Embracing Curiosity: Lessons from a Lifelong Explorer

Written on Feb 23, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

One of the most profound lessons I’ve absorbed from my better half is the virtue of following one’s curiosity. My wife’s curiosity is boundless, reminiscent of the pure, unadulterated wonder we all harbored as children. Whenever something piques her interest, she delves deep into research, pouring over articles and books to quench her thirst for knowledge. I often jest that she’s lost in an eternal chase down the rabbit hole. If I were to encapsulate her essence in a single word, it would undoubtedly be “Curiosity.”

It’s a common occurrence to momentarily be intrigued by something novel. Our childhood is brimming with spontaneous curiosity, leading us to explore and learn. However, as we transition into adulthood, this innate curiosity fades into the background for many. The hustle of daily life, coupled with a cautious approach to the unknown, often deters us from pursuing our curiosities. Take, for example, encountering a new word. At the same time, curiosity might momentarily flicker; the pursuit of its meaning, origin, and application often feels like an insurmountable hurdle to many.

Yet, my wife’s curiosity knows no bounds. It fuels her daily adventures, constantly leading her to discover something fresh. Inspired by her zest for exploration, I’ve endeavored to adopt a similar approach. Whenever I stumble upon something unfamiliar, I dive into research instead of shrugging it off. This practice has enriched me with a diverse, albeit surface-level, pool of knowledge. For instance, not long ago, I spotted a flag on a neighbor’s porch that was foreign to me. After a brief inspection and mental note, I searched the internet for answers. I identified it as a flag used by the Abita Brewery in Louisiana during Mardi Gras celebrations.

While the practical application of such information might seem negligible, its value cannot be underestimated. When does this snippet of trivia come in handy? Curiosity is the starting point; the real magic happens when we leap to explore further.

My wife’s unbridled curiosity has been a beacon of inspiration. It reminds me that life is an endless series of mysteries waiting to be unraveled. Through her eyes, I’ve learned that curiosity isn’t just about seeking answers but about embracing the journey of discovery. It’s about not letting the fear of the unknown deter us from learning and growing. By fostering a curious mind, we open ourselves to a world of endless possibilities and insights, making life a richer, more vibrant tapestry.

Back on Track: Rediscovering the Joy of Running

Written on January 24, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Good news abounds as I’ve finally managed to reintegrate my beloved running routine into my life, marking a significant milestone since the interruption caused by the last snowfall. Venturing out yesterday for the first time since winter’s grip loosened, I embarked on my run under the cloak of rainfall—a testament to my determination to reclaim this piece of my life.

Despite concerns that a week-long break might have eroded my speed, the run unfolded surprisingly well. Rather than being a deterrent, the rain seemed almost inconsequential to my pace. That’s not to say it was effortless; by the journey’s end, my legs were broadcasting their fatigue loud and clear, a tangible reminder of the hiatus’s impact. Yet, the early night that followed—ushering in a deep, restorative sleep—left me feeling rejuvenated today, to the point where I might even declare myself a tad over-rested.

Reflecting on this, I find my evolving relationship with running quite fascinating. There was a time when I viewed it more as a necessary evil—a means to an end, filled with discomfort rather than delight. However, as my cardiovascular fitness improved, so too did my perspective. The activity I once deemed painful has now transformed into a source of joy, a shift in sentiment that even a rainy run couldn’t dampen.

This rekindled enthusiasm for running signifies more than just a return to physical activity; it marks the reassembly of my daily routine, piece by piece. The holidays and winter conditions had scattered my habits like leaves in the wind. Still, with my running shoes laced once more, I feel as though I’ve woven those scattered pieces back together. The structure and familiarity of my routine have been restored, imbuing me with a sense of accomplishment and normalcy.

The challenge now lies in maintaining this momentum. The ease with which life’s disruptions can unravel our routines reminds us of the need for resilience and dedication. My recent return to running serves as a personal victory and a blueprint for navigating the ebb and flow of life’s inevitable interruptions. With each step on the pavement, rain or shine, I’m not just running; I’m reaffirming my commitment to my well-being and the routines that sustain it.

As I lace up my shoes for the next run, I do so with a renewed sense of purpose and a heart full of gratitude for the ability to move forward, both literally and metaphorically. Once a daunting task, running has become a cherished ritual, a source of strength and joy amidst the chaos of life. It’s a poignant reminder that the path back to ourselves sometimes begins with a single step forward.

