A Slippery Delivery: Navigating Winter Challenges

Written on January 22, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

This incident brought back memories of a recent struggle faced by my wife. Just a day prior, she had endeavored to tackle the same hill on her way to work, only to fail despite multiple attempts. Her resignation was a testament to the hill’s impassable state. Sharing the delivery van’s story with her, we found common ground in acknowledging the hill’s daunting challenge.

A part of me harbors guilt for the delivery personnel who braved such treacherous conditions to fulfill their duties. While a beautiful spectacle, the winter weather can transform familiar routes into hazardous obstacles, testing the resolve and skill of those who navigate them. Our delivery driver’s experience serves as a reminder of the unseen struggles that often accompany the convenience of home deliveries, especially in the grip of winter’s icy hold.

As we sat down to enjoy our Hello Fresh meal, our thoughts lingered on the challenges faced by those who work tirelessly to bring comfort and normalcy to our lives, regardless of the weather. It’s a humbling reflection that deepens our appreciation for the simple joys and conveniences we often take for granted.

In these moments, we’re reminded of the resilience and dedication of individuals who ensure that life goes on, even when nature throws its icy curves. It’s a testament to the human spirit’s perseverance, a quality that shines brightest against winter’s chill.

Unraveling the Complex Tapestry of Greek and Roman Mythology

Have you ever dived into the fascinating world of Greek and Roman mythology? It’s like stepping into a new realm where gods and goddesses rule and epic tales unfold. I’ve been engrossed in these ancient stories for a project I’m working on, and let me tell you, it’s been quite the adventure! However, one major hurdle has been understanding these mythical characters in depth. It’s like they’re playing a game of hide and seek with me!

Authors who write books usually sketch their characters’ traits and behaviors beforehand. This helps keep the characters consistent throughout the story. I thought, “Why not apply this to the gods and goddesses of mythology?” So, I set out to reverse-engineer their character profiles. Sounds simple, right? Well, not exactly.

Take Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare, for example. I always pictured her as the epitome of order and justice. But then, there’s the story of Medusa, who Athena punished after being wronged by Poseidon in her temple. This act of punishment seemed more vengeful than just, and it didn’t align with the Athena I knew from other stories, like Homer’s “Iliad” or “Odyssey.”

Confused, I discussed this with my husband, who pointed out that the version I was puzzled by was actually a Roman take on Athena, known as Minerva, written by Ovid. That’s when it hit me—mythology is not just about storytelling; political and historical contexts also influence it. These narratives could change depending on the author’s perspective or the message they wanted to convey.

Realizing this, I decided to approach my project differently. I would delve back into the myths, paying close attention to who wrote each version and the historical or political background behind the stories. This reminded me of a book I read a while back about pirates. The author highlighted how history could be viewed differently depending on who’s telling it. A knited pirate in England could be seen as a villain from the Spanish perspective.

Throughout this journey, I’ve been organizing my research with Zotero, a handy tool for managing references. However, I didn’t do this with my mythology project for some reason, and now I regret it. A structured way to compare the different versions of each myth, alongside the authors and their backgrounds, would have made my task much more accessible. It’s a lesson learned for sure.

Here’s my takeaway for anyone venturing into the complex world of mythology: keep an open mind and consider the context. These ancient stories are more than just tales of gods and heroes; they reflect the times and cultures they originated from. And remember, a little organization can go a long way in unraveling the mysteries of the past!

Anticipation in the Air: Navigating Winter’s Last Chill

Written on January 22, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Embarking on my daily neighborhood reconnaissance, today felt remarkably reminiscent of those childhood moments precariously balanced on the cusp of unwrapping Birthday or Christmas gifts. Though decidedly warmer than yesterday’s embrace, the air stubbornly lingered below the freezing threshold of 32°F (0°C).

As the first light of dawn broke, the roads mirrored the previous day’s icy sheen, casting doubts on my planned run. The weather prophets heralded a dramatic rise in temperatures. Yet, gleaming with a deceptive gloss, the roads hinted at a persistent icy veil. This predicament left me in a quandary, pondering the feasibility of my morning run. Annoyance tinged my thoughts, but a decision loomed in the not-too-distant future. I resolved to grant the unfolding day a few more hours, hoping the view from my front window—specifically, the hill rising from our domicile—would offer clarity.

Regardless of today’s verdict, I harbored confidence in the promise of Wednesday. It stood as a beacon of clear passage should today’s conditions conspire against my desires. My patience, though frayed, needed only to endure a fleeting moment longer. The transient nature of this winter’s final tease did little to dampen my spirits, for the anticipation of warmer days and cleared paths held its own charm.

