Mapping Out the Fitness Journey: From Pushups to Pullups

Hello Dear Readers,


As the year progresses, I am inching closer to a significant milestone in my fitness journey. Those following my updates will remember that I chose to diversify my workout regimen when the year began. I expanded my running schedule to include pushups, pull-ups, and planks. It was both a challenge and a test of my determination and today, I’m proud to share the fruits of that decision.


Reflecting on my early days, pull-ups seemed like the Mount Everest of exercises. Completing even one felt like an achievement. I’d dangle, struggle, and barely pull myself up most days. But as with any journey, persistence plays a pivotal role. Each day, I felt my strength growing, my endurance increasing, and my spirits elevating. From that singular, challenging pull-up, I’ve made my way to confidently doing 14. It’s a testament to what dedication and consistency can accomplish.


My set goal is to hit the 20-pullup mark. It’s ambitious, given where I began, but now, more than ever, it’s within my reach. However, as I approach this goal, I’ve been pondering the evolution of my workout routine. A part of me believes that after achieving 20 pull-ups, the benefits of this specific routine might start plateauing. That’s where the next phase of my fitness journey will commence.


Tucked away in my home are some hand weights – silent reminders of workouts of the past. I’ve contemplated incorporating them into my current routine or transitioning to a new regimen centered around them. Designing this new routine, however, requires some planning. I need to decide on the specific exercises, the number of sets and repetitions, and the weight I should start with.


While I’m optimistic about achieving my target of 20 pull-ups in the coming weeks, I also understand the importance of foresight. I want to avoid hitting my goal and then standing at a crossroads, unsure where to go next. Hence, even as I push myself harder daily to achieve my current plan, I’m sketching the roadmap for my next fitness destination.


In sharing this, I aim to inspire those who are reading. Setting goals, working towards them, and then re-evaluating and developing new ones is the essence of growth in fitness and every sphere of life. My journey from one pull-up to 14 (and soon 20) is more than just a tale of physical progress; it’s a story of perseverance, dedication, and the belief that our limits are only as confining as we allow them to be.


So, whether you’re embarking on your fitness journey or any other personal challenge, remember that every small step counts, every day of effort compounds, and every goal achieved pave the way for a new one.

Wishing you all strength and perseverance in your journeys,

Overcoming Double Vision: My Post-Stroke Experience

Hello, dear readers,

After my stroke, navigating through various physical challenges became my new normal. Among these challenges, double vision was a prominent hurdle I confronted. Ironically, it wasn’t me who detected it initially. During my initial days in the rehabilitation center, my loving wife frequently enquired if there were issues with my eyesight. I was overwhelmed with anxiety and preoccupied with relearning basic body functions, so I hadn’t realized this additional problem.

Only after my return home did the symptom of double vision become undeniably evident. Eager to address this, I consulted an ophthalmologist specializing in treating stroke patients. To my dismay, she diagnosed me with a syndrome connected to weakened eye muscles. This led to a disconcerting misalignment, causing my eyes to struggle to focus on a singular point.

The prescribed remedy was a regimen of daily eye exercises, which she mentioned could benefit anyone with aging eyes. The foundational principle of these exercises was relatively straightforward. I would extend one arm, keeping my gaze fixed on one of my fingers. I gradually shifted my arm from side to side, ensuring my eyes constantly trailed the moving finger. This activity was sustained until a palpable strain in my eyes signaled the end of a session.

The true marvel was in the transformation this seemingly simple routine fostered. Within a few weeks, the vexing double vision I was grappling with began to dissipate. And soon, although not perfect, my familiar vision was back.

As I pen this down, I intend to share a personal anecdote and offer a beacon of hope. After all, with resilience and the proper guidance, it’s possible to overcome the challenges life throws our way.

Stay inspired, and remember, every challenge is an opportunity in disguise.

Embracing Sleep Patterns and Changing Habits

Today, I woke up later than I usually would. If you know me well, you know I’ve always had a tricky relationship with sleep. My natural tendency is to resist the allure of the bed, only succumbing to its embrace when my eyelids become too heavy to keep open. This means I’d push myself until the very last moment when I’d drop into slumber the minute my head touched the pillow. But this approach has its pitfalls. I often sleep late, so I stay up even later the following night, waiting for that same exhaustion to hit.

