We Got a New Book To Learn How To Write

Written August 7, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Today, my wife received a book she had eagerly ordered, and the excitement on her face was unmistakable as soon as I handed it to her. The book in question is Save The Cat! by Blake Snyder, a highly regarded guide in storytelling. She’s been diligently studying how to craft a compelling narrative, dreaming of publishing her own novel one day. This book is another step in her journey toward that goal.

Save The Cat! isn’t just any book on writing; it’s known for offering a structured approach to storytelling that has proven successful across different media. While it doesn’t provide a cookie-cutter formula that fits every novel, it does offer a framework that can be adapted to various genres. We discovered that some Japanese manga companies encourage their authors to adopt a similar structured style. This approach makes it easier to adapt their stories into other formats, like dramas, movies, or anime. The idea of writing with such flexibility in mind is something my wife finds particularly fascinating as she considers how her future work could transcend traditional formats.

In addition to exploring Save The Cat!, my wife and I often find ourselves engrossed in the ‘Writing Excuses’ podcast hosted by Brandon Sanderson and a group of other talented authors. The podcast is a treasure trove of insights into the craft of writing, and it’s where we first started deepening our understanding of storytelling. We’re both huge fans of Brandon Sanderson’s books, which is what initially drew us to the podcast. The episodes are rich with practical advice, lively discussions, and expert opinions on various aspects of writing—from character development to world-building.

For my wife, the podcast has become more than just a source of inspiration. She sees it as a vital tool for learning not just how to write but also how to read critically. Although her primary focus is on nonfiction, the podcast has helped her analyze the books she reads with a more discerning eye. This analytical approach is something she applies to her own writing, using the lessons learned from fiction to enhance her nonfiction work.

I’m particularly intrigued by Save The Cat! because it presents a clear and practical structure for creating engaging stories. The method Snyder outlines has been used successfully by countless writers, not just in novels but in screenplays and other forms of storytelling. As someone who also aspires to write a book one day, I believe this resource could be instrumental in helping us both achieve our writing goals.

In our shared journey toward becoming published authors, every tool and piece of advice we gather brings us closer to realizing our dreams. Save The Cat! feels like a significant addition to our writer’s toolkit, and I’m excited to see how it will influence our work in the future.

How Small Changes To Make My Daily Routine Better

Written August 2, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Over the past few weeks, I’ve introduced some new routines into my daily life, including running and lawn mowing. While these activities are refreshing and beneficial, they’ve also presented challenges, particularly in maintaining my schedule. I’ve found it difficult to complete my tasks as smoothly as I would like, and it’s made me reflect on how we often need to make adjustments when we introduce something new into our lives. When you’re trying something unfamiliar, it’s common to tweak your routine multiple times before it feels right and fits seamlessly into your lifestyle. Without these adjustments, there’s a risk of falling into a pattern of making excuses to avoid specific tasks, especially the more daunting ones. Eventually, you might stop doing them altogether.

In my case, I’ve been trying to juggle multiple responsibilities—on top of my new running and mowing schedule; I still want to keep up with my regular chores, like laundry and vacuuming the house. It’s a balancing act, and I’ve noticed that when I try to pack too much into a single day, I get exhausted relatively quickly. The summer heat in Nashville only intensifies this fatigue, making it even harder to stay on top of everything. I realized that if I didn’t find a way to manage my time and energy better, I might start dropping some of these activities, which I didn’t want to happen.

After some trial and error, I discovered that the key to improving my routines—running, kombucha bottling, or laundry—was to start earlier. This simple change has made a significant difference. For example, I’ve started bottling kombucha and doing laundry a day earlier than I used to. Additionally, I’ve begun running and lawn mowing several hours earlier in the day. These adjustments have been surprisingly effective.

I implemented my new laundry plan this week, and it’s been a success. Instead of doing all the laundry in one go, I’ve split the tasks across two days. I tackle some of the laundry on Thursday and finish the rest on Friday. This change has had a positive ripple effect on my running routine. I’m not as exhausted as I used to be, so I have more energy left for my runs later in the day. In fact, I beat my target pace while running this morning—a small victory that felt incredibly rewarding. It’s incredible how a few simple tweaks can lead to such noticeable improvements in multiple areas of life.

