Embracing the Capricious Skies: Running Through Tennessee’s Weather Shifts

Written on March 4, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Tennessee’s weather has been showing off its unpredictable side, swiftly transitioning from the cold that calls for gloves to the warmth that warrants shorts. This rapid change signals a move towards what’s likely to be an intensely hot period soon. It’s a fluctuation reminiscent of mountain climates, where the weather seems to dance on a whim. My musings today drift towards this erratic weather pattern and how it weaves into the fabric of our daily lives, particularly for those whose routines intersect with the great outdoors.

In my household, the weather dictates the pace. My wife opts for the cool embrace of early mornings for her runs, sidestepping the later heat. I, on the contrary, have a preference for running a bit later in the day, which means keeping a vigilant eye on the day’s weather forecast is paramount for me. This necessity to rise early without dawdling, especially on days earmarked for running, becomes even more pressing.

Adding another layer to this seasonal dance is the advent of Daylight Saving Time. This biannual clock adjustment, looming on the horizon, introduces its own set of challenges. My wife, susceptible to the shift, begins realigning her schedule about ten days in advance to soften the jolt to her circadian rhythm. She’s already easing into a new sleep schedule in anticipation, showcasing our small attempts to maintain harmony with time’s ebb and flow.

Despite several snowy days, Tennessee has been basking in unexpected warmth. After checking both the time and the weather forecast, I find my anxiety abating; I’ll still be ahead of the day’s full heat when I embark on my run. A part of me yearns for the spring weather to settle in for good this time.

Neither the whims of weather nor the shift in daylight saving time can deter me from my runs, yet their influence is undeniable. Just last week, Monday teased us with warmth, only for winter to reclaim its hold for the rest of the week. Adaptability is key—adjusting my running schedule and attire to match the day’s forecast becomes a ritual in its own right.

This dance with the elements reminds us of the ever-present need to remain flexible and responsive to our environment. Tennessee’s weather, with its sudden warmth and unexpected cold snaps, mirrors the unpredictability of life itself. Yet, in these shifts, we find rhythm and resilience, learning to move gracefully through the changing seasons.

Rediscovering My Passion for Running: A Journey with Runkeeper

Written on March 3, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

After a brief hiatus of a few weeks, I finally laced up my running shoes again for a refreshing 10k run. This wasn’t just any run but my inaugural journey since I integrated a new virtual running companion into my routine—Runkeeper. Recommended by my nephrologist, the app was developed by Asics. Runkeeper has quickly proven to be an invaluable addition to my training arsenal, bringing a new level of engagement to my runs.

One of the standout features that I’ve come to appreciate about Runkeeper is its ability to provide me with audio cues regarding my pace at every half-kilometer mark. This small but significant detail has been a game-changer, encouraging me to dig deeper and push my limits further with each stride. The thought of tweaking the settings to receive these updates every quarter kilometer has crossed my mind. While I’m slightly wary of the potential annoyance from an increased frequency of alerts, curiosity is nudging me towards trying it to see how it might intensify my motivation.

Another aspect of Runkeeper that resonates with me is its ability to monitor my running shoes’ mileage. This feature serves as a poignant reminder of a valuable lesson from my wife: the importance of managing the lifespan of my running shoes. Wearing shoes past their prime diminishes their support and can harm my body. Thankfully, Runkeeper offers this tracking service without any added cost, embodying everything I desire in a running app—efficiency, practicality, and foresight.

Incorporating these features into my running regimen has ignited a newfound motivation, propelling me towards greater achievements. The aftermath of my recent 10k—the soreness in my legs and the general fatigue I’ve been feeling—is a testament to the effort and determination I poured into that run. Despite these temporary discomforts, the sense of accomplishment that enveloped me post-run was unparalleled. It was a vivid reminder of why I run—not just for the physical benefits but for each completed journey’s profound sense of fulfillment and pride.

In essence, Runkeeper has not just been a tool for tracking and improving my runs; it has rekindled my passion for running, inspiring me to continually challenge myself and strive for my personal best. The fitness journey is fraught with ups and downs, but with the right tools and a resilient spirit, every step is closer to achieving one’s goals.

The Hillside Homeowner’s Guide to Procrastination and Lawn Mowing

Living on a hillside in Tennessee comes with its unique set of challenges, especially when it comes to lawn maintenance. With the unpredictable weather patterns and the constant battle against the clock, managing our lawn can sometimes feel like a strategic game. My personal struggle with procrastination often plays a pivotal role in this ongoing saga, making the task of lawn mowing a significant aspect of my weekly routine.

