I Learned Something From My Bad Lab Result Last Week

Written July 5, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I recently received the second set of results from my latest kidney function tests, and it turns out that the previous decline in my kidney function was likely due to dehydration. This revelation came after days of insufficient water intake before the tests. My doctor had already suspected as much during my last visit, as there were no indicators of kidney failure in my health logs.

Monitoring key biometrics is essential for monitoring my kidney health. In 2015, we were still using a blood pressure machine. We were told to take my blood pressure several times a day. With my left hand not moving well from stroke, I switched to using a smartwatch to track various metrics such as blood pressure, heart rate, sleep patterns, and daily steps. I also keep tabs on my weight and body composition. Although the readings for body composition are estimates, they are still helpful in monitoring my overall health.

Speaking of which, our weight machine can calculate the percentage of water in my body, so I should also pay attention to the log and ensure that I am not dehydrated in the future.

Getting bad lab results was sucked, but this experience underscored the critical importance of hydration, particularly during warmer weather. Since then, I’ve made a concerted effort to increase my water consumption. 

The positive impact of staying well-hydrated was evident in my most recent lab results, which relieved my wife immensely. She had been quite concerned about the potential deterioration of my kidney health. Her relief was palpable, and it even sparked a discussion about making dietary adjustments. She’s considering incorporating more plant-based proteins into our meals a few times a week, a change aimed at supporting my kidney health.

The good news is that my kidneys are still functioning all right. The key takeaway for me is the importance of maintaining proper hydration. I’ve set a personal goal to ensure I consume at least two liters of water daily, not counting other beverages. This commitment to hydration is not just about improving my kidney function—it’s about enhancing my overall health and well-being.

Staying vigilant about hydration and closely monitoring my health metrics has been instrumental in managing my kidney health. It’s a reminder of how interconnected our body systems are and how lifestyle choices can significantly influence our health outcomes. Moving forward, I’ll continue to track my biometrics and adjust my habits as needed to support my kidney function and overall health.

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