Refining My Measurement Strategy

Hello Dear Readers,

Upon reflecting on my recent self-measurement routine, I’ve concluded that some adjustments are in order. My original blueprint entailed a monthly self-measurement, but upon further inspection, I’ve recognized certain imperfections in that plan.


To be specific, there’s always a margin of error in measurements, especially if taken infrequently. Such errors, though minor, can accumulate over time and offer a skewed view. Therefore, the more frequently I collect data, the more accurate my averages will be, as they’ll iron out these tiny inconsistencies.


I’ve decided to transition to a weekly measurement schedule with this realization. Not only will this give me a more precise understanding of my progress, but it’ll also spread out the task, making each session less burdensome. However, rather than trying to measure my entire body in one go each week, I’ll distribute the task throughout the week.


Here’s the game plan: On every run day, I’ll measure two specific parts of my body. This structured approach ensures I don’t get overwhelmed by the task and can gradually become more adept at the process. As for Saturdays, they’ll be my catch-up days. Should I miss out on any measurements during the week, Saturdays will allow me to make up for it.


I believe that this revised approach strikes a harmonious balance. Each measuring session will be shorter, making it more manageable. Moreover, the regularity will enhance accuracy and aid in making the process second nature to me. The more frequently I measure, the more proficient I’ll become, reducing the likelihood of errors and increasing comfort with the process.


In the grand scheme, it’s always wise to reassess and adjust our strategies as we gather more insights. This updated measurement routine will serve me better, offering more accurate data and a smoother experience.


Thank you for joining me on this journey of self-awareness and continuous improvement.