Each week, I dedicate one to two hours to mowing our lawn, a crucial task to keep the grass from becoming an unruly jungle. However, like many, I sometimes find myself looking for any excuse to escape this chore, especially when the motivation isn’t there. Yesterday was a prime example where the allure of procrastination won out over the necessity of lawn care.

The weather here doesn’t make this any easier. Our Tennessee springs are notorious for their fickleness – one day, it’s pleasantly warm, and the next, temperatures plummet by 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Rain becomes an all-too-frequent visitor, complicating my mowing schedule. The result? An often too-long lawn that demands immediate attention, lest it become unmanageable.

My wife often cites the mantra “Eat that frog,” advocating for tackling the most daunting tasks early to free the rest of the day from their looming presence. She finds solace in systematically checking off items from her to-do list. This practice ensures productivity and peace of mind. Her approach is one of discipline and foresight, qualities I admire yet struggle to embody fully due to my procrastinatory nature.

I combat my tendency to procrastinate by making specific promises to myself, setting firm deadlines, and recognizing the flexibility—or lack thereof—of my tasks. While I may push my duties to the eleventh hour, I rarely fail to accomplish them. However, this method has flaws, especially when unforeseen circumstances, like our unpredictable weather, come into play. My recent bout of procrastination has left me facing a dauntingly overgrown lawn, a consequence I now regret.

Our perspectives on procrastination diverge significantly. My wife detests it, prioritizing eliminating unwelcome tasks as early as possible. Conversely, I see some value in delaying certain tasks, likening it to the interest paid on borrowed time. This philosophy, however, has its pitfalls, as I’ve learned the hard way with lawn mowing. The longer the grass grows, the more arduous the task becomes—a tangible representation of the cost of procrastination.

As I gaze upon the weather forecast, hoping for a break in the rain to tend to my lawn, I reflect on the importance of planning and adaptability. External factors, such as weather, sometimes remind me of the limits of control over my schedule. This recent experience has instilled a newfound resolve to tackle lawn mowing head-on, without delay, in the coming weeks.

Living on a hillside in Tennessee has taught me more than just about lawn care; it’s a lesson in time management, the pitfalls of procrastination, and the value of early action. As I look ahead, I’m reminded of the importance of embracing these challenges, knowing well that even the steepest of hills can be easily managed with a bit of foresight and discipline.

The Whimsical Weather of Tennessee: A Lawn Care Conundrum

Written on February 29, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

In the unique climate of Tennessee, nestled in the southern reaches of the Midwest, residents navigate the peculiarities of both sweltering, humid summers and brisk winters. As someone living here, I constantly juggle between the extremes. My wife often remarks that it’s nothing compared to the Canadian cold, but still, our winters carry a chill that can’t be ignored. Interestingly, winter is a flexible term here, with unexpectedly warm days popping up even in the heart of what should traditionally be our coldest months. This inconsistency brings challenges, especially when maintaining a lush, healthy lawn.

On this particular day, the weather whims have played their cards again. Just recently, we experienced a spell of warmth that prompted our lawn to spring to life, emboldened enough to require its first trim of the year—despite it still being February. The plan was set for today to embark on the annual ritual of the year’s first mow, yet the weather had other plans. A sudden drop in temperature has made the task less inviting, necessitating a coat for the venture outside. Living on a hill adds another complexity to lawn care, making mowing in a jacket seem almost a personal affront.

This internal debate might seem trivial to some, but it speaks to the larger unpredictability of life here. I find myself wrestling with the decision, leaning towards postponing the task. After all, why push me to mow in the cold when the afternoon promises a gentler warmth? This logic feels sound and justified even in the face of Tennessee’s erratic weather patterns. Waiting for the sun to climb higher seems prudent, offering the hope of a more agreeable temperature for outdoor chores.

With its sudden shifts and surprises, Tennessee’s weather requires a flexible approach to lawn care and many other aspects of daily life. Today’s dilemma over the timing of a simple task like mowing the lawn underscores the more prominent theme of adaptation. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the best-laid plans must yield to the whims of nature. Here, where the seasons need help deciding their demeanor, patience and a willingness to adjust are invaluable traits. So, as I wait for the day to warm, I’m reminded of the unique charm of living in this part of the country. Despite the challenges, there’s beauty in the unpredictability, a reminder of nature’s dominion over our best intentions and schedules.

