How to Spend Time Between Busy Seasons

I had a hectic autumn phase since I was simultaneously involved in too many projects. We completed the 3rd quarter and interim audits, which ended my last busy phase. I managed to win the best award for Kaizen (continuous Improvement) for the group in 2021. We completed and sent out our Management representative letters a week before our due date. It was challenging; however, I felt accomplished having met all the requirements. My next busy season starts once the fiscal year-end is over. Since there are only two weeks left until our year-end, I intend to rest as much as possible. At the same time, I want to prepare for the upcoming year-end. I want to write about how I spend my time between my busy seasons.


Take Time to Reflect on My Last project.


Whenever I complete a project, I reflect on the project, and I am most interested in the parts where I can improve the process. I try not to forget the details I did well because I want to continue good operations.


When I find something I need to improve, I list them separately. I use an app called Notion to track the things required to improve to contemplate them in the future. I incubated these ideas for a while, and I thought about any possible solutions, which would end up on my quick notes for the day. Once I have more thoughts on improving the process, they become a sprint backlog for future projects. Some items are easy to complete as I need to document the change of the process. Some sprint logs can take a few weeks to complete, so I may have to make a schedule to tackle them.


It is essential to be careful of a few things when reviewing your work. To avoid biases, I try to create some quantifiable—measurement tools—for example, the percentage of the tasks completed on time.


Unfortunately, I also need to look at qualitative measurements. Sometimes, they can be obvious such as getting an award. Not all qualitative measures are apparent, and If I am not careful, I will end up in a trap of self-review biases. To acquire better qualitative feedback, I seek feedback from other people. Since self-review, it will be a good idea to seek input from various people. There is 360-degree feedback, a performance review tool where you obtain feedback from your superiors and colleagues, customers, or vendors. Internal and external auditors are good reviewers for past projects, and they often provide feedback on something I did not notice.


I recommend you write down feedback or things that bother you as soon as you think about them at any moment. Otherwise, you will forget most of them. When you spontaneously have many projects as I did for the past three months, you do not have time to contemplate those items right after completing a task. However, you have items to work on later. The most important thing is to reflect on what is good and bad about the last project to organize my thoughts about them.


The Best Time to Fill GAPS


A designated professional must complete some continuous education. Between projects is a good time for meeting continuing education requirements. I work on achieving them throughout all seasons, but I found it ineffective to try to learn while under great stress. Whenever I know something new, I think about how to apply it. For example, I took an Inventory audit class recently. I improved our accounting process and documentation process from what I learned. Whenever I am under tremendous stress, I cannot do the application process very well. So, I try to get more learning done between the busy seasons.



An excellent time for writing Business Cases or Seeding


I wrote a proposal or a business case for the next Kaizen (Continuous Project). If the project has a cost associated with it, the best time to submit a proposal for our organization is in July or August since we do the budget for the following year in October. Some projects require approvals from head office or the board, and I may need to spend some time to obtain the authorizations. In some cases, I will need to spend several months or a few years to convince them. Next time, I will talk about initiating these projects or business cases. I call the initiation of any projects “seeding.” If you want to implement a change in an organization, you will need to seed as much as possible.


Preparation of The Next Busy Season


The best time to prepare for the next busy season is between the busy seasons. I had only three weeks to spare this time, and I spent time planning for our upcoming year-end and the year-end audit. For example, I updated the contact information for audit confirmation letters since I knew we would send out audit confirmation letters to the group companies. I also arranged who would be responsible for checking and signing these confirmation letters internally.


I communicate with my external auditors and key personnel to ensure the due dates for each task for our upcoming year-end and financial audit. Working in finance management for years, I realized my priorities are not necessarily the same. The Japanese may call this “nemawashi,” which helps others be aware of their responsibilities to eliminate unnecessary confusion.


I also updated audit working paper files and internal to-do list for financial audit and year-end for the upcoming audit. We need to submit some analyses, and we can complete some before the actual fiscal year-end. I also updated our internal to-do list for the Financial Audit, and I decided when each task on the to-do list could be completed. I will need to send out reminders to people in some cases.


Take Vacation Time 


I take a vacation during my slow phase, and I plan to take a week’s break this Christmas to refresh and spend with my family. I could not spend the last couple of years with family, so this will be an excellent opportunity to do so.



Each item I wrote maybe a trivial thing; however, I consider it critical to prepare for busy seasons. When I was young, I did not consider reflecting on my last project, and I bet I lost many opportunities to improve my process. The slow phase is an excellent time to complete an impressive sprint list or complete the backlog before initiating a new project. Finally, do not forget to take a vacation because a block of time from work helps you replenish your energy. So, these are things I do in my slow phase, and I hope this blog helps some of you.

