Reflecting on “Thirteen Reasons Why”: A Novel’s Impact on Teen Issues

In the United States, a number of books have been challenged or banned in schools and libraries. Among these, “Thirteen Reasons Why” by Jay Asher caught my attention when I saw it on a list of 100 banned books. I chose this book not for any specific reason but because it was readily available.

The story begins with a high school student, Clay Jensen, receiving a mysterious package. Inside, he finds several tapes recorded by his deceased classmate, Hanna Baker. The tapes reveal thirteen reasons why she decided to end her life, and each tape is dedicated to a different person who contributed to her decision. Clay follows a map Hanna left behind as he listens to the tapes, uncovering his peers’ often painful actions and choices.

Throughout the book, issues such as betrayal, bullying, underage drinking, and sexual assault are explored. These topics start with a rumor about Hanna that spirals out of control, impacting her profoundly. Despite her attempts to seek help, the lack of adequate support reaches a breaking point for her.

Clay’s tape does not accuse him of harming her. Instead, Hanna wanted to share her feelings with him because he genuinely cared for her. This part of the book made me ponder whether I could have been as supportive as Clay tried to be, especially if I faced rejection. In the end, Clay hesitated to help her after the rejection – which I could not really blame him.

“Thirteen Reasons Why” was one of the top ten most challenged books in 2012, primarily because of its raw depiction of sensitive issues like teen suicide and bullying, which some thought inappropriate for young readers (Gomez, 2018). These concerns led to its removal from some school libraries and even bans in certain districts.

Despite having yet to experience high school in the U.S., the book paints a realistic picture of teens’ pressures and challenges. It might resonate with many young readers who see aspects of their own lives reflected in Hanna’s story.

As I read, things might have been different for Hanna if the adults around her had offered better guidance. Her parents’ constant arguing and the ineffective advice from her school counselor added to her sense of isolation. Those thoughts made me question why more supportive measures, like counseling helplines and better communication, were not available to her.

The book is undeniably provocative and presents an opportunity to address the real issues it raises. Research indicates these problems are widespread, with studies showing that bullying, drug addiction, and alcohol issues are major concerns among teens. Additionally, over 20% of teens have considered suicide (Pappas, 2023), highlighting our lack of infrastructure and emphasizing a critical need for better mental health support in our schools (Stamm & Assefa, 2023).

Banning the book doesn’t solve these underlying issues. Instead, we should focus on improving our social support structures for distressed young people. The story “Thirteen Reasons Why” is a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy and understanding, particularly when addressing sensitive issues among teenagers.

In conclusion, Jay Asher’s novel is a powerful tool that encourages deep reflection on how to better support our youth. Rather than shying away from complex topics, we should use stories like these to spark meaningful conversations and push for changes that genuinely help those in need. Despite its controversies, I hope that this book will be read by many, whether they are parents, educators, or simply individuals who care about the well-being of young people.



Gomez, B. (2018, September 17). Banned Spotlight: Thirteen Reasons Why | Banned Books Week. Banned Books Week.

Graf, J. M. H. and N. (2019, February 20). Most U.S. Teens See Anxiety and Depression as a Major Problem Among Their Peers. Pew Research Center.

Pappas, S. (2023, July 1). More than 20% of teens have seriously considered suicide. Psychologists and communities can help tackle the problem. Https://Www.Apa.Org.

Stamm, K., & Assefa, M. (2023, June 1). There aren’t enough psychologists trained to treat kids in need. Here’s why. Https://Www.Apa.Org.

Exploring the Irony of Banned Books in Key West

During my trip to Key West, I had an unforgettable experience at The Studios of Key West, located at Simonton Street and Eaton Street. The building caught our attention with its modern design and stylish window displays. Knowing my passion for books, my husband pointed it out during our first encounter with the place. Although we initially passed it by due to a planned visit to Hemingway’s house, we returned later.

Inside, I stumbled upon an intriguing book titled “Read These Banned Books,” published by the American Library Association. Flipping through it, I discovered a list of 100 books, some of which were familiar to me as dystopian novels, like “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley, “1984” by George Orwell, and “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins.