From this experience, I’ve learned that starting tasks earlier not only helps me get them done more efficiently but also reduces the mental burden of having to begin them in the first place. There’s something liberating about knowing that I’ve already checked off a significant part of my to-do list by the time the day is in full swing. It’s one less thing to worry about, and that peace of mind is invaluable.

Looking forward, when I think about new routines or habits I want to develop, I’ll keep this lesson in mind: start earlier than necessary. This approach not only sets me up for success but also opens the door to further improvements down the line. While I might find opportunities to refine these routines in the future, for now, I’m satisfied with the progress I’ve made. It’s a good reminder that the most minor changes can sometimes have the most significant impact.

More Water To Keep My Kidney Healthy

Written July 30, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Since my last doctor’s appointment, I’ve become increasingly vigilant about my water intake. The results from my lab tests were a wake-up call, confirming that I was more dehydrated than I should have been. This realization has prompted me to take hydration more seriously, especially considering my compromised kidneys. Proper hydration is crucial for everyone, but it’s even more vital in my case. I’ve made significant changes to my daily routine to ensure I get enough water, particularly during the sweltering summer months when dehydration can sneak up on you quickly.

Living in Nashville, I’m no stranger to hot and humid weather. However, the past few weeks have brought an unusually intense wave of heat and humidity, making daily activities more challenging, especially those outdoors. The weather here has worsened, with temperatures soaring and the air thick with moisture. In response, I’ve had to rethink my outdoor schedule entirely. I’ve started getting up earlier to complete tasks like gardening before the heat becomes unbearable. Even at 7 A.M., stepping outside feels uncomfortable. Still, it’s far better than the near-torturous conditions that develop as the day progresses.

One of the most noticeable changes I’ve made is how I manage my water intake throughout the day. In the past, I might have taken hydration for granted. Still, I’m acutely aware of how much water I need, especially when working outside. Initially, keeping up with my increased water consumption was straightforward. However, as I began drinking more to cope with the heat, I nearly ran out of our water supply. Fortunately, our delivery arrived just in time to replenish our stock, avoiding what could have been a very uncomfortable situation.

Recognizing that our water consumption had increased significantly, we increased our delivery order to three bottles, totaling 15 U.S. gallons. This adjustment has been necessary, as my partner and I have been drinking more water than usual. It’s no surprise, given the oppressive heat. Still, it also made me realize how much I underestimated my hydration needs. Looking back, I can see that I wasn’t drinking nearly enough water, a mistake I can’t afford to make again, especially with my health condition.

This experience has underscored the importance of staying hydrated, particularly in extreme weather. It’s easy to overlook something as simple as drinking enough water, but it’s crucial for maintaining overall health. 

In the future, I plan to continue diligently monitoring my water intake, adjusting as needed depending on the weather and my activity levels. It’s a small change that can make a big difference, ensuring I stay healthy and hydrated no matter how hot it gets outside.

When A Child Manipulated Into Be A Great General

Book Analysis: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card

Plot Summary

Ender’s Game is a military science fiction novel by Orson Scott Card, first published in 1985. Although it was initially aimed at a young adult audience, the book delves into profound philosophical themes, making it intriguing on many levels.

Card sets the story in a future where Earth has recently recovered from a global conflict resolved by the Warsaw Pact, likely due to a prominent external threat: an alien species known as the “buggers.” Faced with the menace of another invasion, Earth’s governments enforce strict population control policies, allowing families to have only two children. However, Ender Wiggin is a rare third child, conceived at the government’s request but still seen by society as an outcast.

Ender’s older brother, Peter, is cruel and torments him, while at school, Ender is bullied by a classmate named Stilson. Both Peter and Stilson view Ender as an “other,” a misfit much like the buggers themselves. Ender finds solace only in his relationship with his sister, Valentine, whom he trusts and loves deeply.