Navigating Fitness Goals: A Professor’s Perspective

Written on February 26, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

As the year began, I embarked on a fitness journey, meticulously crafting an exercise regimen to meet my annual objectives. This endeavor progressed smoothly until an unexpected setback occurred—I sustained an injury during my workouts. This incident led me to realize that perhaps my physique had yet to adapt to the demands of my newly formulated workout plan. Upon resuming my entire exercise routine, I recognized the necessity to reassess and adjust the intensity of my schedule to better accommodate my current physical capabilities.

The essence of achieving any goal lies in creating a memorable and trackable strategy. This is a lesson I frequently impart to my students at the university. Despite its apparent simplicity, it’s astonishing how often this principle is overlooked, resulting in many falling short of their ambitions. When I applied this methodology to my fitness regimen, the tangible outcomes began to manifest, prompting a thorough evaluation of my previous efforts and outcomes.

Reflecting on my journey, it became evident that my earlier injury likely resulted from overly ambitious increments in the weights I used for curls. After conducting thorough research and contemplation, I devised a more calculated approach to increasing weights. I resolved that only when I could complete 25 repetitions of a curl with a given weight without interruption would I consider advancing to a heavier weight. Conversely, I would reduce the weight if I struggled to perform at least 15 curls. My daily target would be between 20 to 25 repetitions, with Saturdays designated as the day to assess whether I was prepared to elevate the intensity of my workout.

This revised strategy serves dual purposes. Firstly, it ensures that I do not prematurely escalate the difficulty of my exercises, thereby mitigating the risk of injury. Secondly, it provides a structured framework to consistently monitor my progress and adjust as needed. This balanced approach encourages gradual improvement while safeguarding against the pitfalls of overexertion. The actual test of this method’s efficacy will be observed in the coming months as I continue to navigate the challenges and triumphs of my fitness journey.

In retrospect, this experience underscores the importance of listening to one’s body and acknowledging the signals it provides. The journey toward fitness and health is uniquely personal, requiring a bespoke approach considering individual capabilities, limitations, and aspirations. By adopting a more reflective and measured stance towards exercise, I am hopeful that I will achieve my fitness goals and foster a sustainable and enjoyable relationship with physical activity.

A Culinary Adventure: From Chocolate Delights to Pumpkin Pie Pleasures

Written on February 25, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

The essence of baking is akin to a thrilling adventure, where each attempt brings new insights, flavors, and, sometimes, the most delightful surprises. My recent foray into the world of desserts exemplifies this journey perfectly, starting with the festive celebration we hosted yesterday. The highlight was a Chocolate Raspberry Cake that became the star of the evening. Despite facing a minor hiccup with the ingredients – a shortage of eggs, to be precise – I decided to forge ahead, adjusting the recipe on the fly. The result? A cake that, albeit a tad denser and fudgier at its heart, was met with rounds of applause. It got me thinking: a bit more meringue might be the secret to achieving the perfect airy texture next time.

The cake’s frosting, however, was an outright triumph, needing no further tweaks. Its adaptability is its charm, and it quickly takes on new characters with the switch of jam flavors. This successful experiment left me buoyed and ready to tackle more culinary challenges.

Emboldened by yesterday’s success, today’s agenda includes baking a pumpkin pie, destined for a work potluck my wife is attending. My signature touch on these pies? A sprinkle of ground cloves over the unbaked pie for that extra layer of spice. However, today calls for a slight deviation. Drawing on a fascinating cultural insight shared by my wife – in Japan, ground cloves are reminiscent of standard stomach medicine, and thus, not everyone’s cup of tea – I’ve decided to opt for cinnamon instead. The goal is simple: to craft a Pumpkin Pie that resonates with her Japanese colleagues, offering them a slice that feels both familiar and exceptionally delightful.

This switch reminds us of flavors’ nuanced role in our lives, carrying the weight of memories, associations, and sometimes, even the power to transport us across borders. As I prepare the pie, I’m not just mixing ingredients; I’m weaving together a tapestry of tastes, hoping to create a culinary experience that transcends mere enjoyment and touches something more profound.

These baking episodes, with their trials, errors, and triumphs, are more than just moments in the kitchen; they’re a testament to the joy of experimenting, learning, and, most importantly, sharing. Whether it’s adjusting a recipe on the fly due to missing ingredients or tweaking flavors to honor cultural sensibilities, each dish tells a story. In this story, every ingredient, every flavor adjustment, and every shared slice is a character playing its part in the grand celebration of life’s simple pleasures.

