Living on the Edge: A Firsthand Look at Minimum Wage Struggles in America

Nearly 38 million Americans suffer from Poverty in the United States. You will only understand what it is to be in it if you have lived in poverty. So, an American journalist, Barbara Ehrenreich, embarks on a unique investigative journey to experience the realities of living on a minimum wage in America. This insightful exploration, derived from her firsthand experiences working in various low-wage jobs across multiple states, sheds light on the daily struggles of millions of Americans.

Ehrenreich’s journey began when she left her full-time job as a journalist to delve into the lives of the working poor. She traveled to Florida, Maine, and Minnesota, taking on roles as a waitress, hotel cleaner, house cleaner, nursing care aide, and Wal-Mart sales clerk. Often, she found herself juggling more than one job simultaneously to make ends meet. No matter how much she spent budgeting her expenses, she lived paycheck to paycheck. She experienced a stark portrayal of the challenges faced by those earning minimum wage. Yet, she saw how important it was to note the resilience and determination of these workers, who continue to strive despite their odds, inspiring us with their unwavering spirit.

Through her varied job experiences, Ehrenreich discovered that no job is truly “unskilled.” Each position required mastering new tools, learning specific terminology, and understanding distinct operational procedures. Her coworkers and supervisors heavily influenced the quality of her work life, as they taught her the essential skills to do her jobs right or even get better schedules. Moreover, she realized that performing too well could paradoxically lead to increased expectations, potentially raising the bar for others in similar positions.

One of the most striking aspects of Ehrenreich’s narrative is her struggle with mobility and living conditions. Despite owning a car, the costs associated with commuting limited her options. If you try to live near the work to avoid owning a car, you now limit where you live. Even public transportation can be costly. In Nashville, for example, a ticket for 2 hours bus ride costs $2. You will likely spend over 1 hour of wages for transport if you have multiple jobs.

She often found herself in substandard living situations without basic amenities like air conditioning, relying on non-perishable—and frequently unhealthy—food options due to financial constraints. Her experiences highlight a critical issue: even with full-time employment, many Americans struggle to afford basic necessities, including medical insurance. These are not just statistics but real people with real struggles, and it’s crucial to remember that.

Drawing from personal experiences, I never faced the harsh realities of minimum wage labor during my formative years. My seasonal job as a lifeguard during university, which paid double the minimum wage, combined with the security of living with my parents or relatives, shielded me from the financial instabilities faced by many others. As I became an adult, I started meeting other people. This contrast became even more apparent as I encountered stories from individuals struggling with healthcare costs and living below the poverty line.

There are a few things I can do. I can do besides donating toys or food at the foodbank to use my skills in tax preparation. Through volunteer work as a tax preparer for low-income families in Tennessee, I gained further insight into the economic hardships many face. Many spoke to me about their hardships while preparing their taxes. I had to stop doing the tax preparation volunteer since the pandemic. The cessation of this activity due to the pandemic, considering my high-risk spouse, was regrettable but necessary.

Now, we look into the actual statistics. How many Americans are actually in poverty? The 2022 U.S. Census revealed an 11% national poverty rate, translating to 37.9 million people living in poverty (Bureau, n.d.), with local figures in Davidson County, TN, slightly higher.

I know there are some assistant programs. Tax preparation services are one of them. Despite the existence of assistance programs, many still need to be insured and burdened by rising living costs. The static federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour, the same as Tennessee’s minimum wage,  contrasts sharply with the escalating cost of living, exemplified by the near doubling of housing prices in Nashville since 2018. To consider access to the works, you must balance the higher and lower rent with the commute. You are looking at approximately $750 for a studio or 1-bedroom apartment – only a few are available. You can try owning a car and living in a rural area. Even the cars used are costly, and the gas prices are much higher than when I first moved here in 2018.

Can you move out of poverty? Ehrenreich’s narrative and corroborative personal observations make clear the pervasive cycle of poverty. When you don’t have enough money, you eat the available foods. You live in a lot of stress—you will have a higher chance of getting health problems. If you have medical insurance, the situation will be good.

When my husband was ill due to his stroke, I spent time investigating our options. I thought we had saved for a few years with all the medical costs. I was worried that my husband would not get well. Those publications are usually offered in English, but not all Americans can read English. Not everyone had emergency funds saved up. I met a family who was crying during the long-term care. The father, who was around 40 years old, got a brain stroke. She had two young children. She did not speak good English, but their situation stressed her. I gave her the business card for social assistance programs where she could speak her language to get support.

