A First Taste of Adventure: Discovering Bubble Tea

Written 4/23/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Today, my wife and I are set to explore a new culinary delight: bubble tea. This drink is something neither of us had sampled before, and we decided it was high time we changed that.

A few weeks back, my wife burst into my room with a question that caught me off guard: “Have you ever tried bubble tea?” When I admitted my inexperience, she excitedly proclaimed, “Brian, we have to try bubble tea—it looks so yummy!” Curiously, although she had seen bubble tea before, her sudden urge to try it puzzled me. But before I could inquire further, she explained, “Brian, I watched someone enjoying it on YouTube, and the joy on her face was infectious. I just had to find out what was making her smile like that.”

Interestingly, she hadn’t even seen a bubble tea ad. My wife usually listens to YouTube in the background rather than watching any of the channels, so for her to watch someone actively enjoying their drink was unusual.

After her revelation, she got into planning mode. Planning is crucial for her, even something as simple as trying a new drink. She dove into researching and soon came back with options for three bubble tea shops, just in case one was closed.

Next, she had to sift through her busy schedule to find the right time for our bubble tea adventure. She’s been swamped with preparing corporate taxes and budgets these days, so her free time is precious. She believes in picking the perfect moment for new experiences, especially when they can offer a respite from her work stress. Sometimes, her meticulous planning reminds me of Steris from the “Mistborn 2nd Era” series—before going digital, she used to carry her hefty planner everywhere.

Today, she declared, was the ideal day for our bubble tea expedition. The timing felt right because we planned to travel to the Keys tomorrow. I was more than happy to accompany her. When she sets her mind on something, she follows through, and I must admit, my curiosity about this drink has grown. Bubble tea may become our next favorite treat.

In our shared quest for new experiences, these little adventures not only add a dash of excitement to our lives but also bring us closer together. The anticipation is palpable as we prepare to step out and taste our first bubble tea. These moments, filled with simple joys and discoveries, enrich our days and create cherished memories. Maybe it’s the thrill of the unknown or the delight in sharing these firsts with each other, but whatever the outcome, today promises to be a delightful exploration of flavor and fun.

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