How I Faught With Endometriosis Problem.

For the past week or so, I have been dealing with an endometriosis pain attack. The last time I had a severe pain attack was last November. So, I do not get a bad one like this every month.

I suspect the cause is my stress. Recently, I was extremely busy at work. I am also preparing for PMP (Project management professional exam) exam. As I tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle with adequate exercise, I thought I would not get endometriosis pain again. Although, I was aware that I was under a lot of stress. Despite exercise and meditation, I experienced some difficulty falling asleep the last few weeks.

The only thing I can do now is to ease the pain. I can take pain killers such as Naproxen Sodium or Ibuprofen since they suppress inflammation. I try not to use them as much as I can. The best treatment is to relax as much as possible.

It will not be a good idea to continue stressing myself since this pain can last two weeks. Besides, it is not productive. So, I decided to take it easy and take a break from studying. I requested to take two days off this week. Then, I spent my free time enjoying things I read and played the piano. I even managed to watch a movie. I drink herbal tea made from turmeric. Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory agent for pain relief since it helps fight inflammatory effects (Maroon, J. & Maroon, A, 2015).  

Many females have endometriosis. My doctor once told me that females in modern eras suffer because few females have children at a younger age. Despite research efforts, the cause is yet unknown. What I understand is there is no cure for this problem. Although, there are many ways to manage inflammation to mitigate the pain. Today, I decided to share how I deal with endometriosis pain.


I have suffered from endometriosis since my teenage years. It was not uncommon for me to have bad menstrual cramps. When I was 19 years old, I could not get out of bed due to massive pain. After I went to the emergency room, I was diagnosed with ovarian endometriosis. So, I had an operation to remove cysts at Montreal Jewish Hospital year.

None of my doctors could tell me the root cause of endometriosis is. I read books and journals about them without any luck – all I found out was no one yet identified the causes due to its complexity. There are multiple stages in endometriosis – mine is in stage 3. Inflammation can, therefore, impact some of my pelvic organs. I have tried many medical treatments to get rid of endometriosis. I have had surgeries to remove cysts. I took pills to prevent growing more cysts.

Every month, I fear getting an endometriosis pain attack. In many months the pain is so mild that I do not mind it at all. Sometimes, I do not even feel it. Since I do not get it every month, I never knew when I would be getting it next. It seemed a very random event at first. Over the years, I started to notice patterns that triggered the pain.

The Pattern of The Occurrence of Endometriosis

After my first operation, I became more conscious of endometriosis. I noticed a pattern of triggers of the pain. In my case, I manage the pain with certain foods or by reducing stress.

Some foods such as pork, mushrooms, and onion can trigger endometriosis pain if I eat them during my period. Since I did not care for pork, I stopped eating pork altogether. I could not stop eating mushrooms or onions, so I tried not overeating them. I do not eat them at all during my period. I noticed that my endometriosis pains resemble irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) now.

My stress level has a strong correlation with my endometriosis pain. A high level of stress can make inflammation worse. Researchers found that stress makes inflammation severe due to cortisol, a stress hormone (Rosenkranz et al., 2016). Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that stress is somewhat correlated to inflammation, thus, endometriosis.

Fifteen years ago, I stopped medical treatments. There are not many things doctors can do. So, I decided to treat my endometriosis differently. The critical thing is actively managing my stress. Yoga or Aerobics exercise can reduce inflammation. So, I try to manage my stress level by exercising, managing my time better, and breathing exercises. I even started logging my stress level so that I could monitor my stress. I noticed that actively reducing stress dropped the frequency of getting severe endometriosis attacks.

I also recognize the limitation to an alternative method. Stress management is to ease the pain or to reduce the frequency of endometriosis. Also, it is impossible to eliminate all my stress. A herbal option has limitations due to its minimal potency. I avoided severe endometriosis pain until 2015, when my husband became ill. The last severe endometriosis attack was in November 2020, when I was leading a big project at work. I got the pain again. Sometimes the pain is so intense that I need to take ibuprofen.

I noticed that my stress level increased last few weeks. My resting heart rate seems higher. Despite exercise and breathing exercises, I experience difficulties falling asleep some days. During the past five days, I thought about the possible causes. All I can do is find out the way to eliminate the root causes. I need to rearrange my other schedule items since it is impossible to delegate my work projects to others due to a lack of resources. We are getting another headcount for our department, so this busy schedule will not be permanent.

