A Chilly Haircut Day: Embracing Simplicity and Trust in Expertise

Written on February 17, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

This morning, I found myself in the familiar, albeit slightly chilly, embrace of the barber’s chair, a long-awaited appointment finally coming to fruition. The frosty grip of the weather outside seemed intent on reminding me of its presence, having unexpectedly dived back into the realms of freezing temperatures. Yet, inside, the focus was on shedding hair lengths rather than layers of clothing.

Regarding hair, opinions often run as diverse and deep as the strands. However, my stance on the matter leans towards the practical side of the spectrum. My primary concerns revolve around maintaining a level of comfort, namely keeping the hair from veiling my face and ensuring a swift drying process. The probing inquiries from the stylist about my preferences always leave me somewhat adrift in a sea of indecision. It’s not that I undervalue their curiosity or the intent behind their questions; my indifference stems more from a lack of desire to navigate the complexities of hair styling.

I’ve always considered the path of least resistance to be through seeking recommendations. Viewing my hair stylists as the seasoned experts they are, I place a higher stock on their judgment over my own. This inclination to defer to their expertise underscores a broader disinterest in immersing myself in the intricacies of hair terminology and the art of conveying precise instructions. The thought of delving deep into the lexicon of hair care to articulate my desires seems both daunting and of little appeal to me.

Reflecting on this, I wonder whether my approach is too passive and if there’s merit in engaging more proactively with the process. Yet, the thought quickly dissipates, overshadowed by the relief of having this annual task checked off my list. The aftermath of the haircut brings practical adjustments to my routine – a reduction in shampoo usage due to the diminished volume of hair and the likelihood of bypassing the need for my wife’s hairdryer in the immediate future.

In essence, the simplicity of my hair care philosophy mirrors a broader inclination towards minimalism and trust in the expertise of others. It’s a stance that, while unconventional to some, suits the contours of my life and preferences perfectly. As I step back into the chill of the day, my lighter head symbolizes freedom from the physical weight of the hair and the societal expectations entangled within it. The cold air feels a tad brisker, yet refreshingly straightforward, much like my newly simplified approach to personal grooming.

Realizing Life’s Value: Lessons from a Simple Program

Sometimes, the most unusual things can teach us significant lessons, especially when they seem entirely unrelated to the big picture. For me, this lesson came from thinking about my life span, sparked by a programming assignment.

I’ve been learning Python through Udemy courses. One assignment really stood out: we had to write a program calculating how many weeks we’d have left if we lived to be 90 years old. This idea was inspired by Ryan Phillips’ blog, “My Life in Weeks.”

After submitting my assignment, which passed despite being slightly different from my professor’s example, I felt proud. As someone a bit anxious about forgetting the purpose of the code, I use comments (marked with #xxxx) to explain my code. But the real shock came when I entered my age into the program. Seeing the number of weeks I had left, presented so bluntly by my creation, was startling. It made the concept of time much more tangible than considering years or months. This sudden realization of time’s limit hit me harder than ever before.

This experience made me reflect on how one’s perspective on life can be dramatically reshaped by the experience when faced with its fragility. I remembered how I almost lost my husband once, which profoundly changed my outlook on life. I once read a suggestion to write one’s obituary as a way to appreciate every moment. That day, I learned never to take the presence of loved ones for granted, prompting me to spend more quality time with my husband.

Realizing that time is precious, I began considering how I spend it. The thought of reading just one book a week made me sad, especially since I had been struggling with undiagnosed vision problems that made reading difficult and caused headaches without my understanding of why. This realization that I needed glasses for reading was a wake-up call about paying attention to my health and making the most of the time I have.

As I move forward, the awareness of how scarce time truly is will shape how I plan my weeks. Every moment counts, and it’s important to live fully, appreciate our health, and cherish time with loved ones. This unusual lesson from a programming assignment has profoundly impacted how I view life and prioritize my time, reminding me of the importance of being present and making every week count.

