Celebrating Progress On Hitting My Running Pace

Written Septermber 6, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Today brought some good news—my efforts have finally paid off. During my run, I achieved the pace I’ve been aiming for as part of my end-of-year goal. This achievement is a significant milestone for me, and it feels incredible to see my progress. Because of this success, I’ve set a new rule for myself: for each run, I will reduce my pace time by 5 seconds. The challenge I’ve given myself is to beat this reduced pace twice in a row, with no more than two failures in between. Once I accomplish that, I’ll lock in my end-of-year pace goal at the new speed.

One thing I’ve come to realize is how different it feels to focus on pace rather than just distance. Initially, my running goals were all about how far I could go. But now, I’ve become more conscious of the nuances involved in pacing myself, and it’s an entirely different experience. Running pace can fluctuate based on many factors I hadn’t considered before. For example, external temperature can give me a boost or slow me down considerably. Cooler days tend to energize me, while hotter days can make running feel like an uphill battle. Similarly, wind and weather conditions greatly influence how well I perform. A strong headwind can be exhausting, while a nice tailwind makes me feel like flying.

My physical condition is another critical factor. One day, I might feel full of energy and ready to tackle my run, while the next day, my body might feel heavy, making it harder to keep a steady pace. These variables make running a more dynamic challenge than I initially anticipated, and it has taught me to be flexible with my expectations.

In addition to pacing, I’ve also learned the importance of taking care of my body during this journey. Overexertion is a real risk, especially when the weather is extreme. Running too long in the blazing summer heat can be dangerous, mainly if I run low on water. I must constantly monitor hydration, as it can make or break a good run. Additionally, I’ve realized that I need to prioritize rest when my muscles are sore or not recovering properly. Pushing through without adequate recovery could lead to injuries or setbacks, which I want to avoid.

I also have specific dietary restrictions that make recovery more challenging. Since I have limits on my protein intake, I have to be careful not to lose muscle through overexertion. Muscle loss is a real concern for me, so I’m mindful of balancing my exercise with the nutrients my body needs to repair and grow. Monitoring my calorie intake is another part of the process. I need to fuel my body for these runs without going overboard. Through it all, I remind myself I’m running to improve and strengthen my body—not harm it. This is a promise I made to myself when I first started running, and it’s something I hold onto as I continue to progress.

My running journey began after I lost mobility due to a brain stroke. It was a tough time, but after several months of rehabilitation, I was able to walk again. Eventually, I worked my way up to running, a huge victory. Now, I’m running and pushing myself to get faster. While it’s still a struggle to improve my speed, I’m determined to keep going, step by step.

Today, I want to celebrate my success. It’s easy to get caught up in the next goal, the next challenge, but it’s essential to take a moment to appreciate how far I’ve come. I’m thrilled with how today’s run went, and it serves as a reminder that progress is possible, no matter how difficult the journey may seem.

I look forward to what comes next and am excited to see where this running journey takes me.

Discovering the World of Banned Books

~ What I Learned from Reading 10 Banned Books

For the past four months, I have been exploring various banned books as a new project for this year. I discovered these titles in a book I purchased during my last trip to Key West. Although I was aware that some books carry mature ratings, I was surprised to learn that certain books are banned in the United States. Given how much I read, my husband found it odd that I didn’t know about this.

Since my 20s, I have been curious about the types of books North Americans read, so I explored many titles from bestseller lists. Until now, it has not even clicked once that some books have faced bans, so I have never specifically looked into them. My curiosity was piqued when I wondered what could lead to a book being banned in the United States. This reading project began primarily as a way to satisfy that curiosity.

The books are usually banned due to the following reasons: Sexually explicit, violent, unsuited to age groups, LGBTQIA content, profanity, political viewpoint, and so on. For example, The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood was banned due to profanity and “vulgarity and sexual overtures.” (The American Library Association, 2022),

To clarify, “banned books” in the United States doesn’t mean they’re entirely inaccessible. They are still available in physical and online bookstores; you can own and read them. However, you might not find them in specific public spaces like schools or libraries. 

So far, I’ve analyzed and blogged about ten banned books, and each one has been a fascinating learning experience. In this blog, I want to reflect on what I’ve gained from reading and analyzing these controversial works.