There is no point rushing and stressing out myself. I can relieve my stress level, so I do not repeat this cycle next month. During the past five days, I adjusted my studying schedule. I took two days off from my work this week. With the extra time, I did something I enjoyed doing. It has been almost a week, and my pain is mostly manageable.

Unfortunately, we cannot do anything to cure endometriosis; however, its symptoms are manageable. I am considering getting medical advice since I started to have symptoms of having bowel endometriosis. If I have bowel endometriosis, I must change my diet altogether to avoid IBS-like symptoms. I decided to share my experience with endometriosis – hoping it can help other females who suffer.


Maroon, J. C., Bost, J. W., & Maroon, A. (2010). Natural anti-inflammatory agents for pain relief. Surgical Neurology International, 1.

Rosenkranz, M. A., Lutz, A., Perlman, D. M., Bachhuber, D. R. W., Schuyler, B. S., MacCoon, D. G., & Davidson, R. J. (2016). Reduced stress and inflammatory responsiveness in experienced meditators compared to a matched healthy control group. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 68, 117–125.

Is Speed Matter for Reading

For a long time, I had thought that it was always better to read ever faster. Curiosity was the biggest drive to read for me. I have read a lot of books, articles, and journals. When I understand a concept, my heart rates rise. Then, I feel immense joy from understanding a concept. I become satisfied, but I will repeat this cycle.

One day, I began to suspect that my reading method may not be good enough. I often have trouble remembering the source of the supporting ideas, so it takes me a long time to find the actual research. I started to feel this more strongly when I began to write seriously.

The most disturbing thing was that I should have a tremendous amount of knowledge from cumulative research because I read many books or journals in the past. The reality is that I do not recall most of the things I learned from these books. It is because our memory is short-lived unless we put them into long-term memory.

I thought reviewing some pointers after reading the books helped me to remember them long-term. During my first reading, I highlight the critical points of the book in my kindle, and I review them in a few days. 

Unfortunately, this system did not work well. There were so many books in my kindle that I could not maintain the reviewing system. So, I created a system, which forces me to reexamine the highlighted items from books I read. These highlighting notes help me find the source of a concept as long as I remember which books held the highlighted items.

The primary benefit of reading fast is I can surface-read books quickly. I can read a lot of books or other materials for research purposes. If your objective of reading is to enjoy casual reading, there is no problem reading fast. I can finish multiple books in a day if I want to do so. However, the effects stop at the extent of surface reading. I may not remember stories or things I learned a few days later.

If I want to make my reading more meaningful and effective, I must exercise a more active reading strategy. For example, to perform literary analysis, I must put conscious effort into recognizing the pattern while reading. Unless I am actively seeking and reevaluating the reading materials for relevance to what I need, no amount of reading is good for me. I would rather sleep more or exercise. No matter how fast you can read the materials, it is not as helpful as you think.

To exercise active reading, I started to take notes directly onto kindle. Rephrasing is a powerful method to understand the texts you are reading. It helps me to retain certain concepts for the long term. Then, I faced another challenge. My notes were still all over my kindle books. Unless I start reviewing all of them periodically, the knowledge will fade away from my memory. I still need to remember which book each note belongs to use as a source.

Smart Note Taking Techniques You Can Use While You Are Reading

One day, I found an excellent book, “How to Take Smart Notes,” written by Sonke Ahrens. The book taught me to effectively read books and retain the knowledge to use them later. According to Ahrens, you will need to do the following steps:

Take temporary notes as you read. Taking quick notes helps you to retain the information you just obtained. Ahrens suggests that handwriting is better since it takes a longer time to write than typing. It takes a long time to type in kindle unless I use a PC to read a digital. So, you will become selective of which information you keep as a note. So, I use the kindle note function.

Summarize the temporary notes in your own words within a day after the quick notes are created. Brief notes are temporary. You must elaborate the note in your own words, which reinforces the ideas. I HAD TO REREAD THE SECTION when I did these steps a few days after my initial notetaking. So, I found it is faster to do this process within a day.

Classify the summarized notes. Sonke explained that students seem to retain what they learn better when the professor teaches unorganized materials. I do a similar step for organizing my 10-page notes every day. Organizing unclassified information helps you to retain the information better not only digitally but also in your brain.

Tag the notes to other notes you have created. Using software such as Zotero, you can easily tag other notes while making a permanent note. Ahrens explains that making cross-references requires serious thinking, and it helps us develop our thought about the idea (p. 112).

Think about what is not in the text and add them to your note. This process requires additional effort to process the information. You dive further into the text since you are now challenging and creating your idea against the new data you are learning. Unfortunately, I rarely do this process.

