A Runner’s Diary in Humid Nashville

Written July 24, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Lately, the weather has been nothing short of erratic. We’ve oscillated between intense heat waves driven by hurricanes and sudden thunderstorms, keeping me on my toes. Typically, I check the weather app to gauge when rain might interrupt my week—this is crucial for planning things like lawn mowing, where timing is everything. More often than not, the rain is predicted well in advance, so I make it a point to regularly consult my weather app.

Just yesterday, while reviewing the forecast for today, I saw that rain was expected during my usual running time. This left me in a quandary, debating whether to brave the rain for my run or postpone it until tomorrow. The decision was challenging, as skipping a run disrupts my routine.

Despite the ominous forecast for this morning, fate seemed to have other plans, and the anticipated rain did not come to pass. Instead, I was met with an alternative challenge: running in the extreme humidity that characterizes Nashville’s summers. Humid weather here feels more oppressive than a straightforward downpour. It can make the air feel ten degrees hotter, and breathing becomes akin to inhaling steam vapor—much like what you’d experience near a humidifier in the vegetable aisle of a grocery store.

Following my run, the weather remained dry, yet the air was dense, almost pressing against my skin. Morning temperatures are more forgiving than the scorching heat of the afternoon. I’ve made this discovery recently, and it’s a primary reason I’ve shifted my runs to earlier in the day. My wife has also taken to morning runs, likely for the same reasons.

Navigating these unpredictable weather patterns has become a part of our daily routine. While the unpredictability can be frustrating, adapting our schedules and finding small victories in the timing of our activities—like avoiding the peak afternoon heat—adds a layer of satisfaction to our day. 

It’s about making the best of what we’re dealt with, whether mowing the lawn in a brief dry spell or choosing the lesser evil of humidity over rain for a run. As we adjust and adapt, the weather remains an ever-present factor in our plans, a reminder of nature’s unpredictability.

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