Navigating the World of Literary Analysis

One of the biggest challenges I encountered during this project was realizing that, despite the number of books I’ve read, I lacked experience in literary criticism. While I’ve written about books and occasionally analyzed them for blog posts, I have no formal training in literary critique. I naively believed my passion for reading would suffice, but I quickly discovered that was not enough. I realized This when I read “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood. I could sense the quality of the writing but struggled to articulate why I thought the book was excellent.

Books like Homer’s Iliad or Shakespeare’s Hamlet have been celebrated for centuries, but what about modern works like The Handmaid’s Tale? Having a good rating doesn’t automatically make a book legendary. It’s a well-written book, but how do I evaluate its merit beyond its popularity? A legendary book can be published at any time, but understanding its value requires a logical approach to analysis.

To address this gap, I began studying literary analysis, taking extensive notes on each book I read. I even bought a textbook on literary critique. My analysis is still evolving, but my notes have significantly improved since the start of this project. I often feel the urge to revisit my earlier reviews and refine my thoughts.

Even with my basic understanding of literary techniques, reading a book transforms the experience. It’s like visiting the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam and discovering the hidden layers beneath his paintings. I never thought of acquiring this knowledge before. Still, it has enriched my reading experience immensely because I am in constant dialogue with the author, which I thoroughly enjoy even though my reading speed has slowed.

Expanding Awareness of Social Issues

All the books I’ve read in this project have been provocative in some way, challenging me to confront uncomfortable truths. Each one addresses significant social issues, prompting me to conduct contextual research using statistics, newspapers, journals, and websites related to the themes explored in the books.

Coming from a relatively privileged background, I wasn’t fully aware of many of these issues. I knew they existed but never engaged with them deeply. Reading and analyzing these books has forced me to process and reflect on these realities. It’s like Plato’s allegory of the cave—I feel as though I’ve emerged from the darkness to see the light.

Some of these books affected me so profoundly that I struggled with their impact. My husband noticed my distress and worried about how deeply I was affected. To maintain my mental balance, I read lighter books in between. I feel a sense of guilt, knowing that people living these realities can’t escape them as I can with a different book.

The Fluidity of Morality

Before diving deeper into this topic, I want to start with a few questions: What defines an action or thought as moral? Who decides these standards, and how do they evolve over time? I grew up in a culture where social norms and expectations differed vastly from North America’s. When I moved here in my teens, I was struck by the distinct moral landscape. This cultural shift forced me to confront the idea that morality is not universal but somewhat shaped by context and background. I became aware of the danger of hastily labeling actions as moral or immoral based solely on my upbringing and values.

However, I hadn’t fully considered until recently how much time also influences our understanding of morality. It’s easy to overlook this aspect, but language and societal values constantly evolve. Once acceptable words are considered offensive, behaviors once deemed appropriate are now frowned upon. As I delved into historical novels like The Awakening by Kate Chopin and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, I saw how much societal expectations have shifted over the decades. These books highlighted the norms of their time, and I grappled with the moral dilemmas presented in them.

This realization of the fluidity of morality led me to reflect on Michel Foucault’s ideas about how morality intertwines each era’s power structures and social constructs. He argued that our sense of right and wrong is not fixed but changes according to the needs and priorities of the ruling powers at the time. This concept is explored in his works, such as Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison and The History of Sexuality. Foucault’s theories have helped me understand why something considered acceptable in one era might be deemed immoral in another.

Through this project of reading banned books, I’ve realized that my previous understanding of morality was limited. I used to think of morals as a static set of guidelines, but now I see them as dynamic and fluid, influenced by time, place, and power. This revelation has been both unsettling and enlightening. It has prompted me to question my own beliefs and to approach each book, not with the intent to judge but with an open mind, seeking to understand the context and complexity behind the moral choices of its characters.

Reflecting on the Journey So Far

Although I’m still in the early stages of this project, the experience has already been transformative. I initially set out to explore banned books out of curiosity, not fully aware of the profound impact they would have on me. Now, just 10% into the project, I realize that this journey is about reading controversial literature and challenging my beliefs and assumptions.

