibiotics

I had to take antibiotics for ten days for this surgery. I noticed that I had significant decreases in the amount of weight lost per day. For example, I lost only 0.1lb for the first 5days of the 1st week despite the exercise increase. It was not surprising since antibiotics can kill good microbes along with unwanted microbes. According to Cox et al. (2014), taking antibiotics can alter the metabolism of the host. A study found that that metabolic alteration occurred in mice taking a low-doses of penicillin. Mice taking a low dose of penicillin from youth had sustained effects on the body compositions. Low-dose penicillin strengthens the negative impact of high-fat diet-induced obesity because it disrupted the microbiota of mice (p. 705). I have been eating more fermented foods and taking some probiotics. I am not sure how long it will take me to regain all the microbes I lost.

While I was in better shape than the last operation several months ago, I also experienced difficulties falling asleep. 

Loss of sleep due to antibiotics

I had a sleep problem despite the antibiotics not listing Insomnia as a side effect. The sleeping problem, which started a few days after taking antibiotics, lasted about two weeks. I began to see issues arising from not sleeping well. For example, I was not performing well in the Zumba game. I felt tired when I woke up with inadequate energy. I struggled in completing my daily to-do list. I craved pasta and rice.

Eating Out

We took out food from a restaurant nearby our house because we just completed a project in the front yard. Alas, I gained just over 2.5lb from the Gyro platter. It may be a little too salty, but I had to drink much more water to get rid of the extra salt I introduced to my body. Although the biggest problem was not because I ate the Gyro platter, I kept eating even though I was already feeling full in the middle of it. There is nothing wrong with eating out or eating the delicious gyro platter. Instead, I need to think about why I kept eating it.

It took me approximately nine days to get rid of most of the weight. I noticed all this effect because I measured my weight every day. I realized how essential to weigh myself so that I can see the pattern of my weight movement. I am not that proud of this incident; however, I learned something from this incident. I need to listen to my body.

My struggle in losing weight continues until the mid-week of the second week. I was kind of desperate since I gained weight from the Gyro platter I ate. I start losing weight again. It sucked to lose my good gut microbes to die out from antibiotics, but so did the harmful microbes, too. I need to regain good microbes and nurture them by eating prebiotics such as pistachios and cabbages. When I talk like this, my husband makes a joke that I am talking about my gut microbes as if I have pets. 

For the 2nd round, I planned to add more aerobics time, and I take a course, “Designing Your Personal Weight Loss Plan,” from Coursera during this round. Since I took the first few weeks of the course, I knew this course was worth taking. I started taking this course in 2020, but I stopped after a few weeks due to priority changes. This time, I somehow felt I needed to prioritize taking this course because I felt the need for some guidance from a professional. Some content of this course is outdated. For example, the recommended tools for food journaling or planning meals are no longer usable. However, there were several tips, articles, and good books suggested in the classes. You can take it free from Coursera, and I recommend it.

There is a lot more content in this course, but I have summarized some things that inspired me:

  • Exercising: You will need to exercise at least 150 active minutes per week to lose weight. You can double count high-intensity exercise minutes. Some watches such as Fitbit can count active minutes.
  • Planning for Eating Out: When you plan to eat out or party, you can reduce calories 100-150 calories per day three days before eating out or adding 10-15 minutes of additional exercise. You can also take a smaller portion at the party so that you do not overeat.
  • Monitoring: Monitoring weight, calorie intake, and calorie output are essential because we can see the pattern in our weight movement. We must continue monitoring these data. According to Thomas et al. (2014), those who maintained the behavioral changes could sustain their weight loss, while many others gain back weight after the weight loss program (pp. 17-18). 
  • Mindful Eating: Instead of depriving you of eating something you like, eat mindfully. According to Dahl (May 16, 2014), you will crave more by trying to suppress eating. The research shows that parents who enforce stringent eating rules tend to become overweight because they eat more when they can (para. 10). Instead, eat anything you want to eat, but eat mindfully.

With a bit of professional guidance, I made some changes in my strategies for losing weight. I added all conditions from the first challenges. Still, I implemented other habits: a calorie intake restriction of 1,500 calories per day, food journaling, and ring-fit adventure (switch game) as a tool for muscle exercise. I added a 60-minute Zumba workout for the 2nd and 3rd week.