Determined to stop Stilson’s bullying once and for all, Ender fights back, unintentionally causing Stilson severe harm. This incident leads to Ender’s recruitment into the International Fleet (I.F.) military school, where he is groomed to become a commander. At the academy, Ender is deliberately isolated from his peers to cultivate his strategic brilliance. Despite the immense pressure and rapid promotions, Ender struggles with his growing leadership role, haunted by the fear that he may become as ruthless as Peter.

Ender’s time at the academy is fraught with challenges, including a life-threatening encounter with another student, Bonzo, who despises him. When Bonzo attempts to kill him, Ender fatally defends himself, further cementing his role as a leader. Eventually, Ender is put in charge of a final simulation game, leading his classmates to what they believe is a victory in a training exercise. However, Ender soon learns that this “simulation” is real, and he has unwittingly brought about the near-destruction of the bugger species.

Stricken with guilt and compassion for the buggers, Ender embarks on a quest for redemption. He discovers a surviving bugger queen in the form of an egg and carries it with him, determined to find a new home where the buggers can thrive once again. This mission becomes Ender’s way of atoning for the destruction he caused as he seeks to restore the life he once unwittingly obliterated.

When I first read this book, I was amazed by how closely the technologies in the novel mirror our own. What truly captivated me were the profound philosophical themes that add depth and complexity to the story. There was so much to explore and discuss that I found it challenging to narrow down my thoughts. 

To make it more manageable, I decided to divide my analysis into two parts. In this first part, I’ll focus on the moral conflicts, leadership dynamics, and their impact on Ender. In the second part, I’ll delve into the moral fabric of the society depicted in the novel, the critical decisions made by humanity, Ender’s deep compassion for the buggers, and his quest for redemption by seeking to save them.

Moral Conflicts as a Leader

As Colonel Graff of the I.F. anticipated, Ender became an exceptional leader. His strategic brilliance ensured that his team never lost in the battle games. He reminds me of historical figures like Bismarck and Hannibal—master tacticians who also knew how to inspire those around them. Ender wasn’t just a brilliant strategist but an effective teacher, patiently guiding his subordinates and providing them with the needed explanations. His presence as a commander was so strong that even his friends treated him with a newfound respect.

Ender’s leadership style contrasts sharply with his siblings, who, despite being equally intelligent, never made it to the I.F. academy. Peter leads through manipulation and fear, viewing the world as a game to be conquered, using any means necessary to achieve his goals, including manipulating his siblings as pawns. On the other hand, Valentine believes in leading through love and cooperation, striving to create a better society. She recognizes the darker aspects of power and subtly uses her intellect and influence to guide others, ensuring Peter’s ambitions are kept in check.

Ender wrestled with the weight of leadership because he understood that his decisions could have far-reaching consequences. Ender faced numerous moral dilemmas, such as manipulating Bean into a better leader. He grappled with the knowledge that while his decisions were effective, they sometimes caused harm to others. One example is when he sought to eliminate distractions during practice, hurting several students.

Each time his decisions cause someone to get hurt, Ender grows more fearful of becoming like his cruel brother, Peter. This fear drove him to distance himself from others, seeking solace in the fantasy game to cope with the moral burdens of leadership.

Tactical Isolation to Become a Great Leader

Graff deliberately isolated Ender from his family to mold him into a great leader. This separation profoundly impacted Ender, thrusting him into an entirely different environment with immense pressure to succeed. Despite facing numerous moral dilemmas, Ender had no one to turn to for comfort.

He was also isolated from his peers. From the first day at the military school, he was treated special, which led to resentment and hatred from the other students. Ender had no choice but to prove his worth. Still, he was further isolated through promotions whenever he began to form connections with his peers.

This isolation was a calculated decision by the adults at the I.F. Academy, designed to shape Ender into a brilliant general like Alexander the Great or Napoleon. They believed that forming close relationships would stifle his creativity as a strategic leader. By keeping him isolated, they ensured that Ender would have no one to rely on except for the academy’s authority figures. They justified this approach by claiming it was necessary for the survival of humanity, even at the cost of Ender’s childhood, innocence, and sanity.