I use Zotero to make my permanent notes. I can create my categories and sort all my permanent notes. The use of the software made my life much easier. It can add the info of the reading material for future bibliographies. You can also organize and tag the note to link it to another note. Finally, the use of the software is free.

The new process takes a lot more time to read a single book. In some cases, I may read the section multiple times to create a decent permanent note. These extra steps made me more selective of the information I intended to retain. The important thing is I start synthesizing the new information more thoroughly than before.


There is one thing I am still working on is thinking about what is not in the text. This process is challenging and time-consuming so that I tend to get lazy. Maybe I may create a habit of adding one idea of my own to a note per day.

If someone asks me whether they need to learn speed reading, I would say no. Instead, I recommend that they find a way to retain the information gained from the book just like I did. No increase in the number of books one can read is helpful if you forget what you read.


Ahrens, S. (2017). How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking—For Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book writers.[kindle edition].

Zotero’s Link

How to Improve Your English Writing Skills even English is not Your Mother Tongue

English is not my first language, and English writing was among my communication fears. Unlike face-to-face communication methods, a reader cannot see my body language, accommodating my broken English. Despite the challenge, I wanted to write in English. I wrote a lot when I was younger in Japanese, my mother tongue. Soon after I migrated to North America, I tried to write in English. It was tough because I did not have enough knowledge of vocabulary or idioms. When you do not know which word to use, you end up using more words to explain. My sentences were wordy and hard to understand.

It was utterly inconvenient to be unable to communicate fluently. All of your communication is not as effective. Furthermore, some people treated me as an unintelligent person. I think many immigrants have a similar experience. When I was young, I even cried from the frustration caused by my broken English. Although, I was hesitant to improve my English writing skills because it was hard for me to write in English. Then, I finally started work on my writing seriously a little over a year ago.

First, I listed the item that I needed to improve to develop some strategies to work on them.

Spelling: Like most Japanese, I still have difficulty distinguishing between “R” and “L,” which negatively affects my spelling. I also mixed spelling conventions from multiple languages, such as German and French.

Preposition: My knowledge of idioms is still limited, and I have many preposition errors.

Syntax:  I have trouble finding the appropriate word to express something.

English Grammar: I still make many grammatical errors: such as missing articles and comma splices.

Fear of writing: My biggest block was my fear of writing.

I must be conscious of learning words, idioms, and spelling when I read. In terms of grammar, I need to be aware of making mistakes. So, I bought the Grammarly app subscription – this is the best purchase I ever made. My last obstacle, fear of writing, was a little tricky to overcome. I thought I had to write a lot in English to overcome the fear.

After activating the Grammarly subscription, I started to write a few paragraphs every day. The average word count of a piece was between 150 to 300. I knew my speed of writing was extremely slow when I was in a graduate program. Just as I suspected, it took me at least 3 hours to write 150-300 words.

One of the most significant pieces of help using Grammarly gave me immediate feedback on my grammatical errors. I already knew that I was terrible at using proper articles. I often misuse prepositions. Some prepositions don’t make sense to me at all. Grammarly gives me weekly feedback on how I am doing with my writing. I started to see improvements.

Despite these efforts, I faced another obstacle – I was too conscious of my grammatical errors to write a paragraph. As a result, I experienced something close to writer’s block. On some days, I might spend 4 hours writing merely one hundred words. Even I managed to produce a single paragraph in English, and my sentences are monotone – soulless sentences. As soon as I tried to write, my brain started rebelling– this was how I felt. With frustration, I stopped writing for a while.

Then, I read a book, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. After reading the book, I started writing 2-3 pages on an A4 size notebook, anything that came to my mind every morning. According to the author, I am not supposed to be showing the notes to anyone. Since I was handwriting, I did not have to stop to correct errors. Then, I stopped caring about my English errors. Who cares? No one sees the book anyway. And this is the time I began to be able to write again. It took me about three months or so to get rid of the writer’s block. I assume that I was writing in my logical brain, which killed my creative brain, just like Julia Cameron pointed out in the book.

After few months, I began to share my writing with my husband. My husband is a native English speaker with good writing skills. He started giving me some advice by editing my essays. He also advised me on word choice. He majored in Rhetoric at University, so he gave me Rhetoric advice on my writing. Getting help from my husband was a big help.

I also started to highlight my kindle vocabulary, idioms, and expressions. I was not about to plagiarism them, but I wanted to use them in my writing. I tried to steal like a good artist, just like Austin Kleon wrote in his book, Steal Like an Artist.

