Unexpected Connections on a Shortened Run

Written September 21, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Today, I ran shorter than usual. Earlier in the week, I was able to run at a faster pace, so I decided to scale down my 10k run to 5k. This also worked out with my wife and I’s other plans. We planned to shop for new running shoes since both of ours had exceeded their mileage. Running on worn-out shoes increases the risk of injury, so it was time for replacements.

During the day, I had a pleasant surprise—a neighbor I hadn’t met before came over to introduce herself. She lives in a house with a garden my wife has always admired, so I was happy to finally learn her name. My wife often sees her while running during the summer when the neighbor is out tending to her plants. Her garden really is one of the prettiest in the area.

She mentioned that bunnies had been nibbling on her plants, but they had since disappeared, likely due to a nearby fox. My wife had mentioned spotting a fox recently, though she wasn’t sure at the time, as it darted off quickly behind a house. It made her a little sad when I told her about the missing bunnies. She knows it’s just part of the food chain but enjoys seeing the rabbits around. Once, she even witnessed an owl hunting one, which left her quite upset. Early runs let you witness a lot of unique wildlife moments. On the other hand, I usually run a bit later, so I miss out on some of those events.

There are always people walking or running in our neighborhood. Most are friendly and enjoy striking up a conversation mid-run. Since moving to Nashville, I’ve met a lot of our neighbors this way. My wife runs early in the mornings and often sees familiar faces, but she doesn’t stop chatting much since she likes to start her workday early.

Meeting new people is always a good thing, and it’s nice to know more of our neighbors. Unfortunately, I forgot to pause my running app while talking, so it recorded the time I spent standing still at my average speed. Despite that, the app still saved the times, and the recorded run wasn’t completely off. At the end of the day, the numbers didn’t matter too much—what’s important is that I got in my exercise and got to know another neighbor, which is something I value in its own way.

This Is How I Overcame With My Sleep Problems

l struggle. I’ve never figured out the direct cause of my problem. It could be anything: the weather, the temperature, my husband’s health, or even work stress. After several nights of poor sleep, I finally reached my breaking point and decided to tackle the issue head-on.

I am constantly worried about something. I limit my worries to things I can have some control over, but I worry about many things to the point that my husband is amazed by them. I generally research everything so that I can identify obstacles or challenges ahead of time before I schedule the tasks. It is my personality that makes me worry about many things. Some may find I am well-planned, but it can be stressful regardless.

This ongoing anxiety seems to have thrown off my internal clock. I started falling asleep about 45 minutes later than usual, which cut down my total sleep time. Before all this began, I had no trouble clocking over seven hours of sleep each night, excluding the brief periods my Fitbit marked as awake time. Around 40-45% of that sleep used to be deep or REM sleep. But Deep and REM sleep have been harder since the trouble started. My sleep quantity shrank to six hours a night, and though I’d spend eight hours in bed, two of those would be restless wakefulness.

Only recently did I realize how much I took sleep for granted. I could not even recall the last time I had a sleeping problem like that. I usually fall asleep quickly. Lately, though, I find myself lying awake, turning over the day’s worries in my mind one hour past my sleep time. I meditated on the day like that, hoping to drift off, but it wasn’t enough. My wake-up time crept later by about 15 minutes, though that didn’t help much, especially with the mornings getting darker. I still stick to my running routine despite my lack of sleep. I thought that I would not be able to sleep if I stopped exercising. Running would give me energy, but I feel more fatigued these days. Of course, I could still blame my hormone imbalance, given my age, but I wasn’t ready to let it slide that easily. This problem must be stopped. So, I focused on my lifestyle and started looking for answers.

Sleeping Issues

After one week of sleeping problems, I decided to observe what symptoms I started to have. I will never intentionally deprive myself of sleep in the future. Fortunately, I keep various biometrics such as weight, drinking, heart rate, and so on. This would be a perfect opportunity to observe firsthand what happens when sleep falls short. I want to talk about the effects I personally noticed during this period.

Weight Problem

One thing I noticed almost immediately, thanks to my food journal and regular weigh-ins, was the impact on my weight. I’ve been working on shedding a few pounds through exercise and maintaining a slight calorie deficit. However, no matter how much I exercised, the weight just didn’t come off as quickly as I hoped. In August, I lost less than a pound. WebMD explains that sleep deprivation triggers a spike in cortisol, which leads the body to conserve energy (Paturel, 2022). In addition, when you don’t sleep enough, your insulin sensitivity drops by as much as 30%. This means the body struggles to process fats from the bloodstream, and unprocessed fats end up being stored (para. 10-13). It’s a frustrating cycle.


Despite struggling with sleep, I kept up with my running routine. But instead of feeling energized like usual, I felt drained. On a typical day, a morning run would boost my energy for the day. My heart rate would pump from a morning run, and my body would be filled with abandoned energy. 