Summary of My Tactics

  • 45 Minutes of Zumba 5 times a day 
  • Weighing every day
  • Aiming for an 8-hour sleep
  • Drinking at least 80 oz of water per day 
  • 2 minutes of meditation per day


  • Food restriction 1,500 calories per day
  • One additional session of 45 minutes of Zumba per week
  • One 60-minute of Zumba on 2nd and 3rd weekends started ring fit adventure one mission per day for three days per week.
  • Food Journaling

I should be mindful of increasing the amount of exercise. Since I was doing Zumba every day, I started to develop leg pain. I took a day off from the Zumba session. Instead, my husband and I went for a nice long walk at a nearby park. The air was fresh, and I smelled the scent of nature. Listening to birds singing or trees swaying in the wind made me feel comfortable and relaxed. I slept so well that night.

I started losing weight again at the beginning of the 2nd week. It took me over a week to lose the 2.5 lbs. I just gained from the Gyro Platter, but by the end of the 4th week, I lost an additional 2.5 lb. I lost 2.3 lb. of fat, and I gained 0.2 lb. of muscle mass. Although I lost 5 lbs. in total, 2.5 lb. out of 5 lb. was the weight I regained. The result is not as exciting, but I lost weight. I am sure I can do better next time. 

I am considering reading a book, “Mindful Eating,” which was introduced by the Coursera course I took. I am considering implementing some Yoga next challenge. I also want to explore parks around Nashville going forward. The important thing is making small changes that I can sustain. That is what the Japanese believe as a Kaizen.


Cox, L. M., Yamanishi, S., Sohn, J., Alekseyenko, A. V., Leung, J. M., Cho, I., Kim, S. G., Li, H., Gao, Z., Mahana, D., Zárate Rodriguez, J. G., Rogers, A. B., Robine, N., Loke, P., & Blaser, M. J. (2014). Altering the Intestinal Microbiota during a Critical Developmental Window Has Lasting Metabolic Consequences. Cell, 158(4), 705–721. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2014.05.052

Dahl, M. (2014, May 16). A Non-Diet Diet: The Case for Eating Whatever You Want. The Cut. https://www.thecut.com/2014/05/non-diet-diet.html

Thomas, J. G., Bond, D. S., Phelan, S., Hill, J. O., & Wing, R. R. (2014). Weight-Loss Maintenance for 10 Years in the National Weight Control Registry. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 46(1), 17–23. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amepre.2013.08.019

Take it Slow: Struggles of Picking up Piano After a Long Time Not Playing the Piano

In 2017, my parents-in-law and husband gifted me a piano because I had been sad about my broken keyboard. I had played the piano since I was three years old. I stopped practicing the piano when I moved to Canada. I was traveling for work, and I had simply other priorities. Although, I had a keyboard. As the keyboard was not full size, I could not play certain piano pieces. Playing the keyboard was so different from playing the piano. The keyboard broke ten years ago, and I stopped playing the piano entirely. With great excitement, I opened a box of my piano books that I brought from Japan and Canada as soon as the piano delivery guys left our house.


I tried playing some piano pieces I used to play when I was young. I noticed some problems, which made me think that I could not play these piano pieces. 

I remember the notes, but I lost endurance. For example, I tried to play Beethoven’s piano sonata, No. 14 in C-sharp minor, Op. 27, No. 2, commonly known as Moonlight Sonata. I could not play the third movement in one go because I had no endurance. I was so tired after 2-3 pages into the part, and I could not move my fingers anymore.

I tried to play Partita #2 from Bach. I could not play a trill with my left 4th and 5th fingers’ at the 5th measure of the sinfonia. I could not perform the trill because I could not move my 4th and 5th left-hand fingers independently from the rest of my fingers. Then, I tried to play one of Bach’s sinfonia, the three-part inventions. I still felt that I did not have complete control of all my fingers. With frustration, I told my husband Bach would cry if he heard how I play his music. He laughed.

My music seems to have lost dynamics. A piece of music without dynamic is like listening to static sounds from an analog television when there is no transmission. I played the Waltz in D-flat major, Op. 64, No. 1, which is a short waltz from Chopin. The first section of the music is fast and very lively. I remember that my Piano teacher told me Chopin composed from seeing a puppy chasing after his tail. I put all my concentration on the movement of the fingers; I could not focus on the dynamic of the music. Therefore, instead of a livery puppy chasing after his tail, it was a picture of a puppy standing still motionless.

