Mastering My Monday Routine: A Week-Planning Odyssey

Written 4/1

Hello Dear Readers,

Embarking on my Monday routine, I dive into planning the week ahead. It’s a ritual I hold dear, a compass guiding me through the chaos of daily life. Each Monday morning, I embark on a foresight journey, charting out the course of my week and the tasks I aim to conquer. But, as with any journey, there are obstacles to navigate, particularly those dictated by the whims of the weather.

My first order of business is to compile the week’s to-do list. This is no ordinary list; it’s a dynamic entity that varies from week to week. Some tasks are stalwart fixtures, while others flit in and out like elusive shadows. Yet, amidst this fluctuating landscape, I must mentally highlight those tasks that are at the mercy of the weather. These are the delicate flowers of my to-do list, vulnerable to the tempestuous whims of Mother Nature.

Take, for instance, the humble act of lawn mowing. It is a simple task yet one that becomes a precarious dance with the elements on rainy days. I’ve learned the hard way that grass and rain make for a slippery affair, especially on hilly landscapes, rendering my lawn mower useless against the sodden earth. Thus, I must remain vigilant, keeping a watchful eye on the forecast, lest my plans be washed away by a sudden downpour.

But the challenges don’t end there. Sometimes, my tasks require coordination with others, adding an extra layer of complexity to my already intricate schedule. When conflicts arise, I find myself engaged in a delicate juggling act, attempting to align the disparate pieces of my agenda into a cohesive whole.

This week presents its own set of challenges. As I peruse the forecast, I spy a looming threat of rain on one of my designated lawn-mowing days. A potential obstacle, to be sure, but one that I refuse to let derail my plans entirely. Instead, I adapt, devising contingency measures to salvage what I can from the situation. Perhaps I’ll steal an hour of mowing before the deluge descends, or failing that, I’ll redouble my efforts on Thursday, determined to make up for lost time.

In the end, it’s this rough planning at the outset of the week that proves to be my saving grace. By tempering my expectations and anticipating potential pitfalls, I arm myself against the specter of surprise. Though the road ahead may be fraught with uncertainty, I march forward with confidence, secure in the knowledge that I have charted my course to the best of my ability.

As Monday fades into memory and the week unfurls before me, I embark on my journey purposefully, ready to face whatever challenges lie in wait. Armed with foresight and determination, I press onward, a master of my Monday routine and the architect of my destiny.



Overcoming Post-Time Change Fatigue: A Personal Experience

Written on 3/13/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

With the daylight saving time change recently behind us, I assumed that a good night’s sleep would help me recover all the energy I had lost. However, I’ve found it challenging to keep up with my morning exercise routine. Today, I still have a few exercises left unfinished, and coming down the stairs after my pull-ups was particularly tough. It felt as though I was dragging my own dead weight every step of the way.

My body is likely trying to tell me something—maybe I haven’t fully recovered from my previous workouts. I know the importance of being mindful of my body’s signals, though part of me hesitates to acknowledge it. I’m driven by my goals, yet I’m aware that pushing myself too hard could lead to unnecessary injuries.

Despite my concerns, something shifted when I started doing my pull-ups. Initially daunting, the exercise became surprisingly manageable as I progressed, and soon, my dread dissipated. By the end of my set, I didn’t feel like I was lugging around dead weight anymore. Instead, I felt lighter and more energetic, possibly thanks to an endorphin rush that helped negate my fatigue.

Reflecting on this, I realize that my tiredness might have been a lingering effect from yesterday’s lawn mowing. Sometimes, it takes a bit of pushing to truly understand whether I’m up for a workout. Of course, it’s crucial to avoid overexerting myself. I’m proud that I didn’t give in to my initial reluctance to exercise. It would have been easy to skip the session under the guise of preventing injury, but overcoming that mental barrier has left me feeling more accomplished.

Overcoming the Daylight Savings Slump

Written 3/12/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

It’s been quite a challenging couple of days for me. As you might relate, the biannual shift for daylight savings has yet again wreaked havoc on my sleep schedule. The past few mornings have been particularly tough, and I’ve found myself needing extra sleep just to regain some semblance of energy. Thankfully, this morning marked a return to my usual waking hour. I may finally be acclimating to the new time, which bodes well for keeping on track with my routine.