Does It Matter When I Exercise?

For the last few weeks, I changed my workout time to the early morning, 5:30 AM. On day one of the new exercise programs, I felt all workout routines feel much more challenging than when I do them at lunchtime or early evening.

Since I did not have a good sleep that day, I thought I was just tired. The following day, I did a cardio, BODYATTACK. I felt so pitiful that it was near impossible to bring my heart rate above 140 in the early morning than later in the day. I had 8.5 hours of sleep with a sleep score of 90 the day. So, it was nothing to do with the duration or quality of the sleep. I was curious about this phenomenon, so I continued the morning exercises every single day of the rest of the week and monitored my heart rates. I made changes to the intended exercise, but I wanted to check them all. So, I tried30 minutes BODYCOMBAT (Kickboxing), BODYATTACK (Bootcamp), BODYPUMP (Strength exercise), and GRIT (HIIT).

When I wake up, my heart rate is about 65. Usually, I move around the house for 15-20 minutes before exercising. The interesting part of this morning exercise was that I still felt as if I exercised at 90% of my max heart rate at the actual heart rate is just 135-140. GRIT was the worst one, and I had to give up at 17 minutes. Consequently, my calories output was lower by 100 calories for morning cardio exercises.

After one week of the observation, I made the following hypotheses.

The morning exercise feel harder because

  1. My starting heart rate is lower in the morning. I suspect that that is something to do with my heart rate being so low in the early morning. My resting heart rate is 63-65, and it can be a lot of stress to push it up to almost double.
  1. Since I am on intermittent fasting, my body does not have energy in the morning. I exercised at lunch during the fasting before. I have no problem reaching 90% of my max heart. Thus, the 2nd hypothesis is incorrect. 
  2. My muscles are not ready for a workout. I felt this when I was doing BODYPUMP (Strength Exercise) and GRIT (HIIT). I had difficulties keep my squats low.

I suspect that that is something to do with lower heart rates and stiffer muscles. Since my starting heart rate is so low, it can be a lot of stress to push it up to almost double in a short time. Interesting, right? I put my researcher’s hat on, and I investigated some.

If the primary objective is to have the best performance, the morning is not the right time to exercise.

As I suspected, the primary reason is the lower max heart rates in the morning. Thomas Reilly and his colleagues at the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences at Liverpool John Moore University (as cited in the New York Times, Dec 9, 2009) found that our maximum heart rate is lower in the morning. However, the perception of how hard they were working was the same for morning and evening. Our body has a circadian rhythm that controls the hormones in our body to have a regular sleep-wake schedule. Our blood pressure, metabolism, energy level, and heart rates are lower in the early morning.

He and his colleagues also mentioned that our bodies are not as well prepared to exercise in the morning because our muscles tend to be less flexible. The athlete’s best performance is set in the late afternoon or the early evening (as cited in the New York Times, Dec 9, 2009).

Is morning exercise being all that bad? Despite my findings, there are some benefits to exercising in the morning.

Dietary Choices for the day

The people who work out in the morning tend to make healthier food choices for the day. After observing 2,680 young adults for 15-week cardio exercise in the morning, the young adults who work out in the morning tend to pursue healthier dietary preferences and habits (Joo, Willamson, Vazquez, Fernandez, and Bray, 2018). The study did not particularly seek to find the best time to exercise; however, the morning exercise motivated them to make healthier eating throughout the day. Since I started the training in the morning, I feel it has gotten easier to regulate my foods intake for the day.

More energy and higher productivity

I felt dreadful during my morning workout; however, I felt more energy when I did the morning exercises. My heart rate is higher after the training. My body is warmer. I even felt more alert and focused on my work. I usually do 1 hour of continuing education in the morning. I noticed my focus was higher after the morning exercise. The best part was I felt so good the whole day because I did a workout in the morning. So, I was more productive.

The choice is all about what you want to accomplish and your preference.

I prefer to work out in the morning because I must go to bed early at night. I have never liked to wake up early; however, I hated the morning traffic even more than waking early in the morning. For the last year, I have been working remotely. My work would like me to go to the office three times a week soon. So, I decided to adjust my schedule. Furthermore, I enjoyed the higher productivity due to the morning workout.


The following week, I found out few things to minimize the loss. For example, a light intensity cardio before the strength exercise can help with the workout. BODYPUMP also has a warmup. After a short, low-intensity cardio session, my body is more prepared to do more strenuous strength training.

