I Am Learning How To Balance My Ambition

Written on August 10, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday, I set out to run 10 kilometers. However, it quickly became apparent that my legs hadn’t fully recovered from my previous run—they were sore and heavy. Despite my initial ambition, I realized that pushing through might not be the wisest decision, so I reluctantly cut the run short at 5 kilometers.

As I reflected on this decision, my wife shared a cautionary tale from her past. Years ago, when she was younger and just as driven, she ignored the early warning signs of soreness in her legs and kept running. Unfortunately, this led to stress fractures that sidelined her for several weeks. She emphasized the importance of listening to our bodies, no matter how strong the desire to achieve a goal might be. Her experience is a powerful reminder that ambition, if not balanced with self-care, can sometimes lead to setbacks.

Balancing my goals with my physical limitations has always been a challenge. There’s a fine line between pushing myself to improve and pushing myself too far. At times, it feels frustrating, especially when I see my progress over the past year. Thanks to my running app, I’ve been able to track my distances and pace, and I’ve seen significant improvement. Even when I complete a 10-kilometer run, my times are much better than last year. This progress motivates me to keep going but also comes with a price.

I’ve noticed that my recovery time has become longer, which I suspect is partly due to my limited protein intake. While a typical adult consumes about 1/1000 of their body weight in protein, I can only manage a little over half of that. This has made it challenging to fully recover from muscle soreness, even though I’ve figured out how to manage my weight and prevent muscle loss. Recovery remains an ongoing struggle.

Despite these challenges, I’m trying to focus on the positives. I’m proud of how hard I work and how much I’ve improved despite my difficulties. My wife often reminds me that I’m resilient, even though I get tired more easily and have trouble recovering. She understands my struggles and supports my determination to reach my goals.

Ultimately, I’ve decided to embrace a more balanced perspective. It’s okay if I can’t always run 10 kilometers due to physical limitations. The muscle soreness I’m experiencing is a sign that I’m pushing myself toward my goals, and that’s something to be proud of. Most importantly, I continue moving forward and never give up, even when the journey gets tough.

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