With my energy levels somewhat restored and getting up at my usual time today, I’m optimistic about tackling my tasks—starting with mowing the lawn. Luckily, the weather forecast is on my side, predicting pleasant conditions for the rest of the week. This should give me ample opportunity to split the chore into manageable phases, planning to complete the other half of the lawn in the next few days.

Despite it still being March and the air carrying a chill, the afternoons have warmed up nicely. I usually wait for the sun to climb higher before stepping out, ensuring it’s warm enough for outdoor activities. Today seems perfect for completing those chores without needing to bundle up too much.

In another stroke of good fortune, I recovered enough to dive back into my exercise regimen. It’s a relief to return to my fitness routine, which I’ve missed over the past few days. Returning to the swing of things feels like I’ve created a major hill of challenges. Now, the path ahead will be a smoother descent.

As things slowly return to normal, I focus on maintaining this momentum and pushing forward. There’s a certain satisfaction in overcoming these minor disruptions and finding my stride again. Here’s to smoother days ahead and making the most of this season in terms of weather and personal achievements.

Weathering the Unpredictable: Adapting to What We Can Control

Written on March 6, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,


Yesterday presented itself as one of those frustrating days that tested my patience to the fullest. The sky opened early in the morning, drenching everything in sight, and the rain didn’t let up for the entire day. There I was, glancing over my to-do list, hoping for even the briefest pause in the downpour to mow the lawn—no such luck. It seemed the weather was conspiring against me, keeping me from ticking off the chores that required being outdoors.

In moments like these, I’m reminded of a strategy my wife often employs: not worrying about what we cannot control. So, with a resigned sigh, I acknowledged the weather’s veto on my plans and decided to reorganize my week. It’s not the end of the world, after all. The forecast promises clearer skies on Thursday, so I’ve earmarked that day to catch up on my lawn mowing, aiming to compensate for last week’s unfinished business.

Tomorrow, however, remains untouched by these alterations as it is one of my regular gaming days—an appointment with friends that I’m keen to keep. This means I’ll need to be efficient with my time on Thursday to ensure everything is squared away.

Adapting to uncontrollable circumstances like the weather can be quite a challenge. It used to be that such disruptions would either send me into a bout of frustration or cause me to abandon my plans altogether. However, influenced by my wife’s calm demeanor and practical mindset, I’ve learned how to adjust and reshape my plans where possible.

So, what does one do on a day utterly disrupted by bad weather? The answer lies in focusing on what can be managed. It meant rescheduling outdoor tasks and finding other productive ways to use my indoor time effectively. By not dwelling on the disruptions and planning around them, I find that not only am I able to maintain my productivity, but I also preserve my peace of mind.

This approach isn’t just about avoiding frustration. It’s about harnessing the situation and maximizing what is within our control. Whether it’s rearranging tasks, shifting priorities, or simply taking a moment to pause and regroup, the ability to adapt is a powerful skill in our everyday lives. It keeps us moving forward, even when the weather—or life itself—doesn’t seem to be on our side.

Embracing the Capricious Skies: Running Through Tennessee’s Weather Shifts

Written on March 4, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Tennessee’s weather has been showing off its unpredictable side, swiftly transitioning from the cold that calls for gloves to the warmth that warrants shorts. This rapid change signals a move towards what’s likely to be an intensely hot period soon. It’s a fluctuation reminiscent of mountain climates, where the weather seems to dance on a whim. My musings today drift towards this erratic weather pattern and how it weaves into the fabric of our daily lives, particularly for those whose routines intersect with the great outdoors.

In my household, the weather dictates the pace. My wife opts for the cool embrace of early mornings for her runs, sidestepping the later heat. I, on the contrary, have a preference for running a bit later in the day, which means keeping a vigilant eye on the day’s weather forecast is paramount for me. This necessity to rise early without dawdling, especially on days earmarked for running, becomes even more pressing.