I will be lying if I said I was ok with this. I was utterly disappointed with my piano playing initially. But it is not all bad. I still remember some of the music. I need to work on my finger movement. I need to drop few levels, and I rebuild my skill level slowly. After all, I have all the time to practice piano as long as I don’t stop. Well, I had some initial disappointment with my piano playing, but I had no desire to quit relearning piano. I was very adamant about some of the music I wanted to play in the future.

I think anyone can learn to play piano at a later age if they put their minds to it. It can take longer if you pick up the piano piece with much more significant difficulty than your current abilities. Some people managed to do that, too. Recently, I watched a YouTube about a Japanese 52-year-old fisherman who started to play Liszt’s La Campanella (NHK, 2028, July 28). The crazy thing about this was that he did not even know how to read any musical score. He practiced the piano piece for 8 hours every day for seven years. To commit yourself to that level of dedication, you should possess a particular personality. You should not feel bad for not being able to put the story of extraordinary commitment. His case is rare. Although, anyone can play the piano. It would be best if you took it slowly and tactically. If you are adamant about getting into the piano as I did, you need to do the following: (1) assesses your personality; (2) Define your goals; (3) build the tactic; (4) identify potential obstacles and how to overcome the obstacles; and finally, you must understand that the process to achieve goals can be a long process.

Assessing Your Personality

It is crucial to assess your personality before building your goals or tactics. Everyone is different. Just like the Japanese fisherman, some can work toward a significant challenge despite skill gaps. I do not have that type of personality; therefore, I had to build and approach my goals differently. I like my plans to be short-term and just slightly beyond my current skill. I learned this technique from reading Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s book, Flow. Csikszentmihalyi (1990) explains that we must set our goals within our reach. If your goal is too far beyond your reach, you grow resentful or resign from achieving the goals. The research suggests most of us struggle with the vicious cycles of failures, leading to dissatisfaction. Unless you are in good condition, struggling to meet your basic human needs, we desire a sense of well-being. People gain satisfaction from achieving even partial goals, which leads to improving our quality of life. Why should we lower our quality of life? (pp. 8-10). This book was an eye-opener for me. I could make some big goals in the long run, but I make small goals to achieve larger goals. I feel fabulous even if the goal achieved is insignificant compared to the larger goals I created. I am making some progress toward my larger goals.

Overcoming the Rocks


In 2017, I noticed I felt some muscle pains from playing the piano. I also noticed I felt discomfort from playing the piano for hours. Since I was not sure how much practice I could do, I took it very slowly. I started to practice whenever I had time between my other tasks. I began with practicing for only a few minutes, but I played the piano every day. I started losing track of my time during each practice. I noticed I was practicing for over one hour, and I did not even realize it. Playing piano was no longer painful.

Difficulty Level

I must drop the level of difficulty. Practicing piano music I played when I was young helps me to remember some of my problems. I dropped to Royal Conservatory level 8. I bought Royal Conservatory level 8books from Amazon. At least, I can still sight-read most of the songs at this level. It takes me approximately two weeks to memorize a 2-3 page piece. I found out my capacity by playing random piano pieces in 2017.

Finger Exercise

It took few years, but I felt ready to take my piano to the next level, which involved practicing piano the way my piano teacher showed me. I decided to work on my fingers’ agility, flexibility, strength, and endurance to fix my problems. Hanon is an excellent material to work on my stiff 4th and 5th fingers. I am currently using Hanon, Czerny, and Dohnanyi. Czerny is more melodic than Hanon, and I like it better for that reason. Dohnanyi is a good finger exercise. I struggled with playing Dohnanyi. I remember it was difficult when I was a child. I must put a lot of conscious effort into moving my fingers, even on simple exercises. The exercises wear me out considerably, and it can be pretty frustrating. My brain hardwires the movement. Eventually, my fingers will start to move. Dohnanyi teaches me how to play the piano properly.

Fear of many Flats and Sharps

I felt an illogical discomfort every time I play music with 4-5 flats or sharps, which I always had. When I was young, I got overwhelmed by music written in E major or C-sharp minor. To get rid of m illogical fear, my piano teacher made me practice Hanon no 1 to 20 in E major and C sharp repeatedly. I use the Brown Scale Book to practice scales, chords, and arpeggios, so I do not have to do any transposition of notes.

Use of Metronome to Start Slow

I use a metronome a lot. When I try to play faster than I comfortably can, I skip notes or hit the key with the wrong finger. So, I start slowly using metronome using correct fingering and dynamics until 1 or 2 levels above the recommended speed of the music. I practice a little section at a time because some areas require more attention than others.

