Overcoming Double Vision: My Post-Stroke Experience

Hello, dear readers,

After my stroke, navigating through various physical challenges became my new normal. Among these challenges, double vision was a prominent hurdle I confronted. Ironically, it wasn’t me who detected it initially. During my initial days in the rehabilitation center, my loving wife frequently enquired if there were issues with my eyesight. I was overwhelmed with anxiety and preoccupied with relearning basic body functions, so I hadn’t realized this additional problem.

Only after my return home did the symptom of double vision become undeniably evident. Eager to address this, I consulted an ophthalmologist specializing in treating stroke patients. To my dismay, she diagnosed me with a syndrome connected to weakened eye muscles. This led to a disconcerting misalignment, causing my eyes to struggle to focus on a singular point.

The prescribed remedy was a regimen of daily eye exercises, which she mentioned could benefit anyone with aging eyes. The foundational principle of these exercises was relatively straightforward. I would extend one arm, keeping my gaze fixed on one of my fingers. I gradually shifted my arm from side to side, ensuring my eyes constantly trailed the moving finger. This activity was sustained until a palpable strain in my eyes signaled the end of a session.

The true marvel was in the transformation this seemingly simple routine fostered. Within a few weeks, the vexing double vision I was grappling with began to dissipate. And soon, although not perfect, my familiar vision was back.

As I pen this down, I intend to share a personal anecdote and offer a beacon of hope. After all, with resilience and the proper guidance, it’s possible to overcome the challenges life throws our way.

Stay inspired, and remember, every challenge is an opportunity in disguise.

Celebrating Fridays: Our Weekly Ritual

Hello, dear readers,

Fridays in our home have taken on a special significance. They are no longer just the gateway to the weekend; they have become a cherished weekly ritual that my wife and I eagerly anticipate. The essence of this ritual lies in the perfect blend of chores, relaxation, and indulgence. It’s a day when tasks meet treats, turning our routine into a celebration.

My Friday morning kickstarts with the hum of the washing machine. Weekly laundry is a task I’ve taken upon myself, and usually, by the end of it, our clothesline bears the weight of three full loads. But the chore seems simple, especially with what follows next.

As the first batch of clothes spins, I lace up for my regular run. The rhythm of my footsteps is meditative, and I return home not just physically rejuvenated but also mentally refreshed. By this time, the delightful aroma of barbeque teases our senses. Our neighborhood has recently been graced by a barbeque joint conveniently located just a stone’s throw away. This establishment has quickly become a crucial part of our Friday revelries. We order some mouth-watering carry-out, anticipating the feast that awaits.

Back home, we lay the table and indulge in our barbeque delights, complemented by the refreshing sip of cider. This isn’t just any cider, mind you. It’s the last remnants of the cider bottle we’d purchased the previous Saturday, making it all the more special. There’s something incredibly comforting about this simple meal. Perhaps it’s the flavors, or perhaps it’s the joy of sharing it with someone you love.

While the final round of laundry completes its cycle, the time arrives for the next task on my list. If you’ve been following my posts, you might recall my adventures with brewing kombucha. Fridays offer me the perfect opportunity to attend to my kombucha concoctions. The art of brewing, the patience it demands, and the eventual refreshing sip – it’s a process I cherish.

The beauty of our Friday ritual isn’t just in the tasks or the treats. It’s in our established rhythm, where chores don’t feel burdensome because they’re punctuated with moments of joy. Every fold of laundry, every bite of food, and every sip of drink reminds us that we can find happiness in the simplest of routines. The promise of this joy acts as a motivation, encouraging me to complete my chores with an added zest.

In wrapping up, Fridays in our home are not just about heralding the weekend. They’re a testament to how ordinary tasks can be transformed into extraordinary moments interspersed with love, laughter, and a little indulgence.

