Realizing Life’s Value: Lessons from a Simple Program

Sometimes, the most unusual things can teach us significant lessons, especially when they seem entirely unrelated to the big picture. For me, this lesson came from thinking about my life span, sparked by a programming assignment.

I’ve been learning Python through Udemy courses. One assignment really stood out: we had to write a program calculating how many weeks we’d have left if we lived to be 90 years old. This idea was inspired by Ryan Phillips’ blog, “My Life in Weeks.”

After submitting my assignment, which passed despite being slightly different from my professor’s example, I felt proud. As someone a bit anxious about forgetting the purpose of the code, I use comments (marked with #xxxx) to explain my code. But the real shock came when I entered my age into the program. Seeing the number of weeks I had left, presented so bluntly by my creation, was startling. It made the concept of time much more tangible than considering years or months. This sudden realization of time’s limit hit me harder than ever before.

This experience made me reflect on how one’s perspective on life can be dramatically reshaped by the experience when faced with its fragility. I remembered how I almost lost my husband once, which profoundly changed my outlook on life. I once read a suggestion to write one’s obituary as a way to appreciate every moment. That day, I learned never to take the presence of loved ones for granted, prompting me to spend more quality time with my husband.

Realizing that time is precious, I began considering how I spend it. The thought of reading just one book a week made me sad, especially since I had been struggling with undiagnosed vision problems that made reading difficult and caused headaches without my understanding of why. This realization that I needed glasses for reading was a wake-up call about paying attention to my health and making the most of the time I have.

As I move forward, the awareness of how scarce time truly is will shape how I plan my weeks. Every moment counts, and it’s important to live fully, appreciate our health, and cherish time with loved ones. This unusual lesson from a programming assignment has profoundly impacted how I view life and prioritize my time, reminding me of the importance of being present and making every week count.

A Reflection on Personal Growth and Developing Self-Care Routines Post-Stroke

Hello dear readers,

Navigating life post-stroke has been a journey paved with deliberate routines and self-improvement. A significant aspect of this journey has been the establishment of a series of routines, primarily developed to alleviate the responsibilities shouldered by my wife. While these routines primarily aimed to ease her burden, they inadvertently led to the evolution of my self-care practices, marking a pivotal shift in my daily life.

My exercise routines significantly epitomize the change in my self-care habits. However, a more subtle yet equally important transformation has occurred in my approach to personal hygiene. Admittedly, before my stroke, my dedication to maintaining hygiene was not up to the mark, something I now acknowledge with a tinge of embarrassment. My approach to tasks such as brushing my teeth and showering was rather lackadaisical, often being deferred until absolutely necessary.

This lax attitude towards personal hygiene was emblematic of a broader neglect for structured routines, resulting in tasks being addressed only when they became pressing issues rather than preemptively managed through a systematic schedule. I would often forgo brushing my teeth before bedtime and treated showering as an irregular, need-based activity. This procrastination undoubtedly led to lapses in maintaining an optimal level of cleanliness.

However, the adversities following my stroke catalyzed change, prompting a radical shift in my self-care routines. I revamped my approach to personal hygiene, establishing regular and optimized routines for showering and oral care. This transformation has not only enabled me to maintain a higher standard of cleanliness than before my stroke but has also instilled a sense of pride in my newfound commitment to self-care.

This newfound pride, however, casts a shadow on my previous lack of discipline, intensifying the embarrassment I feel about my past behavior. Reflecting upon this, my previous approach to life could be characterized by a lack of structured habits rather than merely having poor ones. Tasks were addressed reactively, demanding attention only when they escalated into problems instead of being proactively managed through a well-organized schedule.

The transformation in my self-care routines, prompted by my stroke, signifies more than just a change in habits; it marks a journey of personal growth and self-reflection. While many might categorize my previous lifestyle as being plagued by bad habits, I perceive it as a time when I lacked structured routines, addressing tasks only when they became urgent rather than proactively managing them.

In retrospect, I feel a sense of accomplishment in how I have turned a page in my life, developing self-care routines that have greatly surpassed my pre-stroke levels. However, this pride is accompanied by a heightened sense of shame for my previous negligence, serving as a constant reminder of the importance of maintaining disciplined habits.

Despite the embarrassment, this journey of self-improvement post-stroke has been enlightening, teaching me the value of structured routines and proactive self-care. It has been a testament to the potential for positive change, even in the face of adversity, and the importance of reflecting on one’s habits and continually striving for improvement.

