Challenges We Found Out by Living by the Beautiful Stream

Written August 8, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Living in Nashville has unique perks and challenges, especially when you have a home like ours. Nestled close to a small stream and surrounded by a dense forest, our house offers a tranquil and picturesque setting. The forest is thick enough that we can’t even see the houses on the other side, which gives us a sense of seclusion and privacy that we truly cherish. We love the natural beauty and the peaceful atmosphere our location provides, but, as with all good things, there’s a trade-off—one that comes in the form of insects.

When you live in a place like Nashville, known for its hot and humid summers, you can expect insects to be part of the package, especially when your home is close to a stream. Our backyard is a haven for various bugs—fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, wasps, and other critters that seem to thrive in this environment. While we enjoy the natural surroundings, these uninvited guests can be quite a nuisance.

To manage the insect problem, we’ve enlisted the help of a pest control service. Our pest control service provider covers termites and other pests around our house, ensuring our home is protected. However, no pest control can completely rid our backyard of insects nor should that be the goal. There’s always going to be something buzzing around. Plus, I’m not entirely comfortable with spreading too many chemicals around, especially considering the potential impact on the environment and our health.

During our first summer in Nashville, my wife reached her limit with the insects. She’s always been diligent about yard work, including lawn mowing, but the bugs made it unbearable. She started using insect repellent religiously before stepping outside, ensuring she was fully protected. As soon as she returned indoors, she would immediately wash her clothes to avoid bringing ticks into the house. This routine became even more critical since we had a cat at the time, and the last thing we wanted was to expose our furry friend to any pests.

As for me, I’ve had a more on-and-off relationship with insect repellent. Before heading out to mow the lawn this morning, I finally remembered to spray myself down. I’ve used repellent but hadn’t noticed a significant difference in the number of bug bites, so I got lax about it. However, just last week, I found myself covered in mosquito bites, which prompted me to give the repellent another shot. This time, I was pleasantly surprised to see a noticeable bit reduction. Sometimes, it seems it takes a little persistence to find what works best.

Living near the stream and forest has its challenges, especially with insects. Still, the beauty and serenity of our surroundings make it all worthwhile. With some preparation and proper precautions, we can continue enjoying our little paradise in Nashville despite the bugs.

Let’s Make Our Homemade Meal Kits

Written 6/23/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

We initially subscribed to Hello Fresh Meal Preparation Kits, which cater to individuals with busy lifestyles seeking variety in their meals. My wife encouraged me to broaden my culinary skills beyond my limited set of recipes, which I tended to repeat. My wife thought I was ready to take on more recipes. This is one type of rehabilitation we implemented for my brain recovery. You see, cooking requires a lot of planning and coordinating.

My wife thought learning about portion control was the most valuable takeaway from using Hello Fresh. Despite our regular exercise routines, we found ourselves overeating. I am quite good at mindful eating, but sometimes, I also overeat. Given my dietary restrictions, I sometimes indulge in foods not typically on my list, like pasta, making portion management even more crucial.

What I appreciated about Hello Fresh was its straightforward recipes. My wife enjoyed tweaking these recipes, ensuring I always had something new to try. I’ve consistently found the recipes manageable and have never encountered any issues preparing them.

Sometimes, we feel the foods are salty. Please don’t take me wrong. Hello Fresh probably uses the recommended sodium in their meal kit. Since we have been on limited sodium intake for so long, we find many foods to be saltier than we were used to. 

Motivated by our experience, my wife aspired to create our own meal kits. We used approximately 6 months of Hello Fresh. My wife was learning from the kits. She said she is ready to create her own. She began by crafting her spice mixes, which were lower in salt or completely herb-based, avoiding excessive sodium. She also made substitutions to accommodate my kidney health or to use up leftovers, thus minimizing food waste. She started tracking any food waste to learn from previous oversights and improve our efficiency.

She took on the role of meal planner, preparing weekly kits each week and leaving a day to experiment with new recipes, hoping to expand our meal variety further.

We organized the meal kits using color-coded reusable plastic bags. My wife prepared all the seasonings on Saturdays, placing them in the bags along with the recipes and necessary ingredients.

Our first week of implementing our homemade meal kit system was a success. I measured out the spices, sauces, and seasoning mixes, all of which my wife had pre-made. The process required minimal effort on my part, and my wife was pleased with the meals produced and eager to continue this routine.