In the United States, poverty is everywhere, but the southern states have a higher poverty rate. I could not conclude the reasons, but I suspected that it had something to do with the types of industries the states have, the types of available jobs, or the infrastructure, such as schools and hospitals. According to Scioto Analysis (September 19, 2023), the cost of living is a significant factor.

Wikipedia. (2021) List of U.S. states and territories by poverty rate.

Can a government do something about it? Perhaps. It is not that easy as it is, though. I was trying to make sense of the data, so I corrected various data, such as the inflation rate, the Gini coefficient, etc. I even gathered the data from other countries, such as Canada, Japan, and the EU, where I lived in the past. Factors such as the Gini coefficient or inflation do not correlate straightforwardly with poverty levels, suggesting a complex interplay of socioeconomic factors. Surprisingly, the U.S. is doing better than Japan or EU countries. Since the U.S. has many people, we have many people in poverty.

Ehrenreich’s book provides a compelling look into the lives of the working poor, a condition exacerbated by inadequate wages and rising living costs. Her experiences underscore the urgent need for policy reform and support systems that address the roots of poverty and provide meaningful support to those in need. Now, I see how complicated that would be. We still need to advocate for changes that will allow more individuals to escape the cycle of poverty and achieve economic stability.

I’m glad I read this book, even though it was depressing. I should remember that this is the reality for nearly 38 million Americans. And this is the 3rd banned book I read.


Bureau, U. C. (n.d.). National Poverty in America Awareness Month: January 2024. Census.Gov. Retrieved June 18, 2024, from

Scioto Analysis. (2023, September 19). Poverty in the States: 2022.

U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Davidson County, Tennessee. (n.d.). Retrieved June 21, 2024, from

Wikipedia. (n.d.) List of U.S. states and territories by poverty rate.

Weathering the Heat: The Urgency of Air Conditioning in Nashville

Written 5/23/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Our air conditioner has given up. Let me tell you, not having air conditioning in Nashville is nothing short of a disaster. The timing couldn’t be worse, with the mercury climbing increasingly uncomfortable. Without our usual setting of a modest 73-74°F, the malfunction of our cooling unit is becoming more than a mere inconvenience.

Fortunately, the service company that has helped us in the past is set to visit later today. It will be a relief to regain control over our indoor climate.

Reflecting on past experiences, I recall living in West Lafayette, Indiana, during my high school years, where we didn’t have an air conditioning system. Similarly, when my wife and I spent in Portland, Oregon, we managed without air conditioning. Summers there can be pretty hot, but the weather remains dry, and the nights abruptly bring starkly cooler temperatures. Keeping windows open at night to let in the cool air allows us to maintain a relatively comfortable atmosphere inside our home without needing constant air conditioning.

The scenario in Nashville, however, presents a stark contrast. Here, the combination of heat and humidity during the summer months makes the air feel oppressively hot. It’s astonishing how quickly we’ve adapted to the necessity of having air conditioning during the hot season, considering we’ve been Nashville residents for just over five years.

The swift reliance on air conditioning here speaks volumes about the local climate’s demands. In humid conditions, the actual temperature can feel exponentially hotter, which emphasizes the essential role of a functional air conditioning system in maintaining a livable environment.

Navigating this temporary discomfort has reminded me of the diverse climate adaptations required in different regions. Each place we’ve lived has offered its own unique challenges and solutions when it comes to dealing with heat. While natural ventilation sufficed in the cooler, dry nights of Portland, the humid and oppressive heat of a Nashville summer makes air conditioning not just a luxury but a necessity.

As we await the repair service, the thought of soon being able to adjust the temperature with a simple click of a button brings a sigh of relief. The ability to control one’s living environment is not only a matter of comfort but also of well-being, especially in regions where the weather can pose a significant challenge to both.

As I sit here, feeling the gradual increase in indoor temperature, I’m reminded of the importance of having reliable and efficient home systems and the peace of mind that comes with it. For now, the countdown to the repair technician’s arrival continues, and with it, the anticipation of returning to a cooler, more comfortable home environment.