Crafting Tomorrow: The Influence of Nightly Planning on Daily Tasks

Hello, cherished readers,

Every night, as the tranquil hush of impending slumber envelops me, I indulge in crafting a meticulous list of tasks for the upcoming day. This ritual, albeit simple, has become an integral part of my nightly routine, bridging the realms of rest and readiness. At times, this involves a candid conversation with my wife, enquiring about any shared plans or activities we might have on the horizon. It could be a shopping excursion for athletic shoes or perhaps a visit to the familiar aisles of our favored Asian grocery store.

My wife harbors a penchant for tackling these errands bright and early, setting the tone for the day with a burst of productivity. Knowing that these activities are lined up serves as a gentle nudge, encouraging me to rise and shine promptly, resisting the lingering temptation to indulge in a few more moments of blissful slumber.

Regardless of the nature of the tasks, whether they elicit joy or are somewhat mundane, I’ve discovered that anticipating them plays a pivotal role in their successful accomplishment. Suppose the tasks in question are not particularly enjoyable. In that case, pre-planning serves as a form of mental preparation, like bracing oneself for an impending impact. Conversely, suppose they are activities I find pleasure in. In that case, the anticipation allows me to savor the joy even before the task has commenced.

This nightly ritual of mapping out the subsequent day’s tasks has bestowed upon me a sense of direction and purpose. It acts as a compass, navigating me through the labyrinth of daily responsibilities and pursuits, ensuring I embark on each day with clarity and resolve. It is akin to laying down the foundation of a structure, providing the stability and support needed for the ensuing construction.

Moreover, the act of planning cultivates a mindset of readiness and adaptability. It transforms the unknown landscape of tomorrow into a well-charted territory, where each step is deliberate and every action purposeful. This transformation is not just about organization but also about fostering a mental state where motivation and anticipation are interwoven into the fabric of my day.

In addition, this practice has played a significant role in enhancing my relationship with my wife. The nightly dialogues have become a sanctuary of shared aspirations and mutual understanding. They offer a glimpse into each other’s worlds, fostering a deeper connection and a harmonious synchronization of our daily rhythms.

In conclusion, the simple act of nightly planning has rippling effects on my daily life. It not only helps in structuring my day but also fortifies the mental fortitude needed to face both enjoyable and challenging tasks. It fosters a symbiotic relationship with my partner, aligning our paths and nurturing a shared vision for the day ahead. So, dear readers, I invite you to explore the potential that lies in the quiet moments before sleep in crafting tomorrow today.

Embarking on a New Chess Learning Journey: Renewed Strategies and Small Steps

Hello to my cherished readers,

Since penning down my thoughts on neurofatigue and reflecting on how it used to encumber my progress while immersing myself in the world of chess, the idea of revisiting my chess studies has been brewing in my mind. However, this time, I’m inspired to leverage the invaluable lessons I’ve garnered in the realm of forming habits, establishing routines, and making incremental progress toward my goals. The conception of this endeavor excites me, and though it will necessitate some time to craft a practical approach, the anticipation only fuels my enthusiasm.

Delving back into chess, I want to ensure that my methodology is refined and well-structured. The planning process is crucial, and I intend to devote considerable time to it. My aim is not just to rekindle my acquaintance with the game but to deepen my understanding and mastery of it. The prospect of embarking on this journey fills me with anticipation, and I am eager to explore chess’s myriad possibilities.

I am currently in the process of sketching a rough outline, delineating what I aspire to achieve and the strategies I will employ to commence this journey. One of the initial steps I am contemplating is to identify ten chess openings that will be the focal point of my study. These openings will form the foundation of my learning, and I plan to dedicate a week to delve into the intricacies and nuances of each one. This approach will allow me to build a robust base and gain a deeper insight into the diverse strategies and tactics employed in the game.

Setting a definite start date and allotting regular time for study are also integral components of my plan. Consistency is key in any learning endeavor, and by establishing a routine, I aim to ensure that my studies are systematic and productive. I am in the process of fine-tuning the details, and once the plan is more concrete, I am eager to share the specifics with you all. Your insights and feedback will be invaluable as I navigate this exciting journey.

The prospect of rekindling my passion for chess, armed with newfound knowledge and strategies, is invigorating. I am keenly aware of the challenges that lie ahead. Still, I am equally cognizant of the rewards of perseverance and dedication. This endeavor is not just about revisiting a past interest; it is about evolving my approach, enhancing my skills, and achieving a deeper understanding and appreciation of the game.