Pedal Use

I do not use the pedal until I can play the music faster than its desired speed. Pedal-use masks my errors if I start using it in an earlier state. Then, I will learn the song improperly. It can be challenging to undo when you learned once. Sometimes these bad habits are persistent. When I was relearning inventions, I noticed the bad habits I developed in my teens. I remember my piano teacher pointing out those habits.


Finally, I have to make a compromise regarding how much time I can spend practicing piano. I have full-time work. I have a family. There are other things I need to do besides playing the piano, which was my most significant obstacle to practicing piano. Fortunately, I live in an environment where I can play the piano early or late. I will jump on whenever I can make time. When I have only 30 minutes to play, I focus on the sections I need to learn after a bit of warm-up. It gets harder during weekdays, but I practice piano at least a little every day, so I do not feel guilty.

My Optimism & Future Playing List

I am currently relearning Bach’s 15 two-part inventions. I am relearning in the orders I once learned. I started mid-February this year, and I have memorized five as of the beginning of April. I expect it will take more time to relearn the 11th, 12th, and 15th inventions. At this level, I can insert some Sinfonias. My current goal is to complete the book by this fall. I am making progress with my practice slowly, but I do not mind at all. As long as I live and I have mobility, I can play the piano. The most important part is to embrace my progress, and I genuinely enjoy playing the piano again.


Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. (1990). Flow. [Kindle edition]. HarperCollins e-books.

NHK. (2020, July 28), Ohayonihon [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7PoiaMsJ1s&ab_channel=NHK

How to Make an Exercising Habit into a Long Term Commitment

There is an exercise that I always do, which is a Zumba game on my Switch Consol. Whenever I play this game, I want to keep doing it because I enjoy it. There is something I want to confess. I was never able to sustain my exercise habit in the past. I just did it because my parents wanted me to be active or to lose weight. So my exercise streaks come and go.

Sometimes, there are things we seem to fail at sustaining as our habits. Exercise is a common one. It is almost as if my brain is refusing to accept that I must exercise every day. Well, I thought I was too busy to exercise, but that was not entirely true. I was avoiding committing to regular exercise. It was much easier for me to see exercise as a temporary solution to make myself healthy or lose weight. I somehow managed to believe that I want to read or to learn other things instead of exercising. 

First, I thought easy access is one of the keys for me to getting into exercising habits. It is pretty interesting how the options for exercise have changed, and it is more accessible. My mother used to go to a regular aerobics class in a local community center when I was a kid. Now, there were many ways to get them Online such as YouTube or Amazon Prime. We can even do it from a console as one of a game.

Second, extreme weather can deter me from exercise. Running was another option for me when I was living in Canada or living on the west coast. Since I moved to Nashville, I realized that extreme weather could discourage me from running. I do not enjoy running in hot, humid weather. The last time I ran, I had no choice but to run in the early morning to avoid heat. Since it was hard to wake up early, this plan did not go well.

Finally, I also thought the exercise program must be something I enjoy doing. There is one exercise I keep coming back to even after I stop for a while. That was Zumba. I have first introduced to Zumba approximately 12-13 years ago from now. I like aerobics exercise, but I am not good at dancing. I was worried because I might feel embarrassed by dancing poorly. While I was a little embarrassed, I tried a Zumba class out of curiosity. The dance routine I like the most is the Zumba dance with Shakira’s Waka Waka. I loved the song, and I loved the dance Routine. Because of my work schedule, I could only attend few classes per week. I searched for Zumba on YouTube, and I was practicing the dance Routine when I missed the class. 

I decided to start Zumba again on my Switch Console because it seems to mitigate obstacles. Initially, getting a console was a reward for completing a university graduate program. Unfortunately, I missed purchasing it entirely since there was no console available at the store due to COVID-19. After completing one of my most significant projects at work, I still got the console at a little higher price than the retail price. I want to get back to exercise, and I want to do the exercise with something I will enjoy the most.

So we got the console. As soon as I downloaded Zumba, I tried a 30-minutes class. My first day of Zumba with my console did not sound like I initially thought since some Zumba songs were too intense for my cardio level. To complete the 30-minute Zumba Routines. I had to take a break after 15 minutes. I tried the next day, the same thing happened, but I could complete more songs from the same class. I finished off an entire 30-minute class in one go by the 4th day, and I accomplished a whole 30-minutes course by the beginning of the 3rd week. There was no problem in achieving a 60-minutes class by the end of the 3rd month. Cardio improves much faster than strength. 