Title: Refueling After Yard Work: Balancing Hunger and Health

Written 5/17/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday, I managed to complete mowing the remainder of the yard. This endeavor took a considerable amount of time and energy. Afterward, I found myself overwhelmingly hungry. This intense hunger isn’t unusual after three hours of strenuous physical activity. Yet, the quantity of food required to satiate this hunger surprised me. My post-activity meal consisted of a generous bowl of spaghetti, four granola bars, and a cookie. Only then did I feel the edge of my hunger dull—not full, just no longer hungry. I learned this important distinction from my grandparents, who emphasized it as a practical approach to maintaining a healthy weight.

Given the intensity of my hunger yesterday, I half-expected the scales this morning to suggest that my weight had dropped alarmingly low. I intend to maintain my current weight, so I need to be more mindful. The thought made me frown a bit. To my mild surprise, the scale showed that I was only half a pound lighter than the previous day, which was already slightly below the lower end of my desired weight range. I felt better. I can manage that by eating marginally more.

I make it a practice to regularly monitor my weight to ensure I maintain a healthy balance. On days like yesterday, when my physical activity leads to a higher calorie output than intake, it’s natural to see a slight decline in weight. Additionally, we are vigilant about our salt intake due to my high blood pressure issues. Even though salty foods tend to increase water retention, impacting weight measurements, I allow for what I consider an acceptable daily fluctuation—about 10% over or under my target weight.

As I prepare for my morning run, I’m curious how my robust eating from yesterday will influence today’s weight measurement. It’s a delicate balance, managing food intake against physical activity and overall health, and it’s a journey that always keeps me engaged and attentive to my body’s needs.

Navigating through these challenges, I continue to learn more about my body’s responses and how best to maintain a stable and healthy weight while still enjoying the foods I love and the activities that keep me fit. This balancing act is not just about numbers on a scale; it’s about feeling good, staying healthy, and living life to the fullest.

Managing Callouses: A Family’s Guide to Skin Care Through the Generations

Written 5/16/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Since I began incorporating regular pull-up exercises into my workout routine, I’ve encountered the persistent issue of callouses. Interestingly, this is a problem my sister experienced years before me during high school as a gymnast. She often faced the painful reality of her hard-earned callouses being torn off due to rigorous training.

Back then, my sister had her own method of managing these nuisances. She diligently applied vitamin E to the raw areas before bandaging them with gauze and tape. So, when I started dealing with similar issues, naturally, I turned to her for advice. In response, she generously gifted me a pair of workout gloves to protect my hands during exercise.

However, the situation has evolved. Recently, I’ve noticed the callouses on my hands have thickened significantly. If they grow unchecked, I risk having them tear painfully, much like my sister used to endure. Fortunately, I have a convenient solution at hand to prevent that from happening.

A few years ago, I gave my wife a multipurpose tool equipped with a grindstone attachment intended initially to smooth out skin callouses, primarily caused by frequent pen use. My wife, an avid writer who spends time journaling, studying, and planning, suffered from callouses during her student years due to constant writing. She finds the tool quite effective.

Though it’s designed for foot callouses, it works equally well for the ones on my hands. I plan to use it judiciously over the next few days, ensuring I only file them down for short periods to avoid overdoing them.

This shared approach within our family helps us manage our skin issues. It strengthens our bond by passing down solutions and tools that address our shared challenges. Whether through high school gymnastics or adult fitness routines, our family has developed a reliable method for callous care that serves us across generations.

Exploring the Dystopian Depths of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ by Margaret Atwood

The second book I selected from the banned book list was “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood. This dystopian novel is set in a fictional future known as the Republic of Gilead. This society in this book, governed by a secretive religious regime adhering to strict Christian doctrines,  incorporates Biblical references, providing a basis for its ideologies. Atwood, who identifies as a Puritan, crafted this ominous world from a blend of personal experiences and historical atrocities, as discussed in her interview on Pod Save America (2023).

Upon first delving into the novel, I was immediately unsettled. The story portrays a totalitarian regime overtaking parts of the United States, stripping away freedoms, particularly from women who are reduced to mere possessions of men. The book describes a highly oppressed society. There is no freedom of expression. People in this society lived with fears. During her Pod Save America interview (2023), Atwood referenced her trips to Eastern Europe in the 1980s, explaining the passive acceptance of oppressive societies as a result of severe consequences for resistance, such as being shot (3:45 – 10:19).