Relearning to Type After My Stroke

Hello Dear Readers,

Relearning a skill after a life-changing event is physically challenging and emotionally taxing. This has been my reality since experiencing a stroke, which severely affected my ability to type efficiently.

I fondly recall the days when my fingers would effortlessly dance on the keyboard at speeds of up to 200 words per minute. However, I struggle to achieve even a quarter of that pace post-stroke. The reason? My stroke took a toll on my muscle memory and compromised the strength and sensitivity of my left side. These physical limitations and my vivid memories of faster typing days have made the whole experience particularly disheartening.

It’s not merely the slowness but the inaccuracy that accompanies it. Each typo stands as a reminder of the capability I once had and the distance I have yet to cover to regain it. This sense of loss and nostalgia has often tempted me to shy away from the dedicated effort required to reacquire my typing proficiency. Despite these feelings, deep down, I remain hopeful. I believe I can rebuild this skill from scratch with perseverance and consistent effort.

Creating this blog has been a blessing in disguise for my recovery journey. It’s become more than just a platform for me to share my thoughts; it’s my daily typing exercise. I’m determined to challenge myself further by typing with both hands, even if it’s initially slower than just one. The silver lining? While my fingers might have forgotten their dance steps momentarily, my mind hasn’t. I can mentally map the keyboard layout, even if getting my fingers to follow requires deliberate thinking.


Day by day, as I write, I can feel the incremental improvements. The small victories, like fewer typos or slightly faster typing speeds, motivate me to persist. Given the time and intention to continue sharing my journey through this blog, I remain optimistic about reclaiming my former typing prowess.


I hope my story offers hope for anyone reading this and facing their set of challenges, whether related to a stroke or not. Recovery and relearning might be slow, but with patience and determination, progress is inevitable.

Overcoming Double Vision: My Post-Stroke Experience

Hello, dear readers,

After my stroke, navigating through various physical challenges became my new normal. Among these challenges, double vision was a prominent hurdle I confronted. Ironically, it wasn’t me who detected it initially. During my initial days in the rehabilitation center, my loving wife frequently enquired if there were issues with my eyesight. I was overwhelmed with anxiety and preoccupied with relearning basic body functions, so I hadn’t realized this additional problem.

Only after my return home did the symptom of double vision become undeniably evident. Eager to address this, I consulted an ophthalmologist specializing in treating stroke patients. To my dismay, she diagnosed me with a syndrome connected to weakened eye muscles. This led to a disconcerting misalignment, causing my eyes to struggle to focus on a singular point.

The prescribed remedy was a regimen of daily eye exercises, which she mentioned could benefit anyone with aging eyes. The foundational principle of these exercises was relatively straightforward. I would extend one arm, keeping my gaze fixed on one of my fingers. I gradually shifted my arm from side to side, ensuring my eyes constantly trailed the moving finger. This activity was sustained until a palpable strain in my eyes signaled the end of a session.

The true marvel was in the transformation this seemingly simple routine fostered. Within a few weeks, the vexing double vision I was grappling with began to dissipate. And soon, although not perfect, my familiar vision was back.

As I pen this down, I intend to share a personal anecdote and offer a beacon of hope. After all, with resilience and the proper guidance, it’s possible to overcome the challenges life throws our way.

Stay inspired, and remember, every challenge is an opportunity in disguise.

Crafting My Path: Unveiling My Ten-Week Chess Improvement Strategy

Hello dear readers,

Embarking on a journey of personal growth and skill enhancement, yesterday marked the culmination of my meticulous efforts in drafting a comprehensive chess improvement plan. With the serene ambiance post-dishwashing and the anticipatory aroma of the next day’s coffee setting the stage, I’ve dedicated myself to devoting a substantial 90 minutes each day to the intricate art of chess.

In the vast and intriguing landscape of chess, openings form the initial steps that lead to the myriad possibilities of the game. Recognizing their significance, I’ve carefully curated a list of 10 esteemed openings, each holding the potential to unravel new layers of strategic depth. The intriguing aspect of this endeavor is not just the diversity of the openings but the systematic approach I’ve adopted to study them. Every week, a selected opening from the list becomes the focal point of my exploration.