The term “banned” doesn’t imply that these books are entirely unavailable in the United States. They can be bought or borrowed from someone who has them, though they might not be found in your local library or school. Interestingly, The Studios of Key West had these books on display, reinforcing the belief that literature should remain uncensored.

It struck me as ironic that books like “Brave New World” and “1984,” which portray worlds plagued by extreme censorship, are themselves banned. If “Fahrenheit 451” were also on the list, it would complete the books I’ve discussed in a previous blog about literary censorship.

As someone who cherishes reading, I find banning books disheartening. While I’m no book critic or expert, I trust my ability to recognize compelling literature, which often leaves me with mixed feelings about banned books.

Now, I’d like to share a darker story and caution sensitive readers to proceed with care. In 2012, a book was published under a pseudonym by an author, Shonen A, who confessed to committing murders in Kobe, Japan, in 1997. The author was underage, and the name was not released. The victims were grade-schoolers, and the book was released without the knowledge of the victims’ families. I personally choose not to read or purchase such a book, as I cannot support profiting from others’ tragedies. The important thing is that I decided not to read the book.

Despite not being a professional critic, my curiosity drives me to explore these controversial books, many of which are influential yet banned. This exploration is not just about reading; it’s also about understanding the reasons behind their bans. I came across a lecture series titled “Banned Books, Burned Books Forbidden Literary Works,” which I plan to follow while I delve into these banned books.

There are 100 banned books on the list. It will take time to read them all, but I am committed to reading them slowly and with intent. My goal is not just to read but also to research and understand the context of their bans, ultimately forming my own opinions on whether these books deserve to be censored.

This journey through banned books is not only about discovery but also a personal statement on the importance of freedom in literature and the right to choose what we read, regardless of the controversy surrounding the content.

Rediscovering Mythology: A Couple’s Journey Through Greco-Roman Legends

Written 4/14/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Over the recent months, my wife has developed a profound fascination with Greco-Roman mythology. Her journey began with exploring ancient philosophies, which naturally evolved into an interest in the mythological narratives of the Greco-Roman world. As a liberal arts graduate who majored in classics, I’ve always held a keen interest in these ancient stories, making this newfound shared interest an excellent source of conversation and intellectual exchange between us.

There’s something inherently captivating about Greco-Roman mythology. The narratives are not only rich with drama and adventure but also offer deep insights into the human condition and the complexities of life. One of the tales that resonates deeply with both of us is the tragic story of Orpheus and Eurydice. Orpheus was celebrated in myth as a musician of extraordinary talent, and he managed to impress Apollo, the god of music, so much so that he was gifted a lyre. His music had the magical ability to touch anyone who listened, casting a spell of adoration and love, including on Eurydice.

The love story of Orpheus and Eurydice is one of passion and profound sadness. These types of stories often contain living blissfully until a tragic mishap; their story takes a somber turn, prompting Orpheus to venture into the underworld. There, his enchanting music softened the hearts of Hades and Persephone, who agreed to allow him to return his beloved to the living world under one condition: he must not look back until they reached the surface. Overwhelmed with anxiety, Orpheus turned to look at his wife just as they neared the exit of the underworld, only to lose her forever as she vanished back into the depths.

As my wife points out, this poignant story shares thematic elements with other cultural myths, such as the poignant “Forget Me Not” and the Japanese tale of Izanagi and Izanami. It’s fascinating how diverse cultures echo similar themes, often exploring human desires and the consequent tragedies that these desires can precipitate.

My wife’s engagement with these myths has not only brought her joy but has also enriched our relationship. It provides us with endless topics for discussion and a mutual space for learning, discovery, and rediscovery. The expansive realm of Greco-Roman mythology offers a vast array of stories and characters, each encapsulating different facets of life and moral lessons, making it a treasure trove that keeps us intellectually and conversationally engaged.

As we continue to explore these ancient narratives, we appreciate the stories and the opportunity to connect through a shared interest. It’s a reminder of how ancient or modern stories hold the power to transcend time and space, bringing people closer together through the universal themes of love, loss, and human nature.