The story’s protagonist, once a university-educated woman with a career and a family, is trapped in a dire situation following a crackdown on women’s rights. Imagine suddenly losing all access to your money and being banned from reading—parallels drawn to Ray Bradbury’s ‘Fahrenheit 451’. After being captured while attempting to flee to Canada, she faces a grim choice: become a handmaid or be condemned to die in colonies, a type of concentration camp. Upon choosing the former, she loses her identity and is renamed Offred, signifying her possession by a man named Fred. Her primary role is to become a concubine for a couple who could not have a child – this mirrors an ancient practice referenced in the Bible, where women like Rachel and Leah used their maids as surrogates (Genesis 29-30, 35). According to Barasso (2022, October 5), this type of marriage arrangement existed in ancient Mesopotamian marriage contracts.

The narrative explores the concept of Concubinage. The idea of the Concubinage system has been introduced previously. In our history, Concubinage was particularly prevalent in historical Asia such as Japan and China. They considered this type of arrangement to be less risky because children of concubines were often deemed illegitimate and devoid of inheritance rights unless explicitly permitted by the father (King’s College History Department, n.d.).

As the story progresses, we experience the harsh realities of Gilead through Offred’s perspective, which is marked by her incredible resilience and determination to survive. She encounters others who oppose the regime, forming risky alliances and emotional bonds, further complicating her precarious existence.

The novel’s climax remains ambiguous as Offred is taken away by the secret police, known as the Eyes, with only the reassurances of Nick, a sympathetic character, to suggest her removal might be part of a resistance effort known as May Day.

Atwood skillfully unfolds the narrative, allowing the reader to gradually comprehend Gilead’s oppressive nature through Offred’s descriptions and observations, such as “the shatterproof windows” of her bedroom, hinting at the extremes taken to prevent escaping through the last result of suicide. I found this writing style to be a clever choice by the author, as the story kept us in suspense.

The display of executed dissenters, stringent control measures, and pervasive surveillance echo the chilling atmospheres of other dystopian works like George Orwell’s “1984” and Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451”. The echoes of totalitarian regimes from history, such as the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, which arose from dire social conditions in Russia, provide a somber reminder of how quickly societies can deteriorate under certain pressures (History, n.d.).

Atwood talks about how tough times can make people more open to religious and spiritual beliefs (Pod Save America, 2022). She points out that religious ideas feel more meaningful and powerful when people struggle. She also notes that many of us hold some form of religious or spiritual beliefs (10:45 – 15:52). According to surveys from the Pew Research Center, 88% of Americans believe in a god or some other higher power (Kallo, 2023). These beliefs could more easily influence people in difficult times.

Living in the United States, we’re lucky to have the First Amendment protect our freedoms. Yet, “The Handmaid’s Tale” makes us think about how fragile these rights can be during tough times, like during pandemics or economic troubles. It’s easy for politicians to use our fear and anger for their benefit. This book highlights how important it is for us to stay alert and maintain a careful balance—protecting our freedoms while also respecting the rights of others.

The Handmaid’s Tale” is more than just a novel; it is a profound commentary on societal dynamics, personal agency, and the importance of guarding our liberties against potential encroachments. It serves as a stark warning and a compelling narrative that challenges readers to remain aware of how quickly the world can change, urging them to cherish and defend their freedoms diligently.


Barasso, M. (2022, October 5). Rachel and Leah in the Bible. Biblical Archaeology Society.

History. (n.d.). Post-war Economies (Russian Empire) | International Encyclopedia of the First World War (WW1). Retrieved June 12, 2024, from

Kallo, P. T., Justin Nortey and Asta. (2023, December 7). 2. Spiritual beliefs. Pew Research Center.

King’s College History Department. (n.d.).Concubinage in Asia. Retrieved June 13, 2024, from

Pod Save America (2023). Margaret Atwood on the Rise of Real World Authoritarians | Offline With Jon Favreau. YouTube.

Navigating the Extremes: How My Stroke Altered My Sensitivity to Temperature

Written May 13, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

The aftermath of my stroke brought with it numerous challenges, one of the most pronounced being my diminished ability to tolerate discomfort. This change has manifested most noticeably in my sensitivity to temperature fluctuations—I am perpetually feeling too hot or cold, often simultaneously. At first, this constant state of thermal discomfort was baffling. Can you fathom feeling both overheated and chilled at the exact moment? It seemed absurd.

After much reflection, I’ve realized that my stroke has fundamentally altered what I refer to as my “threshold of discomfort tolerance” for both extremes of temperature. Oddly enough, these sensations often overlap, adding an extra layer of complexity to my daily experiences.