Then, I started writing a blog in English last March. I committed to writing one English blog per week. I am aware that my English is nowhere near perfect. I cannot tell whether my English is truly improving; however, Grammarly’s weekly reports show I create much fewer errors than I used to make a year ago. Most importantly, I don’t hesitate to write in English. I sometimes even feel joy from writing.

1st week

1st week

1 year later

Grammarly after 1 year later

The last week (1 year & 4 months)

Grammarly Weekly Report

Of course, writing a lot is not the only solution to improving your writing. I am not going to say how many words you should be writing to improve your English. Great writers often write a lot. My husband loves to read Brandon Sanderson. According to Ang (Aug 2020), Sanderson writes 2,000-2,500 words per day. Faulkner wrote 3,000 – 10,000 words per day. So, I just wrote a lot. I wrote more English than when I was in a graduate program. There is no shortcut to improve writing skills. It is daunting to even think about investing a lot of time on something we cannot tell ourselves whether we improve or not.

An app like Grammarly helps get some qualitative measurement. There were weeks that my accuracy declined. There were weeks I could not write a lot because I was busy doing something else. Rather than focusing on the week’s result, I focused on how many words I had written since April 20th. I still make many grammatical errors, but I started to see substantial improvement in my grammar.

Most importantly, I have more confidence in my writing. I started submitting more business cases since I could write them in a shorter time. Any task that involves writing became easier to complete. There is no age limit to start improving your writing skill. If I can improve my language at my age, then so you can.

Creativity is a critical part of writing. Writing a lot may not help me much. Although, the morning page technique seems to work. So, I am still doing 2-3 morning pages of writing every morning because it helps me be more creative.

It is more important to understand how to use words, idioms, or expressions rather than knowing them. I try to use the word in any of my writing, idioms, and expressions I highlight from any reading I do. Then, I show it to my husband. He will tell me something if I misuse the word.

There is no shortcut to improving English writing skills – it seems. Although, I have great news. There is no age limit to start working on improving your writing skill. If I can improve my writing skill at my age, and so can you. It never is “too late” to start a project like this.


Ang, Alvin. (Aug 17, 2020). 10 Legendary Writers & Their Daily Word Counts.

Cameron, Julia (2016). The Artist’s Way. [Kindle Edition]. Penguin Random House

Kleon, Austin (2012). Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative. [Kindle Edition]. Workman Publishing Company.

Revisiting Spirit Away

I recently watched “Sprit Away – English version.” I had previously watched Spirit Away almost two decades ago. I recalled it as an exciting adventure film with few messages such as environmental stewardship and greed.  My niece recently started watching Miyazaki’s movies, my neighbor Totoro and Ponyo, which made me want to watch Miyazaki’s films again.

It is interesting to discover how our cumulative experience and knowledge influence our perspective toward books or movies. This time, I had a different view of this film from the last time I watched it. The characters were carefully developed throughout the story. Miyazaki intentionally leaves some essential elements blank so that anyone can fill them in. Now everyone has different interpretations of the movie. After I re-watched this movie, I decided to do a literary analysis on this film from a Japanese perspective. For this blog, I focused on the following two points of the film.

–       Who is Haku?

–       What is the hidden motivation of the main character?

It is critical to understand the relationship of Chihiro to her parents before talking about Haku. Chihiro seems to have affection toward both of her parents just like a child, while her mother is distant to Chihiro. The mother did not show concern for Chihiru’s safety. For example, the mother did not check whether Chihiro passed the creek safely or not. In the scary place, Chihiro was disturbed. Just as a typical child would do, Chihiro held onto the arms of her mother. Instead of holding the daughter’s hand, the mother complained not to cling to her arm, which was an un-motherly-like behavior.

The next important character in this movie is Haku, the river god who helps her. Haku appeared in front of Chihiro early in the film, right after her parents turned into pigs. Miyazaki left Haku’s appearance in front of Chihiro ambiguous, so we must fill the detail ourselves.

When Chihiro returned the golden seal to Zeniba, Zeniba told Chihiro the spell on it was gone. Then, Zeniba exclaimed that only love could break her spell. What kind of love was that? Why was Haku so willing to help Chihiro from the beginning of her adventure? When we think about these questions, was there “a biological love” between them. Haku was Chihiro’s brother? Sometimes these spirits (Kami) can be created from people’s wishes. Sometimes spirits are created when one sacrifices one’s life for another.