Weathering the Heat: The Urgency of Air Conditioning in Nashville

Written 5/23/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Our air conditioner has given up. Let me tell you, not having air conditioning in Nashville is nothing short of a disaster. The timing couldn’t be worse, with the mercury climbing increasingly uncomfortable. Without our usual setting of a modest 73-74°F, the malfunction of our cooling unit is becoming more than a mere inconvenience.

Fortunately, the service company that has helped us in the past is set to visit later today. It will be a relief to regain control over our indoor climate.

Reflecting on past experiences, I recall living in West Lafayette, Indiana, during my high school years, where we didn’t have an air conditioning system. Similarly, when my wife and I spent in Portland, Oregon, we managed without air conditioning. Summers there can be pretty hot, but the weather remains dry, and the nights abruptly bring starkly cooler temperatures. Keeping windows open at night to let in the cool air allows us to maintain a relatively comfortable atmosphere inside our home without needing constant air conditioning.

The scenario in Nashville, however, presents a stark contrast. Here, the combination of heat and humidity during the summer months makes the air feel oppressively hot. It’s astonishing how quickly we’ve adapted to the necessity of having air conditioning during the hot season, considering we’ve been Nashville residents for just over five years.

The swift reliance on air conditioning here speaks volumes about the local climate’s demands. In humid conditions, the actual temperature can feel exponentially hotter, which emphasizes the essential role of a functional air conditioning system in maintaining a livable environment.

Navigating this temporary discomfort has reminded me of the diverse climate adaptations required in different regions. Each place we’ve lived has offered its own unique challenges and solutions when it comes to dealing with heat. While natural ventilation sufficed in the cooler, dry nights of Portland, the humid and oppressive heat of a Nashville summer makes air conditioning not just a luxury but a necessity.

As we await the repair service, the thought of soon being able to adjust the temperature with a simple click of a button brings a sigh of relief. The ability to control one’s living environment is not only a matter of comfort but also of well-being, especially in regions where the weather can pose a significant challenge to both.

As I sit here, feeling the gradual increase in indoor temperature, I’m reminded of the importance of having reliable and efficient home systems and the peace of mind that comes with it. For now, the countdown to the repair technician’s arrival continues, and with it, the anticipation of returning to a cooler, more comfortable home environment.

Harnessing the Power of Momentum in Everyday Tasks

Written May 8, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Momentum is a potent force that propels us forward, helping us conquer a plethora of tasks with increasing energy. Over the past several days, I have been riding this wave of momentum, tackling numerous tasks with a surprising vigor. Initially, my motivation was purely preventative; I did not want to let small, manageable tasks snowball into urgent, overwhelming challenges due to procrastination.

As I began to chip away at my to-do list, I decided to pair this activity with listening to audiobooks. This combination turned out to be incredibly effective. To my amazement, the more tasks I completed, the more energy I found for future tasks. This productivity cycle left me feeling quite satisfied with my accomplishments, especially yesterday when I checked off nearly everything on my list.

One of the tasks I had set for myself was to clear the back of our house from overgrown vines. Unfortunately, a bout of rain came through, slightly altering my plans. Despite this, I made significant headway and am poised to finish up tomorrow, right after I tackle the week’s mowing.

Although the day left me feeling physically drained, the sense of accomplishment I experienced was profound and overwhelmingly positive. A unique satisfaction comes from looking over a to-do list that’s been mostly conquered. It not only demonstrates what you have achieved but also clears the space for new tasks that might arise before the next surge of energy is needed.

This process of building and maintaining momentum has profound implications for task completion, personal growth, and satisfaction. By actively engaging in our daily chores and responsibilities and enhancing the experience with enjoyable activities like listening to audiobooks, we can transform seemingly mundane tasks into opportunities for learning and achievement.

What’s particularly intriguing about momentum is how it feeds into itself. The more you accomplish, the more you feel capable of accomplishing. This self-perpetuating cycle can lead us to new heights of productivity and personal fulfillment. It’s akin to a snowball rolling down a hill, gathering speed and size; as our list of completed tasks grows, so does our energy and capacity to handle more.

Moreover, breaking down tasks into manageable parts and ticking them off one by one helps reduce procrastination and make the tasks seem less daunting. Regardless of size, progress fuels our motivation and pushes us to keep moving forward.

For anyone struggling to find the drive to tackle their daily or weekly tasks, consider this approach: Start small tasks that are enjoyable to accompany the less exciting chores, and watch as your momentum builds. You might find that the energy to continue will come naturally, and your productivity will soar as a result.

