The Weekend Haircut Saga: Navigating Life’s Small Challenges

Written on February 14, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Anticipation fills the air as I look forward to the upcoming weekend, a small yet significant marker in my routine. The agenda? A long-overdue haircut. There’s something almost ceremonial about scheduling that visits the barber—a moment of self-care tucked amidst the hustle. My locks have ventured beyond their welcome length, nudging me towards this necessary trim.

Navigating to the hair salon is a shared journey, with my wife graciously agreeing to chauffeur me. This task is slightly more complex, as her weekends are swallowed by the demanding final financial audit of the year. Yet, with the appointment on our calendar, she’s prepared to reshuffle her commitments, ensuring I make it to the salon.

Our once local salon, a mere stroll away, shuttered during the pandemic’s height, pushing me to seek a new hairstylist’s chair. The quest led me to a spot some 15 minutes by car from our residence. This distance necessitates more planning, mainly as my wife’s schedule is the linchpin to my salon visits.

The appeal of this new salon was immediate, thanks in part to their then-active online booking system—a modern convenience that, regretfully, they’ve since retracted. Now, the task demands a phone call—a slightly more tedious bridge to cross. This minor inconvenience, coupled with the need to align with my wife’s availability, saw me postpone the haircut for weeks longer than intended.

There lies a constant internal debate: the desire for a shorter cut to free my face from the encroaching hair versus the wish to maintain a bit of length for that additional layer against the chill of winter. Yet, I know that post-cut, a sense of refreshment will wash over me—a feeling akin to shedding the old, ready to welcome what’s next with a lighter head and, perhaps, heart.

This weekend’s haircut transcends a mere trim; it’s a small testament to the rhythms of life, the adjustments we make for care, and the shared journeys we undertake with our loved ones. Despite the minor hiccups and the inevitable juggling of schedules, these moments weave the fabric of our days—filled with support, adaptation, and the simple joy of looking forward to something as ordinary as a haircut.

Cultivating the Mind: The Art of Mental Pruning for Self-Improvement

From the recesses of my earliest memories, I’ve battled the demons of intrusive thoughts and impulses. While I have successfully tamed the majority, a few still slip through the cracks, especially in moments of distraction or heightened stress, leading to undesirable actions. To mitigate such occurrences, I practice what I’ve come to call ‘mental pruning.’

Mental pruning is a conscious, deliberate effort to suppress and eventually erase impulsive, negative thoughts. The process demands envisioning the person I aspire to be; this mental portrait serves as a benchmark against which I assess the nature of my impulsive thoughts. It acts as a guiding light, illuminating the counter-thoughts that help me weed out the undesirable ones.

For instance, there have been occasions when I’ve snapped at my wife unreasonably. Recognizing this as contrary to the person I strive to be, I visualize the action, recoil at the thought, and reestablish a mental image of my ideal self. Through repetition, I notice such impulses diminishing as if I’ve pruned that branch of thought to the extent that it no longer overshadows my desired thinking.

This strategy of self-training may resonate with you. While it’s no easy feat and demands constant vigilance and mental effort, I can vouch for its efficacy in my journey. It may well be adaptable to your pursuit of self-improvement, helping you become the person you aspire to be.

By becoming conscious of an intrusive thought, I focus my willpower on suppressing it, aiming to expunge it from the recesses of my mind. This task necessitates the formation of a mental image of my ideal self. I employ this image as a comparative tool to assess impulsive thoughts and as a wellspring for the counter-thoughts that cleanse my mind of negativity.

Such a mental pruning exercise is not merely an act of suppression; it’s a cultivation of the mind, nurturing the positive and curbing the negative. The analogy of pruning is apt, as it embodies the essence of selective elimination and regrowth, creating room for the blossoming of desirable thoughts and behaviors.

The journey of mental pruning is far from a stroll in the park. It demands resilience, patience, and a relentless pursuit of self-betterment. The fruits of this labor, however, are profoundly rewarding. The diminishing of undesirable impulses and the flourishing of positive thoughts are testaments to the transformative power of this practice.

I hope that sharing my experience with mental pruning may inspire others to embark on their journeys of self-discovery and improvement. The road may be arduous, and the pruning shears may sometimes feel heavy. Still, the prospect of cultivating a mind enriched with positive thoughts and actions is a compelling motivator.


I encourage you to explore the potential of mental pruning. Adapt it, make it your own, and witness its transformative power on your journey toward becoming the person you wish to be. After all, the mind is a garden. It can flourish into a sanctuary of peace and positivity with careful tending.