Mondays, the heralds of a new week, are dedicated to adjusting a well-structured template study plan, aligning it with the nuances and subtleties of the specific opening chosen. This initial adaptation lays down a solid foundation, facilitating a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the opening throughout the week. From Tuesday to Friday, I diligently adhere to the tailored plan, immersing myself in the intricacies and strategies that each unique opening presents. This structured approach ensures a gradual yet comprehensive grasp of the selected opening, paving the way for mastery.

Weekends bring with them a different flavor to my chess improvement journey. Stepping away from the theoretical and strategic studies, I engage in practical application by playing a game or two against the unrelenting and unbiased computer. This transition from theory to practice is instrumental, as it allows me to witness the real-time application and effectiveness of the strategies I’ve been immersed in throughout the week. The computer, with its calculated precision and absence of human error, serves as a formidable opponent, challenging me to elevate my game.

Spanning across ten weeks, this meticulously crafted plan offers a balanced blend of theory, strategy, and practical application, each component reinforcing the other. As I navigate through the varied openings and adapt my strategies, I am not just learning; I am evolving, refining my approach and enhancing my skills with every passing day. The journey, while demanding, is as enriching as the game of chess itself – filled with endless possibilities, challenges, and moments of triumph.

As the final week approaches and the completion of the ten-week journey is on the horizon, the anticipation builds. With enhanced skills and a plethora of new strategies under my belt, I will start scouting for a local tournament. This will serve as the ultimate testing ground, a platform to apply, assess, and showcase the knowledge and skills I’ve accumulated. The tournament is not just a competition; it’s a reflection of my growth, a manifestation of my dedication, and a testament to the effectiveness of my chess improvement plan.


In conclusion, this ten-week chess improvement journey is more than a structured learning experience. It’s a personal endeavor of growth, reflection, and continuous learning. Through a balanced mix of study and practice, adaptation and application, I am not only navigating the complex world of chess openings but also crafting my path towards mastery. As I look forward to the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead, I am reminded that, like chess, life too is a game of endless possibilities and strategic moves.

Embarking on a New Chess Learning Journey: Renewed Strategies and Small Steps

Hello to my cherished readers,

Since penning down my thoughts on neurofatigue and reflecting on how it used to encumber my progress while immersing myself in the world of chess, the idea of revisiting my chess studies has been brewing in my mind. However, this time, I’m inspired to leverage the invaluable lessons I’ve garnered in the realm of forming habits, establishing routines, and making incremental progress toward my goals. The conception of this endeavor excites me, and though it will necessitate some time to craft a practical approach, the anticipation only fuels my enthusiasm.

Delving back into chess, I want to ensure that my methodology is refined and well-structured. The planning process is crucial, and I intend to devote considerable time to it. My aim is not just to rekindle my acquaintance with the game but to deepen my understanding and mastery of it. The prospect of embarking on this journey fills me with anticipation, and I am eager to explore chess’s myriad possibilities.

I am currently in the process of sketching a rough outline, delineating what I aspire to achieve and the strategies I will employ to commence this journey. One of the initial steps I am contemplating is to identify ten chess openings that will be the focal point of my study. These openings will form the foundation of my learning, and I plan to dedicate a week to delve into the intricacies and nuances of each one. This approach will allow me to build a robust base and gain a deeper insight into the diverse strategies and tactics employed in the game.

Setting a definite start date and allotting regular time for study are also integral components of my plan. Consistency is key in any learning endeavor, and by establishing a routine, I aim to ensure that my studies are systematic and productive. I am in the process of fine-tuning the details, and once the plan is more concrete, I am eager to share the specifics with you all. Your insights and feedback will be invaluable as I navigate this exciting journey.

The prospect of rekindling my passion for chess, armed with newfound knowledge and strategies, is invigorating. I am keenly aware of the challenges that lie ahead. Still, I am equally cognizant of the rewards of perseverance and dedication. This endeavor is not just about revisiting a past interest; it is about evolving my approach, enhancing my skills, and achieving a deeper understanding and appreciation of the game.

I eagerly look forward to this journey’s myriad of learnings and experiences. The world of chess is vast and varied, and I am excited to explore its depths, uncover its secrets, and share my journey with you. The planning phase is a time of reflection and strategizing. I am embracing it with open arms, looking forward to the possibilities that await.