From a young age, Ender understood what it meant to be an “Other,” as he was always “the third,” an outcast in society. However, his isolation from his sister, Valentine, deeply wounded him. He missed her intensely, and without her support, Ender sought refuge in a fantasy game. This game became his escape from the harsh realities he faced. Still, it also heightened his fear of becoming like his ruthless brother, Peter. The isolation intensified his struggle to resist his darker impulses.

Ender’s isolation was a deliberate tactic. He was forced to grow up quickly under immense pressure to become a great leader. This tactical isolation stripped Ender of his innocence and childhood, shaping him into a powerful weapon for the I.F. However, it ultimately led to his breakdown and a lifelong quest for redemption, especially when he discovered that he had nearly destroyed an entire species without realizing it.


When I first picked up this novel, several of my co-workers, who are also avid readers, assured me it was worth my time. While we can learn valuable lessons from almost any book, Ender’s Game left me contemplating far more than I expected.

Though set in a science fiction world, the novel touches on authentic and profound themes. I couldn’t help but think about young children in our world who are thrust into roles that serve adult ambitions, often at the cost of their childhood and innocence. Fame and money often camouflage their psychological impacts. Ender’s journey highlights the heavy toll that leadership and responsibility can take, especially when those burdens are imposed at a young age. The tactical isolation, moral conflicts, and immense pressures that Ender faced resonate deeply, making us question the ethical implications of shaping someone into a weapon for the sake of the greater good.

In the next blog, I will explore the broader societal context within the book, the critical decisions made by humanity, Ender’s deep compassion for the buggers, and his quest for redemption as he seeks to find a new home for the species he nearly destroyed. These themes further enrich the narrative and offer much to reflect on regarding leadership, morality, and the cost of survival.

I Just Realized We Live in A Humid Place

Written July 29, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Since my brain stroke, I’ve found that my skin has become highly sensitive to changes in external temperature, making my comfort zone much narrower than it used to be. It’s not unusual for me to start the day feeling chilly, only to overheat a few hours later. The unpredictable weather in Nashville certainly doesn’t make things easier. Here, the temperature can swing wildly within a short span of time, sometimes fluctuating from 68°F (20°C) to 95°F (35°C) in just a half day.

Nashville’s summer weather can be particularly challenging due to the humidity. High humidity can make it feel up to 10°F (5.5°C) warmer than it actually is, which can be pretty uncomfortable. I typically associate humidity with heat, so it confuses my body when the weather is cool but still humid. The sensation of moisture, when it’s not actually hot, leaves me feeling disoriented and uncomfortable, and I often blame the humidity for how off I think. It’s an odd experience when the air feels thick and damp, yet the temperature is relatively mild.

According to USA.com, the average humidity in Nashville is 70.16%. Having grown up in Indiana, where the moisture is quite similar, I should be accustomed to it. However, I’ve been spoiled by the drier climate of the western U.S., where we’ve lived for several years. Summers out west are usually dry, with far less humidity, so my body has adapted to that weather. Now, I struggle to adjust back to a more humid environment.

I’ve never been particularly fond of humidity; this sensitivity has only heightened since my stroke. On days like today, the moisture still makes it uncomfortable despite the cool weather. However, I’m learning to cope with it. This morning, I woke up a little earlier than my alarm, feeling surprisingly clear-headed and more energized than usual. Despite the humidity, I felt good about my day and decided to go for a run.

I was pleased to find that my pace was better than expected, even beating my target time. Moments like these give me hope and motivate me to keep pushing forward. My goal is to improve my speed steadily and achieve a running pace faster than 10 minutes per kilometer by the end of the year. On days when I can overcome the discomfort of the weather and still perform well, I am confident that I can reach that goal.

A New Focus – Posture

Written July 28, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday, my wife made a rather unsettling observation: my posture has visibly deteriorated. I’ve been vaguely aware of it, but hearing it from her made the issue into sharp focus. I’ve always had a habit of slouching—whether sitting in my chair or standing. Over the years, this bad habit has become more ingrained, almost second nature. What concerned my wife even more was when she spoke with my mother and discovered that she, too, had had difficulties maintaining proper posture due to bone alignment issues. This conversation made my wife think that my posture problems might be rooted in something similar.