When I was young, my grandmother told me a story about a girl who lost her way in the woods. She ended up among many flowers where she met an older woman there who said to the girl,

Do you see teardrops on the flower?

A girl somewhere just gave her food to her younger sisters, even though she was also starving.

Do you see the tear, that is the tear from the girl?

Do you see the mountain?

A man sacrificed his life to save the villagers. So, he became a mountain.

When people sacrifice something, they make a flower to grow.

When people sacrifice their lives, they turn into Mountains.

Now, go home.

There are reasons why I think Haku was Chihiro’s biological brother. Haku seems willing to risk his life to save Chihiro from the beginning, yet Haku remembers nothing except Chihiro’s name. Zeniba told Chihiro that the spell was removed because of love. Zeniba repeated “Love” twice, and this is important.

When Chihiro was riding on Haku, the dragon, fragments of memories flashed through her head – her pink shoes were carried away by the river’s current.  Then, there is a hand with a white T-shirt that pulled her from the river. Chihiro wondered why she could not recall the memory earlier. Chihiro almost died from drowning in the past, and he could not remember it. It is documented that some traumatic events can create memory loss associated with the traumatic events. Health professionals address the symptom as Trauma-related dissociation, a survival mechanism of forgetting the event that is so overwhelming that one can no longer cope (International Society for Study of Trauma and Dissociation, n.d.). With few seconds of information, I could formulate the following hypothesis.

When Chihiro was younger, she nearly drowned in a river. Her brother, Haku, drowned in the river when he was trying to save Chihiro. With the overwhelming traumatic event of near-death experience and the loss of her brother, Chihiro could not remember the event at all. Chihiro’s mother is distant subconsciously because she somehow felt that Chihiro was responsible for her son’s death. According to Foster (2003), there are some common personality traits – they tend to be responsible for the death of someone close. This trait is not clearly stated in the text, so we need to fill in this blank to make sense of the character. Unfortunately, the characters, such as Haku, are rarely the protagonist. Instead, their death is often used to move the plot forward.

After sacrificing his life for his sister, Haku turned into the Kohaku River. Haku is the river’s name. Spirits don’t remember their name, why they died or what they were doing before they turned into a spirit. After sacrificing his life for his sister, Haku turned into the Kohaku River. Haku is the river’s name. Spirits don’t remember their name, why they died or what they were doing before becoming a spirit. Chihiro says that the Kohaku River no longer exists because of the new apartment complexes where the river used to be. It must be at least a few years that have passed since the traumatic event. Her parents are moving away from the old town to start a new life to rebuild the family relationship because some family problems are incurred from their son’s death. They may be moving because the river no longer exists.

Chihiro starts her adventure to save her parents, then to save Haku. These are the stated motivation of the heroes in the movie. There is a common trait among parents, Chihiro, and Haku in the spirit world. All of them seek an establishment place. Chihiro and her parents are moving away from the home they lived. Haku lost the river he used to haunt. I think the hidden motivation of the hero was to find the next place to inhabit. Since Chihiro could not remember her brother’s death, she moves forward (grown) by placing how someone sacrificed his life for her in the past.

Neither parents nor Chihiro will have a clear memory of their disappearance. They will continue with their life after they moved into a new home.

In Japan, many folklores spoke about Kamikakushi, spirited away. The Japanese title of this movie is “Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakishi.” Kamikakushi means “hidden by the gods,” and people often use the word to explain the disappearance of people and their reappearance. Many returned with either fuzzy memories or no memories of their disappearance. The folktales were made so that the parents or people close to the missing people could deal with the tragic disappearance of someone they love (Matsuura, 2019).

There is personal development in Chihiro her adventures in the spirit world. When Chihiro’s father said to Chihiro,” A new home and a new school? It is a bit Scary”, Chihiro replied. “I think I can handle it.” We will never know whether she remembers her past after she is out from the spirit world. She may remember her traumatic events. Even she remembers her traumatic event, and I feel that Chihiro could make peace in her mind to move on with her life. I think Haku left the spirit world where he was trapped and came back to Chihiro’s world to protect her as her protective spirit (Shyugorei) just as promised to Zeniba – This is an ending I imagined after revisiting the film.

This is the second time I did a literary analysis. Literature is just like art. The key to understanding the literature is the motivation behind the techniques the creator intentionally used. Miyazaki left out what happened to them or Haku for the movie. So, this will be up to the audience to fill in the blank – that is the exciting part of literary analysis. And, it is interesting to find out how I come up with a different perspective from what I remembered from 20 years ago.