Time For More Canning Fruits

Written 6/22/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

This week started on an exciting note for us. “Blueberries have finally hit the markets!” my wife exclaimed joyfully. She’s been diligently checking local farmers’ websites around Nashville, closely monitoring the season’s offerings. Like many other fruits and vegetables, blueberries depend heavily on the weather for their availability. Typically, we’re sure to find them by July, but the hot summer has prompted an earlier harvest this year. My wife is keen on getting a head start, especially since she’ll be busy canning a variety of other summer produce like chilies and tomatoes later in the season.

Thus, early this morning, we went to Franklin’s bustling farmer’s market. Despite the early hours, the place was alive with activity and the vibrant buzz of eager shoppers. Our mission was clear: secure some of those coveted blueberries. Seeing them lined up in neat rows was enough to light up my wife’s face with excitement. We picked up two baskets, but not just for immediate consumption—she plans to freeze them for gradual use in her jam-making endeavors. She finds the canning process quite therapeutic.

Originally, our plan was to return in July for peaches. However, as luck would have it, we stumbled upon the peach truck on our way out of the market. Without hesitation, we grabbed a small sack. The blueberries will become jelly, and the peaches will be transformed into delicious chutney and jam. According to my wife, it’s crucial to process the peaches first before turning our attention to the blueberries. Thankfully, she’s reserved some berries for me to bake into muffins—a treat I’m particularly looking forward to.

Upon returning home, the kitchen turned into a hive of activity. My wife started by thoroughly washing all the fruits. She then boiled a pot of water, perfect for peeling the peaches efficiently. Most of the berries were destined for the freezer, set aside for future jam sessions. Canning is time-consuming, so she prefers to reserve it for weekends when there’s ample time to indulge in the process.

Today also brought a slight deviation from my usual routine. After the morning’s detour to the market and some lingering muscle soreness, I decided to skip my typical exercises. However, I couldn’t let the day go by without some form of physical activity, so I settled for a planking session and a 5k run. It’s important to stay flexible in daily plans and physical exercise!

Our early summer market trips are more than just about stocking up on produce—they’re about making the most of what the season has to offer, engaging in the joyful task of preserving flavors and creating lasting memories. These simple pleasures enrich our lives, bringing bursts of joy and a sense of accomplishment.

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