A Day of Mowing: Navigating Challenges in Our Hilly Yard

Written 4/5

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday brought its fair share of challenges and accomplishments as I tackled mowing our lawn, a chore that this week’s weather rendered more daunting than usual. Early in the week, the onset of rain abruptly interrupted my usual mowing schedule. Although I managed to make some progress before the showers, I was left with a substantial portion of the lawn unfinished. With the weather clearing up, I was optimistic about completing the task on Thursday. However, as it turned out, I had underestimated the amount of work left, setting the stage for an arduous yard work day.

Our home is surrounded by hilly terrain and a decent-sized yard that demands regular maintenance. The contours of the land add a layer of complexity to what might otherwise be a straightforward task. Mowing the slopes is not only time-consuming but also physically demanding. Yesterday, I powered through the work, mowing down most of the grass except for a few stubborn strips that seemed to evade my efforts.

As the day progressed, I pushed our lawn mower across the undulating landscape until both of our batteries succumbed to exhaustion. This left me with a partially completed job and a decision to make: when to finish the remaining patches. Considering the week’s workload and the forecast, setting aside additional time over the weekend seemed like a sensible plan. With its promise of clear skies and free time, Sunday appears to be the ideal day to wrap up.

Despite not completing the entire yard as I had hoped, there was a deep sense of achievement in what I had managed to accomplish. Though moderately sized, our yard poses unique challenges due to its hilly setting. The mower, propelled solely by my effort, becomes an instrument through which I engage deeply with the landscape. Three hours of guiding it up and down the slopes is no small feat. The physical exertion is palpable, and by the end of the session, I find myself exhausted yet invigorated.

On a typical mowing day, I clock in around 13,000 steps, transforming what is essentially a household chore into a vigorous exercise routine. The repetitive motion of pushing the mower, coupled with the resistance offered by the hill, provides a robust workout that rivals any gym session. During these hours, I appreciate the dual benefit of this task: maintaining the aesthetic of our home while simultaneously engaging in a health-promoting activity.

Reflecting on yesterday’s efforts, I am reminded of the importance of adaptability and perseverance in facing unexpected challenges. Whether it’s an unanticipated weather change or the sheer physical demands of the task, each mowing session offers a chance to learn and grow. As I look ahead to finishing the job on Sunday, I am not daunted but rather motivated by the opportunity to once again connect with nature and reinforce my commitment to my home’s beauty and personal health.

Nashville Weather’s Roller-Coaster Ride: How Temperature Swings Impact My Running Routine

Written 4/3

Hello Dear Readers,

It seems the weather in Nashville is in roller-coaster mode, fleeing from summer and dropping 20 degrees the next day. This sudden change has relieved some pressure to complete the pre-run parts of my morning routine. After enduring a month of 90-degree heat, I would certainly welcome a 20-degree respite. However, the drop feels more disruptive than refreshing after only a few days of 80-degree temperatures.

The abrupt shift in temperature is impacting my running pace. I am curious to see how much of my newly gained speed remains when I hit the pavement. How will the cooler temperature influence my run this time? I know that excessive heat slows me down from previous years, and I believe that today’s cooler weather is pretty close to ideal for running. The only complication now is deciding whether to wear shorts or pants.

In the past, consistent hot weather would slow me down significantly. The high temperatures would sap my energy, making each step feel heavier and more laborious. This recent dip to cooler weather feels like it could be a perfect running condition, but it’s a stark contrast to the heat I’ve been acclimating to. The rapid temperature swing introduces a new challenge to my routine.

The cooler weather offers some benefits. I notice that my breathing is easier, and my body feels less stressed without the oppressive heat. The sensation of cooler air is invigorating, making the run more enjoyable. Yet, the suddenness of this change has left me slightly disoriented. My body, conditioned to expect the heat, now has to adjust to the cooler temperatures. This adaptation period is crucial, as it influences my performance and overall comfort during the run.