Living in Nashville, where the weather can be pretty erratic—chilly mornings in the low 50Fs swiftly giving way to mild afternoons in the 70Fs—has not made things easier. Following my stroke, my body’s ability to adapt to external temperatures has significantly weakened. This inability to regulate my internal temperature plays a crucial role in influencing my physical activities, particularly running.

Running, like any form of exercise, inherently involves some discomfort, which is essential for gaining strength and improving cardiovascular health. However, every additional element of discomfort is magnified for someone facing a challenge like mine, where the body’s temperature regulation is compromised. Whether it’s excessive heat or cold, strong winds, or high humidity, each condition contributes to discomfort and reduces the threshold available for pushing my running speed.

Since controlling the weather is beyond my reach, I focus on managing what I can—like selecting appropriate running attire to mitigate the impact of these external conditions on my body. I suspect these issues stem from my autonomic nervous system, though I’m unsure how to address this directly. My approach now involves keeping mental notes and exploring potential strategies to cope more effectively with these challenges.

A Heartwarming Mother’s Day Gathering: Games and Family Joy

Written May 13, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday turned out to be a remarkably successful day, far surpassing the achievements of the day before. The credit goes largely to setting more realistic goals. The highlight was our visit to my mother’s house for a delightful Mother’s Day celebration with her and my sister. It’s a day that had been in the works for months, planned by my sister and my wife. In fact, she had selected her gift for my mother three months in advance, coordinating the details with my sister to ensure everything went well.

Mother’s Day is a special occasion in our family, not just for celebrating our mothers but also as a time for family bonding over games, a tradition we all cherish. Our family adores gaming together—it’s our way of connecting and creating memories. Whether it’s board games or card games like Bridge when the extended family joins, these playful competitions are a core part of our gatherings.

This time, we played “Shadows Over Camelot,” a board game that’s a favorite at many of our family events. My niece, who has recently begun to join in on the board game fun, chose me as her partner. She was adamant about playing King Arthur, embracing the role with enthusiastic determination. Peeking at my wife’s character choice, I saw she had picked Sir Percival. Despite her claim of never having played this board game before, her excitement was palpable. She has always been enamored with the Arthurian legends, and her eyes lit up as she spoke about the characters. “If I could, I’d choose to be Sir. Lancelot,” she confessed, her fascination with the knight’s tale evident in her voice. The cooperative game was filled with laughter and strategic collaboration, making it all the more enjoyable.

Gatherings like these remind me of the importance of family. Seeing my mother’s joyful expression as she spent time with us reminded me of the simple pleasures in life. The ease of laughter, the shared strategies over game boards, and the warmth of being surrounded by loved ones all came together to create a memorable day.

Such occasions are precious, not just for the fun we have but also for the opportunity they provide to reaffirm our bonds. As we delve into adventures on a game board, we also strengthen our connections with each other, making each game not just a play for victory but a celebration of our family’s unity and love.

Ultimately, what makes days like these genuinely remarkable isn’t just the games we play or the food we enjoy but the company we keep. The joy of being together, sharing stories, and supporting one another is what Mother’s Day—and indeed every family gathering—is all about. We cherish these moments, filled with laughter and companionship, long after the day is over, and they remind us of the enduring power of family ties.

Navigating Life’s Little Hurdles: A Weekend of Plans and Adjustments

Written May 9, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Sometimes, life throws a wrench into our plans. Just this morning, a big storm rolled in unexpectedly, thwarting my wife’s intention to go for her morning run. Now, I find myself eyeing the gloomy skies with a hint of concern about my own plans for the day—yard maintenance. The thought of the storm leaving the ground too soggy for mowing lingers in my mind. I suppose I’ll discover the truth when I venture outside in a couple of hours.

This weekend promises to be busy. We’re planning another trip to the farmer’s market, a beloved ritual that brightens our Saturday mornings. However, this Sunday is also Mother’s Day, so our schedule is packed with family activities. Given the day’s full itinerary, I’ll likely have to forgo my usual weekly 10k run. It’s a sacrifice for family time, but one I’m willing to make.

The primary allure of this weekend’s market visit is undoubtedly the strawberries—a seasonal treat that both my wife and I eagerly anticipate. However, there remains a small detail I need to confirm with her: the frequency of our visits to the market. Though these trips are temporary breaks from routine, I need to understand how many Saturdays we’ll spend browsing through stalls so I can adjust my running schedule accordingly. Her plans will dictate how I manage my training days.