Embracing Sleep Patterns and Changing Habits

Today, I woke up later than I usually would. If you know me well, you know I’ve always had a tricky relationship with sleep. My natural tendency is to resist the allure of the bed, only succumbing to its embrace when my eyelids become too heavy to keep open. This means I’d push myself until the very last moment when I’d drop into slumber the minute my head touched the pillow. But this approach has its pitfalls. I often sleep late, so I stay up even later the following night, waiting for that same exhaustion to hit.

During the spring of this year, I decided it was time to shift gears and develop a healthier sleep pattern. So, I set a new goal: to wake up at 7 a.m. sharp, except on Thursdays and Sundays. These days, I allowed myself a little indulgence and set my alarm for 8 a.m. And guess what? This schedule worked wonders for me, and I followed it diligently. I also started using melatonin to ensure I drift off to dreamland without much ado. Its calming properties were just what I needed to ensure a peaceful night’s sleep.

However, today was an exception, reminding me that sometimes even the best-laid plans can go awry. But I’m determined not to let one slip throw me off my game. Tonight, I plan to get back on track, aligning my sleep with the schedule I’ve set for myself. External factors like daylight savings can play havoc with even the most regimented sleep routines. When the clocks are adjusted, I suggest shifting my alarms by an hour. This way, my waking hours remain consistent with the sun’s position, ensuring I benefit from natural light as much as possible.


In conclusion, sleep is a delicate dance of habits, routines, and external influences. The key is adjusting, adapting, and finding what works best for one’s body and mind. Here’s to more restful nights and energized mornings! 

Listening to Your Body: A Pineapple Upside Down Cake Experience

Hello dear readers,

Last evening, I decided to whisk together a delightful pineapple upside-down cake. The inspiration? A random recommendation from YouTube. Interestingly, this isn’t just any cake – it filled numerous slices of my childhood memories with sweet, tangy goodness. On the other hand, my wife was unfamiliar with this classic dessert. So, when she tasted it for the first time and grabbed a second slice, I knew I had hit the mark.

Relishing each bite of the cake was incredibly satisfying. Every mouthful blended nostalgia, sweetness, and that comforting feel you get from good food. And while I thoroughly enjoyed the cake for its flavor, there was another reason it felt so right: my body needed it.

Here’s an observation I’ve made over time: my regular exercise routine and my dietary habits often leave me with a subtle caloric deficit. This doesn’t mean I’m starving or devoid of energy. Instead, it hints at periods when my body might require extra fuel. And that’s precisely where intuitive eating comes in.

Intuitive eating – a term that resonates with listening to your body’s needs. It’s about understanding those tiny signals our body sends us, like when we’re hungry or tired. These cues, however subtle, are essential. In its inherent wisdom, our body tells us precisely what it needs. It might require rest after a rigorous workout or crave certain foods that need specific nutrients. In my case, it sometimes asks for a slice (or two) of a pineapple upside-down cake to fill a caloric gap.

However, and this is crucial, the challenge lies in distinguishing genuine body signals from mind games. Our minds are tricky players. They can sometimes convince us that we’re hungry when we’re bored or need to sleep when we’re merely avoiding tasks. It’s an art to differentiate between the two and a skill worth mastering. We can make decisions that benefit our health and well-being by tuning into our genuine physical needs and differentiating them from emotional or mental impulses.

So, why am I sharing all this alongside my baking endeavor? With the cake in front of me, I realized how attuned I was to my body’s needs. That cake wasn’t just a delightful dessert but also a testament to the importance of being in sync with oneself. It served as a sweet reminder that, while indulgences are great, they are best enjoyed when they align with what our body genuinely wants.

In essence, the next time you find yourself reaching for that slice of cake, or any treat for that matter, pause and reflect. Is your body genuinely asking for it, or is it just a fleeting whim? Knowing the difference makes all the difference.

To sum up, listen to your body. It often knows better than we give it credit for. Whether it’s asking for rest, nourishment, or even the occasional treat, we must heed its call. And sometimes, that call is for a delicious pineapple upside-down cake.