One of the most significant changes has been how I approach literary criticism. I used to believe a genuine passion for reading was enough to evaluate books. Still, I now see the value of a more structured, analytical approach. Understanding the historical and cultural contexts, identifying themes, and examining the use of literary devices have all enriched my reading experience. These tools have enabled me to delve deeper into each book, uncovering layers of meaning I would have otherwise missed.

In addition to gaining a better appreciation for literary analysis, I’ve become more aware of the social issues embedded in these banned books. Each one, in its own way, reflects the struggles and injustices of its time, many of which are still relevant today, forcing me to confront uncomfortable truths and consider perspectives I hadn’t fully acknowledged before. It’s a humbling experience, reminding me of the power of literature to spark meaningful conversations.

Finally, my understanding of morality has evolved. I’ve seen it as a complex, shifting construct influenced by time, culture, and power dynamics. This realization has made me more empathetic and open-minded, both as a reader and as a person.

As I continue this project, I’m excited to see how much more I will learn and grow. I’m approaching each new book with a sense of curiosity and an eagerness to be challenged. This journey is far from over, but I know it’s one of the most rewarding endeavors I’ve ever undertaken.

I’m only beginning this journey, but it has already transformed me. My views on the importance of literary criticism, social awareness, and moral ambiguity have expanded and deepened. As I continue reading, I look forward to discovering more about myself and the world through the lens of these controversial books.

Staying Positive on My Running Journey: Celebrating Small Wins

Written September 4, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Sometimes, reaching a target requires more effort than expected. Recently, I’ve been working diligently to increase my running pace, aiming to hit my 5km goal. I do not set unrealistic expectations for myself, but I believe in challenging my limits with monthly targets. I strive to improve each month, even by a small margin. Progress keeps me motivated and focused on my goals, no matter how incremental.

Today, I came within 5 seconds of my target pace, but I’m still falling short of where I want to be. Part of the struggle may be that I haven’t fully recovered from last weekend’s intense deck-building project. That physical exertion and my running routine have taken a toll on my body. Perhaps I’m pushing too hard. With compromised kidneys, my energy levels tend to dip quickly, and it doesn’t help that I’ve been struggling to maintain my protein intake. This lack of proper nutrition impacts my stamina and overall performance.

My wife often reminds me to ease up on myself and not let the numbers be a source of frustration. She’s right when she says that getting hung up on disappointing results can trigger people to lose motivation and give up. It’s easy to fall into the trap of obsessing over numbers and feeling like you’re not progressing fast enough. But I try not to rely on motivation alone, as it can be fleeting. I choose to look at it differently: being just 5 seconds off means I’m close, and with a little more effort, I can achieve that target on my next run.

Chasing after goals can be challenging, especially when progress feels slow or stagnant. There are moments when doubt creeps in, and I start questioning how long it will take to see the improvements I want. How much longer will my slow improvement continue? When those thoughts arise, I remind myself to shift my perspective and review my progress over a longer timeframe. In doing so, I can see that my pace is gradually improving. Although it’s not happening as quickly as I’d like, the improvement is there, and that’s what matters.

I’ve learned there’s no need for drastic course corrections. What I need is patience and persistence. My wife calls that discipline—and I couldn’t agree more. Discipline keeps me lacing up my shoes and heading out the door, even when the numbers aren’t where I want them to be. It’s about trusting the process and believing that consistent effort will eventually yield the results I’m aiming for.

While my running hasn’t been as smooth lately, I’m noticing improvements in other areas of my fitness journey. I’ve started incorporating daily stretching into my routine, and the results have been remarkable. My flexibility has increased dramatically compared to a month ago. I’m now able to perform stretches that were previously challenging for me. It’s a reminder that progress comes in many forms, even if it’s not always where we expect it.

Ultimately, it’s not just about reaching a specific pace or achieving a particular milestone. It’s about the overall journey of self-improvement, pushing through setbacks, and celebrating the small victories. Whether it’s a faster run or greater flexibility, every step forward counts. And with that mindset, I’ll keep moving forward, one run at a time.