It was a little different during this time. I was a walking Zombie. The more I ran, the more fatigued I felt. Some days, it was like the feeling you get when you’re abruptly woken up from the middle of your deep sleep, leaving you groggy and disoriented. One day, I felt so sick that I tried slowing down on days I wasn’t feeling well, but ironically, my energy dropped even more. 

With my naturally low heart rate and blood pressure, exercise usually helps me wake up. Still, without enough sleep, it wasn’t doing the trick. It’s no surprise that studies on military personnel have shown sleep deprivation can reduce cognitive function by up to 70% (Scharre and Fish, 2018, p. 7). The struggle was real.

From the log from my running app, my running pace also took a hit, dropping by 10-15 seconds per kilometer. Some might chalk that up to the August weather, but I usually run early in the morning when the temperature is fairly mild. Even in Nashville’s August heat, it’s about 68-73F degrees at 5:30 a.m., so that shouldn’t have impacted my pace. As September crept in and the sun rose later, I found myself forcing my body awake, feeling groggy and sluggish, almost like I was under a sleep spell. Still, I pushed through, determined not to lose my running time, even if I had to rely purely on willpower to get myself moving.

Focus Level

There’s no doubt that sleep plays a massive role in maintaining our focus. No matter how much I tried to learn during this time, my brain was on strike. Even focusing on stories in books became a challenge. I kept a journal of my planned tasks for the day, noting which ones I completed. On average, I could only get through all my tasks listed two or three days out of the week. The only silver lining was that I didn’t depend solely on motivation to meet my goals. Despite feeling like a zombie, I pushed through, albeit at a much slower pace.


By the third week, I’d had enough of my sleep struggles and decided it was time to take action. The sleep problems started impacting me with my work. I began by analyzing the problem itself, listing out everything that could be affecting my sleep, and considering whether any adjustments were needed. Being naturally stoic, I already have a few healthy habits in place. I exercise consistently, keep track of my calorie intake, and meditate daily. So, what could I tweak? The biggest changes I saw potential in were getting more sunlight, eating more vegetables, and cutting out blue light before bedtime.

Here’s the breakdown of what I evaluated:

  • Not enough sunlight in the morning → I made it a point to step outside and soak in some early sunlight each day.
  • Nutrition → I decided to up my vegetable intake and add more variety to my meals.
  • Exercise → No changes here. I’m already on top of it.
  • Meditation → No change needed. This habit is firmly in place.
  • Stress Level → Again, no significant changes. I already have stress management techniques I rely on.
  • Blue Light → I made a conscious effort to stop using my computer 90 minutes before bedtime and avoid my smartphone while in the bedroom.
  • Temperature → No adjustments. It wasn’t a factor for me.

In short, I took a hard look at my routine and focused on the areas where I could introduce improvements while keeping the elements that were already working for me.

What Happened After Making My Changes

The first change I made was getting sunlight. One afternoon, I spent over two hours working on our deck under the sun—don’t worry, I used sun protection. The result? I felt incredibly sleepy, but unfortunately, it hit me at the wrong time. I almost gave in to taking a nap, but I knew sleeping for over an hour would affect my ability to sleep at night. Instead, I settled for a quick 10-minute nap. I felt the nap itself didn’t make a huge difference, but it was better than nothing. That night, I got a solid seven hours of sleep. Getting more sunlight made me sleepy. It makes sense since exposure to sunlight helps regulate your body’s melatonin production. 

Unfortunately, I didn’t have the luxury of getting a few hours of sunlight every day.

The second change I made was eating one more cup of salad every day. Increasing my vegetable intake also had a positive impact on my sleep quality. I kept my bedtime consistent with what it had been for the past few weeks, but now I’m regularly getting at least seven hours of sleep. When I was looking into the potential solutions for my sleep issues, I found out that eating more plants or nuts could improve sleep quality. I was skeptical at first, but I decided to give it a try. Nothing to lose by doing that, right? I added an extra cup of salad to my daily intake, and surprisingly, it worked! I later found a journal article that confirmed my experience. It noted that people who consume more fruits and vegetables tend to have a lower dietary inflammatory index and experience better sleep than those who consume more sugar or energy-dense foods (Arslan et al., 2024, p. 2). I thought I was eating enough vegetables already, but it turns out I wasn’t.

Lastly, I stopped using devices that emit blue light before bed. I do have blue light-blocking glasses, but my sleep was more important than relying on them. Interestingly, I didn’t notice much difference in my sleep after cutting out blue light exposure. However, that’s likely because my sleep had already improved once I added more vegetables to my diet.


I’ll be honest. I still felt that my problem was serious. After several nights of restless sleep, anyone would feel uneasy, and I was no exception. I’ve noticed some negative impacts from the lack of sleep. So, on the way, I panicked. I tried breathing exercises or meditation on such nights. It didn’t help that I’d already encountered a few possible solutions, which only made me more anxious. Getting caught up in the fear that this might be a permanent issue is so easy. This time, eating more vegetables helped me. To be honest, I don’t know what really worked.