Another aspect of this weather shift is the decision of what to wear. On hot days, the choice is straightforward: shorts and a light shirt. But with the temperature dropping, the decision becomes more complex. Wearing pants might keep me warm initially but become uncomfortable as my body heats up during the run. Conversely, shorts might initially leave me feeling too cold but more comfortable as I progress. This dilemma is a small but significant part of how I approach my running routine.

Ultimately, these temperature fluctuations remind me of the importance of adaptability in my fitness journey. While the weather can be unpredictable, finding ways to adjust and maintain my routine is key. I look forward to seeing how this cooler spell influences my run today. Whether it helps me maintain my speed or introduces new challenges, it’s all part of the ongoing process of becoming a better runner.

In conclusion, Nashville’s unpredictable weather presents challenges and opportunities for my running routine. The recent 20-degree drop has been more disruptive than a relief. Yet, it offers a chance to adapt and potentially enhance my performance. As I lace up my shoes and step outside, I embrace the cooler air, ready to face whatever the run brings.

The Surprising Secrets of Mangroves: A Family Trip Revelation

Sometimes, we might overlook something truly incredible because of our first impressions. I’ve been there, too, and I’d love to share a story about how my view changed during a family trip to the Keys.

When we first saw the mangroves, I’ll admit, I wasn’t impressed. They have these odd-looking roots that stick out over the water and stand in dark, shallow waters that don’t look very clean. I even joked to myself that they were called mangroves because they looked like a bunch of men trying to form a grove! It reminded me of the time I used to peek under rocks until one day; I saw a two-headed snail—both were a bit unsettling at first.

I was ready to leave to see something more interesting, such as a beautiful ocean. Then, my husband asked a simple question that made me pause: “How do these trees live in this salty water?” Honestly, I totally forgot we had been looking at the ocean until he mentioned it.

That question stuck with me for the rest of our vacation. When we got home, I started researching mangroves and fell into a rabbit hole of discovery. The only thing I can imagine is a plant-looking thing in the ocean is Kelp, and Kelp is not even a plant. I didn’t even know a plant could grow in the ocean. 

What is Mangrove, then? According to the U.S. Department of Commerce (U.S. Department of Commerce, n.d.), mangroves only grow in subtropical areas or near the equator, like some parts of Texas, Louisiana, and southern Florida in the U.S. There are about 80 different species around the world, thriving in low-oxygen soil, brackish waters, and even the ocean. Their roots are super cool—they can filter out up to 90% of the salt from seawater!

I learned more about how their roots work. According to scientists from Korea (Kim et al., 2016), the Mangrove’s root membrane selectively pulls in chloride ions while keeping out most of the sodium ions at the first membrane layer. A second membrane blocks the chloride ions, so the chloride ions are trapped between the first and the second layers of root membranes. This setup causes the trapped chloride ions (Cl-) to create a massive negative charge, which attracts sodium ions (Na+) back toward the first membrane like a strong negatively charged magnet. It’s a clever system that lets air pass but keeps salt water out, making it possible for mangroves to thrive in salty environments. Researchers are even trying to mimic this filtering process through ionization to develop new water purification systems.

My research didn’t stop there. Mangroves are also home to tiny microorganisms that can withstand harsh environments and even help synthesize metallic nanoparticles with their special synthesizing pathway (Vaish & Pathak, 2023). These nanoparticles are being studied because they could be key in creating new materials to help with pollution cleanup.

Mangroves play a crucial role as natural barriers protecting our coasts from hurricanes, winds, waves, and floods. They also improve the water quality in their areas. I had no idea mangroves were so fascinating.

So, what’s the takeaway from this adventure? If my husband hadn’t asked about the mangroves, I might have written them off as creepy trees in muddy water. It’s a good reminder not to judge things based only on first impressions.