This season, with its unpredictable whims, serves as a gentle reminder of nature’s inherent unpredictability and the small joys found in the anticipation of change. As we navigate these final days of chill, there’s a unique pleasure in the waiting, a sentiment familiar to those who cherish the slow unveiling of spring’s warmth. Just as a child eagerly anticipates the revealing of gifts, so too do we await the unveiling of the season’s final act, a transition filled with promise and the potential for renewed outdoor endeavors.

Whether today grants passage or bids me wait, the anticipation is a gift. It refers to simpler times, where the joy was as much in the waiting as in the receiving. So, as I peer out my window, gauging the day’s potential, I’m reminded that patience, though tested, is often rewarded with the sweetest outcomes. Here’s to the hopeful wait for winter’s curtain call, a period of anticipation that, in its own right, is a cherished gift.

Embracing Winter’s Pause: My Life in Nashville

Written on January 20, 2024

Hello, my dear readers,

The past several days have unfolded in an unexpected calm, as a blanket of snow has enveloped Nashville, temporarily stopping my outdoor running routine. This unforeseen pause in my running regimen might seem like a setback, yet, remarkably, it hasn’t hindered the progression of my overall fitness journey. Indeed, despite the snow’s insistence on claiming my running days, I’ve found that the rest of my exercise routine has not just continued unabated but has thrived enough to prompt an exciting advancement: an increase in both weight and repetition in my workouts. This progression is a testament, I believe, to the strength I’ve managed to build up over time—a strength that now confidently warrants this next step in my fitness journey.

In tandem with the weather’s imposition on my physical activities, our household routines have also seen a minor disruption. This week, we opted to skip our usual Hello Fresh delivery, an adjustment that, while small, marks a slight deviation from our routine. My wife has contacted Hello Fresh, and we’re looking forward to resuming our shipments on Monday. It’s a minor hiccup in the grand scheme of things but indicative of the little ways in which this unexpected snowfall has nudged our lives off their usual tracks.

Navigating the roads has become a challenge in its own right. The sharp decrease in temperatures come nightfall, transforming them into treacherously slippery paths and rendering our car’s attempts to conquer the hills of Nashville futile. My wife has braved these conditions in the past few days, endeavoring to drive out, but to no avail. Yet, there’s a whisper of change in the air. The weekend promises a slight warmth, kindling hope that my running can resume on Monday. Should the weather remain stubborn, the forecast for Wednesday is promising, suggesting temperatures warm enough to thaw the lingering chill. It’s a waiting game, one played with the patience and optimism that soon, we will return to our normal rhythms.

This interlude, brought on by the snow, has been a period of reflection and slight adjustment. It’s a reminder of the ebb and flow of life, of the importance of flexibility and the ability to adapt to the unforeseen. While I keenly anticipate the return to my running trails and the normalcy of our daily routines, I also appreciate this momentary pause. It has offered me a chance to enjoy the progress I’ve made in other areas of my life, to savor the anticipation of resuming where I left off, and to plan for the warmth that will soon reclaim Nashville.

As I look forward to the days ahead, I’m reminded of the resilience and adaptability that life often requires of us. Whether adjusting exercise routines, managing household deliveries, or navigating wintry roads, each challenge presents an opportunity for growth and appreciation. And so, as we await the return of warmer days and smoother routines, let’s embrace the beauty and lessons this winter pause has to offer.

Rehabilitation Through Culinary Arts: Brian’s Journey Back from a Stroke

In April 2015, Brian experienced a life-altering brain stroke that challenged his daily functioning and independence. Known for his culinary prowess rather than his musical talent, despite a brief flirtation with the flute during his high school years, Brian found himself at a crossroads during his recovery. His therapist suggested engaging in activities like playing an instrument as part of his rehabilitation. However, it was his passion for cooking, deeply rooted in his family’s tradition of excellence in the kitchen, that offered a more fitting path to recovery.

Before the stroke, Brian was a proficient cook and baker, delighting in the creation of dishes and baked goods. The stroke in April left him relearning basic skills by July of the same year, marking the beginning of his journey back to the kitchen. That summer, despite the challenges, he and his father baked a cake for my birthday. Although it didn’t quite achieve its intended shape, it was a significant milestone in Brian’s recovery.

In the initial years following his stroke, I was hesitant to let Brian cook unaided. The potential dangers posed by kitchen utensils and the risk of forgetting to turn off the oven were considerable concerns. Despite having an alarm system, the fear of an accident loomed large. Meanwhile, Brian watched me juggle household responsibilities and a full-time job, his sadness at the situation palpable.

