A Race Against Time: Deck Renovation Before Winter

Written September 22, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Just like every other day this past week, my morning began with applying paint stripper to one of the boards on our deck. Yesterday, I didn’t finish as many boards as I had planned, leaving more work to be done. This deck project has added to my already packed schedule, so I’ve had to find time to squeeze it in.

My wife can only help on the weekends. Sometimes, I catch her working on the deck after her job, but with her early starts, she rarely has time during the week. Knowing I have more free hours than she does, I’ve decided to take on the bulk of the work myself.

I have a deadline in mind for finishing the stripping and sanding. With winter approaching, even here in Nashville, I want to wrap everything up by the first or second week of October. Thankfully, our deck is relatively small—we only have about 25 boards to work on.

The days are definitely getting shorter, and I’m becoming more aware of how long I can work before it gets dark. Last night, I finished scraping the last board well after sunset. However, in the morning light, I realized I had missed a few spots. The darkness made me less thorough than I thought, so I had to go back and re-scrape that board to catch what I missed.

We’ve been using a combination of paint remover and a sander for this job. My wife was planning to help repair the deck this weekend, but with a hurricane approaching, I don’t think that will happen. I’m tackling about two to three boards daily, which has worked well. Since it takes time for the paint stripper to soften, I try to fit my other tasks into the waiting periods.

One challenge we’ve run into is the sap from a maple tree that’s hardened onto the deck, making my work trickier. My wife noticed it last weekend and wondered where it was coming from. I pointed to a maple tree in the woods beyond our backyard. It’s at least 10 feet away from the deck, and there aren’t any branches hanging over it, so I figure the wind must be blowing the sap onto the boards.

The weather has been pleasant lately. We had a few hot days this week, but the breeze felt cool even then. The leaves on the maple—the culprit—are starting to change color. Autumn is nearly here in Nashville, and I love it. It’s such a beautiful time of year. I’ve been working on the deck while listening to audiobooks, which makes the process a bit more relaxing. I hope I can get sanding done before my target day.

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