Embracing Curiosity: Lessons from a Lifelong Explorer

Written on Feb 23, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

One of the most profound lessons I’ve absorbed from my better half is the virtue of following one’s curiosity. My wife’s curiosity is boundless, reminiscent of the pure, unadulterated wonder we all harbored as children. Whenever something piques her interest, she delves deep into research, pouring over articles and books to quench her thirst for knowledge. I often jest that she’s lost in an eternal chase down the rabbit hole. If I were to encapsulate her essence in a single word, it would undoubtedly be “Curiosity.”

It’s a common occurrence to momentarily be intrigued by something novel. Our childhood is brimming with spontaneous curiosity, leading us to explore and learn. However, as we transition into adulthood, this innate curiosity fades into the background for many. The hustle of daily life, coupled with a cautious approach to the unknown, often deters us from pursuing our curiosities. Take, for example, encountering a new word. At the same time, curiosity might momentarily flicker; the pursuit of its meaning, origin, and application often feels like an insurmountable hurdle to many.

Yet, my wife’s curiosity knows no bounds. It fuels her daily adventures, constantly leading her to discover something fresh. Inspired by her zest for exploration, I’ve endeavored to adopt a similar approach. Whenever I stumble upon something unfamiliar, I dive into research instead of shrugging it off. This practice has enriched me with a diverse, albeit surface-level, pool of knowledge. For instance, not long ago, I spotted a flag on a neighbor’s porch that was foreign to me. After a brief inspection and mental note, I searched the internet for answers. I identified it as a flag used by the Abita Brewery in Louisiana during Mardi Gras celebrations.

While the practical application of such information might seem negligible, its value cannot be underestimated. When does this snippet of trivia come in handy? Curiosity is the starting point; the real magic happens when we leap to explore further.

My wife’s unbridled curiosity has been a beacon of inspiration. It reminds me that life is an endless series of mysteries waiting to be unraveled. Through her eyes, I’ve learned that curiosity isn’t just about seeking answers but about embracing the journey of discovery. It’s about not letting the fear of the unknown deter us from learning and growing. By fostering a curious mind, we open ourselves to a world of endless possibilities and insights, making life a richer, more vibrant tapestry.

A Day Out of Sync: Navigating Schedule Slip-Ups and Seasonal Shifts

Written on February 10, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

From the moment I woke up, I knew something was off. My morning run, usually the first accomplishment of my day, was delayed, setting a domino effect in motion that threw my entire schedule into disarray. This hiccup directly resulted from my decision to burn the midnight oil, leading to an inevitable oversleeping and a disrupted day ahead. To attempt a semblance of normalcy, I considered halving my usual 10k run to a 5k, hoping to claw back some time. It’s a bummer, to say the least.

Reflecting on the cause of today’s scheduling mishap is crucial for me. I aim to understand what went wrong to avoid repeating the same errors. The changing seasons are a significant factor contributing to my delayed start and overall time mismanagement. 

Recently, we’ve experienced a spell of warm, rainy days, making the initiation of my runs more challenging than usual. Motivation is complex when the weather acts as a deterrent. However, I recognize that this is but a temporary phase. Soon, the weather will settle, and early morning runs will become essential to beat the heat.

My delay in hitting the sack last night also played a pivotal role in today’s delayed start. In an unusual move, I opted out of my regular melatonin dose, thinking it unnecessary given the late hour and my level of fatigue. My rationale was that my body wouldn’t have ample time to process the supplement before my wake-up, potentially leaving me groggier than if I’d skipped it. While this decision seemed logical then, it didn’t sufficiently mitigate the effects of my late-night.

This experience has led me to a critical conclusion: maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is integral to the smooth flow of my day. No matter how minor they seem at the moment, Deviations can lead to a ripple effect, disrupting my routine and productivity. As I navigate through these seasonal adjustments and try to balance my health and productivity, today serves as a reminder of the delicate interplay between our plans and the realities we face. It’s a lesson in adaptability, self-awareness, and the constant pursuit of balance amidst life’s inevitable shifts.

The Paradox of “Luck” in Adversity

Hello, dear readers,

The notion of “luck” has always intrigued me, mainly when presented in the face of challenging circumstances. During my time in rehabilitation following the aftermath of a stroke, I was frequently greeted with comments on how “fortunate” I was to have emerged from the ordeal in the condition that I had. Hearing such statements always provoked mixed feelings within me. While I was grateful for my progress, branding my experience as mere luck seemed a bit off.