The Starting Exercise Program


For one week, I did GRIT, BODYPUMP, BODYCOMBAT, BODYATTACK, and BODYSTEP all six mornings to satisfy my curiosity. After some investigation, I modified it a little bit. I kept a short GRIT (HIIT) exercise either on my lunch (when I was working remotely) or in the early evening (if I go into the office as I plan). The addition of HIIT exercises changed made a significant difference to my body weight. I started to lose weight again without losing my muscle mass.

I added a 5–10-minute low-intensity cardio before BODYPUMP so that my strength training has the intended effectiveness. This change is helping my strength workout.

Despite the lower-calorie output, I still prefer some cardio in the morning because of the productivity gain. So, I added another Cardio session on one of the weekends to accommodate the loss of 100 calories.

A New Modified Exercise Program

Evening GRIT – Short GRIT – Short GRIT – Short Cardio

*A 5–10-minute light cardio before BODYPUMP

** GRIT – only short version (15-18 minutes)

What’s next

Initially, I thought of doing GRIT even on a Cardio day instead; however, I decided to add another cardio day on the weekend. I am finding out too much GRIT can cause mitochondria dysfunctions due to the stress caused by its strenuousness. You can reduce the damage by taking mitochondrial regulators and protector nutrients such as 5 grams of Leucine, 5 grams of creatine monohydrate, and 2.5 grams of betaine (Blechman, April 12, 2021). He is citing a lot of journals, so that I will check them out. For now, I am going to keep my new modified exercise program without taking these mitochondrial regulators and protector nutrients.


Blechman, S. (April 12, 2021). New Study Says High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Can Cause Mitochondrial Dysfunction.

Joo, J., Williamson, S. A., Vazquez, A. I., Fernandez, J. R., & Bray, M. S. (2019). The influence of 15-week exercise training on dietary patterns among young adults. International Journal of Obesity, 43(9), 1681–1690.

New York Times. (December 9, 2009). Ready to Exercise? Check Your Watch.

My First Project in Literary Analysis: The Masque of the Red Death

It was not so long ago when I started reading fiction books. I have hardly read any fictions books for the last 15 years because I thought I would learn more from non-fiction books. The one book changed my mind 180 degrees. Last Christmas, I read “How to Read Literature Like a Professor Revised: A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines” by Thomas Foster. Foster (2014) explained that literary analysis is like pattern recognition. It sounded interesting. So, I tried literary analysis on my own. 

For my first literary analysis project, I selected a chilling story from Edgar Allan Poe, the masque of the red death. I liked his writing style because it reminds me of Ryunosuke Akutagawa, a Japanese author known for “Rashomon.” Summer in Tennessee is hot. So, a chilling story would be nice to ease this heat. It is a six-page short story, yet it contains Poe’s tactical usages of Symbolism and Metaphors.

The Plot Summary

The fatal outbreak, the “Red Death,” ravaged the country. The plague was so deadly that the population of the country dropped nearly by half. The horrible pandemic caused a patient sharp pain, sudden dizziness, and profuse bleeding from pores. The scarlet stains appear on the patient’s body – especially on the face, which scared away the sympathetic fellow men.

Due to the outbreak, Prince Prospero secluded himself from the pandemic in the abbey with a thousand knights and their spouses to continue to live a lavish lifestyle until the outbreak was over. An iron gate, welded from weapons the courtiers brought, should protect prince Prospero and his courtier from the red death. There were enough supplies. All they needed to do is to pass the time with lavish parties until the outbreak was over.

At the 5th or 6th month of the seclusion, the prince and his friends held a masked ball held in seven imperial suites. The apartments were so irregularly arranged that people could see only one apartment at a time. There were sharp turns every twenty or thirty yards, and each turn created a novel effect. Each room was coordinated with color and located in the following order: blue, purple, green, orange, white, violet, and finally, black. All rooms were coordinated with the decoration of the chamber, except for the last black one. The room had black velvet tapestries and black carpet; however, the windows’ color failed to match the decorations. The windows were scarlet that resembled a deep blood color. No one except a few entered the room during the party.

There was a giant clock made from ebony in the black chamber, which pendulum swung with a dull, heavy, and monotonous clang. The clock strikes a chime each hour, which interrupts people from whatever joy they were experiencing. Then, people go back partying after the chime is over.

Around midnight, guests started noticing a masked individual wearing a dark, blood-splattered robe, resembling a corpse from the red death. The insulted prince demanded the identity of this stranger. The guests were too scared to stop this intruder. This nameless intruder made his way from the blue room, the purple, the green, the orange, the white, and the violet room without interruption. Finally, the prince drew his dagger and charged toward this stranger. As the stranger faced the prince, the prince fell dead with a sharp cry. The people surged into a 7th chamber and pulled the mask and robe from the stranger. There was nothing underneath. The guests at the party fell sick. The story ended with the sentence, “Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.