Kim, K., Seo, E., Chang, S.-K., Park, T. J., & Lee, S. J. (2016). Novel water filtration of saline water in the outermost layer of mangrove roots. Scientific Reports, 6(1), 20426. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep20426

US Department of Commerce, N. O. and A. A. (n.d.). What is a mangrove forest? Retrieved May 19, 2024, from https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/mangroves.html

Vaish, S., & Pathak, B. (2023). Mangrove synthesized bio-nanomaterial and its applications: A review. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, 20, 100866. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enmm.2023.100866

Returning to Routine: Navigating the Aftermath of a Family Celebration

written 3/27/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Vacations and special family events often disrupt our daily schedules, as I recently experienced during my father’s retirement celebration in Indiana. The festivities took me away from my home and usual habits, culminating in a joyful yet routine-breaking trip north. Despite the wonderful time spent with loved ones, the comfort of returning home and reestablishing my structured lifestyle was undeniable.

The retirement party, a significant occasion, was scheduled on a weekday, making it impossible for my wife to join due to her demanding role at work. Currently, she’s deeply involved in wrapping up her annual financial statements and preparing for her company’s corporate tax season. These professional responsibilities underline the delicate balancing act we all perform between personal commitments and professional obligations.

Now that I am back home, I immediately focus on reintegrating into my fitness regimen. Pausing exercise routines can make the prospect of resuming them feel daunting. However, my concerns were somewhat alleviated once I began. I’ve successfully completed my series of pull-ups, pullovers, and pushups. Though these exercises required slightly more effort than usual, the difference was minimal, suggesting that the short break had a negligible effect on my physical condition.

Looking ahead, I am eager to test my endurance with running. Despite any temporary setbacks, I am confident in recovering any lost ground and even surpassing my previous performance levels. This optimism is driven by the understanding that a well-established routine can be quickly reactivated with determination and effort.

The entire experience of getting back to my usual routine after the disruption caused by such significant events is a challenge. I feel it was a great opportunity to prove my resilience and adaptability in managing personal health and responsibilities. It’s about finding that delicate balance where the joy of familial milestones can be celebrated without completely derailing our life’s rhythms.

Embracing the Unexpected: A Day of Chores, Changes, and Chats

Written 3/21/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Some days feel exponentially busier than others, and today has declared itself one of those. My to-do list is brimming with chores and appointments that demand my attention from dawn to dusk. The day kicked off with a late-morning dental appointment, which meant a tight schedule right from the start.

After dealing with my dental health, I was back home facing the challenge of mowing our lawn, which is no easy feat considering our house is perched on hilly terrain. Mowing on such an uneven surface requires more time and energy, and I wanted to get as much done as possible before it was time to start preparing our evening meal.

Amid this packed schedule, I had a glimmer of relaxation to look forward to: gaming with my friends. Unfortunately, one friend had to cancel earlier in the day due to another commitment, muting my brief respite. However, in a delightful turn of events, he later reached out to inform me that he was available after all. This unexpected change brought a sense of relief and joy—there was still some fun to be had at the end of this whirlwind of a day.

Despite this positive twist, a snag appeared in my plans. I had anticipated a more extended day to manage my tasks effectively. Last time, I had yet to manage to mow the lawn as thoroughly as needed, and today, I was playing catch-up. It’s a reminder of how dependent our schedules can be on various external factors like weather and other people. Today proved that even the most reasonable alternate plans can falter.

This day has taught me a valuable lesson: flexibility is crucial. Plans can shift, sometimes unexpectedly, for the better, and it’s important to adapt and make the most of the time available rather than putting things off. Even with a backup plan that seems foolproof, procrastination can lead to more stress and scrambling in the long run.

Today, today reiterated life’s unpredictability and the importance of rolling with the punches. Though the day was busy and, at times, challenging, it was also a reminder that unexpected changes can sometimes lead to delightful surprises and moments of joy amidst the chaos.

Weather Whiplash: Adapting to Tennessee’s Temperamental Climate

Written 3/19/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Living in Tennessee means signing up for a weather rollercoaster, especially during this time of year. When you think you’ve had a few picturesque days, the state throws you a curveball with temperatures swinging wildly from delightfully warm to unexpectedly frosty. This erratic weather pattern has once again made its mark, putting a damper on my well-laid plans.

