Exciting News: Adding a New Voice to Our Journey!

Hey Everyone,

Guess what? I’ve got some exciting news to share! After having a good chat with my husband, we’ve also decided to include his thoughts and experiences in this blog. You might find his journey super inspiring, just like I do.

So here’s the deal: My husband had a cerebral brain stroke in April 2015. Yeah, it was a tough time for us. The stroke affected his mobility, especially on his left side, and his right side was weaker, too. For a while, even simple tasks like walking, eating, and going to the bathroom became enormous challenges for him. But here’s the amazing part: he started rehab in July 2015 and has come a loooong way since then.

Okay, he’s not exactly like he was before the stroke. He struggles with some things, but let me tell you, he’s way fitter now than he was after the stroke. Can you believe he runs 10K and does more than 20 pull-ups every single day? Yep, he’s a champ!

He was relatively young when he had the stroke, which might’ve helped his recovery. But here’s what is important: his progress wasn’t just because of his age or some magic overnight change. It took seven years of hard work and dedication. He practiced what the Japanese call “Kaizen,” which means making little improvements consistently over time.

So yeah, I asked him to share his thoughts, tips, and journey on this blog whenever he can. His experience and mindset could help and inspire many of you.

So stay tuned, and let’s give him a warm welcome!

Take care, everyone!

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