Adding another layer to this seasonal dance is the advent of Daylight Saving Time. This biannual clock adjustment, looming on the horizon, introduces its own set of challenges. My wife, susceptible to the shift, begins realigning her schedule about ten days in advance to soften the jolt to her circadian rhythm. She’s already easing into a new sleep schedule in anticipation, showcasing our small attempts to maintain harmony with time’s ebb and flow.

Despite several snowy days, Tennessee has been basking in unexpected warmth. After checking both the time and the weather forecast, I find my anxiety abating; I’ll still be ahead of the day’s full heat when I embark on my run. A part of me yearns for the spring weather to settle in for good this time.

Neither the whims of weather nor the shift in daylight saving time can deter me from my runs, yet their influence is undeniable. Just last week, Monday teased us with warmth, only for winter to reclaim its hold for the rest of the week. Adaptability is key—adjusting my running schedule and attire to match the day’s forecast becomes a ritual in its own right.

This dance with the elements reminds us of the ever-present need to remain flexible and responsive to our environment. Tennessee’s weather, with its sudden warmth and unexpected cold snaps, mirrors the unpredictability of life itself. Yet, in these shifts, we find rhythm and resilience, learning to move gracefully through the changing seasons.

Rediscovering My Passion for Running: A Journey with Runkeeper

Written on March 3, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

After a brief hiatus of a few weeks, I finally laced up my running shoes again for a refreshing 10k run. This wasn’t just any run but my inaugural journey since I integrated a new virtual running companion into my routine—Runkeeper. Recommended by my nephrologist, the app was developed by Asics. Runkeeper has quickly proven to be an invaluable addition to my training arsenal, bringing a new level of engagement to my runs.

One of the standout features that I’ve come to appreciate about Runkeeper is its ability to provide me with audio cues regarding my pace at every half-kilometer mark. This small but significant detail has been a game-changer, encouraging me to dig deeper and push my limits further with each stride. The thought of tweaking the settings to receive these updates every quarter kilometer has crossed my mind. While I’m slightly wary of the potential annoyance from an increased frequency of alerts, curiosity is nudging me towards trying it to see how it might intensify my motivation.

Another aspect of Runkeeper that resonates with me is its ability to monitor my running shoes’ mileage. This feature serves as a poignant reminder of a valuable lesson from my wife: the importance of managing the lifespan of my running shoes. Wearing shoes past their prime diminishes their support and can harm my body. Thankfully, Runkeeper offers this tracking service without any added cost, embodying everything I desire in a running app—efficiency, practicality, and foresight.

Incorporating these features into my running regimen has ignited a newfound motivation, propelling me towards greater achievements. The aftermath of my recent 10k—the soreness in my legs and the general fatigue I’ve been feeling—is a testament to the effort and determination I poured into that run. Despite these temporary discomforts, the sense of accomplishment that enveloped me post-run was unparalleled. It was a vivid reminder of why I run—not just for the physical benefits but for each completed journey’s profound sense of fulfillment and pride.

In essence, Runkeeper has not just been a tool for tracking and improving my runs; it has rekindled my passion for running, inspiring me to continually challenge myself and strive for my personal best. The fitness journey is fraught with ups and downs, but with the right tools and a resilient spirit, every step is closer to achieving one’s goals.

The Hillside Homeowner’s Guide to Procrastination and Lawn Mowing

Living on a hillside in Tennessee comes with its unique set of challenges, especially when it comes to lawn maintenance. With the unpredictable weather patterns and the constant battle against the clock, managing our lawn can sometimes feel like a strategic game. My personal struggle with procrastination often plays a pivotal role in this ongoing saga, making the task of lawn mowing a significant aspect of my weekly routine.

Each week, I dedicate one to two hours to mowing our lawn, a crucial task to keep the grass from becoming an unruly jungle. However, like many, I sometimes find myself looking for any excuse to escape this chore, especially when the motivation isn’t there. Yesterday was a prime example where the allure of procrastination won out over the necessity of lawn care.