The Secrets to Improve in Running is Recovery and Embracing Your Strength

Written September 2, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Recently, I’ve noticed that my body hasn’t been recovering as well as I’d like. Over the past few days, I’ve been pushing myself hard, not just with running but also with yard work, and it’s starting to show. One of the more challenging aspects of managing my kidney condition is how it impacts muscle repair. My body doesn’t bounce back as quickly, and the restrictions on my diet certainly play a role. I’m limited in what I can eat, affecting my body’s healing ability. Surprisingly, I’ve adapted pretty well to the dietary limitations—they don’t frustrate me much anymore. But when I push my physical limits, I feel the consequences.

This year, I’ve consciously tried to improve my running pace. I’ve been running for several years, and until last year, I focused on completing 10 km runs. I enjoyed the challenge of reaching that distance, but now I’m shifting my focus. It’s not just about running far anymore; I want to run faster. Since we live in a hilly area, my runs always begin with a significant challenge—a 17-meter elevation gain immediately. I know some runners actively seek out hills for training, but for me, it’s just the reality of running in my neighborhood. There’s no way around it. In a way, I guess we’re fortunate. Others come here specifically to train on hills, but it’s simply part of the landscape for us. Every run starts with a climb, whether I like it or not.

This morning, I was disappointed with my pace. I’ve developed a habit of analyzing my runs and trying to figure out what factors might be impacting my performance. Was it the terrain? Was I more fatigued than I realized? There’s always something to consider. My runner wife often reminds me that discipline is more important than constantly worrying about numbers. She says running is unpredictable, and there can be many factors—weather, how well I’ve slept, stress levels, and even the amount of yard work I’ve done the day before. What matters most is that I don’t give up.

And she’s right. The important thing is that I keep running. No matter what, I’m putting in the effort, ultimately leading to improvement. While it’s easy to get fixated on pace, I know I’ve worked hard, and that’s where the real value lies. The numbers will eventually catch up to the effort. Improvement might come slower than I’d like, and it might not always be smooth. There will be setbacks, and some days will feel like I’m running through mud. But I know I’ll see progress as long as I keep putting one foot before the other.

The pace won’t improve as quickly as I’d hoped, and I may have more days where recovery feels frustratingly slow. But I’m learning that it’s okay. It’s part of the journey. And with consistency, I’ll get there—step by step, day by day.

Tackling a Deck Cleaning in the Summer Heat

Written August 30, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday’s work still made me feel stiff this morning. I’m not precisely sore, but I am definitely drained. My wife and I are in the middle of a big home improvement project: repairing and staining our deck. We’ve been clearing out the weeds and debris around it for the past few days to prepare for the work ahead. Yesterday was the big task of power washing everything, and while we managed to get a lot done, it definitely took a toll on both of us.

We woke up early because my wife had rented the power washer and wanted to get started as soon as possible. She was worried about fitting everything into the car, but I wasn’t too concerned. We’ve got an 18-year-old Toyota Corolla that my wife absolutely loves. It’s needed a few repairs over the years, but it’s been surprisingly reliable. Despite its age, it’s still going strong. That said, my wife gets frustrated with its small size when carrying renovation supplies.

Yesterday was no exception. We had a list of things to buy before we could get started. In addition to renting the power washer, we needed a few jugs of deck cleaner and a new scrubbing brush. Our old one had broken, and we wanted to ensure we had everything on hand before starting. So, we headed over to Home Depot to grab the supplies. It was a bit of a tight fit, but we managed to cram the rented power washer and all the supplies into our little coupe.

Once we got home, the real work began. My wife rented the power washer for nearly the entire day and was determined to make the most of it. Not only did we clean the deck, but we also tackled the siding and the driveway. It was a long day, made even more challenging by the weather. The temperature hit over 100°F, and even though we managed to finish before the full heat of the afternoon set in, it was still scorching and humid.

The chemicals in the deck cleaner didn’t help either. My wife felt sick from the fumes, becoming dizzy and queasy as we worked. We powered through it, though, and managed to get everything done. By the end of the day, the deck, siding, and driveway were all sparkling clean. Despite the exhaustion and discomfort, seeing the progress we had made was satisfying.

Our next project will be repairing the deck stairs, which were damaged a while back when we had a tree removed. We didn’t get as early of a start as we had hoped, thanks to my alarm being set later than planned, but we still accomplished our main goal of cleaning everything. The deck is now prepped and ready for the next phase: staining. However, we’ll need to wait until the temperatures drop before we tackle that. In this heat, staining the deck wouldn’t be ideal.