Indeed, the myths of old are timeless, and their exploration can enrich one’s life and relationships in unexpected and beautiful ways. I look forward to many more evenings spent discussing the fates and fortunes of characters that, though millennia old, feel as relevant today as ever.

Rediscovering Greek Myths: A Journey Through Iliad & Odyssey

The first time I dove into the epic tales of the Iliad & Odyssey, I was just a kid in elementary school. My introduction to these ancient stories came through a children’s version, which toned down the more frightening parts. Back then, I wasn’t sure if I fully grasped the stories’ depths, but it opened a door for me to the fascinating world of Greek mythology.

Years later, as an adult, I decided to revisit Iliad & Odyssey. To my surprise, I realized I had forgotten almost everything about the stories and the various gods and heroes within them. Adding to my challenge, the Japanese way of writing these deities’ names differed from the English pronunciation, making it hard for me to recognize them. Besides a few, I could only remember some of their names.

Reading these epics for the second time was overwhelming. The names of gods were mostly in Roman, and I found myself spending too much time trying to match deities and heroes’ names with those I vaguely remembered. I needed clarification on enjoying the stories. Realizing this, I took a step back to learn more about each deity, which reignited my interest in mythology. The more I discovered, the more curious I became. This curiosity delayed my third attempt to read the Iliad and Odyssey as I wondered if I would actually enjoy them this time.

Reflecting on my journey, I now understand the appeal of this ancient literature. My appreciation for them grew significantly compared to my last reading. I even joked with my husband that Homer must have made many sacrifices to Apollo, which made him chuckle. My adventure through these mythological tales has sparked a new interest in the various demigods of Greek myths. Inspired by this renewed fascination, I plan to dive into Apollodorus’s works next.

This journey through the Iliad and Odyssey, from childhood to adulthood, has been a journey of rediscovery. Not only did I reconnect with the stories and characters that captivated me as a child, but I also deepened my understanding and appreciation for Greek mythology. It’s a reminder that sometimes, revisiting stories from our past can offer new insights and inspiration.

Unraveling the Complex Tapestry of Greek and Roman Mythology

Have you ever dived into the fascinating world of Greek and Roman mythology? It’s like stepping into a new realm where gods and goddesses rule and epic tales unfold. I’ve been engrossed in these ancient stories for a project I’m working on, and let me tell you, it’s been quite the adventure! However, one major hurdle has been understanding these mythical characters in depth. It’s like they’re playing a game of hide and seek with me!

Authors who write books usually sketch their characters’ traits and behaviors beforehand. This helps keep the characters consistent throughout the story. I thought, “Why not apply this to the gods and goddesses of mythology?” So, I set out to reverse-engineer their character profiles. Sounds simple, right? Well, not exactly.

Take Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare, for example. I always pictured her as the epitome of order and justice. But then, there’s the story of Medusa, who Athena punished after being wronged by Poseidon in her temple. This act of punishment seemed more vengeful than just, and it didn’t align with the Athena I knew from other stories, like Homer’s “Iliad” or “Odyssey.”

Confused, I discussed this with my husband, who pointed out that the version I was puzzled by was actually a Roman take on Athena, known as Minerva, written by Ovid. That’s when it hit me—mythology is not just about storytelling; political and historical contexts also influence it. These narratives could change depending on the author’s perspective or the message they wanted to convey.

Realizing this, I decided to approach my project differently. I would delve back into the myths, paying close attention to who wrote each version and the historical or political background behind the stories. This reminded me of a book I read a while back about pirates. The author highlighted how history could be viewed differently depending on who’s telling it. A knited pirate in England could be seen as a villain from the Spanish perspective.

Throughout this journey, I’ve been organizing my research with Zotero, a handy tool for managing references. However, I didn’t do this with my mythology project for some reason, and now I regret it. A structured way to compare the different versions of each myth, alongside the authors and their backgrounds, would have made my task much more accessible. It’s a lesson learned for sure.

Here’s my takeaway for anyone venturing into the complex world of mythology: keep an open mind and consider the context. These ancient stories are more than just tales of gods and heroes; they reflect the times and cultures they originated from. And remember, a little organization can go a long way in unraveling the mysteries of the past!