Earlier this week, I was looking forward to a peaceful day of mowing the lawn. This chore becomes enjoyable under the soft embrace of mild sunshine. However, Tennessee’s whimsical weather had other plans. Out of the blue, we were hit by a day that combined both heat and cold extremes—a true puzzle for anyone trying to dress appropriately.

This morning was a stark reminder of this unpredictability. I woke up to a chill that seeped right through the windows, the kind of cold that makes you think twice about stepping outside. A quick check on my smartphone confirmed my suspicions: the temperature had indeed dipped below freezing. The weather forecast wasn’t promising either, suggesting the cold bite in the air wouldn’t let up anytime soon.

Despite the frosty start, there’s a silver lining: The forecast hints at the return of lovely days soon. With this in mind, I’ve decided to shuffle my schedule around. Mowing the lawn today is off the table. Instead, I plan to tackle it on Thursday, when the weather is expected to be more forgiving. This small decision highlights how much the climate here influences even the simplest of daily tasks.

It leads me to ponder how many others in Tennessee or similar climates find their routines dictated by the weather. How often do construction workers, landscapers, or even local businesses have to adjust their plans based on the latest weather report? It must be a universal dance with Mother Nature, where each step is carefully placed to match her unpredictable rhythm.

Weather in Tennessee teaches you flexibility and patience, which are also helpful in life. The need to adapt to the weather here goes beyond just choosing the right coat; it’s about rearranging life’s little to-dos around the whims of the weather gods. As I look ahead to Thursday, I hope for a warm day to let me catch up on my outdoor chores without needing to bundle up or strip down. Until then, I’ll watch the thermometer and the other on my planner, ready to pivot as the weather dictates.

Tofu Adventures: From Taste Tests to Homemade Delights

Lately, I’ve had a strange craving for Okara, which is odd because it’s not something you typically find on the shelves here in North America. Okara is a byproduct of tofu production, which is a staple in Japan but seems to play hide and seek in my local stores!

Growing up in Japan, I ate a daily parade of tofu and Okara. It’s hard to recall a single day without them. However, things changed when I moved to Canada; my tofu escapades became infrequent visits to Chinatown. The tofu here had a different vibe—it just didn’t taste like the tofu I was used to back home. I later learned that it’s because they use a different coagulant here. As for Okara, it seemed to have vanished completely.

Fast forward to 2018, after relocating to Tennessee, we discovered a Korean grocery store a mere 20 minutes from our house. Tofu has improved its shelf life in the last decade, prompting us to buy it more often. Here’s the twist: my husband isn’t exactly the president of the tofu fan club—he claims it tastes like a sponge! To win him over, I introduced him to Ma Po Tofu; believe it or not, he liked it! Sadly, the quest for Okara still came up empty.

Okara isn’t just delicious—it’s packed with fiber and bioactive compounds, making it incredibly healthy. According to Healthline, adults under 50 should aim for 38 grams of fiber daily for men and 25 grams for women. Over 50? You’re looking at 30 grams for men and 21 grams for women. Plus, you can toss Okara into a variety of recipes, like using it as a burger filling—talk about a fiber-filled treat!

Okara offers more than just fiber. Science Direct tags it as a nutritional superstar, rich in protein, oils, and soluble and insoluble fibers—the health booster your wallet loves. Unable to find it locally, I decided it was time to get my hands dirty by making my own tofu from scratch!

The process of making tofu is akin to cheesemaking. You’ll need soybeans and a coagulant—choices range from Nigari and Gypsum to Lemon Juice and Vinegar. I prefer Nigari, which adds a slightly sweet taste to the tofu. However, it’s originally a salty byproduct containing magnesium chloride.

My tofu-making skills were supposed to be honed in a home economics class in Japan. Still, I missed that crucial lesson due to a competition. I have zero knowledge! Thankfully, I stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube tutorial by Food for Wellbeing Kawashima-ya. It was in English and used Nigari—perfect!