Poe’s novels are all poetic. All sections of the novel are equally essential to the novel, and they are entangled in a complex manner to create such a beautiful novel. There would be many symbolic language and metaphors. I started highlighting any suspected symbols and metaphors and started to analyze them.

Instinctively, I thought the seven imperial suites and the structure of the halls represent something; however, I did not know what they meant. The key was the order of the color of the rooms – blue, purple, green, orange, white, violet, and black. The black room seemed a key because it was different from other rooms. This was the room people avoided – were people afraid to step into the room? When I was talking to my husband, he mentioned that blue is often associated with birth. So, we hypothesized that rooms representing the stage of life: blue as the birth, purple as a youth, green as adolescence, orange as adulthood, white as old, violet as illness, then black as death.

If colored rooms were representing stages of life, the structure of the house would make sense. The hallways to each room have sharp turns every 20 or 30 feet between the rooms. The views were so limited that people could see one room at a time. Each turn, people could feel a novel effect. The structures of the hallways represent the way through each life stage.

The gigantic ebony clock that in the black room represents the time of people’s life. The clock is ticking equally to everyone until you would die. The clock kept reminding all people in the spaces that their time would eventually come.

The story reached a climax when the masked stranger made his appearance in the easternmost room, the blue room – representing birth. It wore the costume of the red death. Since people feared his presence, it moved toward the black rooms uninterrupted until prince Prospero charged at it with a dagger.

Initially, I thought Prince Prospero represented Poe himself. Although, I could not understand why Poe selected this name for the prince in this story. This is the name of a character from The Tempest by William Shakespeare. Prospero in The Tempest won. Instead of winning, Prince Prospero in Poe’s novel charged into the masked stranger and died. The tempest is a carefully developed drama portraying the ultimate triumph of ethical control over passion, and Prospero represents with “Noble Reason” (Phillips, 1964, P147). Prospero was an analogy in Poe’s novel representing reasoning or control. The masked individual represents fatal illness. Now, I think the prince Prospero represents Poe’s ability to control, which was destroyed by the plague, his wife’s consumption. Later, Poe wrote to his friend, George W. Eveleth, explaining his mental state.

Each time I felt all the agonies of her death — and at each accession of the disorder I loved her more dearly & clung to her life with more desperate pertinacity. But I am constitutionally sensitive — nervous in a very unusual degree. I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity. During these fits of absolute unconsciousness I drank, God only knows how often or how much. As a matter of course, my enemies referred the insanity to the drink rather than the drink to the insanity. I had indeed, nearly abandoned all hope of a permanent cure when I found one in the death of my wife.

Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore—Works—Letters—E. A. Poe to G. W. Eveleth (January 4, 1848). (n.d.).

Pulmonary tuberculosis claimed many lives in the United States. In the 1800s, as many as one in seven Americans (Fay, April 1, 2020, para 7-8). Poe himself lost many loved one from the illness. Virginia, his beloved wife, was not excluded. In January 1942, Poe’s wife, Virginia, was diagnosed with Pulmonary tuberculosis. Despite the protection (iron gate) he put against the illness. Pulmonary tuberculosis slowly kills people. How painful it must have been for Poe to watch his wife waste away from such an illness. As his wife was getting sicker, he was more drawn to liquor. Despite the wealthy household or “iron gate,” Poe explained nothing could protect your loved one from illness or death. To me, this story represents the inescapable nature of death and the futility of trying to keep it at bay. I sensed Poe’s Agony and sorrow which was expressed so beautifully with this short novel that it took my breath away.

Lessons Learned

This was the first time I did Literary Analysis. It took me longer than planned because I had to research the author to understand the story better. I still feel that I needed to improve on the techniques in analyzing metaphors. I will be planning to read on Literary analysis in the future. I felt fifteen years of not reading any fiction hurting me somehow as I could not remember the novels or poems I should be compared with. I am surprised at finding pleasure in the process of literary analysis. Not only I learned more about Poe, but I also stepped into a new field of gaining skills in analyzing literature. I will be more likely to do more literary analysis in the future.


Edgar Allan Poe. (1842). The Masque of the Red Death. [Kindle Edition]. A public Domain Book.

Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore—Works—Letters—E. A. Poe to G. W. Eveleth (January 4, 1848). (n.d.). Retrieved July 9, 2021, from

Fay, Glenn J. (Apr 1, 2020). The White Plague: Tuberculosis in Early America.

Foster, T., (2014). How to Read Literature Like a Professor. [Kindle Edition]. Harper Perennial.

Phillips, J. E. (1964). The Tempest and the Renaissance Idea of Man. Shakespeare Quarterly, 15(2), 147–159.