Think of it this way: surviving a lightning strike might seem fortunate, given the odds. However, the fact that one got struck by lightning in the first place arguably outweighs any perceived “luck” in surviving. In my eyes, I would have considered myself truly lucky if I hadn’t experienced the stroke at all.


The interpretation of luck extends beyond just my experiences. My wife, a dedicated professional, often receives comments about how “lucky” she is to have the knowledge and skills she does. Such remarks overlook the countless hours she’s invested in honing her expertise. Dismissing her achievements as mere luck undermines the dedication and hard work she has poured into her craft.


I don’t deny that there’s a specific element of fortune in my situation. Yes, things could have been much worse, and I’m grateful for the level of recovery I’ve achieved. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that this recovery hasn’t been a mere twist of fate. My journey back to health has resulted from relentless effort, countless decisions, and the unwavering support of medical professionals and loved ones.


In conclusion, while luck may play a role in our lives, it’s essential to recognize and respect the hard work and decisions behind the scenes that often make the most significant difference.

Understanding Kidney Function and Body Temperature After a Stroke

Hello Dear Readers,

The kidneys, those bean-shaped organs sitting pretty in our lower back, wear multiple hats when it comes to our body’s overall health. One of their most critical roles is regulating our body temperature. And, if, like me, you’ve faced the aftermath of a stroke, this role becomes even more evident. Post-stroke, I observed a peculiar change: I began to feel colder more easily. The culprit? A compromised kidney function.

The changing of seasons is a beautiful phenomenon to witness. Leaves changing colors, the transition from warm sunshine to chilly breezes, and the metamorphosis of our environment. However, these changes come with unique challenges for someone like me. As the calendar pages turn and the weather adopts a colder temperament, I’m jolted into the realization that my internal thermostat isn’t as reliable as it once was. Now, nature has its way, and human adaptability is a force to reckon with. 


My first line of defense against this new-found chill was to invest in a cozy bathrobe, ensuring I stayed warm indoors. And truth be told, it did its job wonderfully. But sometimes, when the cold was particularly nippy, even within the confines of my home, I had to call for backup. Enter the space heater, my trusted ally in my quest for warmth.


Yet, during the previous winter, I stumbled upon a revelation. It appeared that simple, short bursts of exercise could amp up my body’s heat production. Who would’ve thought? Not only did this approach provide warmth, but it also complemented my recovery goals. So, every couple of hours, I adopted a routine. A brief interlude of planking became my secret weapon against the cold. Just a minute or so was all it took to get my blood pumping and generate that much-needed warmth.


Though no one wishes to be caught in the uncomfortable grasp of cold, there’s a silver lining here. It brought forth an unexpected motivator, propelling me to be more active. While the cold sensation was a byproduct of my compromised kidney function post-stroke, it inadvertently pushed me to incorporate exercise into my routine, yielding multiple benefits.


In summary, as daunting as they may appear, life’s challenges often present us with hidden opportunities. Understanding my body post-stroke and adapting to its new needs has been a journey for me. But as with every journey, it’s the lessons learned and the growth experienced that truly matter. Stay warm and stay motivated, dear readers.

Embracing Sleep Patterns and Changing Habits

Today, I woke up later than I usually would. If you know me well, you know I’ve always had a tricky relationship with sleep. My natural tendency is to resist the allure of the bed, only succumbing to its embrace when my eyelids become too heavy to keep open. This means I’d push myself until the very last moment when I’d drop into slumber the minute my head touched the pillow. But this approach has its pitfalls. I often sleep late, so I stay up even later the following night, waiting for that same exhaustion to hit.

During the spring of this year, I decided it was time to shift gears and develop a healthier sleep pattern. So, I set a new goal: to wake up at 7 a.m. sharp, except on Thursdays and Sundays. These days, I allowed myself a little indulgence and set my alarm for 8 a.m. And guess what? This schedule worked wonders for me, and I followed it diligently. I also started using melatonin to ensure I drift off to dreamland without much ado. Its calming properties were just what I needed to ensure a peaceful night’s sleep.

