Making Peace with Time Changes: A New Routine

Written on March 7, 2024

In my 20s, I always found the days we had to change our clocks for daylight saving time to be some of the most challenging days of the year. Some people said they liked the spring-forward or fall-back changes, but they were equally difficult for me. Unless I moved somewhere like Arizona, where they keep the time the same, I realized I’d have to deal with this uncomfortable shift twice a year, every year. I decided to shake things up and change my routine.

I’ve always been a night owl, but I forced myself to start my days early to get more done. Mondays are the only days I physically go to work, and I dread the commute, mainly because I drive a manual car. Traffic eats into my valuable time. Luckily, my office is only a 15-minute drive from home if I leave early enough to dodge the traffic jams, and my workday starts at 7 am. I decided to use the extra time I saved by working early on improving something in my life.

Then, we moved to Tennessee from Canada, and my routine faced a new challenge. Back in Canada, I’d run after work, but it’s way too hot in Tennessee, especially in the summer. Running in the extreme heat wasn’t appealing, but it still beat the alternative of running in the snow or ice for months. I had to tweak my schedule to fit the local weather patterns.

A survey by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine showed that about 63% of Americans would rather not deal with the time change, and 55% feel tired because of it (John Hopkins, 2023). I noticed in my early 20s that my productivity took a hit right after we changed the time, and my running pace slowed down on the days immediately following the time changes. This issue gets worse every year. It might be due to the time changes throwing off my body’s internal clock.

According to John Hopkin’s blog post, time changes also negatively impact our health. I am not going to discuss the impact in detail here, but if you have time, please read the website.

In response, I began shifting my schedule in my early 30s. This adjustment has worked, allowing me to maintain my natural rhythms despite the time changes. Instead of dreading these days, I’ve found ways to adapt and use them to my advantage. Changing my routine and adjusting to my new environment in Tennessee has helped me cope with the time change and improve my overall productivity and well-being.



7 Things to Know About Daylight Saving Time | Johns Hopkins | Bloomberg School of Public Health. (2023, March 9).

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