This concern isn’t just about appearances or comfort. Poor posture can lead to various health issues, some extending beyond the apparent back pain or muscle stiffness. My wife, who has always been attentive to my well-being, pointed out that poor posture can adversely affect how we breathe and potentially negatively impact the health of our internal organs. Considering that I’m already dealing with compromised kidney function, the idea of adding more health complications to the mix is not something I take lightly.

Honestly, I can’t recall when I consciously maintained proper posture for any significant period. It’s one of those things I’ve always known I should do but never really attempted to correct. Perhaps it’s because the immediate consequences of poor posture aren’t always obvious, so it’s easy to let it slide. However, now that my wife has brought it to my attention, I’m realizing how important it is to address this issue before it leads to more severe problems.

Moving forward, I’ve decided to make a concerted effort to improve my posture. I plan to periodically assess how I’m sitting and standing throughout the day and make adjustments as needed. I know this won’t be an overnight change. Still, if I can consistently correct my posture, I believe it will feel more natural over time. The goal is to reach a point where good posture becomes the norm, and I won’t have to consciously think about it as much.

Of course, I’m unsure what benefits to expect from improving my posture. However, failing to correct it could lead to more significant skeletal issues caused by the excess strain that poor posture places on various body parts. This realization has made me even more determined to make this change.

My wife has also suggested that I consult a professional, such as a doctor or chiropractor, to better understand what might be contributing to my poor posture and how best to address it. It might be something as simple as strengthening my back muscles, or perhaps there’s a need for spinal alignment. Since neither of us is qualified to make these determinations, I’ll discuss this with my general practitioner at my next appointment. In the meantime, I’m committed to being more mindful of how I carry myself and making a conscious effort to sustain better posture throughout the day.

This journey toward better posture is just beginning. While I’m uncertain of the challenges and outcomes that lie ahead, I’m optimistic that this small change could have a meaningful impact on my overall health. I’m grateful to my wife for bringing this to my attention and for her continued support in helping me make these necessary adjustments.

Back To 10K Runs In the Heat

Written July 27, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Today is a Saturday, and like most Saturdays, I aim to complete a 10k run. However, I haven’t been able to stick to this goal consistently due to the heat, which makes running quite uncomfortable. To address this, I’ve adjusted my schedule and run early in the morning when the temperature is more relaxed. This change has allowed me to start doing 10k runs again recently.

My nephrologist recommended using a running app to track my progress, so I tried it. I completed my weekly 10k run this morning, but around the 8-kilometer mark, I lost focus and couldn’t remember how far I had run. Thankfully, I’m very familiar with my route, so I kept going until the app announced my distance. Hearing the app’s voice confirming that I had reached my goal was a relief.

I use a free app from Asics that provides updates at set intervals. I’ve configured it to announce my progress every minute, which helps me stay motivated and on track. My wife, however, finds frequent updates distracting and has her app set to announce every five minutes. It’s interesting how we each find different ways to stay focused during our runs.

I’m pleased to have completed another 10k run, although I felt exhausted afterward. I suspect that my body is adjusting after not running this distance regularly for a while. In 2023, I ran 10k thrice a week, so not keeping up that frequency has likely impacted my stamina. While I can still complete the distance, my pace has plateaued, and pushing myself to run faster during 10k runs has been challenging.

I’ve focused more on 5k runs weekly to improve my speed. Running shorter distances allows me to concentrate on increasing my pace without the fatigue of longer runs. This adjustment is a more manageable approach for now. In the future, I may need to revise my running schedule further, but for now, I’ll continue with this plan.

Getting back into the routine of regular 10k runs has been a rewarding experience, even if it is only once a week. I’m eager to see how my performance improves with consistent training. The journey back to my previous fitness level is challenging. Still, I’m confident that I’ll continue to make progress with perseverance and the right strategy.