Recognizing the importance of engaging Brian in activities he loved, I began to include him in cooking tasks. By 2017, he had regained enough confidence and skill to prepare simple dishes independently. We started with easy Chinese and Japanese recipes, and over time, Brian’s proficiency grew to the point where he could outdo me in dishes like Nanbanzuke and Ma Po Tofu.

Initially limited to a repertoire of four to five dishes, Brian’s culinary skills expanded with the introduction of Hello Fresh, which provided him with a variety of recipes and emphasized the importance of following instructions. His adventure in cooking and baking evolved further as he began to explore recipes from websites, eventually baking cakes that won the admiration of his family, especially his sister, an accomplished baker herself.

Brian’s recovery underscores the slow but rewarding process of rehabilitation from a brain stroke. Cooking and baking, activities deeply connected to his family and personal identity, became therapeutic outlets that facilitated his recovery. The journey was not just about regaining lost skills but also about rediscovering his self-reliance and the joy of contributing to family occasions through his culinary creations. Brian’s story is a testament to the power of passion and perseverance in overcoming the challenges posed by a stroke. It highlights the importance of a supportive family and the transformative potential of engaging in meaningful activities as part of the recovery process.

Snowy Disruptions in Nashville: A Tale of Delayed Deliveries

Written on January 16, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Nashville has once again draped itself in a rare blanket of snow, continuing the trend we’ve noticed since relocating to Tennessee in 2018. While the snowfall itself is a manageable ordeal, the cascading effect on our routine deliveries has turned this week into a minor saga of inconvenience.

Our doorstep has seen a conspicuous absence of deliveries in the wake of the snow. Our anticipated Hello Fresh box, a cornerstone of our weekly meal planning, has yet to be found. Similarly, our water delivery has been paused, and the usual sight of the garbage truck trundling down the street has been notably missing. It’s a trifecta of disruption that, while not catastrophic, certainly tilts the scale towards annoyance.

Thankfully, foresight in water storage has us covered until the next delivery cycle, ensuring we won’t be parched for a while. And while the absence of our Hello Fresh shipment throws a wrench into our meal routine, it’s hardly a sentence to culinary monotony. We have enough provisions to pivot and adapt, albeit with a slight grumble over the inconvenience.

Introducing Hello Fresh into our household was a strategic move to alleviate the meal planning burden on my wife’s shoulders. With her schedule leaving little room for the weekly meal prep ritual, the service has been a boon, ensuring we have a clear plan and the necessary ingredients for each meal. The current pause, however, leaves us missing the predictability and convenience we’d come to appreciate.

An update from Hello Fresh on our delivery status would be welcome. However, I understand the unpredictability of weather-related delays. Patience will be our meal of choice until the situation clears. In the meantime, we’re far from a state of culinary despair. Our pantry and freezer are stocked with various dry goods, rice, and an assortment of frozen vegetables and meats—a testament to our preparedness for such interruptions.

While the absence of our scheduled deliveries demands a return to more traditional meal planning and preparation, it’s a manageable detour. The presence of staples like dried chickpeas ensures that our dinners may require a bit more creativity and effort in the coming days; the specter of hunger remains a distant concern.

Reflecting on the situation is a reminder of the small dependencies we develop on modern conveniences and the resilience required when those systems momentarily falter. Snow in Nashville, it seems, brings more than just a change in scenery—it brings a lesson in adaptability and patience seasoned with a dash of unexpected simplicity.

A Culinary Saturday: Embracing the Bustle with Love and Food

Written on January 14, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Saturdays have transformed into the pinnacle of my weekly routine, bustling with culinary endeavors to fill our home with an abundance of nourishing meals. This particular Saturday unfurls with a promise of busyness, as I’ve dedicated myself to a series of cooking tasks. My mission? To ensure my wife is well-stocked with delectable options for lunches and breakfasts in the week ahead.

Once my morning rituals are behind me, I’ll dive into the art of crafting guacamole, a vibrant start to my culinary marathon. Next on my agenda is the replenishment of my wife’s beloved breakfast burritos stash, followed by the preparation of salmon nanbanzuke. This Southern Japanese delicacy, featuring succulent salmon amidst tangy pickled vegetables, marks a novel addition to our weekly meal repertoire, despite being a dish I’ve mastered over numerous occasions, thanks to my wife’s teaching.