A Reflection on Personal Growth and Developing Self-Care Routines Post-Stroke

Hello dear readers,

Navigating life post-stroke has been a journey paved with deliberate routines and self-improvement. A significant aspect of this journey has been the establishment of a series of routines, primarily developed to alleviate the responsibilities shouldered by my wife. While these routines primarily aimed to ease her burden, they inadvertently led to the evolution of my self-care practices, marking a pivotal shift in my daily life.

My exercise routines significantly epitomize the change in my self-care habits. However, a more subtle yet equally important transformation has occurred in my approach to personal hygiene. Admittedly, before my stroke, my dedication to maintaining hygiene was not up to the mark, something I now acknowledge with a tinge of embarrassment. My approach to tasks such as brushing my teeth and showering was rather lackadaisical, often being deferred until absolutely necessary.

This lax attitude towards personal hygiene was emblematic of a broader neglect for structured routines, resulting in tasks being addressed only when they became pressing issues rather than preemptively managed through a systematic schedule. I would often forgo brushing my teeth before bedtime and treated showering as an irregular, need-based activity. This procrastination undoubtedly led to lapses in maintaining an optimal level of cleanliness.

However, the adversities following my stroke catalyzed change, prompting a radical shift in my self-care routines. I revamped my approach to personal hygiene, establishing regular and optimized routines for showering and oral care. This transformation has not only enabled me to maintain a higher standard of cleanliness than before my stroke but has also instilled a sense of pride in my newfound commitment to self-care.

This newfound pride, however, casts a shadow on my previous lack of discipline, intensifying the embarrassment I feel about my past behavior. Reflecting upon this, my previous approach to life could be characterized by a lack of structured habits rather than merely having poor ones. Tasks were addressed reactively, demanding attention only when they escalated into problems instead of being proactively managed through a well-organized schedule.

The transformation in my self-care routines, prompted by my stroke, signifies more than just a change in habits; it marks a journey of personal growth and self-reflection. While many might categorize my previous lifestyle as being plagued by bad habits, I perceive it as a time when I lacked structured routines, addressing tasks only when they became urgent rather than proactively managing them.

In retrospect, I feel a sense of accomplishment in how I have turned a page in my life, developing self-care routines that have greatly surpassed my pre-stroke levels. However, this pride is accompanied by a heightened sense of shame for my previous negligence, serving as a constant reminder of the importance of maintaining disciplined habits.

Despite the embarrassment, this journey of self-improvement post-stroke has been enlightening, teaching me the value of structured routines and proactive self-care. It has been a testament to the potential for positive change, even in the face of adversity, and the importance of reflecting on one’s habits and continually striving for improvement.

Crafting My Path: Unveiling My Ten-Week Chess Improvement Strategy

Hello dear readers,

Embarking on a journey of personal growth and skill enhancement, yesterday marked the culmination of my meticulous efforts in drafting a comprehensive chess improvement plan. With the serene ambiance post-dishwashing and the anticipatory aroma of the next day’s coffee setting the stage, I’ve dedicated myself to devoting a substantial 90 minutes each day to the intricate art of chess.

In the vast and intriguing landscape of chess, openings form the initial steps that lead to the myriad possibilities of the game. Recognizing their significance, I’ve carefully curated a list of 10 esteemed openings, each holding the potential to unravel new layers of strategic depth. The intriguing aspect of this endeavor is not just the diversity of the openings but the systematic approach I’ve adopted to study them. Every week, a selected opening from the list becomes the focal point of my exploration.

Mondays, the heralds of a new week, are dedicated to adjusting a well-structured template study plan, aligning it with the nuances and subtleties of the specific opening chosen. This initial adaptation lays down a solid foundation, facilitating a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the opening throughout the week. From Tuesday to Friday, I diligently adhere to the tailored plan, immersing myself in the intricacies and strategies that each unique opening presents. This structured approach ensures a gradual yet comprehensive grasp of the selected opening, paving the way for mastery.