The weather here doesn’t make this any easier. Our Tennessee springs are notorious for their fickleness – one day, it’s pleasantly warm, and the next, temperatures plummet by 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Rain becomes an all-too-frequent visitor, complicating my mowing schedule. The result? An often too-long lawn that demands immediate attention, lest it become unmanageable.

My wife often cites the mantra “Eat that frog,” advocating for tackling the most daunting tasks early to free the rest of the day from their looming presence. She finds solace in systematically checking off items from her to-do list. This practice ensures productivity and peace of mind. Her approach is one of discipline and foresight, qualities I admire yet struggle to embody fully due to my procrastinatory nature.

I combat my tendency to procrastinate by making specific promises to myself, setting firm deadlines, and recognizing the flexibility—or lack thereof—of my tasks. While I may push my duties to the eleventh hour, I rarely fail to accomplish them. However, this method has flaws, especially when unforeseen circumstances, like our unpredictable weather, come into play. My recent bout of procrastination has left me facing a dauntingly overgrown lawn, a consequence I now regret.

Our perspectives on procrastination diverge significantly. My wife detests it, prioritizing eliminating unwelcome tasks as early as possible. Conversely, I see some value in delaying certain tasks, likening it to the interest paid on borrowed time. This philosophy, however, has its pitfalls, as I’ve learned the hard way with lawn mowing. The longer the grass grows, the more arduous the task becomes—a tangible representation of the cost of procrastination.

As I gaze upon the weather forecast, hoping for a break in the rain to tend to my lawn, I reflect on the importance of planning and adaptability. External factors, such as weather, sometimes remind me of the limits of control over my schedule. This recent experience has instilled a newfound resolve to tackle lawn mowing head-on, without delay, in the coming weeks.

Living on a hillside in Tennessee has taught me more than just about lawn care; it’s a lesson in time management, the pitfalls of procrastination, and the value of early action. As I look ahead, I’m reminded of the importance of embracing these challenges, knowing well that even the steepest of hills can be easily managed with a bit of foresight and discipline.

The Whimsical Weather of Tennessee: A Lawn Care Conundrum

Written on February 29, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

In the unique climate of Tennessee, nestled in the southern reaches of the Midwest, residents navigate the peculiarities of both sweltering, humid summers and brisk winters. As someone living here, I constantly juggle between the extremes. My wife often remarks that it’s nothing compared to the Canadian cold, but still, our winters carry a chill that can’t be ignored. Interestingly, winter is a flexible term here, with unexpectedly warm days popping up even in the heart of what should traditionally be our coldest months. This inconsistency brings challenges, especially when maintaining a lush, healthy lawn.

On this particular day, the weather whims have played their cards again. Just recently, we experienced a spell of warmth that prompted our lawn to spring to life, emboldened enough to require its first trim of the year—despite it still being February. The plan was set for today to embark on the annual ritual of the year’s first mow, yet the weather had other plans. A sudden drop in temperature has made the task less inviting, necessitating a coat for the venture outside. Living on a hill adds another complexity to lawn care, making mowing in a jacket seem almost a personal affront.

This internal debate might seem trivial to some, but it speaks to the larger unpredictability of life here. I find myself wrestling with the decision, leaning towards postponing the task. After all, why push me to mow in the cold when the afternoon promises a gentler warmth? This logic feels sound and justified even in the face of Tennessee’s erratic weather patterns. Waiting for the sun to climb higher seems prudent, offering the hope of a more agreeable temperature for outdoor chores.

With its sudden shifts and surprises, Tennessee’s weather requires a flexible approach to lawn care and many other aspects of daily life. Today’s dilemma over the timing of a simple task like mowing the lawn underscores the more prominent theme of adaptation. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the best-laid plans must yield to the whims of nature. Here, where the seasons need help deciding their demeanor, patience and a willingness to adjust are invaluable traits. So, as I wait for the day to warm, I’m reminded of the unique charm of living in this part of the country. Despite the challenges, there’s beauty in the unpredictability, a reminder of nature’s dominion over our best intentions and schedules.