To make tofu, you’ll need:

  • 280g of Soybeans
  • 20ml of Nigari mixed with 50ml of lukewarm water
  • A blender
  • A straining cloth
  • A simple tofu press
  • A weight (a bottled water works just fine)


The process involves soaking the dry soybeans overnight, blending them with just enough water, and then heating the mixture before straining it to separate the milk for tofu and the Okara. Once heated, mix the soymilk with Nigari and let it sit, covered, on low heat. A simple tofu press and a water bottle for weight can give you that perfectly firm tofu.

Please check out the video for a more detailed walkthrough:Youtube Video on Tofu Making

Making my own tofu was thrilling, especially since it was my first experience. From this adventure, I produced about 400g of Okara. I made some Okara dishes with the Okara, half of which I shared with fellow Japanese friends. 



Food for Well beingKawashima-ya (Director). (2021, September 6). How to Make Tofu at Home | Easy Homemade Tofu with just Soybeans, Nigari, and Water. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga37W4_zRfY

Soluble vs. Insoluble Fiber: What’s the Difference? (2017, August 22). Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/soluble-vs-insoluble-fiber

Okara—An overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2024, from https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/food-science/okara

Stepping Into Comfort: My New Running Shoe Experience

Written 3/16/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Today was the day—I got myself a brand-new pair of running shoes. After our usual grocery shopping, we went to our local specialty store for running gear. It’s not just any store; it was introduced to us by my sister when we first moved to Tennessee, and it’s become our go-to for all things running.

The excitement of getting new shoes never gets old, especially since they’re a critical part of my running routine. As any seasoned runner knows, and as my wife—a lifelong runner—reminded me when I first took up running seriously, every pair of running shoes has its lifespan. Shoes gradually wear down depending on how much you run, so keeping track of their mileage is critical.

Despite my wife’s busy weekends lately due to year-end duties, I asked if she’d accompany me to pick out my new pair. The staff at this store is exceptional; they are not only runners but also incredibly knowledgeable about the needs of different running styles and habits. I usually bring my old pair along so they can assess my running habits and check for specific wear patterns.

Comfort is paramount when it comes to my running shoes. I always ensure the pair I choose fits well and feels good as I move. The store staff, familiar with my preferences and measurements from previous visits, expertly guided me to shoes that cater to my needs.

One significant change in my routine is how I track the mileage of my shoes. Gone are the days of my Excel log sheets; my new running app has revolutionized this process. With a feature that tracks the shoe life based on the make and model of the footwear, the app not only keeps tabs on the distance covered but also alerts me when it’s time for a replacement. This innovative tool has rendered my old tracking system completely obsolete, making my life much easier.

As I left the store with my new running shoes, the anticipation of trying them out on the run filled me with joy. There’s something truly exhilarating about the first run in a new pair of shoes—it feels like setting out on a new adventure.

So here I am, ready to hit the ground running, quite literally. My new shoes are more than just equipment; they’re a renewal of my commitment to running, a sport that I’ve grown to love deeply over the years. I can’t wait to see where these shoes will take me—each step promises new challenges and achievements.

A Day of Surprising Progress and Simple Pleasures

Written on 3/14/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday marked a significant stride in my running journey, seeing me meet and surpass my target pace. This achievement was particularly gratifying after several challenging days, notably affected by the recent time change. Surprisingly, this adjustment to daylight saving time, which often disrupts routines, turned out to favor my running schedule. The crisp, pleasant weather further contributed to this unexpected success, proving once again how external conditions can impact athletic performance.

Reflecting on my run, I’ve begun to identify the specific speed I need to maintain to achieve my new, more ambitious pace. Tomorrow’s run will be a crucial test of this insight, determining whether I can consistently meet this enhanced standard. It’s an exciting prospect and adds a layer of intrigue to my usual routine.