However, today was an exception, reminding me that sometimes even the best-laid plans can go awry. But I’m determined not to let one slip throw me off my game. Tonight, I plan to get back on track, aligning my sleep with the schedule I’ve set for myself. External factors like daylight savings can play havoc with even the most regimented sleep routines. When the clocks are adjusted, I suggest shifting my alarms by an hour. This way, my waking hours remain consistent with the sun’s position, ensuring I benefit from natural light as much as possible.


In conclusion, sleep is a delicate dance of habits, routines, and external influences. The key is adjusting, adapting, and finding what works best for one’s body and mind. Here’s to more restful nights and energized mornings! 

The Power of Consistency: One Week of Daily Blogging and the Journey Ahead

Hello to our wonderful community of readers,

It has been a somber period for my wife and me since the heartbreaking passing of our dearly beloved cat, Gambi. Our home has felt a bit emptier, our routines a little less bright, and our hearts burdened with the weight of mourning. In the wake of this loss, we’ve been traversing the challenging journey of grief, remembering Gambi’s tender meows and playful antics while grappling with the void left in her absence.

Amid our sorrow, an unexpected beam of light arrived at our doorstep yesterday, courtesy of my thoughtful mother and sisters. They extended a gesture of love and consolation by sending us a quaint yet immensely meaningful gift – a small pillow graced with two printed pictures of our sweet Gambi. The images captured her spirit beautifully, reminding us of the joy and love she infused into our lives.

Upon receiving this sentimental token, we were compelled to give it a place of honor on our bed, where Gambi used to snuggle and purr contentedly. That night, as we held the pillow close, tears flowed freely, each drop a testament to our love for our cherished feline companion. In those moments of vulnerability, the pillow became a source of solace, a tangible reminder of the bond we shared with Gambi.

Interestingly, I pondered the realization that, left to my own devices, I might never have ventured to purchase such a unique memorial item. The concept of a pillow adorned with Gambi’s likeness wasn’t something I was familiar with, nor something I actively sought. However, now that this precious gift is in our possession, I am profoundly grateful. It’s as if, through this pillow, Gambi has returned to offer warm cuddles and comforting purrs, easing the sharp sting of loss.

As we continue to navigate the tumultuous seas of grief, this pillow serves as a gentle anchor, allowing us to find a balance between mourning our loss and celebrating the myriad moments of joy Gambi brought into our lives. The pain of her absence remains, yet the pillow helps us focus on the beautiful memories we created together, fostering a sense of peace and gratitude.

For anyone who has experienced the profound loss of a beloved pet, consider exploring the option of a similar memorial item. Our pillow was crafted by the talented team at Shutterfly, encapsulating Gambi’s essence and providing a tangible way to honor her memory.

Ultimately, while the void left by Gambi’s departure will never fully dissipate, the memorial pillow symbolizes enduring love and cherished memories. It has brought us comfort in our mourning. I believe it may offer solace to others navigating the complex terrain of grief as a reminder of the joy and love our pets bring into our lives.

Thank you for allowing me to share this personal journey with you, dear readers. May we all find ways to honor and remember our furry friends who have crossed the rainbow bridge, cherishing the love and warmth they brought into our hearts.

A Slice of Life: Learning From Kitchen Mishaps

Hello, dear readers,

Yesterday, amid the ordinary hustle and bustle of preparing dinner, I unintentionally sustained an injury on the pad of my right thumb. The culprit? None other than our household mandolin, which I had ventured to use without donning the accompanying safety glove, subsequently slicing out a significant piece of my thumb’s pad.

In hindsight, I was fully aware of the precautions needed when engaging with such tools, but alas, the glove seemed to have been playing hide and seek. I thought, “No harm, I’ll tread carefully.” The irony wasn’t lost when my careful treading proved insufficient, landing me exactly where I hoped not to be.

Every time I find myself in such unforeseen and often preventable predicaments, my mind naturally leans into contemplation, dissecting the whys and hows, striving to unearth lessons that might shield me from a recurrence of such events. In this particular scenario, deducing the ‘why’ required no strenuous thought – the absence of essential safety gear was glaringly obvious.