I saw an immediate improvement in my resting heart rate. Due to lack of exercise and poor life habits, my resting heart rate was higher than it had formerly been and made me feel uneasy. There have been some gradual improvements in my sleep quality and energy level. Completing a class is an achievement that made me feel good. 

Learning dance and performance have positive impacts on our brain; according to Edwards (n.d.), learning and performing dance use many brain regions, including the motor cortex, somatosensory cortex, basal ganglia, and cerebellum. These brain regions are responsible for planning, executing voluntary movements, eye-hand coordination, and smoothly coordinating bodily motions (para. 3). Edwards (n.d.) also reported that learning and performing dance also improve mental health and our cognitive skills such as decision making and visual recognition (para. 6).

It has been several months since I started exercising with Zumba. I manage to do regular exercise with my busy schedule. I have not felt that my priority set for training should be lower than other activities because I started seeing other benefits than losing weight and lowering my heart rate. After several months of exercise, my job performance increased. Learning queries or new tax laws seemed much easier than before. I seem to memorize piano music much faster. In the book “SPARK,” Ratey & Hagerman (January 2008) suggested that exercise improves learning in multiple levels because it improves alertness, motivation, preparing nerve cells for learning, and developing new nerve cells (p. 53).

My real motivation for getting into exercise was because I was suffering from a leaky stomach problem. After investigating, I see exercise can be more than a temporary solution to my concerns, and I can also get so many additional benefits in the long term. So I pick the activities that can avoid many possible obstacles. I decided on the exercise program I enjoy. Even though I enjoy doing Zumba, I still could not complete an entire Zumba class when I started. I had to start slowly. I keep doing it because I enjoy doing so. Now I can complete a 60-minutes game. Several months have passed, and I feel I gained so many benefits other than losing weight from the exercise.


Edwards, S. (n.d.). Dancing and the Brain. Retrieved April 6, 2021, from https://hms.harvard.edu/news-events/publications-archive/brain/dancing-brain

Ratey, J., & Hagerman E. (2008). Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain [Kindle Edition]Hachette Book Group.

The Reasons Why I Started Making Homemade Yogurt

I have a story that starts after a few weeks after the last day of taking antibiotics. I woke up in the middle of the night from stomach pain. I had been suffering from a leaky stomach problem from antibiotics for days. Since I do not usually take medication, my stomach got surprised by the sudden intruders. The pain the night was so bad that I could not sleep at all the rest of the night. I was so sick until the following morning that I ended up taking a sick day the next day. That was my first sick day in the last ten years. 

Deep in my heart, I do know that this was caused by more than just antibiotics because I was having mild symptoms of a leaky stomach for the last few months. I hypothesized that my stomach problem is due to my recent poor lifestyle. 

To find a lasting solution, I started identifying any unpleasant symptoms I have. Then, I was trying to identify the possible root cause of the symptoms. Then, I grouped any symptoms that appear to share the same root course. For example, I have not had any single days off for five months due to two major work projects I was leading. Then, I was trying to remember the last time I exercised. I hardly exercised for the previous five months because I made many excuses to keep myself from exercising. Mental exhaustion and the lack of exercise, of course, prevented me from falling asleep. I felt tired even if I slept long hours. We do not eat out, but I tended to cook comfort foods with more carbohydrates and fat to compensate for my lack of energy and stress. These poor lifestyle habits were very detrimental to me. It was high time to look into fixing the problems. 

Taking a supplement was the easiest solution for me to fix my leaky gut problem. According to Victor (February 2021), it is common for people to suffer from diarrhea, and it is possible to treat the symptoms of diarrhea caused by antibiotics. One study suggested that taking probiotics reduces diarrhea caused by antibiotics by 42%. Taking probiotics reduces diarrhea duration by an average of 25 hours (p. 39). Probiotics provide microorganisms called gut flora. Gut flora is vital for our body because it manufactures vitamins B12 and K. Gut flora fiber from short-chain fats and feeds our gut. The short-chain fats boost our immune systems.

Taking supplements seemed to be working; however, I discovered that not all probiotics supplements are effective as the capsule’s microorganism may no longer be alive. But taking supplements is not the only way to obtain probiotics for the guts. There are multiple traditional ways to obtain probiotics by eating fermented foods. Victor (2021) suggested that we can get probiotics from bacterially fermented foods such as Yogurt, Kombucha, Kimchi, and sauerkraut (pp. 5-6).