Speaking of running, I’ve found returning to my pre-vacation pace challenging. The speed isn’t the same despite sticking to my regular running sessions. My wife, ever the voice of reason, reminds me that numerous factors influence running pace. She lists body condition, stress levels, and even external elements like wind or temperature as possible reasons for the fluctuations. “Don’t dwell on the pace of a single day,” she advises, suggesting that I look at the broader trend over time. It’s comforting to hear, especially when I notice that my speed has gradually increased over extended periods. I want to trust her insights and remain hopeful I can hit the pavement later today.

As we navigate these little adjustments and prepare for the bustling weekend ahead, I am reminded of the importance of flexibility and patience. Whether it’s tweaking weekend plans to accommodate family gatherings or adjusting my running schedule to fit new commitments, the ability to adapt is key. Life, much like the weather, is unpredictable. Still, with a bit of planning and a lot of understanding, we can manage just about anything that comes our way.

Harnessing the Power of Momentum in Everyday Tasks

Written May 8, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Momentum is a potent force that propels us forward, helping us conquer a plethora of tasks with increasing energy. Over the past several days, I have been riding this wave of momentum, tackling numerous tasks with a surprising vigor. Initially, my motivation was purely preventative; I did not want to let small, manageable tasks snowball into urgent, overwhelming challenges due to procrastination.

As I began to chip away at my to-do list, I decided to pair this activity with listening to audiobooks. This combination turned out to be incredibly effective. To my amazement, the more tasks I completed, the more energy I found for future tasks. This productivity cycle left me feeling quite satisfied with my accomplishments, especially yesterday when I checked off nearly everything on my list.

One of the tasks I had set for myself was to clear the back of our house from overgrown vines. Unfortunately, a bout of rain came through, slightly altering my plans. Despite this, I made significant headway and am poised to finish up tomorrow, right after I tackle the week’s mowing.

Although the day left me feeling physically drained, the sense of accomplishment I experienced was profound and overwhelmingly positive. A unique satisfaction comes from looking over a to-do list that’s been mostly conquered. It not only demonstrates what you have achieved but also clears the space for new tasks that might arise before the next surge of energy is needed.

This process of building and maintaining momentum has profound implications for task completion, personal growth, and satisfaction. By actively engaging in our daily chores and responsibilities and enhancing the experience with enjoyable activities like listening to audiobooks, we can transform seemingly mundane tasks into opportunities for learning and achievement.

What’s particularly intriguing about momentum is how it feeds into itself. The more you accomplish, the more you feel capable of accomplishing. This self-perpetuating cycle can lead us to new heights of productivity and personal fulfillment. It’s akin to a snowball rolling down a hill, gathering speed and size; as our list of completed tasks grows, so does our energy and capacity to handle more.

Moreover, breaking down tasks into manageable parts and ticking them off one by one helps reduce procrastination and make the tasks seem less daunting. Regardless of size, progress fuels our motivation and pushes us to keep moving forward.

For anyone struggling to find the drive to tackle their daily or weekly tasks, consider this approach: Start small tasks that are enjoyable to accompany the less exciting chores, and watch as your momentum builds. You might find that the energy to continue will come naturally, and your productivity will soar as a result.

In conclusion, the power of momentum is an extraordinary tool in our personal and professional lives. It transforms our approach to tasks from tedious to engaging, energizing activity, promoting continuous personal growth and efficiency. Harness this energy, and you’ll be surprised at how much you can achieve and how good it will make you feel.

Rediscovering Calm: A 60-Day Meditation Journey and Its Impact on My Life

Embarking on a personal experiment, I initiated a meditation routine on April 17, 2024, marking my second attempt at incorporating meditation into my daily life. My previous endeavor was short-lived, plagued by impatience and a lack of observable benefits, which led me to prematurely abandon the practice. I have always struggled with activities that require stillness and patience, such as watching movies or simply sitting still, with my media consumption largely limited to YouTube.

Prompted by a burgeoning curiosity, I revisited meditation. The nagging thought of potentially missing out on significant benefits simply because I disliked remaining stationary was unsettling. Determined to explore the unknown possibilities of meditation, I decided to give it another earnest attempt.