Given the circumstances, a more rational alternative would have been resorting to the reliable simplicity of a knife to cut the carrots. Stubborn resolve, however, had me fixated on the mandolin, which, to be fair, was ideally suited for the task at hand. Another seemingly sensible route that eluded me was investing more time in pursuing the elusive glove.

The persistent reminder of this little incident, marked by the slight discomfort, will instill a greater sense of responsibility in me. It might just be the nudge I need to shrug off laziness and adhere more strictly to the practices I cognitively recognize as essential rather than relying on the flimsy reassurance of “I’ll just be careful.”

The incident, though minor, serves as a poignant reminder of the interplay between mindfulness and our daily actions. A fleeting moment of negligence, spurred by the unassuming thought of bypassing necessary precautions, can manifest in tangible repercussions. This slice of my life has reaffirmed the importance of mindfulness, especially within the confines of a space as dynamic and unpredictable as the kitchen.

It’s an enlightening revelation, recognizing that the solutions and preventive measures are often well within our grasp, hidden in plain sight. The glove was there, somewhere, waiting to shield me from harm. Yet, a momentary lapse in judgment and a dash of impatience set the stage for an avoidable mishap.

This is a subtle yet significant nudge, encouraging me. Hopefully, you, dear reader, can pause, reflect, and opt for the safer, more mindful path, even in the seemingly mundane tasks that fill our daily lives. Sometimes, the small, seemingly inconsequential decisions culminate in lessons most profound, steering us towards a path of greater awareness and prudence.

So here’s to embracing mindfulness in our everyday endeavors, learning from each misstep, and fostering a culture of safety and reflection, even in the seemingly trivial corners of our existence.

Cultivating the Mind: The Art of Mental Pruning for Self-Improvement

From the recesses of my earliest memories, I’ve battled the demons of intrusive thoughts and impulses. While I have successfully tamed the majority, a few still slip through the cracks, especially in moments of distraction or heightened stress, leading to undesirable actions. To mitigate such occurrences, I practice what I’ve come to call ‘mental pruning.’

Mental pruning is a conscious, deliberate effort to suppress and eventually erase impulsive, negative thoughts. The process demands envisioning the person I aspire to be; this mental portrait serves as a benchmark against which I assess the nature of my impulsive thoughts. It acts as a guiding light, illuminating the counter-thoughts that help me weed out the undesirable ones.

For instance, there have been occasions when I’ve snapped at my wife unreasonably. Recognizing this as contrary to the person I strive to be, I visualize the action, recoil at the thought, and reestablish a mental image of my ideal self. Through repetition, I notice such impulses diminishing as if I’ve pruned that branch of thought to the extent that it no longer overshadows my desired thinking.

This strategy of self-training may resonate with you. While it’s no easy feat and demands constant vigilance and mental effort, I can vouch for its efficacy in my journey. It may well be adaptable to your pursuit of self-improvement, helping you become the person you aspire to be.

By becoming conscious of an intrusive thought, I focus my willpower on suppressing it, aiming to expunge it from the recesses of my mind. This task necessitates the formation of a mental image of my ideal self. I employ this image as a comparative tool to assess impulsive thoughts and as a wellspring for the counter-thoughts that cleanse my mind of negativity.

Such a mental pruning exercise is not merely an act of suppression; it’s a cultivation of the mind, nurturing the positive and curbing the negative. The analogy of pruning is apt, as it embodies the essence of selective elimination and regrowth, creating room for the blossoming of desirable thoughts and behaviors.

The journey of mental pruning is far from a stroll in the park. It demands resilience, patience, and a relentless pursuit of self-betterment. The fruits of this labor, however, are profoundly rewarding. The diminishing of undesirable impulses and the flourishing of positive thoughts are testaments to the transformative power of this practice.

I hope that sharing my experience with mental pruning may inspire others to embark on their journeys of self-discovery and improvement. The road may be arduous, and the pruning shears may sometimes feel heavy. Still, the prospect of cultivating a mind enriched with positive thoughts and actions is a compelling motivator.


I encourage you to explore the potential of mental pruning. Adapt it, make it your own, and witness its transformative power on your journey toward becoming the person you wish to be. After all, the mind is a garden. It can flourish into a sanctuary of peace and positivity with careful tending.