I have always been interested in fermented foods. About three years ago, I took a fermentation workshop. After the workshop, I started to make Kombucha. We have been making it since the fermentation workshop. It worked very well for my husband’s stomach problems and regulated his bowel movements. I sometimes make Kimchi or Japanese pickles, but I do not do it as often as I would like to. The biggest reason was my husband suffered from high blood pressure. I eat Natto, fermented beans, but I am not sure about making Natto at home as it smells terrible. Yogurt, on the other hand, I can easily make using our instant pot. 

Yogurt is fantastic food. Yogurt with active culture helps with some gastrointestinal conditions. Elaine (n.d.) reported that yogurt with live culture helps with Lactose intolerance, constipation, diarrhea, colon cancer, Inflammatory bowel disease, and H. pylori infection (para. 1). It has the benefit of a prolonged lifespan. According to Victor (Februrary 2021), Eli Metchnikoff, a Russian scientist, considered probiotics’ father, stated that the lactic acid bacteria could reverse intestinal auto-intoxication after studying the lactic acid bacteria. He also observed that those who consume fermented milk have a longer lifespan; thus, he theorized that the lactic acid bacteria could prolong life (p. 17).

I learned how to make yogurt from watching a video from Skillshare and YouTube. I read blog postings from people who make yogurt. Yogurt making was unknown knowledge to me since I have never seen someone making it around me. Since everyone’s instant pot has a slight difference in the operation, I decided to follow the recipe that came with the instant pot for my first attempt.

I first acquired a yogurt culture for my yogurt. You may be able to make yogurt from a commercialized yogurt, but I decided to buy a yogurt starter mix. I used yogurt culture from Euro Cuisine. 


Milk 42 oz

Yogurt culture one package


Pour 42 oz of milk in an instant pot.

Choose the yogurt function, and adjust the mode to boil. The boiling process takes approximately 30 minutes on my instant pot. The instant pot brings up the milk to 180 F. This heating process allows for firmer, thicker yogurt. I usually boil it for a little longer to make thicker yogurt.

A thin layer of film or skin form appears on the milk’s surface after heating. I take out the film. I forgot a piece of film on my first try, and the texture felt awful in it. Now let the milk cool down to 111 – 113F. It takes approximately 45 minutes.

Pour the warm milk from the instant pot (111 – 113F) into a pitcher, and mix the yogurt culture packet (5g). Lightly whisk to dissolve all of the yogurt cultures into the warm milk. 

Pour the mixture of warm milk and yogurt culture into the rest of the milk in the instant pot. Close the lid, and set the instant pot to yogurt for 7 hours. My instant pot stops heating after 7 hours. 

Once the yogurt is cool enough to refrigerate, I put the yogurt into mason jars and refrigerate it. 

I usually make yogurt on Friday night before going to bed to have a yogurt the following morning.

Most recipes call for 1/2 gallons of milk per two tablespoons of yogurt culture, but the yogurt culture from Euro Cuisine called for 42 oz of milk for one pack of yogurt culture. I accidentally used 1/2 gallons of milk for one yogurt culture package, but I still made yogurt. 

If you cook something in the instant pot before making yogurt, make sure to wash and dry everywhere. Once I used my instant pot right after making stew, my yogurt had a scent of cumin. I think it was because I did not fully dry off the instant pot’s lid after washing.

So far, I try to consume at least 100 g of yogurt each day. We make yogurt dressing, frozen yogurt, and Indian foods from our homemade yogurt. I found many recipes I want to try. If you add some honey and frozen fruits, you can also make a good smoothy. I try not to add so much sugar to my yogurt since eating sugar may not be a good idea. 

We refrigerate our yogurt in mason jars. Yogurt never lasts in my house as we use them up within ten days after making it. So I know homemade yogurt lasts at least ten days.

I cannot say yogurt healed me of my leaky gut problems since I consume many other fermented products. But, I can say this. I have not had leaky gut problems since I am consciously eating fermented products.


Magee, E., MPH, & RD. (n.d.). The Benefits of Yogurt. WebMD. Retrieved March 27, 2021, from https://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/benefits-yogurt

Victor, G. (2021). Absolute Prebiotic Diet Guide: Active Prebiotic Health/Kitchen Recipes to Renew The Body & Brain (Kindle).