During the spring of this year, I decided it was time to shift gears and develop a healthier sleep pattern. So, I set a new goal: to wake up at 7 a.m. sharp, except on Thursdays and Sundays. These days, I allowed myself a little indulgence and set my alarm for 8 a.m. And guess what? This schedule worked wonders for me, and I followed it diligently. I also started using melatonin to ensure I drift off to dreamland without much ado. Its calming properties were just what I needed to ensure a peaceful night’s sleep.

However, today was an exception, reminding me that sometimes even the best-laid plans can go awry. But I’m determined not to let one slip throw me off my game. Tonight, I plan to get back on track, aligning my sleep with the schedule I’ve set for myself. External factors like daylight savings can play havoc with even the most regimented sleep routines. When the clocks are adjusted, I suggest shifting my alarms by an hour. This way, my waking hours remain consistent with the sun’s position, ensuring I benefit from natural light as much as possible.


In conclusion, sleep is a delicate dance of habits, routines, and external influences. The key is adjusting, adapting, and finding what works best for one’s body and mind. Here’s to more restful nights and energized mornings! 

Crafting My Path: Unveiling My Ten-Week Chess Improvement Strategy

Hello dear readers,

Embarking on a journey of personal growth and skill enhancement, yesterday marked the culmination of my meticulous efforts in drafting a comprehensive chess improvement plan. With the serene ambiance post-dishwashing and the anticipatory aroma of the next day’s coffee setting the stage, I’ve dedicated myself to devoting a substantial 90 minutes each day to the intricate art of chess.

In the vast and intriguing landscape of chess, openings form the initial steps that lead to the myriad possibilities of the game. Recognizing their significance, I’ve carefully curated a list of 10 esteemed openings, each holding the potential to unravel new layers of strategic depth. The intriguing aspect of this endeavor is not just the diversity of the openings but the systematic approach I’ve adopted to study them. Every week, a selected opening from the list becomes the focal point of my exploration.

Mondays, the heralds of a new week, are dedicated to adjusting a well-structured template study plan, aligning it with the nuances and subtleties of the specific opening chosen. This initial adaptation lays down a solid foundation, facilitating a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the opening throughout the week. From Tuesday to Friday, I diligently adhere to the tailored plan, immersing myself in the intricacies and strategies that each unique opening presents. This structured approach ensures a gradual yet comprehensive grasp of the selected opening, paving the way for mastery.

Weekends bring with them a different flavor to my chess improvement journey. Stepping away from the theoretical and strategic studies, I engage in practical application by playing a game or two against the unrelenting and unbiased computer. This transition from theory to practice is instrumental, as it allows me to witness the real-time application and effectiveness of the strategies I’ve been immersed in throughout the week. The computer, with its calculated precision and absence of human error, serves as a formidable opponent, challenging me to elevate my game.

Spanning across ten weeks, this meticulously crafted plan offers a balanced blend of theory, strategy, and practical application, each component reinforcing the other. As I navigate through the varied openings and adapt my strategies, I am not just learning; I am evolving, refining my approach and enhancing my skills with every passing day. The journey, while demanding, is as enriching as the game of chess itself – filled with endless possibilities, challenges, and moments of triumph.

As the final week approaches and the completion of the ten-week journey is on the horizon, the anticipation builds. With enhanced skills and a plethora of new strategies under my belt, I will start scouting for a local tournament. This will serve as the ultimate testing ground, a platform to apply, assess, and showcase the knowledge and skills I’ve accumulated. The tournament is not just a competition; it’s a reflection of my growth, a manifestation of my dedication, and a testament to the effectiveness of my chess improvement plan.


In conclusion, this ten-week chess improvement journey is more than a structured learning experience. It’s a personal endeavor of growth, reflection, and continuous learning. Through a balanced mix of study and practice, adaptation and application, I am not only navigating the complex world of chess openings but also crafting my path towards mastery. As I look forward to the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead, I am reminded that, like chess, life too is a game of endless possibilities and strategic moves.

Cultivating the Mind: The Art of Mental Pruning for Self-Improvement

From the recesses of my earliest memories, I’ve battled the demons of intrusive thoughts and impulses. While I have successfully tamed the majority, a few still slip through the cracks, especially in moments of distraction or heightened stress, leading to undesirable actions. To mitigate such occurrences, I practice what I’ve come to call ‘mental pruning.’

Mental pruning is a conscious, deliberate effort to suppress and eventually erase impulsive, negative thoughts. The process demands envisioning the person I aspire to be; this mental portrait serves as a benchmark against which I assess the nature of my impulsive thoughts. It acts as a guiding light, illuminating the counter-thoughts that help me weed out the undesirable ones.