We’re relieved to have completed the hardest part of the job. There’s still more work to be done, but at least we’ve made a solid start. Home improvement projects can be tiring, but they’re always worth it.

Lawn Care, Falling Leaves, and Easy Fall Chores

Written 8/27/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

As autumn slowly arrives in Nashville, I can feel the subtle shift in the air and see signs of the season’s change. The once rapidly growing grass has largely ceased its energetic push toward the sky, and the cooler weather has made everything feel a bit more relaxed. With the recent lack of rainfall, the trees have already started shedding their leaves earlier than expected. It’s a sight that marks the beginning of a new chapter for the landscape, with dried leaves decorating the ground and the lawn no longer demanding as much attention.

The lack of rain and the cooler temperatures have significantly prevented the lawn from its usual growth spurt. That’s why I decided to skip mowing for the first time in months. The grass didn’t look eager to grow, and with the season transitioning, it felt like a good time to pause. However, if you know Nashville’s weather, you know it’s unpredictable. While it might feel like the mowing season is over, there’s always the chance that a warm front will come through, pushing the grass into a final burst of growth before winter sets in. I’ll have to keep monitoring it over the next few weeks, reassessing as I go to see if the lawn needs one last cut or if we can officially retire the mower for the year.

Mowing the lawn has been a key part of my summer routine, but other outdoor chores take center stage as the season changes. The fallen leaves are already creating a patchwork carpet across the yard. As they pile up, they’ll need to be dealt with before they get wet and decompose, making them even more challenging to clear away. Leaf removal is a task that only intensifies as autumn progresses, and I’ll have my hands full before long.

Meanwhile, my wife has taken the initiative to tidy up around the house by tackling the wedding on the weekends. Weeding is another job that tends to escalate this time of year, so I’ll likely join her efforts this week to help ensure everything stays in shape.

We’re bracing for temperatures to spike again, with forecasts predicting highs over 100°F (38°C) on Thursday and Friday. My wife isn’t thrilled about the heatwave. Still, she’s already set on tackling another big project—power washing the siding, deck, and driveway. It’s a daunting task in such extreme weather, but it will be rewarding to have everything looking fresh and clean as we move into fall.

With the changing season comes new challenges and responsibilities, but it’s all part of maintaining our home as we welcome autumn in Nashville.

Echoes of Hamlet in A Dark Fairy Tale

From Reading The Kingdom of Little Wounds, Susann Cokal

The Kingdom of Little Wounds by Susann Cokal is the 10th book I’ve read as part of my project on banned books. Set in a Scandinavian court, the novel immediately recalls Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Throughout the story, the author’s admiration for Shakespeare is evident, and knowing that her ancestors were from Denmark adds a personal touch to this connection.

King Christine looking into Stars - Created via NightCafe

The book struck me as a dark fairy tale when I began reading. The narrative unfolds through multiple perspectives, with some chapters beginning like brief fables, adding to its eerie charm. What truly captivated me was the depth of research Cokal put into Medieval Europe, bringing the historical setting to life.

As for my background, I studied just one course on Medieval Europe during my undergraduate years, in addition to the general Western history taught in high school. While I’ve always been fascinated by history and supplemented my learning with additional reading, I want to be clear that my understanding is self-taught, and I don’t claim to be an expert on the subject.

At first, I struggled to understand the author’s purpose, so I explored the historical context further. After delving into the history, I reached key conclusions about the story’s underlying themes.

Plot Summary of “The Kingdom of Little Wound”

In the royal court of Skyggehavn, Princess Sophia, a king’s favorite daughter, dies mysteriously on her wedding night after screaming in pain. Poison is suspected, and the royal household is thrown into chaos. Elinor, the countess who oversees the nursery and serves as lady-in-waiting to the queen, is implicated. She is also the queen’s confidante, and it is revealed that Elinor has a secret lover and may have poisoned the princess.

Ava, a seamstress imprisoned for accidentally injuring the queen with her needlework, becomes entangled in the court’s dark intrigue. Used by Nicolas, a power-hungry court official, as both a spy and his sexual plaything, Ava falsely reports that Elinor is having an affair with Sir George, the Secretary of State. As a result, Elinor and Sir George are imprisoned, and Nicolas strengthens his influence over the court. Meanwhile, Elinor confesses that she and the queen have poisoned royal infants in the past.