In closing, I am enthusiastic about this new chapter and am diligently working towards crafting a well-thought-out plan. The journey promises to be enlightening, and I am eager to share my progress, learnings, and experiences with you. Keep an eye out for updates as I continue to refine my approach and embark on this exciting venture into the captivating world of chess.

The Joyful Side of Routine: How Game Day Keeps Me Balanced

Hello, Lovely Readers,

When discussing routines and habits, I often zero in on the tasks we’d instead not do. You know, those not-so-glamorous chores that are essential but hardly bring us joy. Even though completing them offers satisfaction (mostly because I can finally strike them off my weekly to-do list), I have aspects of my routine crafted for enjoyment. For me, that includes a bi-weekly virtual game day session with some cherished friends.

Growing up, gaming was my jam. Whether it was solo or with pals, I relished the strategic thinking and competitive thrill games offered. However, that intrinsic motivation to play took a hit after my stroke. While I still enjoy games, it’s different now. The solo adventures don’t beckon as they used to, but the social element keeps the fire alive. So, I have these pre-set gaming rendezvous with my old buddies, and it’s a part of my week that I look forward to ardently.

Now, here’s an interesting angle. My wife, my eternal confidante and adviser, shared that engaging in some games could help mend certain brain functions disrupted by my stroke. I feel like I’ve gained some of that therapeutic goodness. But it’s not just about rehab. Knowing I have a gaming session nudges me to be more proactive about my daily chores. It acts as a dangling carrot, a self-awarded prize for slogging through the more mundane parts of my day.

This is something you can adapt to your own life. You know that book you love but have yet to find the time to read? Or that new restaurant you’ve been meaning to try? Let that be your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Turn your favorite activity into a reward for accomplishing your less thrilling tasks. That way, you don’t just get things done; you also have a tasty incentive.

I’ve employed this tactic before. When I took up running more regularly during my time in Portland, Friday became my doughnut day. Each run I finished during the week equated to a doughnut. Three runs? That translated to three doughnuts waiting for me at home. And because weight loss wasn’t a specific target for me, indulging in my sugary trophy didn’t clash with any other goals.

In the grand scheme of life, blending joy into our routine is crucial for maintaining a balanced life. Especially for me, given my medical history, these game days serve as more than just a leisure activity. They’re an affirmation of my abilities, a balm for my brain, and a reward for the necessary, albeit dull, tasks that fill the gaps in between.

So, next time you find yourself bogged down by the monotony of everyday tasks, remember to sprinkle in a little joy. Life, after all, should be a game we all want to play.


Unleash the Power of Mental Triggers for Better Memory

Hey, wonderful readers!

Let me pull back the curtain on an ingenious technique I’ve been using to improve my memory. Initially, I began honing this strategy to keep up with my exercise routine but soon realized its potential for aiding memory in many situations. You may already be familiar with setting triggers for remembering routine activities. This strategy works similarly and employs mental cues to help you remember anything you want.

Here’s the low-down: It starts with identifying a specific goal you want to remember. Next, you choose a particular moment or setting to recall this goal. The last piece of the puzzle is creating a vivid mental image of what you’ll see or experience at that moment. This mental snapshot serves as your trigger—when the real-life scenario mirrors your imagination, it prompts you to remember what you intended.

Let me give you a slice-of-life example. Often, while out and about with my wife, she’ll mention something she wants to be reminded of when we return home. In such instances, the heavy lifting has mostly been done by her; she has already chosen what should be remembered and when it should be recalled. All I have to do is visualize us arriving home and walking through the door. This imagery then acts as a mental anchor, linking the envisioned scenario to what my wife wants to remember.

Now, I won’t sugarcoat it—this strategy isn’t foolproof. The accuracy of your mental trigger is crucial for the technique to work. If the actual situation diverges significantly from what you’ve imagined due to an unforeseen circumstance, the mental trigger might not go off. For instance, I’ve tried using this approach to remember items we must pick up from the grocery store. Suppose the store has decided to rearrange its layout or introduce a new display. In that case, the disparity between my mental image and reality can throw a wrench into the works, causing me to forget what I intended to purchase.

But let me tell you, even with these occasional hiccups, this memory trick has proven to be far more effective than any other method I’ve attempted. So, give it a whirl and see how it enhances your memory game. Think of it as fine-tuning your mental GPS to help you navigate the labyrinth of daily tasks and commitments. If done right, this little hack could become a life-saver—or at least a memory-saver—for you too!

