Balancing Act – Running, Baking, and Staying on Schedule

Written 7/21/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I generally refrain from writing on Sundays because I skipped documenting my journal post-10k run yesterday. The fatigue was overwhelming, rendering me unable to muster the creativity needed for writing. My kidney issues exacerbate this exhaustion, making me feel unusually drained. The guilt from yesterday’s inactivity still lingers. Hence, today’s journal entry attempts to compensate for that brief lapse.

Yesterday marked a deviation from summer’s relentless heat, and I felt a surge of happiness completing my 10k run amidst slightly cooler conditions. I’ve been tweaking my routine recently, having observed that running early in the morning can be beneficial during the hot months.

Adjusting my schedule, however, tends to disrupt my biological rhythm. I’ve started my days earlier than usual, hitting the pavement right after waking up. Although my body still resists this new timetable, I’m optimistic it will adapt.

Reflecting on my post-run exhaustion, it might be due to not running such a distance in a while; my body was probably caught off guard. I can’t shake off the feeling that I used yesterday’s achievement as an excuse to neglect my other responsibilities.

On a brighter note, today involves some baking. We bought puff pastry sheets yesterday and plan to create small pockets filled with various jams my wife has prepared. We’ve made these before with decent success and decided it’s worth doing again.

Our culinary agenda today also includes making pizza. It makes sense to let the puff pastry sheets warm to room temperature now so I can assemble and bake them simultaneously with the pizza, minimizing the time our oven warms the kitchen.

I plan to save some of these pastries for snacking while mowing the lawn next week. While it’s important to acknowledge and celebrate the completion of a challenging task, I must ensure it doesn’t sideline my other projects.

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