Audiobooks: A Lifeline and a Waiting Game

November 26, 2023

Deaar Reader,

A delightful notification popped up on my phone this morning, brightening my day. Exciting news is on the horizon: a fresh Brandon Sanderson audiobook is set to grace Audible’s shelves later this month.


Following a brain stroke, audiobooks have become an indispensable part of my life. The stroke resulted in double vision, transforming the simple joy of reading into a daunting task. Once an avid reader, I now rely on audiobooks to indulge my passion for literature.


It was my wife who first introduced me to the world of audiobooks. Initially, she thought they’d be a perfect companion for her during routine, undemanding tasks. However, she soon realized that her preference lay in the tactile experience of reading a traditional book instead of listening to one.

Nevertheless, there needs to be more snags when it comes to audiobooks. Often, their release needs to catch up to the print version. At times, specific titles don’t even make it to audiobook format, which has been the case with some of Brandon Sanderson’s works, making me uneasy that they might never be available in audio form. Although they might exist on other platforms, I have yet to find the right one. 


“Tres of the Emerald Sea” by Brandon Sanderson is a prime example.

I haven’t extensively searched other platforms, hoping they will eventually appear on Audible. That is why announcing a new audiobook release is even more thrilling, as it could signal the arrival of his other elusive titles.


In the meantime, patience is the virtue I aim to embrace. And what a delightful coincidence it is that the release of this new book coincides with our wedding anniversary. It’s as if Brandon Sanderson himself is bestowing a thoughtful gift upon us. How considerate of him, indeed.