Navigating Temperature Control Challenges After a Stroke: A Personal Journey

In the wake of my husband’s stroke, we faced a myriad of challenges, one of which was his sudden struggle with body temperature regulation. This unexpected journey began when he suffered a brain stroke, leading to bleeding in the central part of his brain. Among the areas impacted was the hypothalamus, nestled just above the brainstem.

The hypothalamus plays a pivotal role in maintaining our body’s equilibrium, a state known as homeostasis. As the Cleveland Clinic outlines, this small but mighty part of the brain acts as a messenger, coordinating crucial functions such as body temperature, blood pressure, and even our moods and sleep patterns.

The initial three months post-stroke were particularly tough, and they’re periods my husband doesn’t recall. After removing his feeding tube, I took on the responsibility of feeding him, a slow and painstaking process due to his lack of motivation. His sense of time was skewed, necessitating a strict sleep schedule. Touch became a source of discomfort, like a knife’s edge against his skin. His world seemed devoid of the sensations that usually bring joy, like the warmth of a sunny day or the cool relief of a breeze.

In the following months, his perception of hot and cold became conflated. He would wear a robe in summer, feeling both hot and cold simultaneously. We discovered that applying pressure to his skin could sometimes trick his brain into not feeling cold, leading him to often wear a hooded shirt even in warm weather. Before his stroke, we seldom needed air conditioning or heating in our Portland home, but post-stroke, finding a comfortable temperature became a constant challenge.

As someone who isn’t a medical professional, my understanding is based on observation and reading. I’ve noticed the brain’s remarkable ability to compensate and heal after such trauma. Before his stroke, my husband never enjoyed running, but now, it’s an activity that seems to aid his recovery. Nearly a decade into his journey, his abilities have been significantly improved, such as being able to cook independently.

I’ve decided to share our story and his progress in a journal form, hoping it might offer a glimmer of hope to others in similar situations. Ten years ago, when he first experienced his stroke, I was desperate for information and support. Seeing his recovery now, I believe our experience might resonate with others searching for hope and understanding in the face of such life-changing events.



Cleveland Clinic. (2022, March 16). Hypothalamus. Health Library.

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