Midi, a servant in Elinor’s employ, reveals to Nicolas that Ava lied about Elinor’s affair. Meanwhile, Ava is courted by a scholar named Author. Still, she grows suspicious of his intentions, realizing he uses her for his ends. She begins to miss her former lover, who disappeared shortly before their wedding.

As more princesses fall victim to mysterious deaths, Nicolas and his Polish physician manipulate events to frame Queen Isabella for the murders, consolidating their power by getting closer to the king. When the prince dies, only an unborn child remains as the queen’s last hope. Queen Isabella is placed under house arrest and cannot be near her remaining children.

After the king’s death, Nicolas hopes to be appointed regent for the unborn heir, but the queen takes control instead, forcing Nicolas out of the court. Ava and her father, who sold a telescope to the court and supposedly “upset the stars,” are imprisoned. Ava receives a letter from the Author, further complicating her situation.

Nicolas then sets his sights on Queen Isabella’s daughter, hoping to marry her and secure his power. However, his betrothed stabs him with a dagger that he had once gifted her. As Nicolas lies dying, Midi and Ava enter his room, finish him off, and remove the jewels sewn into his genitals to protect him from disease. They flee to Copenhagen, where they live off the wealth they obtained from Nicolas’s body.

Historical Context of the Book

Women’s Role in Medieval Society

In medieval society, dominated by the feudal system, power was concentrated in the hands of men, often tied to land ownership. Women were confined mainly to the private sphere, with their roles restricted to being mothers, widows, or virgins. While Catholicism influenced societal norms and limited women’s opportunities, as seen in The Kingdom of Little Wounds. For instance, Ava, after her public miscarriage, had no choice but to become a needle servant—a reflection of the limited paths available to women in her position. Ava remained chaste until her affair with the scholar Athor, highlighting the few options for women’s autonomy.

While enjoying more visibility in the public sphere, Royal women were still bound by their roles as mothers and wives. As Stoss (2013) notes, even in positions of influence, royal women’s activities largely maintained the power of their husbands and sons. Masculinity in medieval society was measured by strength, political success, and dominance over women (p. 4). This context helps explain the actions of Queen Isabella, Lady Elinor, Ava, and Midi. For example, after King Christian’s death, Queen Isabella’s need for a male heir was about personal power and securing her family’s future.

Social Hierarchies

Feudalism also created rigid social hierarchies. Land and social status were inherited, making upward mobility nearly impossible. A farmer’s son was destined to be a farmer, and a craftsman’s son would inherit the trade. Load Nicholas’s rise in status was a rare exception, as his father, originally from a lower social rank, advanced through marriage. This ambition and social mobility eventually shaped Nicholas’s desire to seize control of the throne despite his low-born origins.

Medical Practices

Medical knowledge in the medieval period was limited, and treatments were often based on the belief that “like cures like.” In the book, royal children suffering from syphilis, or “Italian Fire,” were treated with quicksilver (mercury). Princess Sophia exhibited symptoms of congenital syphilis, such as rashes, likely transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth. Queen Isabella’s repeated miscarriages and mental instability were consistent with the effects of syphilis, a disease that, while now treatable with penicillin, was then often managed with mercury—a dangerous and ineffective treatment.

Syphilis was long thought to have originated in the New World, but discoveries of pre-Columbian skeletons showing signs of the disease suggest it existed in Europe before Columbus (Timeline—World History Documentaries, Aug 7, 2017).

Well-Used Multi-Point-Of-View Narrative

I was drawn to the novel’s multi-point-of-view narrative, where the Author develops multiple main characters, each with equal importance. In The Kingdom of Little Wounds, there are four central female characters from different social strata: Queen Isabella from the royal family, Elinor from the nobility, Ava, a peasant, and Midi, an enslaved person.

The Author’s decision to present the story through these diverse perspectives is intentional. As mentioned earlier, medieval European women had far fewer rights than men, regardless of their social standing. Even queens and princesses were often used as political pawns by men, reduced to mother, widow, or virgin roles. In the novel, Elinor, Ava, and Midi fall outside these expected roles. At the same time, the queen, on the verge of losing her status as the mother of an heir, faces the threat of losing her political power. All four women are trapped in a world where their survival depends on manipulating male power or leveraging their sons.