Now that I have reflected on the whole thing, I have turned this situation into a personal quest to solve instead of worrying about it. Once I see the problem as a quest, I can calmly think about the possible solutions instead of panicking. I researched and created a list of things I can do. Slowly, my worry shifted into curiosity instead of remaining a problem. Since the day I got a lot of sun, it made me sleep through the night, and I gained some hope.

I’ve made a lifelong commitment to staying healthy, and I worked at it hard. Initially, I found it fascinating—and a little ironic—that someone like me, who exercises daily and leads a generally healthy lifestyle, could still struggle with sleep issues. Life is full of surprises and learning, isn’t it? Then I realized how arrogant I was to even see myself like that. The truth is, I was far from perfect. This experience reminded me that there’s always room for improvement. It humbled me, showing me how arrogant it was to think I had everything figured out.

In many ways, this was a valuable learning experience. This experience made me reflect and see where adjustments could be made to improve my well-being further. Ultimately, it became an opportunity to refine my lifestyle, and I’m choosing to see it as a success.


Arslan, N., Bozkır, E., Koçak, T., Akin, M., & Yilmaz, B. (2024). From Garden to Pillow: Understanding the Relationship between Plant-Based Nutrition and Quality of Sleep. Nutrients, 16(16), Article 16. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu16162683

Paturel, A. (2022, August 14). Does Sleep Affect Weight Loss? WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/diet/sleep-and-weight-loss

Scharre, P., & Fish, L. (2018). Human Performance Enhancement. Center for a New American Security. https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep20411

This Is How I Overcame The Aftereffect of Brain Stroke

Written September 18, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I saw my running pace has improved significantly in the last couple of days, and I’m thrilled about the results. The temperature has dropped considerably compared to a few weeks ago. The cooler weather has made a noticeable difference to my running as I found it easier to push myself further. I’ve recently achieved my target pace of below 10 minutes per kilometer, and today, I hit a new personal best for my 5k time.

It’s hard to believe how far I’ve come since my brain stroke in 2015. Back then, my brain struggled to send signals to my legs, even though I remembered exactly how to walk or run. It felt like typing on a disconnected keyboard—no matter what I did, there was no response. The doctors explained that my neural pathway for walking or running had completely vanished. I had to relearn everything from scratch, starting with weeks of rehabilitation just to take a few steps.

Those early months were challenging. Learning to walk without a walker or any support took a tremendous amount of effort and time. I faced another hurdle at work, where my brain couldn’t filter out unnecessary information, making it difficult to focus. Then, I truly understood the intricate abilities we take for granted.

Determined not to give up, my wife and I began walking every day, although I had to rest frequently just to cover 1.5 miles. Then, one day, I told her I wanted to learn how to run. She was understandably concerned at first because the running could strain my kidneys. I was serious about it. I started with my old running shoes, but it wasn’t really running—more like fast walking, with a lot of stumbling. After a month of trying, my wife suggested I get a good pair of running shoes. That small change made a huge difference, making each step feel lighter.

To track my progress, she set up an Excel sheet where I could log my runs, and she even got me the Zombie Run app to add some excitement to my routine. It turned my running into an adventure rather than a chore.

It took years for me to see the full extent of my progress. When we moved to Tennessee in 2018, my mother noticed the muscle definition in my calves. When I lost my mobility after my stroke, I had lost so much muscle mass in the months following my stroke that it felt like a victory to have someone point out my runner’s legs. My endurance had also increased, allowing me to tackle more tasks without feeling exhausted. I felt genuinely proud of myself for the first time in a long while.

After achieving my distance goal last year, I decided to focus more on improving my pace. It added extra challenges as I had to monitor my pace during my run. I get tired very quickly because of my kidney, so I have to know when to stop pushing myself. My running suffers during summer due to its heat. Despite a few setbacks along the way, I kept moving forward. My goal is to set a new best at least once a week, and I’ve been getting multiple of my fastest records in rows. Now, I find myself wondering how many personal records I can possibly create.

The journey hasn’t been easy, but every small victory feels monumental. And with each run, I’m reminded of how far I’ve come—from relearning to walk to becoming someone who now sets running records. It’s a journey that’s as much about perseverance as it is about running.

The Adventure of Deck Painting

Written September 15, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

The more we worked on this project, the more stripping the paint off our deck turned out to be a much bigger job than we had anticipated. When we began removing the paint, I discovered several layers of old paint underneath. It made me wonder if the wood beneath was still in good condition or had started to rot. My wife meticulously inspected each deckboard to check for soft spots. We found one completely rotten board hidden beneath all the paint.