Cooking, for me, is not just a household chore; it’s a therapeutic journey. It’s about the rhythm and flow of processes: selecting ingredients, meticulous preparation, cooking itself, and the unavoidable cleanup that accompanies a small kitchen like ours. In such confined spaces, multitasking becomes necessary, with dish cleaning interwoven seamlessly into the cooking process.

This week’s introduction of nanbanzuke* to our meal plan is a testament to our adventurous culinary spirit, spurred by my wife’s occasional trips to her office. It’s essential for me that she has access to homemade, comforting meals during her workdays, a small but meaningful gesture of care.

Today, however, is not just another Saturday. It carries a sense of personal achievement as I’ve hit a new milestone in my fitness journey. The weights I’ve been lifting have seen an increase, a challenge that felt daunting yet achievable—a sweet spot that signals growth and resilience. This physical accomplishment mirrors the effort and love I pour into our meals, a balance between nurturing the body and the soul.

In essence, my Saturdays are more than just the busiest day of the week; they reflect love, dedication, and joy in the simple act of cooking. Whether whipping up a batch of breakfast burritos, delicately balancing the flavors of nanbanzuke, or pushing my physical limits, each task is imbued with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. This is how I choose to support and care for my wife, ensuring she steps into each week with the comfort of home-cooked meals and knowing that every dish is prepared with love.


Harnessing Hunger: A Strategic Morning Ritual

Written on January 10, 2024


Hello Dear Readers,

In crafting my daily agenda, I’ve introduced a peculiar yet effective sequence to my routine. For instance, I’ve made a pact to refrain from indulging in the morning meal until I complete my exercise regimen. On certain days, like today, lethargy engulfs me, making it a tad arduous to kickstart the various components of my morning ritual. Despite the lack of urgency on such days, I remain sanguine about eventually navigating through and ticking off all tasks on my list.

This approach isn’t arbitrary; a substantial motive drives it. Upon awakening, my stomach signals for food. The allure of sleepiness and fatigue often beckons one towards slothfulness. I’ve taken a firm stance to reward myself with breakfast only post-exercise. This pact where breakfast becomes the prize contingent upon the conclusion of my workout sessions acts as a double-edged sword. Rather than deterring me, the intensifying hunger pangs serve as a catalyst for procrastination in wrapping up my exercise. This burgeoning appetite eventually morphs into a compelling incentive, spurring me to complete my routine to dive into my awaited cereal bowl.

The effectiveness of this strategy brings me considerable satisfaction. Adhering strictly to this self-imposed agreement enables me to consistently achieve my objectives. It’s a methodology that you, too, might find beneficial in your personal quest for productivity. Should there be something you deeply desire or require, consider making a pact with yourself: grant yourself that reward only after accomplishing a predetermined task. This self-regulation technique cultivates discipline and transforms mundane or challenging tasks into stepping stones toward your rewards.

In essence, my morning strategy revolves around leveraging basic human instincts—hunger in this case—as a motivational tool. It underscores the power of setting conditions on our gratifications to enhance our focus and productivity. By creating a cause-and-effect scenario, where the completion of one action directly influences the attainment of a desired outcome, we can more effectively navigate our daily tasks and responsibilities.

This approach is not just about adhering to a routine; it’s about embedding a more profound sense of purpose and motivation into our daily lives. It’s a testament to the idea that sometimes, the most straightforward strategies can be the most effective in driving us towards our goals. Whether finishing a workout to enjoy a meal or completing a work assignment to take a leisurely break, the principle remains the same: reward yourself after a job well done.

So, if you’re looking for a way to kickstart your day with vigor and ensure you meet your daily goals, consider implementing a reward-based strategy. Not only does it make the journey toward your goals more engaging, but it also instills a gratifying sense of accomplishment with each task you complete. After all, the sweetest rewards are those we’ve earned through our perseverance and dedication.


Editor’s note

Nanbanzuke is a Japanese dish that originated from Spanish Escabeche.

Exploring the Delicious World of Nanbanzuke: A Japanese Delight with European Roots

RE: A Culinary Saturday: Embracing the Bustle with Love and Food

My husband wrote about Nanbanzuke, and now I want to write a blog about it.

Nanbanzuke, a dish celebrated in my hometown in the southern regions of Japan, carries a rich history that traces back to the Muromachi Period (1336AD-1392AD). Though it’s widely believed that the concept of Nanbanzuke arrived in Japan from Spain or Portugal around the 15th to 16th centuries, its essence has been deeply rooted in Japanese culinary tradition ever since. Initially inspired by Escabeche, a European dish of marinated fish or meat cooked in an acidic sauce with spices, Nanbanzuke has evolved to suit the Japanese palate.