Their morally complex actions starkly reflect the desperate choices they are forced to make. What options do they have if they want to survive in their situation? When faced with extreme circumstances, many people are driven to immoral behavior to protect themselves or their loved ones. Why does Ava continue sleeping with Arthur despite suspecting he may be Midi’s lover? Why does she suggest swapping the dead prince for her baby brother? And why does the queen agree to this, knowing it could be considered treason? In harsh realities, people often have no choices.

This brings us to one of my questions: why did the author use this narrative style? Through the multi-character narrative, the Author underscores the various forms of oppression these women face. Despite their diverse social backgrounds, they all fall victim to the same system that restricts their choices and autonomy. This narrative Technique powerfully conveys the plight of women in that period, emphasizing their choice to live in such a patriarchal society.

A Fairly Tale Like Story 

Another aspect of the book that intrigued me was its fairytale-like quality. Some chapters begin almost like a traditional folk tale. Suppose you’ve read the original versions of stories like Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty. In that case, you’ll know those tales are much darker than the versions we’re familiar with today. Modern fairy tales are often softened to suit young audiences. Still, in reality, there’s no “happily ever after” for most protagonists. This sense of realism is reflected in the novel’s ambiguous ending.

I found myself wishing for more hopeful resolutions—that Arthur would return to help Midi raise her child, Jacob would return for Ava, or the queen would protect the kingdom forever. Yet, deep down, I knew these outcomes were unlikely. The novel’s ending mirrors the harsh realities the characters face, leaving us to grapple with the uncertainty of their futures, much like the original, darker fairy tales.


This book is definitely not for young readers, but beautifully written. Despite its dark themes, I thoroughly enjoyed the story. The meticulous research was evident, and what stood out most to me was the author’s deep love for the Medieval era, her ancestral homeland, and Shakespeare.

The novel’s multi-point-of-view narrative was carefully crafted, and I pondered why Cokal chose this style. I understood her message after researching the historical context and analyzing the characters. It took me over two weeks, but I finally realized that life in the Medieval era was incredibly harsh, especially for women. This understanding also highlights why many original fairy tales are so dark. The novel profoundly captures that difficult reality.


Stoss, L. R. (2013). An Exploration of Conformity to Medieval Male and Female Roles in the Chronicle of Alfonso X. http://hdl.handle.net/10342/1701Timeline – World History

Documentaries (Director). (2017, August 7). 1495 Syphilis Outbreak: The Deadly Disease That Swept Across Europe | The Syphilis Enigma | Timeline [Video recording]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bWNF_eNwvI

Taking a Break and Tackling Big Weekend Projects

Written August 25, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Today is my official rest day. While there are always daily chores, I avoid running or tackling yard work on Sundays unless something urgent arises. This week has been incredibly taxing, with extra home maintenance tasks leaving my legs sore. I hope a day of rest and some much-needed stretching will help me recover and feel refreshed for the coming week.

My wife, meanwhile, uses Sundays to organize her upcoming week. She has her to-do list workbooks and plans everything down to the smallest detail. I’m not quite as meticulous, but I like to lay out my tasks and schedule for the week. Everything goes into my Google Calendar, so I can easily access it on my phone. It’s my way of staying organized without feeling too bogged down by every minor task.

We have some exciting plans for next weekend. We’ll head to my mother’s house to celebrate our niece’s birthday. It’s been a while since we’ve seen her, as the last few weekends have been packed with obligations, and we haven’t visited since July. My wife is especially eager to see everyone again. In addition to the celebration, we’re also preparing to begin a much-needed deck repair. This project will take several days to complete.

The deck stairs need significant work. They were built into a tree we recently cut down, which had grown so tall and close to the house that we were worried the roots would damage our foundation. Unfortunately, the roots have already affected the brick pathway leading to the stairs before cutting the tree. I’ve put off this repair for the year, but now it can’t be delayed any longer. My wife insists we do the repairs correctly this time. I’m still puzzled by why anyone would build a brick path over a root system, but it must have been done when the house was built over 30 years ago. We’re still debating whether to handle the deck repairs ourselves or hire professionals since we don’t have the proper tools.