A Runner’s Diary in Humid Nashville

Written July 24, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Lately, the weather has been nothing short of erratic. We’ve oscillated between intense heat waves driven by hurricanes and sudden thunderstorms, keeping me on my toes. Typically, I check the weather app to gauge when rain might interrupt my week—this is crucial for planning things like lawn mowing, where timing is everything. More often than not, the rain is predicted well in advance, so I make it a point to regularly consult my weather app.

Just yesterday, while reviewing the forecast for today, I saw that rain was expected during my usual running time. This left me in a quandary, debating whether to brave the rain for my run or postpone it until tomorrow. The decision was challenging, as skipping a run disrupts my routine.

Despite the ominous forecast for this morning, fate seemed to have other plans, and the anticipated rain did not come to pass. Instead, I was met with an alternative challenge: running in the extreme humidity that characterizes Nashville’s summers. Humid weather here feels more oppressive than a straightforward downpour. It can make the air feel ten degrees hotter, and breathing becomes akin to inhaling steam vapor—much like what you’d experience near a humidifier in the vegetable aisle of a grocery store.

Following my run, the weather remained dry, yet the air was dense, almost pressing against my skin. Morning temperatures are more forgiving than the scorching heat of the afternoon. I’ve made this discovery recently, and it’s a primary reason I’ve shifted my runs to earlier in the day. My wife has also taken to morning runs, likely for the same reasons.

Navigating these unpredictable weather patterns has become a part of our daily routine. While the unpredictability can be frustrating, adapting our schedules and finding small victories in the timing of our activities—like avoiding the peak afternoon heat—adds a layer of satisfaction to our day. 

It’s about making the best of what we’re dealt with, whether mowing the lawn in a brief dry spell or choosing the lesser evil of humidity over rain for a run. As we adjust and adapt, the weather remains an ever-present factor in our plans, a reminder of nature’s unpredictability.

I Overcome The Challenge of Portion Control

I’ve discovered that portion control is the key to successful weight loss. Many recipes are designed for four servings, and for years, I found it convenient to make all four and split them over two days. However, having extra food around can be risky, especially during stressful times when I tend to consume more carbohydrates than I should. Even my husband, who practices mindful eating, sometimes overindulges, particularly in protein. Despite maintaining over 400 active minutes of exercise per week, my weight loss had plateaued for quite some time.

My husband used to be a skilled baker and a capable cook. Still, after his stroke, he lost some of his planning abilities—an essential skill in cooking, where you need to consider various factors like nutrition and the cooking process. About five years ago, he started cooking again for rehabilitation. I usually have him stick to simple dishes, as he sometimes forgets to turn off the stove or oven, which has been a concern for his safety.

We had specific goals for using Hello Fresh:

In recent years, my husband’s brain has shown remarkable improvement, partly due to his dedication to running. This progress made me consider how we could tackle multiple challenges simultaneously, leading to our decision to try a meal prep service like Hello Fresh. This service provides all the necessary ingredients, with meals prepared for at least two servings—perfect for a couple like us.

  • Learn portion control
  • Experience cooking relatively simple meals

Due to my husband’s dietary restrictions, we only planned to use the service for about six months to see if it would fit. The controlled portions helped us manage his food limitations, though we still had to be very cautious about sodium intake. My husband continued to follow his specific breakfast and snack routines. Monitoring protein, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus intake is crucial for those with compromised kidneys. I adjusted some of the Hello Fresh recipes, particularly by modifying the spice mixes and sauces, as they often contained too much sodium.

At first, I was concerned about how difficult it would be to adjust to smaller portions. Initially, I felt a slight hunger, but it subsided after a few days. I was amazed to learn what 800 calories of pasta looked like and how many calories I had consumed. By the end of the first month, our bodies had adapted to the correct portion sizes. Being very active, my husband needed to maintain weight, so we created renal-friendly snacks for him.

My biggest lesson was that it’s okay to feel overly hungry to control food intake. I still enjoy pasta and bread but focus on eating what I need. I aim for gradual weight loss, as rapid changes can harm cardiovascular health. I remind myself to take small, consistent steps toward my goals.