In conclusion, the power of momentum is an extraordinary tool in our personal and professional lives. It transforms our approach to tasks from tedious to engaging, energizing activity, promoting continuous personal growth and efficiency. Harness this energy, and you’ll be surprised at how much you can achieve and how good it will make you feel.

A Day of Mowing: Navigating Challenges in Our Hilly Yard

Written 4/5

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday brought its fair share of challenges and accomplishments as I tackled mowing our lawn, a chore that this week’s weather rendered more daunting than usual. Early in the week, the onset of rain abruptly interrupted my usual mowing schedule. Although I managed to make some progress before the showers, I was left with a substantial portion of the lawn unfinished. With the weather clearing up, I was optimistic about completing the task on Thursday. However, as it turned out, I had underestimated the amount of work left, setting the stage for an arduous yard work day.

Our home is surrounded by hilly terrain and a decent-sized yard that demands regular maintenance. The contours of the land add a layer of complexity to what might otherwise be a straightforward task. Mowing the slopes is not only time-consuming but also physically demanding. Yesterday, I powered through the work, mowing down most of the grass except for a few stubborn strips that seemed to evade my efforts.

As the day progressed, I pushed our lawn mower across the undulating landscape until both of our batteries succumbed to exhaustion. This left me with a partially completed job and a decision to make: when to finish the remaining patches. Considering the week’s workload and the forecast, setting aside additional time over the weekend seemed like a sensible plan. With its promise of clear skies and free time, Sunday appears to be the ideal day to wrap up.

Despite not completing the entire yard as I had hoped, there was a deep sense of achievement in what I had managed to accomplish. Though moderately sized, our yard poses unique challenges due to its hilly setting. The mower, propelled solely by my effort, becomes an instrument through which I engage deeply with the landscape. Three hours of guiding it up and down the slopes is no small feat. The physical exertion is palpable, and by the end of the session, I find myself exhausted yet invigorated.

On a typical mowing day, I clock in around 13,000 steps, transforming what is essentially a household chore into a vigorous exercise routine. The repetitive motion of pushing the mower, coupled with the resistance offered by the hill, provides a robust workout that rivals any gym session. During these hours, I appreciate the dual benefit of this task: maintaining the aesthetic of our home while simultaneously engaging in a health-promoting activity.

Reflecting on yesterday’s efforts, I am reminded of the importance of adaptability and perseverance in facing unexpected challenges. Whether it’s an unanticipated weather change or the sheer physical demands of the task, each mowing session offers a chance to learn and grow. As I look ahead to finishing the job on Sunday, I am not daunted but rather motivated by the opportunity to once again connect with nature and reinforce my commitment to my home’s beauty and personal health.

The Whimsical Weather of Tennessee: A Lawn Care Conundrum

Written on February 29, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

In the unique climate of Tennessee, nestled in the southern reaches of the Midwest, residents navigate the peculiarities of both sweltering, humid summers and brisk winters. As someone living here, I constantly juggle between the extremes. My wife often remarks that it’s nothing compared to the Canadian cold, but still, our winters carry a chill that can’t be ignored. Interestingly, winter is a flexible term here, with unexpectedly warm days popping up even in the heart of what should traditionally be our coldest months. This inconsistency brings challenges, especially when maintaining a lush, healthy lawn.

On this particular day, the weather whims have played their cards again. Just recently, we experienced a spell of warmth that prompted our lawn to spring to life, emboldened enough to require its first trim of the year—despite it still being February. The plan was set for today to embark on the annual ritual of the year’s first mow, yet the weather had other plans. A sudden drop in temperature has made the task less inviting, necessitating a coat for the venture outside. Living on a hill adds another complexity to lawn care, making mowing in a jacket seem almost a personal affront.

This internal debate might seem trivial to some, but it speaks to the larger unpredictability of life here. I find myself wrestling with the decision, leaning towards postponing the task. After all, why push me to mow in the cold when the afternoon promises a gentler warmth? This logic feels sound and justified even in the face of Tennessee’s erratic weather patterns. Waiting for the sun to climb higher seems prudent, offering the hope of a more agreeable temperature for outdoor chores.

With its sudden shifts and surprises, Tennessee’s weather requires a flexible approach to lawn care and many other aspects of daily life. Today’s dilemma over the timing of a simple task like mowing the lawn underscores the more prominent theme of adaptation. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the best-laid plans must yield to the whims of nature. Here, where the seasons need help deciding their demeanor, patience and a willingness to adjust are invaluable traits. So, as I wait for the day to warm, I’m reminded of the unique charm of living in this part of the country. Despite the challenges, there’s beauty in the unpredictability, a reminder of nature’s dominion over our best intentions and schedules.

