A Culinary Saturday: Embracing the Bustle with Love and Food

Written on January 14, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Saturdays have transformed into the pinnacle of my weekly routine, bustling with culinary endeavors to fill our home with an abundance of nourishing meals. This particular Saturday unfurls with a promise of busyness, as I’ve dedicated myself to a series of cooking tasks. My mission? To ensure my wife is well-stocked with delectable options for lunches and breakfasts in the week ahead.

Once my morning rituals are behind me, I’ll dive into the art of crafting guacamole, a vibrant start to my culinary marathon. Next on my agenda is the replenishment of my wife’s beloved breakfast burritos stash, followed by the preparation of salmon nanbanzuke. This Southern Japanese delicacy, featuring succulent salmon amidst tangy pickled vegetables, marks a novel addition to our weekly meal repertoire, despite being a dish I’ve mastered over numerous occasions, thanks to my wife’s teaching.

Cooking, for me, is not just a household chore; it’s a therapeutic journey. It’s about the rhythm and flow of processes: selecting ingredients, meticulous preparation, cooking itself, and the unavoidable cleanup that accompanies a small kitchen like ours. In such confined spaces, multitasking becomes necessary, with dish cleaning interwoven seamlessly into the cooking process.

This week’s introduction of nanbanzuke* to our meal plan is a testament to our adventurous culinary spirit, spurred by my wife’s occasional trips to her office. It’s essential for me that she has access to homemade, comforting meals during her workdays, a small but meaningful gesture of care.

Today, however, is not just another Saturday. It carries a sense of personal achievement as I’ve hit a new milestone in my fitness journey. The weights I’ve been lifting have seen an increase, a challenge that felt daunting yet achievable—a sweet spot that signals growth and resilience. This physical accomplishment mirrors the effort and love I pour into our meals, a balance between nurturing the body and the soul.

In essence, my Saturdays are more than just the busiest day of the week; they reflect love, dedication, and joy in the simple act of cooking. Whether whipping up a batch of breakfast burritos, delicately balancing the flavors of nanbanzuke, or pushing my physical limits, each task is imbued with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. This is how I choose to support and care for my wife, ensuring she steps into each week with the comfort of home-cooked meals and knowing that every dish is prepared with love.


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