She reminded me that our deck is over twenty years old, so it’s not surprising that it’s showing its age. She’s already considering replacing it with PVC boards, but that’s a project for the future. We’re trying to maintain it as best we can. The deck stairs also need repairs, so we’re budgeting to replace the whole thing in the next five years.

Because of her busy schedule, I’ve taken on most of the paint-stripping work, tackling it bit by bit. This is our first time attempting a project like this, so we’ve been turning to YouTube and blogs for guidance. There is so much content in removing paint from the decking, and it’s pleasant to discover how much you can learn from the internet. My wife even bought some materials to patch up the deck, determined to prevent rot from setting in. We’re learning as we go, making plenty of mistakes, but we’re figuring things out one step at a time. My wife, in particular, seems to enjoy the challenge of finding solutions to these problems. She believes you can learn something valuable from every experience. She also sees no learning as a waste.

I’m just glad she’s happy. I’ve been listening to audiobooks while I work, trying to fit this project in between my other tasks. The weather finally seems to be cooperating, so I’m tackling a few boards each day, hoping the paint stripper works as well as we need it to. It’s a slow process, but I’m optimistic we’ll get it done and have our deck looking good again soon.

How I’m Navigating My Running Journey with an Interval Pace App

Written September 14, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Using an interval pace app has been a game-changer for my running routine. It provides a detailed view of my performance, allowing me to see exactly how I run at any moment. But it’s also revealed a lot about the inconsistency of my pace, which, to be honest, often feels like a roller coaster ride.

For example, during my first 5 km, I might be a few seconds slower than my target, but then I speed up in the next 5 km. I run two 5 km loops to complete 10 km, and I expect to maintain a steady pace throughout. However, maintaining a consistent speed for each interval is a real challenge, given the hilly terrain around my neighborhood. Despite these fluctuations, I recently achieved my fastest time since I started using this app last year, which was a satisfying milestone.

Several factors contribute to these ups and downs in my running performance:

1. Weather Conditions:

The weather significantly impacts my runs. I find it much harder to keep up my pace on hot days. Extreme cold can also slow me down, and strong winds can feel like running against a wall. However, I’ve noticed a considerable improvement in my running pace over the last few weeks as the weather has cooled. The heat affects me the most, draining my energy quickly. Running in more excellent conditions makes me feel lighter and more energetic, allowing me to push my limits further.

2. Emotional State:

My emotional state plays a massive role in my running performance. For instance, I was determined to improve my pace today, so I pushed myself harder during the second 5 km. I’ve been focusing a lot on improving my pace this year, and it’s paying off compared to last year. But this heightened focus can sometimes lead to overexertion, and balancing my drive to improve with my body’s signals is crucial. On days when I feel less motivated or distracted, I notice my pace tends to drop. It’s a reminder that running is as much a mental challenge as a physical one.

3. Physical Condition:

My body’s condition is perhaps the most significant factor influencing my runs. With a compromised kidney, I often feel drained, making it challenging to maintain a consistent schedule. I’ve set a rigid routine for my sleep and wake-up times to maximize my energy levels, but there are still days when fatigue takes over. Running low on energy can be tricky, but I’ve committed to my routine regardless of how I feel.

Muscle recovery is another challenge. Because I need to limit my protein intake, building and maintaining muscle is difficult, even with regular exercise. I’ve noticed that my muscles don’t recover as quickly, and I must be cautious not to overtrain. For example, I started my run today with a sore left calf muscle. I managed to complete my 10 km, but I could feel the strain more acutely afterward, especially when climbing stairs. This experience reminded me that while it’s essential to push myself, I also need to be mindful of my body’s signals to avoid injury.

Finding Balance and Perspective:

Setting a pace goal this year has been a significant step forward. Focusing on distance is easier because I can adjust my effort according to how I feel on any given day. But with pace, there’s an added layer of challenge that requires more consistency and effort. There are good days when I feel strong and manage to meet my goals, but there are also days when my body just doesn’t cooperate. It can be frustrating when I don’t see the progress I aim for, especially when my physical condition affects my performance.

My wife often reminds me to stay caught up in the daily results and to focus instead on the long-term trends. While the accessible version of my app doesn’t track data over multiple years, I can still see that my pace has been gradually improving since I started using it. It’s a reminder that progress isn’t always visible in the short term but can be seen over the weeks and months. I’m learning to be patient with myself and to celebrate the small victories along the way, knowing that each step, no matter how small, brings me closer to my goal.

The Important Lessons I learned From Analyzing Huckleberry Finn

~ From Reading The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain


I was surprised to see ” The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” on the banned list. I thought this book was for children, which was incorrect. Although I had considered reading it in the past, I had never picked it up until now. I decided to read it for this project, and I found it to be deep and complex.

