The Surprising Secrets of Mangroves: A Family Trip Revelation

Sometimes, we might overlook something truly incredible because of our first impressions. I’ve been there, too, and I’d love to share a story about how my view changed during a family trip to the Keys.

When we first saw the mangroves, I’ll admit, I wasn’t impressed. They have these odd-looking roots that stick out over the water and stand in dark, shallow waters that don’t look very clean. I even joked to myself that they were called mangroves because they looked like a bunch of men trying to form a grove! It reminded me of the time I used to peek under rocks until one day; I saw a two-headed snail—both were a bit unsettling at first.

I was ready to leave to see something more interesting, such as a beautiful ocean. Then, my husband asked a simple question that made me pause: “How do these trees live in this salty water?” Honestly, I totally forgot we had been looking at the ocean until he mentioned it.

That question stuck with me for the rest of our vacation. When we got home, I started researching mangroves and fell into a rabbit hole of discovery. The only thing I can imagine is a plant-looking thing in the ocean is Kelp, and Kelp is not even a plant. I didn’t even know a plant could grow in the ocean. 

What is Mangrove, then? According to the U.S. Department of Commerce (U.S. Department of Commerce, n.d.), mangroves only grow in subtropical areas or near the equator, like some parts of Texas, Louisiana, and southern Florida in the U.S. There are about 80 different species around the world, thriving in low-oxygen soil, brackish waters, and even the ocean. Their roots are super cool—they can filter out up to 90% of the salt from seawater!

I learned more about how their roots work. According to scientists from Korea (Kim et al., 2016), the Mangrove’s root membrane selectively pulls in chloride ions while keeping out most of the sodium ions at the first membrane layer. A second membrane blocks the chloride ions, so the chloride ions are trapped between the first and the second layers of root membranes. This setup causes the trapped chloride ions (Cl-) to create a massive negative charge, which attracts sodium ions (Na+) back toward the first membrane like a strong negatively charged magnet. It’s a clever system that lets air pass but keeps salt water out, making it possible for mangroves to thrive in salty environments. Researchers are even trying to mimic this filtering process through ionization to develop new water purification systems.

My research didn’t stop there. Mangroves are also home to tiny microorganisms that can withstand harsh environments and even help synthesize metallic nanoparticles with their special synthesizing pathway (Vaish & Pathak, 2023). These nanoparticles are being studied because they could be key in creating new materials to help with pollution cleanup.

Mangroves play a crucial role as natural barriers protecting our coasts from hurricanes, winds, waves, and floods. They also improve the water quality in their areas. I had no idea mangroves were so fascinating.

So, what’s the takeaway from this adventure? If my husband hadn’t asked about the mangroves, I might have written them off as creepy trees in muddy water. It’s a good reminder not to judge things based only on first impressions.



Kim, K., Seo, E., Chang, S.-K., Park, T. J., & Lee, S. J. (2016). Novel water filtration of saline water in the outermost layer of mangrove roots. Scientific Reports, 6(1), 20426.

US Department of Commerce, N. O. and A. A. (n.d.). What is a mangrove forest? Retrieved May 19, 2024, from

Vaish, S., & Pathak, B. (2023). Mangrove synthesized bio-nanomaterial and its applications: A review. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, 20, 100866.

Diving Deep into Greek Mythology: A Personal Exploration

Over the past six months, I’ve embarked on an incredible journey into Greek mythology. I read bits and pieces of these ancient tales through children’s books as a kid. My parents had a great collection of them, hoping to introduce my sister and me to the wealthy foundations of Western culture and the moral lessons woven within each myth. Those books offered a glimpse into the vast world of gods and heroes. Still, they only provided the outline of their stories, leaving much to the imagination.

Years passed, and my curiosity about Greek mythology reignited. Diving back in, I quickly realized it was like falling down an endless rabbit hole. While reading Hesiod’s “Theogony,” I learned about the gods and their lineage, but how much detail was left unspoken struck me. For example, Hesiod mentions the union of Leto and Zeus, resulting in the birth of Apollo and Artemis. Yet, the intricacies of their arrival into the world remain a mystery.

An interesting aspect I’ve encountered is the influence of the storyteller’s perspective on these myths. Different authors can present the same deity in contrasting lights, such as Hesiod’s and Ovid’s differing interpretations of Athena. This complexity fascinated me and led me to spend months exploring various stories from multiple sources. One critical lesson emerged from this experience: the importance of keeping track of everything I read.

The other day, while taking notes from Hesiod’s “Works and Days,” I was captivated by the ancient Greek approach to farming. Reading “Works and Days” sparked another realization—to truly grasp these myths, I need to delve into the history of ancient Greece itself. A place’s culture and history are deeply intertwined with its mythology. The more I read, the more questions arise, making it clear that this journey has no end.

Despite the complexities and endless questions, my adventure through Greek mythology has been incredibly fulfilling. My weekdays are often busy with various tasks, but I dedicate several hours each weekend to continue this exploration. Greek mythology is profound, offering endless layers and insights that enrich my understanding.

This journey has deepened my appreciation for these ancient stories and emphasized the value of exploring the cultural and historical contexts that shape them. As I venture further into the myths and history of ancient Greece, I’m excited for the discoveries and lessons that await. With its captivating tales and timeless moral lessons, Greek mythology remains a treasure trove of knowledge and inspiration in the tapestry of Western culture.