Harnessing the Power of Momentum in Everyday Tasks

Written May 8, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Momentum is a potent force that propels us forward, helping us conquer a plethora of tasks with increasing energy. Over the past several days, I have been riding this wave of momentum, tackling numerous tasks with a surprising vigor. Initially, my motivation was purely preventative; I did not want to let small, manageable tasks snowball into urgent, overwhelming challenges due to procrastination.

As I began to chip away at my to-do list, I decided to pair this activity with listening to audiobooks. This combination turned out to be incredibly effective. To my amazement, the more tasks I completed, the more energy I found for future tasks. This productivity cycle left me feeling quite satisfied with my accomplishments, especially yesterday when I checked off nearly everything on my list.

One of the tasks I had set for myself was to clear the back of our house from overgrown vines. Unfortunately, a bout of rain came through, slightly altering my plans. Despite this, I made significant headway and am poised to finish up tomorrow, right after I tackle the week’s mowing.

Although the day left me feeling physically drained, the sense of accomplishment I experienced was profound and overwhelmingly positive. A unique satisfaction comes from looking over a to-do list that’s been mostly conquered. It not only demonstrates what you have achieved but also clears the space for new tasks that might arise before the next surge of energy is needed.

This process of building and maintaining momentum has profound implications for task completion, personal growth, and satisfaction. By actively engaging in our daily chores and responsibilities and enhancing the experience with enjoyable activities like listening to audiobooks, we can transform seemingly mundane tasks into opportunities for learning and achievement.

What’s particularly intriguing about momentum is how it feeds into itself. The more you accomplish, the more you feel capable of accomplishing. This self-perpetuating cycle can lead us to new heights of productivity and personal fulfillment. It’s akin to a snowball rolling down a hill, gathering speed and size; as our list of completed tasks grows, so does our energy and capacity to handle more.

Moreover, breaking down tasks into manageable parts and ticking them off one by one helps reduce procrastination and make the tasks seem less daunting. Regardless of size, progress fuels our motivation and pushes us to keep moving forward.

For anyone struggling to find the drive to tackle their daily or weekly tasks, consider this approach: Start small tasks that are enjoyable to accompany the less exciting chores, and watch as your momentum builds. You might find that the energy to continue will come naturally, and your productivity will soar as a result.

In conclusion, the power of momentum is an extraordinary tool in our personal and professional lives. It transforms our approach to tasks from tedious to engaging, energizing activity, promoting continuous personal growth and efficiency. Harness this energy, and you’ll be surprised at how much you can achieve and how good it will make you feel.

Rediscovering The Wheel of Time and My Journey with Audiobooks

Growing up, I was deeply fascinated by the universe of science fiction and fantasy. One of the series that profoundly resonated with me during my high school years was Robert Jordan’s “Wheel of Time.” I recall the anticipation, the longing, and the frustration of waiting for each new installment to hit the shelves. As the rigors of University and graduate school consumed me, the lengthy intervals between releasing these books meant I gradually lost touch with the series.


Fast forward a decade, and a press release caught my eye – the series was completed by another author, Brandon Sanderson. Having lost track of where I’d left off, I embarked on a nostalgic journey, starting from the first book, devouring the series within weeks. This was my introduction to Sanderson, and his rendition of the series left an indelible mark on me, making his name hard to forget.


Then came Amazon’s announcement of adapting the ‘Wheel of Time’ into a show. An urge to revisit the books struck, but several relocations had scattered my collection. Instead, I turned to audiobooks and, to my surprise, found them to be an even more immersive experience. I was hooked. The entire series played countless times in the backdrop of my daily life, even subtly accompanying me as I pen down thoughts like this one. There’s a particular fondness I hold for the books penned by Sanderson. Whether it’s his distinctive writing style or the crescendo, the storyline was approaching. The 12th book always beckons me with unmatched enthusiasm.


Coincidentally, years later, Sanderson’s name resurfaced in an unexpected arena – a ‘Magic The Gathering’ video. Intrigued, I delved deeper into his bibliography. I ventured into the “Mistborn” series, followed by the “Stormlight Archives.” Both series were enchanting, and as I journeyed with the characters through their challenges, I drew several life lessons.


Among these lessons, one stood out – the significance of persisting, of taking the next step. No matter the distance traversed, the journey is over once it truly is. And the decision to move forward, to tread the next mile, plays a pivotal role in defining us.


In essence, my journey with the “Wheel of Time” series and audiobooks has been more than just a literary adventure. It’s been a lesson in rediscovery, persistence, and the simple joy of stories that leave a lasting impact.

How Audible Made My Chores Fun

Hello, dear readers,

Today, I’d love to share a little secret that has completely changed how I do my daily chores. It’s Audible! Every morning, I slip on my headset and listen to an audiobook while making breakfast and taking medicine. It’s not just mornings, either. If I’m running, mowing the lawn, cooking, or cleaning, you bet I’ve got an audiobook playing in the background.

Before my stroke, I was an avid reader and could quickly lose myself in a book for hours. Unfortunately, one of the lingering effects of the stroke was double vision. Thankfully, that has improved thanks to some eye exercises; another hurdle was that my concentration took a hit. I found it frustrating to read because I got easily distracted.

But you know what? My love for books never died. I still had a long list of books I wanted to read. And this is where Audible became a real lifesaver for me. I’ve worked through that list with Audible while getting other things done. It’s been a win-win situation!

Here’s the cherry on top: Audible makes my chores enjoyable! Imagine that. There have been times when I’ve started a task I’d been avoiding to listen to another chapter of the audiobook I’m enjoying.

I understand Audible may not be for everyone. Still, I encourage you to find whatever tools help make your daily tasks easier and more enjoyable. If you’ve been avoiding your chores or have a reading list gathering dust, why not try Audible? It might improve your life, as it did for me.

That’s all for today. Until next time, happy listening!