Audiobooks: A Lifeline and a Waiting Game

November 26, 2023

Deaar Reader,

A delightful notification popped up on my phone this morning, brightening my day. Exciting news is on the horizon: a fresh Brandon Sanderson audiobook is set to grace Audible’s shelves later this month.


Following a brain stroke, audiobooks have become an indispensable part of my life. The stroke resulted in double vision, transforming the simple joy of reading into a daunting task. Once an avid reader, I now rely on audiobooks to indulge my passion for literature.


It was my wife who first introduced me to the world of audiobooks. Initially, she thought they’d be a perfect companion for her during routine, undemanding tasks. However, she soon realized that her preference lay in the tactile experience of reading a traditional book instead of listening to one.

Nevertheless, there needs to be more snags when it comes to audiobooks. Often, their release needs to catch up to the print version. At times, specific titles don’t even make it to audiobook format, which has been the case with some of Brandon Sanderson’s works, making me uneasy that they might never be available in audio form. Although they might exist on other platforms, I have yet to find the right one. 


“Tres of the Emerald Sea” by Brandon Sanderson is a prime example.

I haven’t extensively searched other platforms, hoping they will eventually appear on Audible. That is why announcing a new audiobook release is even more thrilling, as it could signal the arrival of his other elusive titles.


In the meantime, patience is the virtue I aim to embrace. And what a delightful coincidence it is that the release of this new book coincides with our wedding anniversary. It’s as if Brandon Sanderson himself is bestowing a thoughtful gift upon us. How considerate of him, indeed.


Lessons from Mistborn: The Ripple Effect of Our Actions

In my literary journey, I’ve stumbled across numerous tales that have left an indelible impact on me. Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series, in particular, has given me a profound insight pertinent to our daily lives: every action, no matter how small, carries consequences.


Throughout the Mistborn saga, a recurrent theme is how the characters’ survival hinges on understanding the repercussions of their actions. They’re not just told but demonstrated that each choice can alter the course of events, shaping the world around them. This motif, although set in a fantastical universe, carries weighty implications for us in our non-magical world.


In today’s vast and intricate global landscape, it’s tempting to think of individual actions as mere drops in an ocean, too insignificant to create any natural ripple. However, the Mistborn series is a poignant reminder that this isn’t the case. Just as tiny steps cumulatively lead us to our ultimate destination, our everyday decisions, interactions, and behaviors collectively shape our relationships, surroundings, and the broader tapestry of society.


I’ve often been asked why I delve so deeply into fiction, especially when the worlds described are far removed from reality. My answer? Stories have a unique way of embedding wisdom within us. While personal experiences undeniably teach us valuable lessons, there’s something about narratives that makes the learning more profound. They wrap knowledge in layers of emotion, adventure, and connection, making the messages palatable and deeply resonant.


Whenever I immerse myself in a book, I approach it as a treasure hunt. Each page turned is a step closer to unearthing a golden nugget of wisdom. Sometimes, this wisdom aligns with the author’s intended message; at other times, it’s a personal interpretation. But the beauty of literature is that it’s not always about deriving the “correct” lesson. Instead, it’s about extracting value, making each reading experience unique and personal.


To draw parallels, consider our actions as chapters in our life’s book. While one might feel that a solitary act or decision is inconsequential, when strung together, they form a narrative – one that affects not just us but the world at large. The Mistborn series amplifies this idea, urging readers to be conscious of their actions, as every move contributes to a larger storyline.


In conclusion, whether through personal experiences or the enchanting world of books, we must remember that we’re not isolated entities. Every action, word, or thought has a ripple effect. Sanderson’s Mistborn series is a compelling testament to this fact, reinforcing that even in a world teeming with billions, each individual has the power to effect change.


To everyone reading this, I urge you to be mindful of your actions. Recognize the influence you wield. And just as you would with a cherished book, extract lessons from your experiences, ensuring that every chapter you pen in your life’s story adds value to the world around you.