Recreating Hello Fresh Meals

Once we felt confident managing our food intake, we stopped using Hello Fresh. Now, I select a weekly menu of 4-5 recipes and create a grocery list tailored to those meals. During our time with Hello Fresh, I learned how to make my spice mixes, as many commercial options, like those for hamburger potatoes and Old Bay seasoning, contain too much salt for my husband. I was pleasantly surprised by how well my homemade versions turned out.

I now pack all the ingredients for each meal in a reusable bag, excluding the spice mixes or homemade sauces, and include the recipe. My husband still cooks from these prepared bags and has noticed only a slight difference from when we used Hello Fresh. His cooking skills have improved significantly, and he has had almost no accidents in the kitchen.

Minimizing Food Waste

One thing I’ve had to be mindful of is food waste. With just two people, buying large quantities of perishable items is not practical, as they often go unused. For fresh vegetables, I typically purchase only ingredients we need for the week unless it lasts longer, like cabbage or onions. To avoid waste, I’ve been creative, making soups, stir-fries, canning, and freezing as much as possible. I store extra food in air-freezer bags to extend its shelf life.

What I Learned From This Experience

Reflecting on my weight loss journey, I realized that portion control was the missing piece. I didn’t have to cut back on my food intake drastically; it was about eating the right amounts. I’m now within 10 pounds of my goal, a milestone that took a while to reach due to the earlier plateau.

In addition, I’ve learned valuable lessons about minimizing food waste. I research preservation techniques whenever we have leftovers; now, very little food goes to waste in our home.

We’ve also adapted many recipes to be more renal-friendly. I look forward to sharing how we do that in another post. Despite our dietary restrictions, this system has been effective for us, and I wanted to share our experience in hopes it might help others.

Sometimes, It Takes Two To Tweak the Schedule

Written July 19, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I’ve recently embarked on a journey to optimize my morning routine. As I fine-tuned the details, I found that my Friday schedule required additional adjustments to fit the new rhythm I aimed for.

Traditionally, my mornings were structured to allow me to weave in leisurely chores and exercise, maintaining a steady flow throughout the day. A key part of this was managing my laundry, a seemingly mundane task that, if not timed correctly, could disrupt my entire day. My old routine had me darting to the laundry room to transfer clothes from the washer to the dryer after the first load, a practice I meticulously timed to ensure it wouldn’t interrupt my other activities.

However, when I introduced a new element—running first thing in the morning—I encountered a logistical hiccup that threw off my well-planned schedule. The crux of the problem was my clothing. I prefer specific attire for my post-run activities. With my new running schedule, these clothes wouldn’t be ready unless I delayed my shower by an hour. But every hour postponed in the morning cascades into the rest of my day, pushing back all subsequent tasks and appointments.

To circumvent this issue, I initially thought of starting the first batch of laundry the night before, on Thursday. I planned to throw the laundry into the washer before bed and then transfer it to the dryer right before I laced up my running shoes in the morning. This would ideally have my preferred clothes fresh and ready by the time I was done with my shower.

However, when I discussed this plan with my wife, she raised a valid concern about leaving wet laundry overnight. She pointed out that this could lead to mildew growth, which isn’t just unsanitary—it could ruin the fabric of my preferred running gear. After considering her feedback, we brainstormed alternative solutions, and she suggested a slight tweak to the plan.

Her proposal was that she could handle the first batch of laundry when she went out for her own run. This timing would allow the clothes to wash while she ran, and they’d be ready for the dryer just as she returned. I could then take over, putting the freshly washed clothes into the dryer before starting my run. This would ensure everything was ready on time without any delays or risk of bacterial buildup.

We decided to test this new approach the following week. If it proved effective, it would solve the morning logistics problem without compromising the cleanliness or integrity of our clothing. This trial period would also allow us to see if further tweaks were necessary or if we had finally crafted the perfect morning schedule to accommodate our active lifestyles.

In essence, the challenge of balancing a new running routine with laundry might seem trivial, but it reflects how even small changes require thoughtful adjustment in our daily lives.