Aside from running, my day was filled with other mundane but necessary tasks. The good weather wasn’t just perfect for running; it was ideal for yard work, too. With my to-do list in mind and the sun shining favorably, I set out to mow the lawn, an activity that, while routine, was enjoyable thanks to the day’s clear skies.

Typically, my Thursdays are reserved for gaming sessions with friends. These gatherings are not just about playing video games; they’re a cherished opportunity for camaraderie and relaxation. However, this weekend was different. My friends were out of town, making our usual online meet-up impossible. While I missed the banter and the competitive spirit of our games, their absence allowed me to focus more on my chores without the usual rush to finish before our session began.

This shift in schedule was a mixed blessing. On the one hand, I missed the laughter and shared excitement that our gaming sessions bring. On the other, having no time constraints made it easier to complete my tasks at a relaxed pace, which was unexpectedly satisfying.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been diligently working to improve my running speed, a goal that often seemed elusive. Yesterday’s performance was a beacon of progress, illuminating what is possible with persistence and favorable conditions. It was a reminder that sometimes, the elements align to reward our efforts when we least expect it.

In essence, the day blended personal achievement and the simple pleasures of daily life. Whether it’s the solitary rhythm of a good run or the methodical task of mowing the lawn, each element had its place, contributing to a fulfilling day. Even the absence of my friends, though initially disappointing, opened up space for reflection and uninterrupted productivity.

As I look forward to tomorrow’s run, I carry with me the lessons learned from today: the understanding of pace, the importance of adapting to changes, and the appreciation of the unexpected freedoms that come our way. These experiences, though seemingly small, are significant chapters in the story of personal growth and everyday resilience.

Mastering My Monday Routine: A Week-Planning Odyssey

Written 4/1

Hello Dear Readers,

Embarking on my Monday routine, I dive into planning the week ahead. It’s a ritual I hold dear, a compass guiding me through the chaos of daily life. Each Monday morning, I embark on a foresight journey, charting out the course of my week and the tasks I aim to conquer. But, as with any journey, there are obstacles to navigate, particularly those dictated by the whims of the weather.

My first order of business is to compile the week’s to-do list. This is no ordinary list; it’s a dynamic entity that varies from week to week. Some tasks are stalwart fixtures, while others flit in and out like elusive shadows. Yet, amidst this fluctuating landscape, I must mentally highlight those tasks that are at the mercy of the weather. These are the delicate flowers of my to-do list, vulnerable to the tempestuous whims of Mother Nature.

Take, for instance, the humble act of lawn mowing. It is a simple task yet one that becomes a precarious dance with the elements on rainy days. I’ve learned the hard way that grass and rain make for a slippery affair, especially on hilly landscapes, rendering my lawn mower useless against the sodden earth. Thus, I must remain vigilant, keeping a watchful eye on the forecast, lest my plans be washed away by a sudden downpour.

But the challenges don’t end there. Sometimes, my tasks require coordination with others, adding an extra layer of complexity to my already intricate schedule. When conflicts arise, I find myself engaged in a delicate juggling act, attempting to align the disparate pieces of my agenda into a cohesive whole.

This week presents its own set of challenges. As I peruse the forecast, I spy a looming threat of rain on one of my designated lawn-mowing days. A potential obstacle, to be sure, but one that I refuse to let derail my plans entirely. Instead, I adapt, devising contingency measures to salvage what I can from the situation. Perhaps I’ll steal an hour of mowing before the deluge descends, or failing that, I’ll redouble my efforts on Thursday, determined to make up for lost time.

In the end, it’s this rough planning at the outset of the week that proves to be my saving grace. By tempering my expectations and anticipating potential pitfalls, I arm myself against the specter of surprise. Though the road ahead may be fraught with uncertainty, I march forward with confidence, secure in the knowledge that I have charted my course to the best of my ability.

As Monday fades into memory and the week unfurls before me, I embark on my journey purposefully, ready to face whatever challenges lie in wait. Armed with foresight and determination, I press onward, a master of my Monday routine and the architect of my destiny.