Weekends bring with them a different flavor to my chess improvement journey. Stepping away from the theoretical and strategic studies, I engage in practical application by playing a game or two against the unrelenting and unbiased computer. This transition from theory to practice is instrumental, as it allows me to witness the real-time application and effectiveness of the strategies I’ve been immersed in throughout the week. The computer, with its calculated precision and absence of human error, serves as a formidable opponent, challenging me to elevate my game.

Spanning across ten weeks, this meticulously crafted plan offers a balanced blend of theory, strategy, and practical application, each component reinforcing the other. As I navigate through the varied openings and adapt my strategies, I am not just learning; I am evolving, refining my approach and enhancing my skills with every passing day. The journey, while demanding, is as enriching as the game of chess itself – filled with endless possibilities, challenges, and moments of triumph.

As the final week approaches and the completion of the ten-week journey is on the horizon, the anticipation builds. With enhanced skills and a plethora of new strategies under my belt, I will start scouting for a local tournament. This will serve as the ultimate testing ground, a platform to apply, assess, and showcase the knowledge and skills I’ve accumulated. The tournament is not just a competition; it’s a reflection of my growth, a manifestation of my dedication, and a testament to the effectiveness of my chess improvement plan.


In conclusion, this ten-week chess improvement journey is more than a structured learning experience. It’s a personal endeavor of growth, reflection, and continuous learning. Through a balanced mix of study and practice, adaptation and application, I am not only navigating the complex world of chess openings but also crafting my path towards mastery. As I look forward to the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead, I am reminded that, like chess, life too is a game of endless possibilities and strategic moves.

Journey to Independence: Managing Medication after a Stroke and Kidney Failure

Hello dear readers,

Embarking on a journey of recovering and adjusting after being diagnosed with kidney failure and experiencing a stroke, one of the first tasks I embraced was refilling my pillbox, a responsibility my loving wife initially shouldered. Medicine became routine in the dawning days of this journey, marking my mornings and nights with the regularity of a ticking clock. It was my wife who, with tender care, refilled the pillbox and managed the reordering of the medicines as the need arose.

As the weeks unfolded and I became more acclimated to being back in the familiar surroundings of our home, I began assisting my wife with this task. With keen eyes and an attentive mind, I observed her process, anticipating the day I would take on this responsibility. My wife, the pillar of support she’s always been, patiently guided me and watched as I took tentative steps in managing my medication.

After observing her meticulous process for a few weeks, it was my turn to step into the spotlight. My wife watched as I took the reins, and upon being satisfied with my proficiency, she entrusted me with this task, allowing me the freedom to manage it on my own schedule. Thursdays suited me best for this task. The reason being, while refilling, I could assess if any prescriptions needed replenishment. Placing an order on Thursday meant we could conveniently pick up the medicines from the pharmacy over the weekend.

My strategy to ensure the accurate refilling of my pillbox is methodical yet straightforward. I begin by emptying the small storage box containing the myriad of medicine bottles. As I allocate a pill from each bottle into the designated day compartment of the pillbox, I return the bottle to its abode in the storage box, continuing this process until each bottle has been attended to. The final step in my routine involves a swift count of the pills in each compartment before sealing them securely. This meticulous count ensures that no pill has found its way into the wrong compartment, maintaining the order crucial for my health.

Over the past couple of years, this process has seen only minimal changes. The most notable difference is the shift in the pharmacy we use and our preference for delivering the medicines to our doorstep. This convenient service means our weekends are no longer marked by trips to the pharmacy, allowing us more leisurely time together.

The journey through stroke recovery and managing kidney failure has been marked by adaptation and learning. Taking over the responsibility of refilling my pillbox has been a significant step towards independence, symbolizing my ability to manage aspects of my care. While the routine is simple, it signifies a triumph, a small victory in my journey toward autonomy and well-being.

