Time To Adjust My Daily Routine

Written 6/29/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I’ve been experimenting quite a bit with my daily schedule. One significant change I made was to start running earlier in the morning. The main reason for this shift was the rising temperatures during the day. A summer day in Nashville can be near 100F (38C). Can you imagine how terrible that would be? By running first thing after waking up, I could enjoy the cooler morning air, making my runs much more pleasant. My running pace has been improving since the schedule adjustment.

However, this change brought a new challenge: when to have breakfast. When I finished my run and returned home in the morning, the temperature was already climbing, but it was still bearable. However, my hunger was almost unbearable. Ideally, I prefer to run after breakfast, but I find exercising on a full stomach uncomfortable.

Balancing my physical activities and eating schedule has always been tricky. I exercise regularly and do a lot of weekly physical yard work. My workouts help build muscle, which in turn burns more calories. Consequently, I wake up ravenous most mornings.

Every decision, no matter how small, has its pros and cons. I feel the consequences a lot more, especially regarding my physical condition. Even the timing of my meals can significantly impact how I feel and perform throughout the day. Therefore, adjusting my eating schedule has become a trial-and-error process. I’m confident that I’ll eventually find the right balance.

My wife has her own routine and preferences, particularly when it comes to eating. She dislikes eating late and avoids any food after 7 p.m. Most evenings, she spends her last two hours reading or planning for the next day. Since her activity level is much lower at night, she worries that going to bed with a full stomach will make her feel uncomfortable in the morning.

There is another adjustment I need to make – it’s time to prepare our supper. Previously, when I ran later in the day, I prepared our supper after my run. But with my new schedule, starting to cook after my run would feel more like lunch than dinner. This shift has left me disoriented, and I need to rearrange our daily routine to prepare supper at a suitable time.

Despite these challenges, I view my life as a continuous learning experience. No matter how minor, each change teaches me something new about myself and how to better manage my time and activities. I’m constantly learning how to adapt and find balance, and I know I’ll eventually get it right.

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