Twas the Day Before Christmas: Chores, Desserts, and Holiday Cheer

Written 12/24/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Twas the day before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was resting—not even my spouse. My wife and I have a long list of chores because…drumroll…it’s Christmas party season. Not a party with just ourselves —our family gathering and our own shindig.

Originally, we thought the family get-together was off the table this year since my mom and sister had planned to visit my other sister out of town. But lo and behold, plans changed, and everyone’s staying in Nashville. So, the holiday train is back on track, complete with roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, and—my specialty—dessert.

This year, I’m whipping up tiramisu for the grand finale. Since my mom steers clear of gluten (not allergic, just not a fan of the post-gluten belly blues), we stocked up on gluten-free ladyfingers. As for me, I’ve got my own list of dietary no-nos, thanks to high blood pressure and kidney issues. But honestly? Party feasts don’t scare me—I’m all about savoring small bites and skipping the food coma.

Meanwhile, my wife has been on a mission today. She took the 24th off to tackle house chores and some of her personal projects. Unfortunately, she’s battling a cold she picked up at work, so she’s been sleeping a bit longer these days. Even so, she was up and about before me (as usual). Talk about dedication!

Despite the extra hustle and bustle, I love this time of year. Sure, the holidays can be a bit chaotic and stressful, but there’s something about the season that feels cozy or makes me warm —kind of like a warm hug wrapped in twinkling lights. It’s a lot like Halloween but with fewer pumpkins and gifts.

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