Challenges We Found Out by Living by the Beautiful Stream

Written August 8, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Living in Nashville has unique perks and challenges, especially when you have a home like ours. Nestled close to a small stream and surrounded by a dense forest, our house offers a tranquil and picturesque setting. The forest is thick enough that we can’t even see the houses on the other side, which gives us a sense of seclusion and privacy that we truly cherish. We love the natural beauty and the peaceful atmosphere our location provides, but, as with all good things, there’s a trade-off—one that comes in the form of insects.

When you live in a place like Nashville, known for its hot and humid summers, you can expect insects to be part of the package, especially when your home is close to a stream. Our backyard is a haven for various bugs—fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, wasps, and other critters that seem to thrive in this environment. While we enjoy the natural surroundings, these uninvited guests can be quite a nuisance.

To manage the insect problem, we’ve enlisted the help of a pest control service. Our pest control service provider covers termites and other pests around our house, ensuring our home is protected. However, no pest control can completely rid our backyard of insects nor should that be the goal. There’s always going to be something buzzing around. Plus, I’m not entirely comfortable with spreading too many chemicals around, especially considering the potential impact on the environment and our health.

During our first summer in Nashville, my wife reached her limit with the insects. She’s always been diligent about yard work, including lawn mowing, but the bugs made it unbearable. She started using insect repellent religiously before stepping outside, ensuring she was fully protected. As soon as she returned indoors, she would immediately wash her clothes to avoid bringing ticks into the house. This routine became even more critical since we had a cat at the time, and the last thing we wanted was to expose our furry friend to any pests.

As for me, I’ve had a more on-and-off relationship with insect repellent. Before heading out to mow the lawn this morning, I finally remembered to spray myself down. I’ve used repellent but hadn’t noticed a significant difference in the number of bug bites, so I got lax about it. However, just last week, I found myself covered in mosquito bites, which prompted me to give the repellent another shot. This time, I was pleasantly surprised to see a noticeable bit reduction. Sometimes, it seems it takes a little persistence to find what works best.

Living near the stream and forest has its challenges, especially with insects. Still, the beauty and serenity of our surroundings make it all worthwhile. With some preparation and proper precautions, we can continue enjoying our little paradise in Nashville despite the bugs.

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