For instance, there have been occasions when I’ve snapped at my wife unreasonably. Recognizing this as contrary to the person I strive to be, I visualize the action, recoil at the thought, and reestablish a mental image of my ideal self. Through repetition, I notice such impulses diminishing as if I’ve pruned that branch of thought to the extent that it no longer overshadows my desired thinking.

This strategy of self-training may resonate with you. While it’s no easy feat and demands constant vigilance and mental effort, I can vouch for its efficacy in my journey. It may well be adaptable to your pursuit of self-improvement, helping you become the person you aspire to be.

By becoming conscious of an intrusive thought, I focus my willpower on suppressing it, aiming to expunge it from the recesses of my mind. This task necessitates the formation of a mental image of my ideal self. I employ this image as a comparative tool to assess impulsive thoughts and as a wellspring for the counter-thoughts that cleanse my mind of negativity.

Such a mental pruning exercise is not merely an act of suppression; it’s a cultivation of the mind, nurturing the positive and curbing the negative. The analogy of pruning is apt, as it embodies the essence of selective elimination and regrowth, creating room for the blossoming of desirable thoughts and behaviors.

The journey of mental pruning is far from a stroll in the park. It demands resilience, patience, and a relentless pursuit of self-betterment. The fruits of this labor, however, are profoundly rewarding. The diminishing of undesirable impulses and the flourishing of positive thoughts are testaments to the transformative power of this practice.

I hope that sharing my experience with mental pruning may inspire others to embark on their journeys of self-discovery and improvement. The road may be arduous, and the pruning shears may sometimes feel heavy. Still, the prospect of cultivating a mind enriched with positive thoughts and actions is a compelling motivator.


I encourage you to explore the potential of mental pruning. Adapt it, make it your own, and witness its transformative power on your journey toward becoming the person you wish to be. After all, the mind is a garden. It can flourish into a sanctuary of peace and positivity with careful tending.

How Audible Made My Chores Fun

Hello, dear readers,

Today, I’d love to share a little secret that has completely changed how I do my daily chores. It’s Audible! Every morning, I slip on my headset and listen to an audiobook while making breakfast and taking medicine. It’s not just mornings, either. If I’m running, mowing the lawn, cooking, or cleaning, you bet I’ve got an audiobook playing in the background.

Before my stroke, I was an avid reader and could quickly lose myself in a book for hours. Unfortunately, one of the lingering effects of the stroke was double vision. Thankfully, that has improved thanks to some eye exercises; another hurdle was that my concentration took a hit. I found it frustrating to read because I got easily distracted.

But you know what? My love for books never died. I still had a long list of books I wanted to read. And this is where Audible became a real lifesaver for me. I’ve worked through that list with Audible while getting other things done. It’s been a win-win situation!

Here’s the cherry on top: Audible makes my chores enjoyable! Imagine that. There have been times when I’ve started a task I’d been avoiding to listen to another chapter of the audiobook I’m enjoying.

I understand Audible may not be for everyone. Still, I encourage you to find whatever tools help make your daily tasks easier and more enjoyable. If you’ve been avoiding your chores or have a reading list gathering dust, why not try Audible? It might improve your life, as it did for me.

That’s all for today. Until next time, happy listening!

The Art and Science of Homemade Kombucha: A Weekly Ritual

Hello, dear readers,

You know, self-assigned chores often require that extra push to get done. But guess what? I nailed it yesterday, completing my entire to-do list! And one of those tasks was bottling our weekly stash of kombucha for my wife and me. You can dive into our kombucha journey on my wife’s blog. Still, lately, I’ve been the one piloting the bottling operation now that we’ve got our system down to a T (pun intended).

Let me walk you through my Thursday-to-Saturday kombucha ritual. Thursday starts with a sterilization spree of the 8 bottles we’ll use. I fill them with water and add a teaspoon of detergent. These bottle buddies then hang out on the kitchen counter overnight. Come Friday evening, it’s tea time! I bring a half-gallon of water to a rolling boil and plop in 8 tea bags for steeping. Once it’s nice and flavorful, I stir in a cup of sugar. After it hits boiling point again, off goes the heat, and it’s left to cool down overnight.