Mississippi River in the 19 Century. Generated via NightCafe

I wanted to read it in the original English as much as possible, so I picked up a Kindle version of “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: the Original 1884 Unabridged and Complete Edition.” Let me tell you that this book was challenging to read as English is the second language.

Twain was known for realism and naturalism. The entire book was written from Huck’s first point of view, and so was the level of English. The dialogue was written just about how people talked during the period. There were moments when I had to read some passages multiple times to grasp their meaning, and sometimes, I even needed help from my husband to decipher them. Twain made sure we would sense the departure from the romanticism of the earlier literary era, embracing a more realistic portrayal of life along the Mississippi.

After reading the book for the first time, Jim and Huck. I felt unsettled. I was a little upset at Tom Sawyer at the End for making the rescue mission one of his adventure games. I also noticed its well-constructed plot, and the depth of the character development impressed me. The more I read and analyzed the book, the more I realized how complex and deep this book was.

Twain’s portrayal of a deeply flawed “civilized” society filled with hypocrisy and cruelty could be considered controversial. To make it worse, the frequent use of the derogatory word did not help. 

This novel is not just a story of the adventure of a boy. Instead, it reflects the social issues of its time, which Twain felt strongly against. While I was reading the book, I could imagine the historical and local color of the 19th-century southern United States. I thought it would be important to delve deeper into it to prove why it has become a cornerstone of American literature. In this post, I would like to write my thoughts on why I consider this book a legend by analyzing the character, symbolism, and what I learned from reading this book.

Plot Summary

Huckleberry Finn was not as happy because the Widow Douglas felt sorry for him for getting abandoned by his alcoholic and abusive father. The Widow was strict with Huckleberry about getting civilized. She sent him to school to get him some education. One day, his father, who had been missing for a while, suddenly appeared and demanded that he quit his education and his $6,000. Judge Thatcher kept the fund safe until Huckleberry was a bit older. One day, his father was drunk, enraged, and became violent to the point he almost killed Huck. Huck had enough of his nonsense. He decided to escape down the river on a raft after faking his own death.

Huck started living on Jackson Island, near the river, where he met Jim, who belonged to Miss Watson. Miss Watson is a sister of the Widow Douglas, so Huck knows Jim. Jim fled Miss Watson after learning her plan to sell him for $800. So, Huck and Jim decided to travel down the Mississippi River to the free state. However, they lost their way due to a thick fog. Huck was hearing a whisper from River – Huck contemplated whether he should do the right thing to turn Jim In. Huck tricks Jim into thinking that the separation is a dream, making Jim confused with reality. When Jim realizes the truth and is upset, Jim’s emotional reaction makes Huck feel bad—Huck’s apology to Jim.

Shortly after the fog incident, a steamboat hit their raft, and Huck and Jim were separated again. Huck was rescued by the Grangerfords, who had a deadly feud with the Shepherdsons. Huck witnessed the tragic outcome that resulted in deaths when the Grangerford girl eloped with the Sheperdson’s boy. Huck managed to escape the fight and found Jim, who was hiding nearby. They started their trip again.

Huck and Jim met two con artists who addressed themselves as “the duke and the king.” Although Huck knew there were frauds, he kept silent and offered to travel with Huck and Jim. The Duke and King ran a series of scams on the shoes. They found out about the death of a man named Peter Wilks. Wilk’s family sent a letter to Wilk’s brother in England to claim his estates. The con men decided to steal the inheritance by impersonating Wilk’s brothers. Huck felt wrong about Wilk’s family, so Huck exposed their lie. Eventually, their family and townspeople found out their lie. The Duke and King were horrible con artists. Huck worried they would subsequently betray them one day. So, Huck took Jim and decided to leave without those con artists. Unfortunately, the escape was unsuccessful. Soon, the Duke and King not only catch up with Jim and Huck. 

The Duke and King did not get Wilk’s inheritance, so they were upset and broke. Like Huck worried, they sold the raft and Jim to a local farmer. Huck was starting to question his moral conscience, so he decided to free Jim from being enslaved, even if that meant he would go to hell. Later, Huck finds out that Silas Phelps is the person who bought Jim to get the reward. Huck also discovered that the Duke and King had to pay for their crime with death.

When Huck visits the Phelps, he meets Aunt Sally, who happens to be expecting Tom Sawyer. Since Sally mistook Huck for her nephew, Huck impersonated Tom. He had spent time with Tom in the past, so it was easy to imitate him. Tom eventually arrives at his aunt’s family. Tom thought it would be exciting, so they let Huck impersonate Tom.

Meanwhile, they are plotting to free Jim from the Phelps. Tom insists on a dramatic rescue mission, just like the stories he read in the past. Then, Tom finally agrees with the more straightforward way to escape: digging a hole. They manage to free Jim with their plan, but Tom is wounded. Huck calls a doctor in the town, but Jim stays with Tom as he is deadly injured from the gunshot. The doctor treats Tom but tells them to turn Jim in. Now, Jim is captured again. 