The Art of Routine Building Through Mundane Chores Like Cooking

Hello, dear readers,

Today’s post is dedicated to the unexpected but delightful art of routine building through what we often consider mundane chores. Take cooking, for instance—a chore for some, a passion for others. I’ve always had a soft spot for cuisine, an affinity that traces back to my childhood learning to make pancakes with my grandmother. I didn’t realize back then that cooking would later become a tool for optimizing complex, multi-step procedures in life.

The Complexity Behind Simplicity in Cooking

In culinary arts, one of the most essential skills is mastering the alignment of various tasks to be completed simultaneously. Even a simple dish like scrambled eggs or a sandwich requires a calculated sequence of steps, each executed at the perfect time. The difference between a skilled chef and a beginner often boils down to the knack for optimizing this workflow. It’s about knowing what to do, when, and how to do it.

Embracing Reflection: The Japanese Concept of Hansei

One powerful concept I’ve come to rely on for improving my cooking skills is the Japanese practice of Hansei, which involves deep self-reflection after completing a task. The core idea is to analyze performance, understand mistakes, and strategize for future improvement. If you’re repeating a specific recipe, it’s a golden opportunity to employ Hansei. Taste the food, ponder what you like and dislike, and consider why those elements turned out the way they did. The objective is to refine the recipe each time, adapting it to align with your taste preferences.

The Case of Mapo Tofu: A Personal Experience

To provide a real-world example, let me share my experience of making Mapo Tofu, which my wife taught me. When we first tried the dish, we found it too salty despite not adding any table salt. That led to a Hansei moment—time for some culinary detective work. After scrutinizing the ingredients, I switched to reduced-sodium chicken stock instead of the Chinese-style tori gara I had initially used. The change was adequate but not quite enough. I then dived into the sauce ingredients, reducing the quantity of one while substituting it with another, less salty ingredient. And voila! The saltiness issue was resolved, all thanks to the iterative process of self-reflection and adjustment.


Something as ordinary as cooking can be a playground for honing essential life skills like routine-building and problem-solving. It’s a space to practice, to reflect, and most importantly, to improve. So the next time you dread life’s ‘mundane’ chores, perhaps try to approach them as an opportunity to cultivate better routines. You may discover a newfound appreciation for the everyday tasks that make up your world.

Happy cooking and happy reflecting!

Until next time.

Juggling Work, School, and Life: My Journey to a Graduate Degree

Hey guys! So, one day, I woke up and thought, “I want to go back to school and finish my graduate degree.” Yep, even though I already have a full-time job. Crazy, right? I even decided to take not one, not two, but three courses each week. Oh, and I managed to pass two big CMA exams in just four months. So, how did I pull this off?

First things first, I had to sort out my schedule. We all have only 24 hours daily, no matter how busy. I spent about two weeks tweaking my daily plans until I found extra hours for my classes.

After figuring that out, I talked to my husband about my big idea. He was worried I might wear myself out, but he was super supportive. He even offered to help out with some chores around the house. Teamwork makes the dream work!

Initially, I decided to take it easy and sign up for two classes each semester. But guess what? I felt bold and bumped it into three courses to finish everything in just two semesters. Yeah, I soon found out that was a big oopsie. Grad school isn’t like undergrad; there’s way more work. I had tons of assignments and papers to write. I even had to take five vacation days from my job to catch up on schoolwork. It’s a good thing it wasn’t the busy end-of-year work season!

Despite the craziness, there were some rules I stuck to:

  1. Keep Running: Believe it or not, I still ran my usual 5K every morning. It’s my ‘me time.’
  2. Don’t Overeat at Night: I had to make sure I could focus on studying and feeling too full would make that hard.
  3. Use Spare Time Wisely: Any extra 15 minutes I had, I used for quick chores. A clean home makes a happy mind.
  4. Be Grateful: I couldn’t have done this without my amazing husband. He’s my rock.

So, after a chaotic but super rewarding year, I survived and thrived. I kept my grades up and even graduated with two honors. I know this was one of the craziest things I did. Whatever your big dream is, go for it. Just ensure you have a solid plan, an excellent support team, and a lot of determination.