I eagerly look forward to this journey’s myriad of learnings and experiences. The world of chess is vast and varied, and I am excited to explore its depths, uncover its secrets, and share my journey with you. The planning phase is a time of reflection and strategizing. I am embracing it with open arms, looking forward to the possibilities that await.

In closing, I am enthusiastic about this new chapter and am diligently working towards crafting a well-thought-out plan. The journey promises to be enlightening, and I am eager to share my progress, learnings, and experiences with you. Keep an eye out for updates as I continue to refine my approach and embark on this exciting venture into the captivating world of chess.

Turning Setbacks into New Beginnings: The Art of Maintaining Streaks

Hello Dear Readers,

As you strive to build successful routines and habits, there will inevitably be days when obstacles throw you off course. The weather, unexpected emergencies, or simple fatigue disrupts your meticulously planned performance. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I recently faced such a challenge when I could only complete one set of exercises instead of the scheduled two. While you can’t rewrite the past, you can control how you navigate the future.

A Chinese proverb wisely states, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; the second-best time is now.” This aphorism reminds us that although we can’t undo our failures, the next best thing is to act immediately to rectify them. Resilience isn’t just about avoiding loss; it’s about your recovery speed. Dusting yourself off and getting back on track is what truly counts.

Losing a streak can be disheartening, especially when you’ve invested significant time and effort into maintaining it. For example, I’ve consistently practiced Japanese language exercises on an app for over 250 days. Although I take immense pride in this achievement, I must acknowledge that this isn’t my first streak. It is, however, the longest one I’ve maintained. While I aim to continue without interruptions, life sometimes cooperates with our plans. Sometimes, unforeseen circumstances can disrupt even the most entrenched habits.

When setbacks occur, the key is not to dwell on them but to take them as learning opportunities. The first step is to evaluate the reason behind the break in your routine. Once you identify the root cause, you can develop strategies to prevent similar interruptions in the future.

The art of maintaining a streak lies in its renewal. A broken streak isn’t a dead end; it’s a junction that points you toward a new path, offering you a chance to build a longer, more robust streak. It’s like planting a new tree in your garden of habits; the more you nurture it, the more resilient it becomes, capable of withstanding future storms.

So, the next time you find your routine interrupted, don’t see it as a setback but as an opportunity for a fresh start. Learn from it, adapt your strategies, and continue your journey toward self-improvement. Plant that new tree today, and watch it grow more potent than the last one. With this mindset, you transform every end into a new beginning, turning setbacks into setups for future success.

The Power of Mental Triggers: An Effective Technique for Remembering Things

Hello Dear Readers,

If you’ve ever found yourself forgetting something important, you’re not alone. Forgetfulness is a common human experience, but it doesn’t have to be. Today, I’m excited to share a nifty memory trick that has worked wonders for me. Initially, I used it to remember to stick to my exercise routine. Still, I soon realized its applicability extends to almost anything.

The Mental Trigger Technique

The technique involves setting up ‘mental triggers’ to help you recall information or tasks at specific times. Here’s how it works:

  1. Set a Clear Goal: The first step is clearly defining what you want to remember. It could be a task like doing exercises or something informational like a grocery list.
  2. Choose a Time or Situation: Identify the time or situation when you want to recall this information. This is the ‘trigger event’.
  3. Visualize the Scenario: Next, create a vivid mental image of what you’ll experience during this trigger event. The more detailed the picture, the better.
  4. Link the Goal to the Imagined Scenario: Connect your Goal to this mental image. When you encounter the imagined scenario in real life, it acts as a trigger to remind you of your Goal.

Case Study: The Grocery Store

Let’s consider a relatable example. My wife often asks me to remind her of something once we get home. In this scenario, she has already set the Goal and the trigger event for me. My job becomes easier; I only have to picture us walking through the door when we get home. I then linked her request to that mental image. The visual trigger helps me remember what she asked when we walked through the door.

The Limits of the Technique

Of course, no technique is flawless. The success of this memory hack largely depends on how closely your imagined scenario aligns with reality. For instance, I often use this technique to remember grocery items. The trigger can fail if the grocery store has a new display or a rearranged layout that diverges from what I had visualized.


While not infallible, this technique has proven highly effective, surpassing other strategies I’ve tried. It’s incredibly versatile and can be tailored to suit a variety of situations and tasks. If you often need help with forgetfulness, give this method a whirl. It’s precisely what you’ve been looking for to enhance your memory and simplify your life.

So, go ahead and set those mental triggers! See if this technique can become a valuable tool in your daily life, just as it has in mine.