After Tom recovered from the injury, he finally revealed that Miss Watson died, and she freed Jim in her will all this time. Tom knew that Jim was free already, but he had to withhold the truth from them to have some fun from the rescue. Jim also confessed to Huck that he saw his father’s corpse near the floating house before he met Huck. Huck also found out his $6,000 is still safe with the judge. Huck now worried that Aunt Sally would take him like the Widow did to civilize him. He didn’t want any more guardians, so he headed west to do whatever he wanted.

Historical Context Analysis

This book was originally published in 1884, when the style of writing shifted to Realism and Naturalism, emphasizing ordinary people’s lives, environment, and social issues rather than imaginary or dramatized versions of people. Mark Twain and Kate Chopin from “The Awakening” are known U.S. authors around this time period. Twain and Chopin are also known for regionalism when they write about the places they lived or knew. For example, Twain was raised in Hannibal, Missouri. I found books around this period enjoyable as I feel the local colors of the book: Twain for Missouri and Chopin for Louisiana. 

The book was actually set in the pre-Civil War period. According to Digital History (n.d.), America had two groups of immigrants: the descendants of 17th-century Puritans and the others of the gentry from England. The social norms were different between the North and the South. Eventually, the division will turn into civil wars. The southern states in the United States were wealthy because of the Plantations, where many enslaved people worked. In 1860, the southern states were richer than any European countries besides England. The plantations that owned over 50 enslaved people were rare; however, one-third of the white families still owned enslaved people. The majority of white southern families either had or expected to own enslaved people (para. 1 – Para. 10). 

These enslaved people had no rights and were treated as commodities. Understanding the social norms in the Southern States is important to understanding this book so that you can understand why Huck thought and behaved the way he did in the books.

Characters Analysis

Evolving Character Relationships and Contrast with Tom Sawyer

What I found most interesting in this novel is that the evolving relationship between Huck and Jim. As the relationship evolves, Huck’s morality gradually evolves. At the beginning of the journey, Huck’s morals are shaped by the social norms of the southern state. Huck helps Jim go to the free state with the raft, but he looks down on him. Huck did mean to trick Jim a few times. Once, Huck ties the dead snake to Jim, knowing Jim is scared to touch the dead snake’s skin. 

During their separation from Fog, Huck considered turning Jim in because he thought that might be right. During fog, Huck still sees the right thing—turning Jim in. Huck denies his temptation to turn Jim in this time; he still tricks Jim by making him believe the entire separation was Jim’s dream. Since Jim is upset with Huck’s plank, Tom feels terrible, so he apologizes by acknowledging Jim’s humanity and dignity. However, in the later chapter, he disagrees with the social norms of slavery. When the duke and king sold Jim, he declared, “All right, then. I’ll go to hell.” Huck is eager to sacrifice himself for Jim if that will free Jim from slavery. 

Comparison with Tom Sawyer

The effect of introducing Tom Sawyer at the beginning and the book’s finale was also interesting to me. Tom and Huck are naughty, as you may read from Twain’s other books. They spend a lot of time together but have a big difference. Tom Sawyer comes from a more privileged background, while Huck comes from a house with a drunken and violent father. Huck had had enough of nonsense, and he feared that his father would kill him if he kept living with him. That alone made a huge difference between the two, but the experience Huck gained from the trip impacted his growth immensely. 

During the trip, he spends considerable time with Jim on the raft, where he starts to see Jim as an equal. He observed deception, violence, and oppression every time they got off to the shore. Facing and nearly being killed in the family feud between the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons, the greed and deception of the Duke and King. Huck observed the greed, hypocrisy, and racism – the flaws of the pre-Civil War South. Those events stripped off Huck’s innocence. The introduction of Tom in the later book made the stark contrasts between the two. He understands the consequences of releasing Jim but is willing to sacrifice himself to get Jim’s freedom. For Tom, Jim’s rescue mission is a pretend adventure.

The Symbolic Significance of The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn

I want to discuss two symbolisms that stood out a lot for me: the raft and the shore. Huck’s adventure starts with the raft. The raft was the medium he could run away from his life with his father. Huck eventually met Jim on Jackson Island and helped Jim to get to the free state by raft. The life on the raft is simple and peaceful. Huck’s perception of the raft evolves throughout his trip. Unlike on the shore, Jim and Huck are equal. The raft is where both Jim and Huck see freedom from the social norm’s physical and mental restrictions. Gradually, Huck starts to see the raft as moral independence. On the other hand, the shore is where Huck observes greed, deception, violence, and oppression. I even feel Twain’s sarcasm of the hypocrisy of the society-civilized yet perpetuates inhumanity and justice.