Maximizing Time Alone: A Cleaning Journey While My Partner’s Away

Written on March 23, 2024

My husband will be away, spending quality time with his siblings in the upcoming days—a trip I wished to join if only my schedule permitted. Unfortunately, the timing couldn’t have been more inconvenient. With the completion of consolidation reports, nearing the end of financial audits, and the final touches to our financial statements, my work as the sole accountant for our company has been more demanding than ever. The looming task of handling corporation tax still awaits me. Given these circumstances, taking time off was hardly an option. However, I managed to secure a single day to cherish moments with my husband before his departure.

After confirming my husband’s trip, I strategized to use this period to clean our home thoroughly. Although work obligations spilled into the weekend, I seized the chance for a comprehensive cleanup. My husband’s absence made this task more straightforward, allowing me to dive right into it with my trusted trio: vinegar, baking soda, and citric acid.

Admittedly, I often feel a pang of guilt for not maintaining a cleaner home. While my husband contributes to daily upkeep, my efforts are usually reserved for spot cleaning and tackling the bathroom and kitchen over the weekend. Yet, this often needs to be improved. The desire to clean windows, wallboards, and doors weighed on me, especially considering the recent surge in pollen, which likely invaded every corner of our house.

Determined, I dedicated four hours to an intense cleaning spree, focusing on our showers, bathrooms, kitchen appliances, and sideboards. The result was a significantly tidier home that not only looked better but also made me feel better.

Reflecting on this, I’m reminded of my grandmother’s wisdom. She often said that cleaning could clear one’s mind, which resonated with me deeply during this cleaning endeavor. Indeed, as I navigated through the chores, the clutter of my mind seemed to diminish alongside the physical clutter. This experience underscored the value of finding tranquility and satisfaction in the simplicity of household chores, particularly during solitude. It served as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a clean home and a clear mind, especially amidst the hectic pace of professional responsibilities.


While the initial motivation for this cleaning marathon was born out of necessity and the opportunity presented by my husband’s absence, it evolved into a therapeutic exercise that brought clarity and a sense of accomplishment. It’s a gentle reminder that sometimes, in the quiet moments of solitude, we find the space to rejuvenate and realign ourselves, ready to tackle the challenges ahead with a renewed spirit and a cleaner home.

Navigating Loss and Love: The Journey of a Beloved Cat

Mar 26, 2024

Re: The Quest for Future Kitty: Navigating the Rarity of Flame Point Siamese Cats

Life, with all its ups and downs, often brings us to a place of deep reflection and emotional growth. My journey, particularly recently, has been one of love, loss, and the bittersweet memories in between. The loss of our beloved cat last autumn has cast a long shadow over our lives, reminding us of the fragility of joy and the enduring nature of love.

Nearly 17 years ago, faced with the impossibility of having children due to medical reasons, I decided to welcome a kitten into our lives. This wasn’t just any kitten; she was a flame-point, apple-head Siamese, a breed marked by its rarity and distinct beauty. However, it was later revealed that she was a mix, a detail that mattered little in our affection for her. My husband, in particular, formed an inseparable bond with her from the moment they met, showering her with love and attention in a way that was uniquely his. While I may not have pampered her to the same extent, my love for her was no less profound.

The pain of loss has a peculiar way of warping my senses, leading me to find traces of our departed loved ones in the most mundane occurrences. At times, I could swear I heard her, a sentiment fueled more by hope than reality, as the rational part of me recognized the sounds as nothing more than the whirring of the heater or the rustling of the wind. Despite my fear of horror films and ghosts, there were moments I desperately wished to believe that she had returned to us in some form.

The void left by her absence has been difficult to navigate. The thought of welcoming another cat into our home has surfaced, prompted by my husband’s desire for a new feline companion. Yet, the thought alone brings tears to my eyes as the memories of our lost cat remain too fresh, her presence too profoundly intertwined with our daily lives. It’s a hesitation born not from a lack of love for animals but from a heart still heavy with grief.

The depth of my husband’s affection for our cat was made abundantly clear in a moment of profound vulnerability. Emerging from a seven-day coma induced by a brain stroke, his first words were not only my name but also that of our beloved cat. It was a testament to their bond, forged through countless days spent together while he worked from home and she kept him company.

As we contemplate the future and the possibility of opening our hearts to another cat, we face practical considerations, such as choosing a hypoallergenic breed due to allergies within our circle of friends and family. Yet, the emotional readiness for such a step is a question that lingers. The fear of inadvertently seeking out the shadow of our lost cat in a new one looms large, raising ethical and emotional concerns about fairness to the latest addition.