Rediscovering The Wheel of Time and My Journey with Audiobooks

Growing up, I was deeply fascinated by the universe of science fiction and fantasy. One of the series that profoundly resonated with me during my high school years was Robert Jordan’s “Wheel of Time.” I recall the anticipation, the longing, and the frustration of waiting for each new installment to hit the shelves. As the rigors of University and graduate school consumed me, the lengthy intervals between releasing these books meant I gradually lost touch with the series.


Fast forward a decade, and a press release caught my eye – the series was completed by another author, Brandon Sanderson. Having lost track of where I’d left off, I embarked on a nostalgic journey, starting from the first book, devouring the series within weeks. This was my introduction to Sanderson, and his rendition of the series left an indelible mark on me, making his name hard to forget.


Then came Amazon’s announcement of adapting the ‘Wheel of Time’ into a show. An urge to revisit the books struck, but several relocations had scattered my collection. Instead, I turned to audiobooks and, to my surprise, found them to be an even more immersive experience. I was hooked. The entire series played countless times in the backdrop of my daily life, even subtly accompanying me as I pen down thoughts like this one. There’s a particular fondness I hold for the books penned by Sanderson. Whether it’s his distinctive writing style or the crescendo, the storyline was approaching. The 12th book always beckons me with unmatched enthusiasm.


Coincidentally, years later, Sanderson’s name resurfaced in an unexpected arena – a ‘Magic The Gathering’ video. Intrigued, I delved deeper into his bibliography. I ventured into the “Mistborn” series, followed by the “Stormlight Archives.” Both series were enchanting, and as I journeyed with the characters through their challenges, I drew several life lessons.


Among these lessons, one stood out – the significance of persisting, of taking the next step. No matter the distance traversed, the journey is over once it truly is. And the decision to move forward, to tread the next mile, plays a pivotal role in defining us.


In essence, my journey with the “Wheel of Time” series and audiobooks has been more than just a literary adventure. It’s been a lesson in rediscovery, persistence, and the simple joy of stories that leave a lasting impact.

“The Unforgettable Journey of Honora: A Review of ‘Sing, Wild Bird, Sing’ by Jacqueline O’Mahony”

“Sing, Wild Bird, Sing” by Jacqueline O’Mahony is a captivating book that opened my eyes. It tells the story of Honora, a young Irish woman who leaves her home because of the Great Famine. Reading this book made me realize how tough life was not just for American pioneers, like in “The Little House on the Prairie,” but also for immigrants like Honora, who came to a brand new country.

What stands out is the author’s fantastic research. The book profoundly looks into the period and makes you feel right there with Honora. Suppose you’ve read other books about Irish or American history. In that case, this one offers something unique by focusing on the Irish Famine. It was so interesting that I even did some of my research on the topic!

One of the most excellent parts of this book is how it keeps you guessing. When you think you know what will happen to Honora, something unexpected comes up. It’s super exciting and makes the book hard to put down.

What got me thinking was the role of women during that time. It made me wonder how different Honora’s life would have been if she were a man. Even today, women often face challenges that men don’t, something I’ve noticed as an immigrant myself. But the struggles Honora faces are on another level.

To summarize, “Sing, Wild Bird, Sing” is not just a history book; it’s a story about courage, tough times, and looking for a better life. If you’re interested in history or want a book that makes you think, I highly recommend it. This book made a big impression and made me appreciate my opportunities today.


Book: Sing, Wild Bird, Sing: Novel

Jacqueline O’Mahony


Diving into Darkness: A Reflection on Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray

For my fourth book in the Dark Academia reading list, I chose “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde. I decided on this book because Wilde’s name popped up in “Maurice,” which I had just finished. I had heard of Oscar Wilde before, but this was my first time diving into one of his books.

Before I start a new book, I like to learn about the author. It helps me understand their stories better.

Oscar Wilde was a fascinating person. He was a writer from Ireland who lived in the late 1800s, known for his unique writing style and vibrant personality. Wilde loved beauty and art, often dressing in fancy clothes and living a flashy lifestyle.

Wilde wrote some great plays, like “The Importance of Being Earnest,” “An Ideal Husband,” and “Lady Windermere’s Fan,” which are loved for their smart jokes, commentary on society during the Victorian period, and exploration of topics like marriage and social class.