So, here’s to the baking journey – a path filled with unexpected turns, delightful discoveries, and the warm glow of sharing. May every dish we create carry a piece of our heart, a dash of our creativity, and the sweet promise of bringing people together, one slice at a time.

Exploring the Calm: A 60-Day Meditation Journey

Recently, I decided to give meditation another try. The main reason? I was curious about its effects. I’ll be honest—meditation has always been a challenge for me. Actually, this is the second time I’ve tried this project. It’s tough to sit still in one spot without doing something productive. For instance, I can’t just watch a movie; I must take notes and analyze the plot to enjoy it.

Despite knowing some benefits of meditation, I’ve been reluctant to dedicate time to it. This time, I’ve committed to a 30-day trial of consistent meditation, followed by 30 days of analyzing my experiences—a total of 60 days.

Contrary to my feelings toward meditation, meditation offers numerous benefits for the mind and body. According to Sharma (2015), it helps mentally and physiologically by lowering cortisol levels. Cortisol is known as the stress hormone, and high levels can lead to various adult health issues. Meditation also boosts blood flow to brain areas involved in cognitive processes and emotion regulation (Jumah & Dossani, 2024). I put some of the benefits I found from the Journal written by Sharma:

Mental Benefits: Stress deduction, Decreased Anxiety, Decreased  Depression, Reduction in Pain, Improved Memory, Increased Efficiency

Physiological Efficiency: blood pressure, Heart rate, lactate, Cortisol, epinephrine, metabolism, breathing pattern, oxygen utilization, carbon dioxide elimination, increased melatonin, dehydroepiandrosterone surface, skin resistance, blood flow to the brain.

When I meditate, my mind tends to race with thoughts, mainly my to-do list. It was so overwhelming at first that I started to meditate right after my morning routine. After my run, I jot down everything I need to do on a few pages of notes, which helps to clear my mind for meditation. I still found meditation to be challenging. I tried to focus on my breathing. Focusing solely on my breathing still didn’t help, so I began visualizing beautiful scenes from places I’ve visited, sometimes even imagining muses dancing in these settings. This has allowed me to keep distracting thoughts at bay for at least 20 minutes.

Over the next 60 days, I plan to learn more about meditation. I don’t know how this journey will unfold or if I’m practicing meditation correctly. But experiencing what it’s like to be in tune with my body is reason enough for me to undertake this project.



Jumah, F. R., & Dossani, R. H. (2024). Neuroanatomy, Cingulate Cortex. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537077/

Sharma, H. (2015). Meditation: Process and effects. Ayu, 36(3), 233–237. https://doi.org/10.4103/0974-8520.182756


Rediscovering Greek Myths: A Journey Through Iliad & Odyssey

The first time I dove into the epic tales of the Iliad & Odyssey, I was just a kid in elementary school. My introduction to these ancient stories came through a children’s version, which toned down the more frightening parts. Back then, I wasn’t sure if I fully grasped the stories’ depths, but it opened a door for me to the fascinating world of Greek mythology.

Years later, as an adult, I decided to revisit Iliad & Odyssey. To my surprise, I realized I had forgotten almost everything about the stories and the various gods and heroes within them. Adding to my challenge, the Japanese way of writing these deities’ names differed from the English pronunciation, making it hard for me to recognize them. Besides a few, I could only remember some of their names.

Reading these epics for the second time was overwhelming. The names of gods were mostly in Roman, and I found myself spending too much time trying to match deities and heroes’ names with those I vaguely remembered. I needed clarification on enjoying the stories. Realizing this, I took a step back to learn more about each deity, which reignited my interest in mythology. The more I discovered, the more curious I became. This curiosity delayed my third attempt to read the Iliad and Odyssey as I wondered if I would actually enjoy them this time.

Reflecting on my journey, I now understand the appeal of this ancient literature. My appreciation for them grew significantly compared to my last reading. I even joked with my husband that Homer must have made many sacrifices to Apollo, which made him chuckle. My adventure through these mythological tales has sparked a new interest in the various demigods of Greek myths. Inspired by this renewed fascination, I plan to dive into Apollodorus’s works next.

This journey through the Iliad and Odyssey, from childhood to adulthood, has been a journey of rediscovery. Not only did I reconnect with the stories and characters that captivated me as a child, but I also deepened my understanding and appreciation for Greek mythology. It’s a reminder that sometimes, revisiting stories from our past can offer new insights and inspiration.