Tom Sawyer’s appearance in the later chapter emphasizes the simple life on the raft. Huck and Tom Sawyer are plotting a rescue mission for Jim in the novel’s final part. Tom created this overly complicated mission by adding unnecessary details. Tom, unlike Huck, reads books such as Don Quixote, and the adventure must be romantic and dramatic. I cannot stop feeling that Twain’s trying to tell us that we may make things needlessly overcomplicated.

My Interpretation of Twain’s Intent

The first time I read it, I thought his intention was to criticize Slavery in the South. The second time I read this book, I also felt his profound message that “civilized” people can be inhumane and injustice. He is mocking the hypocrisy of civilized people. Someone like the widow Douglas or Miss Watson are supposed to be civilized, yet they have enslaved people. We can learn essential concepts like humanity from a simple life on a raft. Society, in general, overcomplicated things unnecessarily. The same thing is true for writing novels. A story should be simpler and straightforward – criticizing romanticism in literature. Most importantly, it is because the majority think it is correct, but that does not necessarily mean it is right. Thus, you must pause and reflect. 

This book is considered one of the top 100 banned books due to the frequent use of derogatory words. The book tries to express the social issues of the time with the intention of telling how horrible it was-even many people thought it was okay. Moral is often shaped by the authority of society more than we think, and the book made me rethink how cowardly I am not to speak up about something I feel is wrong. I could not write down everything I noticed while analyzing the book, so I picked up a few pointers for this blog. I hope I have articulated why I consider this book well. 


Digital History. (n.d.). [Digital History]. The Old South: Images and Realities. Retrieved September 24, 2024, from https://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/disp_textbook.cfm?psid=3557&smtID=2

An Interesting Early Autumn Yard Tale Of Unspoken Tree

Written Septermber 10, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

It’s only early September, but our lawn is covered in leaves. The reason behind this premature leaf fall is two trees in front of our house. The larger one, a towering presence on our neighbor’s property, overshadows the smaller tree on ours. When we had an arborist inspect a tree at the back of our house, he informed us that the smaller tree on our property was struggling. Its health is declining due to competition from its larger counterpart next door. I suspect there’s a silent battle for resources happening beneath the surface. Unfortunately, our tree is on the losing side.

It’s fascinating to think about how trees, which appear so still and tranquil, constantly struggle for survival. We don’t often consider what goes on underground, where their roots stretch out in search of water and nutrients. Our smaller tree, likely overshadowed and outcompeted by the larger one, shows signs of stress. It frequently sheds branches during strong winds, even though it looks healthy on the surface. It also seems to lose more leaves than the bigger tree, which is surprising given their relative sizes.

This year, both trees are shedding their leaves much earlier than usual. The lack of rainfall might be a contributing factor. Lawns around the neighborhood appear to be suffering, looking patchy and dry. It starkly contrasts with when we first moved to Nashville from Oregon in August 2018. We were struck by how lush and green everything was here. In Oregon, the dry summer season and water usage restrictions made it challenging to maintain a vibrant lawn. My wife, a lawn care expert in her own right, used to water our lawn sparingly but for extended periods to encourage more profound root growth. Having lived in the Waterloo region of Ontario, Canada, where water restrictions were common, she was well-practiced in keeping grass healthy with minimal resources.

Maintaining our yard has become more complicated over the years. With the early leaf fall this season, I’ve found myself transitioning seamlessly from mowing the lawn to collecting leaves. Fortunately, it’s been dry for the past week, making vacuuming the leaves much easier. Today, I spent a few hours on this task, stopping only when our water delivery arrived.

The cooler temperatures have been noticeable lately. The crispness in the air signals that autumn is just around the corner. It’s a reminder of how quickly seasons change and how each one brings its own set of challenges and rewards. Ever since my brain stroke, managing these chores has become more challenging. I’ve had to learn to pace, take breaks when needed, and not overexert myself.

Despite the extra work, there’s something satisfying about yard work—mowing the lawn, collecting leaves, or tending to the garden. It connects you to the changing seasons in a tangible way. I’m looking forward to the colors of autumn, even though it means more leaves to rake. Soon enough, my yard work will halt as winter sets in. At least we won’t have to worry about shoveling snow daily like in other parts of the country. For now, I’ll enjoy the last of the warmer days, the occasional leaf collection, and the beauty of this early taste of autumn.

Embracing Fall and DIY Adventures

Written September 8, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Fall has officially arrived, bringing a welcome reprieve from the summer heatwaves we endured. Last night, the temperature dipped below 60 degrees, and it was still brisk when I woke up. To make the most of the cooler air, we’ve been keeping the windows open at night, leaving the house feeling chilly in the mornings. Today, I reached for my robe and slippers as I started my day, enjoying the cozy feeling of the house transitioning into the new season.