Driven by widespread claims of meditation’s benefits, I set a 60-day goal for myself for this attempt, hypothesizing that a fixed timeframe might encourage persistence. I established parameters for tracking my progress, deciding to monitor my sleep quality, weight, heart rate, and daily meditation adherence via the Finch App.

As noted in my April 20 entry, I faced significant challenges in maintaining a consistent meditation practice early in the project. My grade school memories of enforced brief morning 3-minute meditation sessions, which were agonizing, seemed to haunt me. I had a habit of doing something when I was supposed to sit still and meditate, such as reading. Cunningly, I started to think about piano music in my head, which still got me in trouble on multiple occasions. My teacher often scolded me for not doing the meditation seriously back then.

As an adult, my problems from childhood persist. Thoughts, particularly daily tasks, intrusively disrupted my attempts at mental clarity. I had to get rid of the garbage of my thoughts. Data analysts often use the word GIGO (Garbage in, garbage out.) I decided to purge my thoughts before I started meditation. I strategized around this by scheduling meditation after morning journaling and daily planning, which improved my focus on physical sensations like body temperature and breathing patterns. However, I often struggled to sustain attention during the sessions, which typically lasted between 5 and 15 minutes in the mornings and 10 to 20 minutes at night.

Mondays proved particularly difficult due to early work commutes and abbreviated morning routines. In the bigging, I woke up at 5:15 am, 15 minutes earlier, to do all my morning routines, including this meditation. Now, I had difficulty concentrating because my time was too tight. On such days, I managed only five minutes of meditation in the morning, compensating with a slightly longer session in the evening.

Over time, I observed an interesting shift in my mental processes during meditation. Although I still doubted the correctness of my technique, I began to experience moments of detached awareness, where my frustrations and concerns appeared as if belonging to someone else, akin to watching a movie of my own thoughts. This experience may last for a few minutes – I think. I was too worried to get out of this experience, so I hesitated to open my eyes. This new perspective, emerging sporadically, was fascinating.

I saw some changes in my data, which I corrected over time. Physiologically, I noted a significant reduction in my average resting heart rate, a benefit possibly augmented by general weight loss, which I also monitored throughout the experiment. My relationship with food also transformed; meditation diminished my cravings, particularly emotional eating, which I had abstained entirely from since starting the practice. This change, coupled with increased exercise and meticulous dietary logging, contributed to a weight loss of 5 pounds in May. However, the hot weather also played a role in this by increasing water loss.

Regarding my sleep, while my overall sleep quality improved by 6 points in May, with a slight increase in REM sleep durations of 5 minutes, deep sleep remained elusive. I have way too much REM sleep and less deep sleep, according to my sleep log, than I would like. So, I aspired to more deep sleep, believing it to be crucial for my well-being.

Reflecting on the potential health benefits of meditation, I turned to authoritative sources like the Harvard Medical School website, which confirmed that consistent practice could significantly lower heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels, provided the sessions lasted at least ten minutes (Meditation Offers Significant Heart Benefits, 2023). My meditation routine, particularly the evening sessions, aligned with these recommendations, potentially explaining some of the physiological improvements I observed.

Contrary to my physical health gains, my sleep quality saw only marginal improvements; my result was inconsistent with some academic findings, such as those by Rush et al. (2019), which questioned the impact of meditation on sleep after analyzing metadata consisting of 3,303 total records and 18 trials from 1654 participants. Their research suggested that while some immediate benefits might be noticeable, they could not see the effect on sleep quality from mindful meditation intervention (p.7).

As my 60-day trial concludes in 10 days, I remained committed to continuing meditation beyond this initial period. Despite the challenges and ongoing uncertainties about the ‘correctness’ of my technique, the general sense of well-being it imparts is undeniable. Moreover, having not missed a single day of meditation throughout the trial is a personal achievement that motivates me to maintain and refine my practice.

In summary, while the empirical benefits of meditation, particularly concerning sleep quality, remain a topic of some debate, the personal gains in terms of stress management, heart health, and overall well-being are compelling. As I look forward to continuing my meditation journey, I am curious and hopeful about the deeper insights and health benefits a sustained practice might unlock.


Meditation offers significant heart benefits. (2023, August 1). Harvard Health.

Rusch, H. L., Rosario, M., Levison, L. M., Olivera, A., Livingston, W. S., Wu, T., & Gill, J. M. (2019). The effect of mindfulness meditation on sleep quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1445(1), 5–16.