However, Wilde’s life was sad when his relationship with Lord Alfred Douglas, Bosie, became public. When Bosie’s dad accused Wilde of being gay, Wilde took him to court, but the plan backfired, and Wilde was arrested instead.

Wilde was sentenced to two years of hard work and imprisoned from 1895 to 1897, when his health worsened. After his release, he lived in France but struggled with money and emotions.

Despite all this, Oscar Wilde’s work and personal life make him a significant figure in literary history. His writing continues to be praised for its cleverness, commentary on society, and artistic greatness.

Now, onto the book “The Picture of Dorian Gray.” It’s about a young man named Dorian Gray, who is incredibly handsome. The story starts when Dorian meets an artist named Basil Hallward, who is amazed by Dorian’s beauty and paints a portrait of him.

Influenced by Basil’s admiration and the cynical ideas of Lord Henry Wotton, Dorian wishes to stay young forever while his portrait grows old and shows his wrongdoings. This wish surprisingly comes true.

Following Lord Henry’s ideas, Dorian leads a life of pleasure and wrongdoings. Despite his increasingly wrong actions, Dorian keeps his outward beauty and charm, while his portrait becomes scarier as it reflects his wicked deeds.

As time passes, Dorian involves himself in various bad situations, harming others without consequences. His portrait becomes more and more hideous each day, reflecting his wrongdoings.

Terrified of his ugly portrait, Dorian tries to destroy it, but this ultimately leads to his downfall. In anger and guilt, he stabs the portrait, which causes his death, revealing an old, withered Dorian Gray.

“The Picture of Dorian Gray” is full of symbolism, suggesting that Wilde wanted to show the good and bad in everyone. Dorian starts as a pure character, but Lord Henry’s influence leads him to do wrong. Lord Henry symbolizes temptation and encourages Dorian to live a life of pleasure, representing the “bad” side.

On the other hand, Basil symbolizes morality and ethics. He appreciates the real beauty in Dorian and continues to care for him despite his wrong actions. Thus, Basil represents the “good” side. This idea of duality is central to the book, and Wilde suggests that every person has both good and bad in them.

The murder of Basil is a crucial turning point for Dorian, marking the moment when Dorian fully gives in to his darker impulses. By killing Basil, Dorian eliminates the possibility of turning back and fully embraces his sinful lifestyle.

However, in the end, Dorian’s remorse and self-destruction suggest that the struggle between good and evil continues within him until his last moments. This could indicate that Wilde believed in the chance of saying sorry and fixing mistakes, although it was too late for Dorian.

In conclusion, “The Picture of Dorian Gray” warns about the results of moral decay. The book shows how doing wrong can lead to a person’s downfall, as demonstrated by Dorian’s ultimate end. The ethical decisions of each character push the story forward and reveal Wilde’s views on the hypocrisy of Victorian society, the consequences of beauty over morals, and the need for a balance between being morally right and seeking pleasure.

The book in question is a short story. As an individual for whom English is not my first language, I found certain words quite challenging, which necessitated multiple checks with the dictionary to ensure an accurate understanding of the content. Also, I noticed that some paragraphs were exceptionally long.

Regardless, I found the book to be thoroughly enjoyable. It made me think, and I suspect it will stay with me for a long time. I appreciate books like this one that stimulate deep reflection. I was intrigued by elements of Jacobean tragedies that influenced the plot. As such, I’m excited to explore some actual Jacobean tragedies in the future.
As anticipated, the book has a dark tone. However, it offers a valuable opportunity to consider the moral compass of its characters and even our own.

My decision to delve into this book was inspired by its captivating plot and my desire to push the boundaries of my English comprehension and expand my literary experiences. The book’s ability to provoke profound thoughts and intense emotions makes it compelling. It invites readers to ponder the concepts of morality, enriching our intellectual journey. Without a doubt, this book is an intriguing choice.

I recommend this book to anyone looking for a story that challenges the mind and sparks curiosity. Dive into it and let it broaden your literary landscape as it has done for me. Trust me, and it’s a journey well worth embarking upon.