With cooler weather, we’ve focused on some long-overdue home improvement projects. One of these is our deck, which took a bit of a beating during the summer. We’ve been scraping and sanding, restoring it to its former glory. I plan to spend an hour on this chore once it’s warm enough to work outside comfortably. I’ll put on my audiobook and lose myself in the rhythm of the work.

My wife, who is an early riser, was already out on the deck when I joined her. Her day typically starts at 5:30 AM, regardless of whether it’s a weekday or the weekend. She had been out there for a couple of hours, diligently sanding away. Although she’s expressed some frustration with the repetitive nature of the task, she’s also found a silver lining in learning new skills. This is her first time tackling such a hands-on project; her enthusiasm is contagious. She’s discovering the satisfaction of repairing something yourself and learning the ins and outs of a task you’ve never done before.

It’s this desire to learn and experience new things that really defines her. She’s an avid reader, currently engrossed in Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, a book she finds deeply thought-provoking. Yet, she balances her love of reading with a drive to get out of her comfort zone. Whether repairing the deck or trying a new recipe, she’s always eager to explore and grow. For her, this deck project isn’t just about maintenance; it’s about embracing a new challenge and the satisfaction of mastering it.

As for me, I’m enjoying the process of working on the deck together. We’ve taken on a number of home renovation and maintenance projects over the years. While we’re far from professionals, each project has been a learning experience. Something is fulfilling about tackling these tasks as a team, figuring things out together, and seeing the tangible results of our efforts. It’s a reminder that even the most mundane chores can be an opportunity for growth and connection.

After we wrap up work on the deck, I’ll head into the kitchen to prepare the week’s pastry bites and get things in order before we make our favorite homemade pizza. With the cooler weather settling in, I’m also adjusting my running routine. I’ll switch to long sleeves for my morning runs, though it’s not quite cold enough for a jacket and gloves. Those crisp, frosty mornings aren’t far off, especially now that I’ve shifted to running before breakfast instead of afterward.

There’s something special about this time of year—the way the air feels, the shift in daily routines, and the cozy indoor activities that start to take center stage. It’s a time for reflection, new projects, and savoring the small joys, whether working on home improvements or enjoying the kitchen’s warmth. Fall is here, and with it comes a sense of renewal and the promise of new experiences.

Tackling the Deck and Yard: Balancing Big Projects with Everyday Tasks

Written September 7, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Careful organization is essential to avoid feeling overwhelmed when we have numerous tasks. I’m tackling an additional project to refinish our deck, which has turned into a more significant undertaking than expected. We knew the deck had been painted, but a closer inspection—by poking and peeling off the paint—revealed that repairs were needed before we could even begin sanding. It’s possible that some parts of the wood were already rotting when it was painted. Our deck was likely built around the same time as our house, making it approximately 20-25 years old. While we aim to complete the repairs within the next five years, we’re committed to starting the process now to prevent further damage.

Initially, we thought we could sand off the paint and apply a fresh coat, but as we examined it closely, it became clear that some boards needed to be replaced. It’s frustrating to realize how much work is involved, but the deck is essential to our outdoor space. We want to use our deck for relaxing evenings, so maintaining the deck is crucial. We don’t want to put off the repairs too long, as delaying could lead to more severe damage and costlier repairs.

In addition to the deck, my wife is planning a garden redesign for the next decade, which will be another significant project. She has a vision of creating a beautiful and functional space with areas for growing vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Thinking about the possibilities is exciting, but we must balance these long-term plans with our immediate needs. The focus is on the deck, but the garden will soon demand our attention.

Although deck repair and refinishing will be a multi-year endeavor, my wife is juggling a full-time job setting up our business. She plans to work on the deck during the week and take additional time off to push the repairs forward. This project can be quite time-sensitive, especially with the changing weather. We must complete the sanding and apply the stain before the colder, wetter months arrive. That’s why I’ve decided to focus on getting as much done as possible in the coming weeks.

While managing these projects, I also need to keep up with my running routine and regular yard maintenance. With the grass growth slowing down, mowing is less frequent, but the trees are dropping leaves at an increasing rate due to the lack of rain. If I don’t stay on top of the leaves, they’ll soon cover the lawn like a thick carpet, making it more challenging to clean up later. Staying active with running is essential for me, not just for fitness but also for mental well-being, so I need to balance my time effectively.

Next week is shaping up to be quite busy. The leaves have piled up enough to require vacuuming, and the deck project has moved on to the sanding stage. I must divide my time between these two tasks on Tuesday and Thursday. I aim to see how much of the leaves I can collect in an hour, allowing me to devote the rest of my time to sanding the deck. I hope to progress on both fronts with careful planning without feeling overwhelmed.

Balancing these projects with our daily responsibilities requires careful scheduling and prioritization. It’s easy to get bogged down in the details. Still, we can tackle each task individually by breaking the work into manageable steps. Whether repairing the deck or keeping the yard in order, staying organized and focused will help us achieve our goals.