The term ‘Nanban’ referred to Europeans during that era, highlighting the influence of European technology and culinary practices in Japan, particularly in Kyushu Island. Japanese adaptations of European dishes, like Nanbanzuke, reflect cultural integration and showcase local innovation in culinary arts.

Nanbanzuke, especially popular in the hot and humid summers of my small hometown, is cherished for its ability to prolong the shelf life of food, thanks to the vinegar in its marinade. While the local favorite is Chicken Nanbanzuke, I prefer using salmon, offering a delightful twist to this traditional dish.

Here’s how to create Salmon Nanbanzuke, a dish that marries the robust flavors of Japan with the zesty charm of European cuisine:




Salmon (1 lb)

1 carrot

1 bell pepper

½ red onion (sweet or yellow onions are also suitable)

1 TBSP olive oil

2 TBSP cornstarch (adjustable to preference)

2 TBSP potato flour (adjustable to preference)

Seasoning of choice (e.g., Slap Ya Mama)


For the Pickled Sauce:

1 Cup Dashi (Japanese soup stock, available at oriental stores)

2 TBSP Soy Sauce

3 TBSP sugar (adjust according to taste; I use a bit more than my parents did. Brian likes a bit sweeter)

½ tsp salt

Sliced dry Japanese chili for an extra kick


Preparation Steps:

Prep the Salmon: Cut the salmon fillet into bite-sized pieces for easy eating.

Coat the Salmon: In a bag, combine 1 TBSP olive oil, cornstarch, and potato flour. Add the salmon pieces and shake well to coat evenly.

Cook the Salmon: Though traditionally fried, use an air fryer at 400°F for about 10 minutes for a healthier option. This method ensures a crispy finish with less oil.

Prepare the Vegetables: Shred the carrot, bell pepper, and red onion, which allows the vegetables to blend seamlessly with the pickled sauce.

Simmer the Sauce: Bring the pickled sauce ingredients to a boil in a pot, ensuring the sugar dissolves completely.

Combine and Marinate: Layer the cooked salmon and vegetables in a glass container and pour the hot sauce over them. Seal and refrigerate.

Serve Chilled: The flavors of Nanbanzuke intensify overnight. It’s best enjoyed the next day and can last for a few days when refrigerated.

Salmon Nanbanzuke is a testament to the beautiful blend of cultures and the versatility of Japanese cuisine. This dish pays homage to its European roots and celebrates the unique adaptation that makes it distinctly Japanese. Whether you’re a fan of traditional recipes or enjoy experimenting with flavors, this dish will surely delight your palate and introduce you to a world where culinary traditions merge seamlessly.

Navigating the Ups and Downs of Fitness Goals

Written on January 13, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Finding the perfect equilibrium in my fitness journey feels like navigating through a maze—exciting yet fraught with unexpected turns. At the dawn of this year, buoyed by optimism, I carefully crafted a workout regimen, aiming to tread the fine line between aspiration and realism. However, as the days unfolded, the chasm between my envisioned goals and the tangible reality became more apparent.

In a recent reflection, I adjusted the weights downwards, diverging from my original plan. It was a decision that didn’t come lightly, underscoring the dynamic nature of personal fitness. Yet, I am standing at another crossroads, contemplating increasing weight. The recent reduction adds a layer of complexity to this decision. Despite this, I am leaning towards an increase, albeit from the revised, lower benchmark.

This dance of adjustment is familiar to me. Post-workout, I might discover that my ambition outpaced my capacity, necessitating another recalibration. The principle guiding me through these oscillations is simple: heed the signals my body transmits. There’s a thin line between pushing my limits for growth and overstepping into potential injury. I am inclined to challenge my boundaries and venture beyond what feels comfortable. Yet, this eagerness is tempered by a cautious mindfulness of my physical limits.

The journey of personal fitness is punctuated by moments of triumph and trials of recalibration. Each decision to modify my workout plan is not merely a response to the immediate feedback from my body but a reflection of a more profound commitment to sustainable growth. The path is not linear; it zigzags, mirroring the ebbs and flows of motivation and physical capability. Yet, this journey is rewarding, offering lessons in resilience, patience, and the art of listening—to both my body’s silent whispers and loud protests.

As I navigate this journey, the insights gleaned extend beyond the confines of physical fitness. They speak to a broader philosophy of life, where ambition and caution must coexist, where the pursuit of growth must be balanced with the wisdom of restraint. This delicate balance is not static; it evolves with each workout, each reflection, and each decision to adjust the weights.