Navigating an Unconventional Week: From Medical Visits to Culinary Delights

Written on February 19, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

This week unfolds before me, not as a blank slate waiting to be filled with routine tasks but as a canvas dotted with unusual commitments and delightful responsibilities. It’s shaping up to be a week unlike any other, marked by atypical events that promise to keep me busy and engaged in various activities.

Kicking off my week is a visit to my nephrologist, nestled in the heart of downtown Nashville. With my wife immersed in the crucial year-end audit at work, her availability to drive me to my appointment is understandably compromised. Hence, I find myself relying on Uber for transportation—not just for a single trip but for a round trip, doubling my travel requirements and adding a layer of complexity to my schedule.

Amidst these medical appointments, my week takes a delightful turn towards the oven. I’ve committed to not one but two baking projects. The first is a labor of love for my sister, whose birthday celebration awaits. At her request, I’ve agreed to bake a birthday cake, a task I embrace with enthusiasm. The joy of contributing to her special day with a homemade cake is a highlight of my week. Following closely on the heels of this task is another baking endeavor. A pumpkin pie is on the menu this time, destined for my wife’s work potluck. Among her colleagues are individuals from Japan who have yet to experience this quintessential American dessert. It’s an opportunity for me to introduce them to the flavors of pumpkin pie, adding a cultural exchange to my week’s accomplishments.

What makes this week particularly interesting is the spacing of these tasks. They’re scattered throughout the week so that they seem manageable despite their atypical nature. Each day brings its own focus, allowing me to dedicate time and energy to each task without feeling overwhelmed. However, this does mean that my usual leisure time will be compromised. Instead of indulging in moments of relaxation, I’ll need to channel my energy towards accomplishing these tasks. It’s a small sacrifice, but one that promises to bring a sense of fulfillment and joy, both to myself and to those around me.

In essence, this week is a testament to the unpredictable nature of life. It’s a reminder that even amid our daily routines, we can find ourselves facing a series of unique challenges and opportunities. Whether navigating healthcare needs, celebrating family milestones, or sharing culinary traditions, each task adds color and texture to the tapestry of our lives. As I move through this week, I am reminded of the importance of embracing each moment, each task, with a sense of purpose and a heart full of enthusiasm.

Making Peace with Time Changes: A New Routine

Written on March 7, 2024

In my 20s, I always found the days we had to change our clocks for daylight saving time to be some of the most challenging days of the year. Some people said they liked the spring-forward or fall-back changes, but they were equally difficult for me. Unless I moved somewhere like Arizona, where they keep the time the same, I realized I’d have to deal with this uncomfortable shift twice a year, every year. I decided to shake things up and change my routine.

I’ve always been a night owl, but I forced myself to start my days early to get more done. Mondays are the only days I physically go to work, and I dread the commute, mainly because I drive a manual car. Traffic eats into my valuable time. Luckily, my office is only a 15-minute drive from home if I leave early enough to dodge the traffic jams, and my workday starts at 7 am. I decided to use the extra time I saved by working early on improving something in my life.

Then, we moved to Tennessee from Canada, and my routine faced a new challenge. Back in Canada, I’d run after work, but it’s way too hot in Tennessee, especially in the summer. Running in the extreme heat wasn’t appealing, but it still beat the alternative of running in the snow or ice for months. I had to tweak my schedule to fit the local weather patterns.

A survey by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine showed that about 63% of Americans would rather not deal with the time change, and 55% feel tired because of it (John Hopkins, 2023). I noticed in my early 20s that my productivity took a hit right after we changed the time, and my running pace slowed down on the days immediately following the time changes. This issue gets worse every year. It might be due to the time changes throwing off my body’s internal clock.

According to John Hopkin’s blog post, time changes also negatively impact our health. I am not going to discuss the impact in detail here, but if you have time, please read the website.

In response, I began shifting my schedule in my early 30s. This adjustment has worked, allowing me to maintain my natural rhythms despite the time changes. Instead of dreading these days, I’ve found ways to adapt and use them to my advantage. Changing my routine and adjusting to my new environment in Tennessee has helped me cope with the time change and improve my overall productivity and well-being.



7 Things to Know About Daylight Saving Time | Johns Hopkins | Bloomberg School of Public Health. (2023, March 9).