Chasing the Ideal Temperature for Running

Written of February 20, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

What constitutes the perfect temperature for you? For me, that delicate balance of warmth allows for a comfortable run. Our local climate has recently been erratic, with an unexpected snowfall throwing us for a loop. This weather rollercoaster brought back memories of the year we spent in Vancouver, Canada, where the weather pattern was similarly unpredictable. During our time there, the mercury seldom rose above 21°C (high 69F), which my wife found quite astonishing, given her long tenure in Ontario, Canada. Personally, I found Vancouver’s (B.C., Canada) climate to be quite to my liking.

Just yesterday, the weather resembled those Vancouver days, creating ideal conditions for my run. It was slightly more relaxed, yet not so cold that the warmth generated from running didn’t compensate. This perfect blend of conditions pushed me harder, culminating in one of my quickest 5k times this year.

Reflecting on this, I’m reminded of the weather’s significant role in our outdoor activities, especially running. The right temperature can serve as a catalyst, propelling us to greater heights and achievements in our fitness journeys. Despite the weather’s fickleness in Vancouver, I discovered a climate that matched my ideal running conditions—cool enough to invigorate, yet warm enough to be energized by the effort. This harmony between body and climate made every run there memorable and fulfilling.

Running under such conditions is both exhilarating and motivating. It reminds us that sometimes the best performances emerge from the most unexpected circumstances. Weather, often seen as a mere backdrop to our daily lives, can, in fact, be a powerful force in shaping our activities and achievements. The ideal temperature is more than just a number on a thermometer; it’s a state that resonates with our personal preferences and enhances our physical endeavors.

As I reminisce about my time in Vancouver and the pleasant surprise of yesterday’s weather, I realize that these moments are not just about the runs but about finding a deeper connection with our environment. It’s about how a simple thing like the temperature can influence our mood, performance, and enjoyment of the moment. This interplay between the external world and our internal states is a fascinating aspect of human experience that adds depth and color to our everyday lives.

Ultimately, the quest for the ideal running temperature is a profoundly personal journey that varies from individual to individual. For me, that slight chill in the air, tempered by the warmth of vigorous exercise, creates the perfect conditions for running. It’s a reminder that, in the ever-changing tapestry of life, some moments and places resonate with us in profound ways, elevating our simple pleasures into cherished memories.

Becoming a Stronger Runner: Adjusting Plans and Embracing the Weather

Written on February 18, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

As I reflect on my running and fitness journey, I can’t help but acknowledge a subtle but significant transformation: I am slowly but surely becoming a better runner and, undeniably, more potent than I was last year. This realization isn’t just about logging more miles or lifting heavier weights; it’s about intelligent adjustments to my training regime and a deeper understanding of my body’s capabilities and limits.

Setting a rigid schedule for increasing weights and repetitions might be the key to consistent progress. However, experience has taught me that a more flexible approach, one that’s tied to my ability to meet my current targets comfortably, is far superior. Last year, I adopted a rule where I would only progress to a more challenging exercise level after completing my routine ten times. This method, grounded in patience and persistence, enhanced my strength without overburdening my body. It’s a strategy I plan to carry into this year’s workouts, mainly to avoid the pitfalls of injuries – a lesson learned the hard way following a recent setback.

Weather, I’ve come to realize, plays a more crucial role in my running routine than I once thought. Living in the southern United States, Nashville provides a favorable climate for year-round outdoor activities. Yet, we’re not strangers to the occasional cold snap. Just yesterday, an unexpected drop in temperature cut my planned 10k run in half. The cold tests my endurance by forcing my body to expend extra energy to stay warm and challenges my willpower. Despite these hurdles, the beauty of residing in a Southern state like Tennessee is the brief nature of our cold spells. The forecast promises more agreeable, spring-like conditions, even in February, allowing me to look forward to resuming my complete exercise regimen.

My wife and I’s previous life in Canada puts these minor inconveniences into perspective. With their relentless cold, the Canadian winters made outdoor activities a much more daunting endeavor. Hence, Nashville’s climate is far more conducive to maintaining a consistent running schedule, and I remind myself not to dwell too much on the occasional chilly day.

Ultimately, the cornerstone of my journey is continuous health improvement. My commitment to exercise remains unwavering despite the challenges, including weather fluctuations and injuries. This path isn’t just about achieving personal bests or attaining specific fitness milestones; it’s about the enduring benefits of a healthier lifestyle and the joy of embracing every step of the journey, regardless of outside conditions.