This year, we’re at least committed to sanding and staining the deck and cleaning, sanding, and repainting our deck furniture. I’m looking forward to having the space functional again. Once the deck is ready, we can use the grill and maybe even expand the garden around it—a healing garden, as my wife envisions. While maintaining a house can be a lot of work, the effort always feels rewarding.

As I look ahead to this week, I’m adjusting my schedule to account for two big maintenance days on Thursday and Friday. Then we have the birthday party on Saturday. My wife, ever the planner, will also review our August expenses and tweak the budget for the rest of the year. At least this will be the long weekend. For now, I’m just hoping this leg soreness goes away soon!

It Is So Important To Find Balance Exercise and Health

Written August 24, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I woke up to a familiar but unwelcome sensation—muscle pain. My glutes were exceptionally sore, and I quickly connected the discomfort to yesterday’s yard work. Squatting down repeatedly to pull weeds around the front yard was more of a workout than anticipated. While yard work isn’t typically considered exercise, it was enough to challenge my muscles, and the soreness is a clear sign. However, I like to think of it as a two-for-one deal—I got rid of the weeds and gained some strength along the way.

One of the challenges I face due to my kidney condition is managing my protein intake. Unlike the average healthy male, who can consume about 10% of their weight in protein, I’m restricted to a much lower amount. Protein plays a crucial role in muscle repair, and this limitation can make my recovery slower than I’d prefer. Given my active lifestyle, I know my muscles won’t heal as quickly as they would. Still, I try to strike a balance between staying fit and managing my health restrictions.

Saturdays are typically my day for a 10k run. It’s become a personal ritual I look forward to each week. I especially enjoy seeing my neighbors working on their lawns in the early hours, trying to beat the summer heat. Something is calming about watching them tend to their yards while I’m out for a run. However, today’s run was far from relaxing. The soreness in my muscles made running more difficult. After a few kilometers, I decided to cut the run short. Instead of my usual 10k, I settled for 5k. While it’s not my ideal distance, I felt it was the right decision given the circumstances.

My wife, who also runs, takes a more flexible approach to her training. She adjusts her pace and distance based on how she feels but ensures she gets at least 20 minutes of running, even when she feels off. Her struggles are the opposite of mine—she deals with low heart rate and blood pressure, which can leave her feeling sluggish if she doesn’t get her morning exercise. Though she doesn’t have the same dietary restrictions I do, she’s diligent about counting her calories. I guess everyone has their health challenges to manage.

I’m reasonably satisfied as long as I can get one solid 10k run each month. These runs are essential for building my speed, and I don’t want to miss too many. With some rest, I hope my muscles will heal soon to return to my usual routine.

Planning Ahead Is A Key To Complete

Written August 23, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

About two months ago, my wife proposed a few yard projects we need to do this year. Some projects can depend on temperature or seasons so that they can be tricky. For example, she insisted that we do deck staining this year. My wife planned to do this sometime this summer. 

My wife usually plans projects for at least several months to eliminate any obstacles to completing a project ahead of time. Her problem is that she needs more time since she is busy. 

Deck staining demands many external conditions, which we need to watch for. She told me the deck must be stained when the temperature is 50F to 90F without rain for at least 24 hours. That eliminated substantial summer days. The ideal temperature would be Spring. However, we got a lot of rain in Nashville in the spring, so she did not want to do this project in the spring. So, we have between September and October to do this project.

There is something we can do ahead of time. For example, we can clean our deck beforehand so that the deck will be easy to sand and stain. 

My wife combined two projects at once. One was to clean the siding of our house and the deck. She wanted to rent a power washer from a nearby Home Depot so we could do both simultaneously. She took a day off this Friday, Thursday, and Friday of the upcoming week. The following week is a long weekend, so it would be the perfect time for a project like cleaning and washing.

After my run, we did some yard work to prepare for winter and the upcoming projects we have been forming. Today, we wanted to remove any weeds or extra trees that may interrupt our side or deck washing. 

Afterward, we got some delicious gyro plates from a nearby restaurant. I also completed my daily chores: bottled kombucha, did laundry, and put it away. So I called, and today was our successful day.