Unleash the Power of Mental Triggers for Better Memory

Hey, wonderful readers!

Let me pull back the curtain on an ingenious technique I’ve been using to improve my memory. Initially, I began honing this strategy to keep up with my exercise routine but soon realized its potential for aiding memory in many situations. You may already be familiar with setting triggers for remembering routine activities. This strategy works similarly and employs mental cues to help you remember anything you want.

Here’s the low-down: It starts with identifying a specific goal you want to remember. Next, you choose a particular moment or setting to recall this goal. The last piece of the puzzle is creating a vivid mental image of what you’ll see or experience at that moment. This mental snapshot serves as your trigger—when the real-life scenario mirrors your imagination, it prompts you to remember what you intended.

Let me give you a slice-of-life example. Often, while out and about with my wife, she’ll mention something she wants to be reminded of when we return home. In such instances, the heavy lifting has mostly been done by her; she has already chosen what should be remembered and when it should be recalled. All I have to do is visualize us arriving home and walking through the door. This imagery then acts as a mental anchor, linking the envisioned scenario to what my wife wants to remember.

Now, I won’t sugarcoat it—this strategy isn’t foolproof. The accuracy of your mental trigger is crucial for the technique to work. If the actual situation diverges significantly from what you’ve imagined due to an unforeseen circumstance, the mental trigger might not go off. For instance, I’ve tried using this approach to remember items we must pick up from the grocery store. Suppose the store has decided to rearrange its layout or introduce a new display. In that case, the disparity between my mental image and reality can throw a wrench into the works, causing me to forget what I intended to purchase.

But let me tell you, even with these occasional hiccups, this memory trick has proven to be far more effective than any other method I’ve attempted. So, give it a whirl and see how it enhances your memory game. Think of it as fine-tuning your mental GPS to help you navigate the labyrinth of daily tasks and commitments. If done right, this little hack could become a life-saver—or at least a memory-saver—for you too!

The Power of Routine: A Personal Journey of Supporting a Loved One

Hello, Dear readers,

After experiencing a stroke and losing my job, I made a heartfelt commitment to support my wife in any way I could. She transitioned into the role of the primary earner for our small household, excelling in her work far beyond the call of duty. Her hard work has not gone unnoticed; she’s earned numerous corporate awards and sees significant raises nearly yearly. Given her dedication, I make it a point to shoulder any chores or tasks she might otherwise feel obligated to do. This decision has allowed me to hone habit formation and routine building.

While I still need to fill my week with tasks, the possibility looms. There might come a day when I have to scale back or adjust my routine, perhaps rotating some monthly chores instead of tackling them weekly. I recently had an affirming moment when I returned from a week-long vacation with my sisters. My wife exclaimed those certain chores had gone undone in my absence. Although she managed to cover most bases, routine tasks awaited me. I saw this as a triumph, indicating that my efforts lighten her load. My system successfully achieves its intended purpose, which is as much as one can hope for.

Periodic evaluation of my routines is crucial. I need to assess whether they align with their intended goals or if some need to be modified or scrapped. This doesn’t require constant attention but should be an annual exercise. Over the past few years, my wife and I have discussed our significant goals for the coming 12 months around the New Year. This reflective moment is an excellent opportunity to review the efficacy of my established routines and habits.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope my experiences offer you some valuable insights into the importance of thoughtful habit formation.

The Power of Small Steps: How Breaking Down Goals Leads to Big Wins

One lesson I continually learn in my journey of habit formation is the power of small, consistent goals. Achieving startling results can sometimes require herculean efforts. For example, last year, I ran over 1,000 miles. It might sound like a lot, if I only intended to run it in a month. Instead, I broke it down into smaller, more manageable distances. This approach allowed me to hit that considerable number over time.

I’m naturally inclined to try and accomplish goals in one giant leap, but this often leads to failure. For instance, I recently committed to better caring for our front yard. My first task was to weed the planter areas. Initially, it seemed like an overwhelming job. However, by dedicating just 20 minutes a day to it, I found it more manageable. I expect to finish the tendering of our front yard sometime this week without being subjected to a back-breaking, all-day endeavor.

If you need help to achieve your goals or even to get started, consider breaking them down into smaller tasks. The temptation to tackle everything all at once is strong but only sometimes effective. Intellectually, I understand this. Yet, the urge to “do it all now” still pops up.

When setting my goals, I make it a point to remind myself to break them into smaller tasks. I plan to work on these smaller tasks over a more extended period. Starting earlier and extending the timeline can be a safer and more effective approach for various activities.