Navigating this landscape of grief and love is a journey without a clear roadmap. Each step forward is a delicate balance between honoring the past and being open to new sources of joy and companionship. In this space of uncertainty, the only certainty is the profound impact of our beloved cat on our lives, a legacy of love that endures beyond her physical presence.


The Quest for Future Kitty: Navigating the Rarity of Flame Point Siamese Cats

Written on February 2, 2024

Hello, Dear Readers,

My wife and I have embarked on what we anticipate will be an extensive journey—a search for a new kitten. Our hearts are set on finding a kitten that mirrors the unique characteristics of our previously cherished cat, Gambi. Gambi was not just any cat; she was a distinguished female apple-headed, flame-point Siamese cat, a type that holds a special place in our hearts.

This particular breed is relatively rare. It is a distinctive blend created through the crossing of a traditional Siamese with an orange American shorthair domestic cat. This specificity makes the quest for a similar kitten a challenge, as there are fewer breeders focusing on this hybrid, given the complexities and potential limitations associated with cat shows and pure breed registrations.

Breeders may lean towards raising purebred Siamese kittens, primarily due to the appeal of submitting them to prestigious cat shows, which come with stringent entry requirements. While my thoughts on breeders’ preferences are speculative, the breed’s rarity suggests a complex interplay of factors influencing their breeding choices.

In our pursuit, we’ve reached out to several breeders, expressing our interest and hoping they’ll contact us if they have what we’re seeking. Finding the right breeder and awaiting the arrival of a litter that meets our criteria might take time. This waiting period offers us an opportunity for emotional preparation, as the void left by Gambi’s absence remains profound.

Gambi’s departure has left a bittersweet taste, making the anticipation of a new kitten a hopeful and reflective time for us. I’ve affectionately referred to this yet-to-be-discovered kitten as “future kitty,” a placeholder name that signifies our hope and openness to this new chapter. Once we meet “future kitty,” we’ll choose a name that suits her unique personality and presence.

The search for a kitten similar to Gambi is more than a quest for a new pet; it’s a journey of healing, remembrance, and, eventually, the joyful welcoming of a new family member. It underscores our deep bond with our pets, who become irreplaceable parts of our lives and families.

Though the path to finding a “future kitty” may be filled with patience and anticipation, we are committed to it, guided by the memory of Gambi and the desire to open our hearts to another extraordinary cat. The emotional preparation we undergo now will undoubtedly make the arrival of our new kitten all the more remarkable as we look forward to the unique joy and companionship she will bring to our lives.

To our fellow pet lovers and readers, we’ll keep you updated on our journey. The search for “future kitty” is a testament to our enduring love for our pets, past, present, and future. Thank you for joining us on this heartfelt quest.

Spring’s Subtle Arrival: A Reflection

Written on January 28, 2024

As we inch closer to the end of another week, the promise of spring whispers ever so softly to us. It’s a time filled with subtle signs that herald the return of warmer days. During my recent runs, I’ve been greeted by the sight of robins, those quintessential messengers of spring, frolicking across various lawns. Their presence is a comforting reminder that spring is indeed on its way.

Reflecting on this same period last year, I recall the slightly surreal sight of these birds hopping through a light blanket of snow. It was a peculiar contrast – the embodiment of spring dancing amidst winter’s lingering embrace. I hope that this year, the transition will be less jarring, with spring taking its rightful place without the backdrop of winter’s chill.

Yet, with the arrival of spring comes the inevitable: a list of chores that seem to awaken alongside the blossoming flora. A significant part of this seasonal shift includes the resurgence of yard work. Last year, I successfully maintained our outdoor space and found the perfect balance. Our homeowner’s association, perhaps taking note of the improvements, spared us the usual reminders to tend to our yard. This small victory encouraged me to adopt a similar strategy this year.

With all its beauty and promise, spring also reminds us of the cyclical nature of responsibilities and the satisfaction derived from their fulfillment. As much as it signifies renewal and growth, it also beckons us to engage with our surroundings to care for the land that, in turn, sustains and nurtures us. So, as we stand on the cusp of this season of rebirth, I embrace its joys and demands with equal enthusiasm.

As you observe the signs of spring in your own lives, you may find joy in the simple pleasures it brings and resilience in the face of its challenges. Here’s to a season of growth, renewal, and the harmonious balance between enjoying nature’s beauty and contributing to its upkeep.