Now, while the tea is brewing, I return to my sterilized bottles, rinse them, and line them up on the counter. They’re all set for their starring role on Saturday. Come the weekend, I fill each bottle with 6 ounces of our favorite juice blend from the store. Next, 10 ounces of fermented kombucha tea is poured in. I then do a quick SCOBY check (that’s Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast for the uninitiated), set aside a cup of the fermented tea, and clean the fermentation jar. Once it’s spic and span, in goes the cooled tea from the previous night. I add back the SCOBY and the saved cup of fermented tea, and voila! The jar returns to our storage room, where it’ll ferment in peace until next week.

Oh, the bottles? They also head to the storage room for a week of conditioning. Post that, it’s straight into the fridge they go, awaiting their moment of glory.

Getting the timing right for each of these steps took some doing, but I’ve got it down. A little pro tip I swear by is optimizing wait times. Identify those stages where you’re simply waiting around—like waiting for the water to boil. Use that time to knock off other tasks—like rinsing the bottles in my case. It’s multitasking without affecting the quality of any single task. You’ll find this especially useful in cooking, too. Ever notice how most recipes kick off with “Preheat the oven”? Yep, that’s optimization in action.

Till next time, folks! Stay fizzy.

The Power of Routine: A Personal Journey of Supporting a Loved One

Hello, Dear readers,

After experiencing a stroke and losing my job, I made a heartfelt commitment to support my wife in any way I could. She transitioned into the role of the primary earner for our small household, excelling in her work far beyond the call of duty. Her hard work has not gone unnoticed; she’s earned numerous corporate awards and sees significant raises nearly yearly. Given her dedication, I make it a point to shoulder any chores or tasks she might otherwise feel obligated to do. This decision has allowed me to hone habit formation and routine building.

While I still need to fill my week with tasks, the possibility looms. There might come a day when I have to scale back or adjust my routine, perhaps rotating some monthly chores instead of tackling them weekly. I recently had an affirming moment when I returned from a week-long vacation with my sisters. My wife exclaimed those certain chores had gone undone in my absence. Although she managed to cover most bases, routine tasks awaited me. I saw this as a triumph, indicating that my efforts lighten her load. My system successfully achieves its intended purpose, which is as much as one can hope for.

Periodic evaluation of my routines is crucial. I need to assess whether they align with their intended goals or if some need to be modified or scrapped. This doesn’t require constant attention but should be an annual exercise. Over the past few years, my wife and I have discussed our significant goals for the coming 12 months around the New Year. This reflective moment is an excellent opportunity to review the efficacy of my established routines and habits.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope my experiences offer you some valuable insights into the importance of thoughtful habit formation.

From Running to Strength: How I Built an Effective Upper Body Routine

Hello again, dear readers,

After running 1000 miles last year, I decided my legs were in the best condition they’d ever been, even before my stroke. Encouraged by my previous success, I expanded my exercises to include my upper body. I decided on pull-ups, pullovers, pushups, tricep pushups, and planks. These were all exercises I was previously familiar with and knew how to do, and they should help balance the fitness of my body a bit more. 

Next, I had to find a time/trigger for my exercises and determine how many to do. Since I’d been so good at keeping my running schedule, I used getting ready for my run as my trigger. So, every running day, before I head outside, I do some number of pull-ups, pullovers, pushups, triceps pushups, and planking. At the start of this routine, I only did one pull-up, one pullover, 21 pushups, one triceps pushup, and 1 minute, 21 seconds of planking. I found it easier to keep track of the goal numbers if they were aligned. 

I also decided that if I could achieve the target number 10 times, I would increase the number by 1. Eventually, I found that I could do two sets of exercises and did my first before I ate breakfast and my second before my run. In the beginning, when I was doing relatively small numbers of each activity, I tried to do four sets spread throughout the day. Still, I didn’t have appropriate triggers for 2 of them or 3 of them on non-running days, so I periodically forgot to do them all. Still, my before-breakfast set was reasonably easy to remember. I kept up with this set and have done it daily for over 200 days, gradually increasing my counts to 10 pull-ups, 10 pullovers, 20 pushups, 10 triceps pushups, and 1 minute 50 seconds of planking. There have been non-running days that I’ve missed the second set, but those have been rare enough that I haven’t worried too much about it.

So, after you’ve built and established a habit, consider using it as an anchor for expanding it into an entire routine. In making this routine, I prioritized rooting the practice over starting with higher/more challenging numbers. In the beginning, doing a single pull-up felt underwhelming, but I built the habit of slowly increasing the repetitions in my mind. I’m pretty confident that 10 successful sets aren’t optimal, but it’s easy to keep track of, and it’s working for me now. 

If it stops working, I must find a way to fix it. However, what matters most is that I am progressing and getting stronger.