Clearing A Roadblock for the Goal Is Important

Written Novmeber 23, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

As the end of the year approaches, I noticed that I’m close to hitting a 1,000-kilometer run this year. It’s less than I ran last year because I focused on the running pace. I want to be more ambitious since I already achieved my goal for the year. I have a little over a month to go before 2024 ends. I want to reach the nice round number of 1,000 km.

Once I determined the new running goal, I started a quick calculation. If I continue to run 25 kilometers each week, I think I’ll be hitting 19 kilometers short of the 1,000 km. If I want to hit 1000, I’ll need to run a bit extra in the remaining five weeks of the year. If I run 10k daily next week instead of 5k, I should be close enough to hit 1,000 with only one additional 10k.

There are obstacles to achieving this goal. We have big holidays in November and December, so I need to consider the days I’ll miss running due to these holidays. I think I’ll just start by adding extra distance to next week’s runs and then reexamine and plan after next week. Once all my goals are set, I need to execute my tactics.

A roadblock to the goal means any obstacle or challenge to achieving the goals, which is critical when planning. For example, let’s say you want to do a project, but you will need some approval to start the project. Getting approval will be your roadblock. “Holidays” are my roadblock to hitting 1,000, so I need to find a way to prevent that. For the first example, you may want approval before starting the project. For this goal, I must readjust my running distance because I need to block out some days for the holidays. 

Increasing running distances would be a bit tricky. Again, we have about five weeks, so stretching 19 km over the five weeks is okay. Is my goal achievable? Yep, I can do it.

I saw my wife do this daily and weekly. She finds any roadblock before starting a day or a week. She also adjusts her goals weekly. I know this is how she gets things done. She says she has too many roadblocks when juggling many projects simultaneously. It is necessary to do the planning right. A planning blueprint for achieving the goals in a way.

“A roadblock” is quite a good analogy. Once the plan is set, I am more motivated. You cannot reach your destination with a car and be just pushing gas. You must plan how to get there. I will be executing the new running goal I set this morning.

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