I hope to inspire and encourage others to navigate similar paths by sharing this. The road to recovery and adjustment is paved with small victories, each step marking progress and growth. Here’s to celebrating every achievement, no matter how small, and embracing the journey with hope and resilience.

Crafting Tomorrow: The Influence of Nightly Planning on Daily Tasks

Hello, cherished readers,

Every night, as the tranquil hush of impending slumber envelops me, I indulge in crafting a meticulous list of tasks for the upcoming day. This ritual, albeit simple, has become an integral part of my nightly routine, bridging the realms of rest and readiness. At times, this involves a candid conversation with my wife, enquiring about any shared plans or activities we might have on the horizon. It could be a shopping excursion for athletic shoes or perhaps a visit to the familiar aisles of our favored Asian grocery store.

My wife harbors a penchant for tackling these errands bright and early, setting the tone for the day with a burst of productivity. Knowing that these activities are lined up serves as a gentle nudge, encouraging me to rise and shine promptly, resisting the lingering temptation to indulge in a few more moments of blissful slumber.

Regardless of the nature of the tasks, whether they elicit joy or are somewhat mundane, I’ve discovered that anticipating them plays a pivotal role in their successful accomplishment. Suppose the tasks in question are not particularly enjoyable. In that case, pre-planning serves as a form of mental preparation, like bracing oneself for an impending impact. Conversely, suppose they are activities I find pleasure in. In that case, the anticipation allows me to savor the joy even before the task has commenced.

This nightly ritual of mapping out the subsequent day’s tasks has bestowed upon me a sense of direction and purpose. It acts as a compass, navigating me through the labyrinth of daily responsibilities and pursuits, ensuring I embark on each day with clarity and resolve. It is akin to laying down the foundation of a structure, providing the stability and support needed for the ensuing construction.

Moreover, the act of planning cultivates a mindset of readiness and adaptability. It transforms the unknown landscape of tomorrow into a well-charted territory, where each step is deliberate and every action purposeful. This transformation is not just about organization but also about fostering a mental state where motivation and anticipation are interwoven into the fabric of my day.

In addition, this practice has played a significant role in enhancing my relationship with my wife. The nightly dialogues have become a sanctuary of shared aspirations and mutual understanding. They offer a glimpse into each other’s worlds, fostering a deeper connection and a harmonious synchronization of our daily rhythms.

In conclusion, the simple act of nightly planning has rippling effects on my daily life. It not only helps in structuring my day but also fortifies the mental fortitude needed to face both enjoyable and challenging tasks. It fosters a symbiotic relationship with my partner, aligning our paths and nurturing a shared vision for the day ahead. So, dear readers, I invite you to explore the potential that lies in the quiet moments before sleep in crafting tomorrow today.

Embarking on a New Chess Learning Journey: Renewed Strategies and Small Steps

Hello to my cherished readers,

Since penning down my thoughts on neurofatigue and reflecting on how it used to encumber my progress while immersing myself in the world of chess, the idea of revisiting my chess studies has been brewing in my mind. However, this time, I’m inspired to leverage the invaluable lessons I’ve garnered in the realm of forming habits, establishing routines, and making incremental progress toward my goals. The conception of this endeavor excites me, and though it will necessitate some time to craft a practical approach, the anticipation only fuels my enthusiasm.

Delving back into chess, I want to ensure that my methodology is refined and well-structured. The planning process is crucial, and I intend to devote considerable time to it. My aim is not just to rekindle my acquaintance with the game but to deepen my understanding and mastery of it. The prospect of embarking on this journey fills me with anticipation, and I am eager to explore chess’s myriad possibilities.

I am currently in the process of sketching a rough outline, delineating what I aspire to achieve and the strategies I will employ to commence this journey. One of the initial steps I am contemplating is to identify ten chess openings that will be the focal point of my study. These openings will form the foundation of my learning, and I plan to dedicate a week to delve into the intricacies and nuances of each one. This approach will allow me to build a robust base and gain a deeper insight into the diverse strategies and tactics employed in the game.

Setting a definite start date and allotting regular time for study are also integral components of my plan. Consistency is key in any learning endeavor, and by establishing a routine, I aim to ensure that my studies are systematic and productive. I am in the process of fine-tuning the details, and once the plan is more concrete, I am eager to share the specifics with you all. Your insights and feedback will be invaluable as I navigate this exciting journey.

The prospect of rekindling my passion for chess, armed with newfound knowledge and strategies, is invigorating. I am keenly aware of the challenges that lie ahead. Still, I am equally cognizant of the rewards of perseverance and dedication. This endeavor is not just about revisiting a past interest; it is about evolving my approach, enhancing my skills, and achieving a deeper understanding and appreciation of the game.

I eagerly look forward to this journey’s myriad of learnings and experiences. The world of chess is vast and varied, and I am excited to explore its depths, uncover its secrets, and share my journey with you. The planning phase is a time of reflection and strategizing. I am embracing it with open arms, looking forward to the possibilities that await.

In closing, I am enthusiastic about this new chapter and am diligently working towards crafting a well-thought-out plan. The journey promises to be enlightening, and I am eager to share my progress, learnings, and experiences with you. Keep an eye out for updates as I continue to refine my approach and embark on this exciting venture into the captivating world of chess.

The Power of Consistency: One Week of Daily Blogging and the Journey Ahead

Hello to our wonderful community of readers,

It has been a somber period for my wife and me since the heartbreaking passing of our dearly beloved cat, Gambi. Our home has felt a bit emptier, our routines a little less bright, and our hearts burdened with the weight of mourning. In the wake of this loss, we’ve been traversing the challenging journey of grief, remembering Gambi’s tender meows and playful antics while grappling with the void left in her absence.

Amid our sorrow, an unexpected beam of light arrived at our doorstep yesterday, courtesy of my thoughtful mother and sisters. They extended a gesture of love and consolation by sending us a quaint yet immensely meaningful gift – a small pillow graced with two printed pictures of our sweet Gambi. The images captured her spirit beautifully, reminding us of the joy and love she infused into our lives.

Upon receiving this sentimental token, we were compelled to give it a place of honor on our bed, where Gambi used to snuggle and purr contentedly. That night, as we held the pillow close, tears flowed freely, each drop a testament to our love for our cherished feline companion. In those moments of vulnerability, the pillow became a source of solace, a tangible reminder of the bond we shared with Gambi.

Interestingly, I pondered the realization that, left to my own devices, I might never have ventured to purchase such a unique memorial item. The concept of a pillow adorned with Gambi’s likeness wasn’t something I was familiar with, nor something I actively sought. However, now that this precious gift is in our possession, I am profoundly grateful. It’s as if, through this pillow, Gambi has returned to offer warm cuddles and comforting purrs, easing the sharp sting of loss.

As we continue to navigate the tumultuous seas of grief, this pillow serves as a gentle anchor, allowing us to find a balance between mourning our loss and celebrating the myriad moments of joy Gambi brought into our lives. The pain of her absence remains, yet the pillow helps us focus on the beautiful memories we created together, fostering a sense of peace and gratitude.

For anyone who has experienced the profound loss of a beloved pet, consider exploring the option of a similar memorial item. Our pillow was crafted by the talented team at Shutterfly, encapsulating Gambi’s essence and providing a tangible way to honor her memory.

Ultimately, while the void left by Gambi’s departure will never fully dissipate, the memorial pillow symbolizes enduring love and cherished memories. It has brought us comfort in our mourning. I believe it may offer solace to others navigating the complex terrain of grief as a reminder of the joy and love our pets bring into our lives.

Thank you for allowing me to share this personal journey with you, dear readers. May we all find ways to honor and remember our furry friends who have crossed the rainbow bridge, cherishing the love and warmth they brought into our hearts.