Balancing Act – Running, Baking, and Staying on Schedule

Written 7/21/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I generally refrain from writing on Sundays because I skipped documenting my journal post-10k run yesterday. The fatigue was overwhelming, rendering me unable to muster the creativity needed for writing. My kidney issues exacerbate this exhaustion, making me feel unusually drained. The guilt from yesterday’s inactivity still lingers. Hence, today’s journal entry attempts to compensate for that brief lapse.

Yesterday marked a deviation from summer’s relentless heat, and I felt a surge of happiness completing my 10k run amidst slightly cooler conditions. I’ve been tweaking my routine recently, having observed that running early in the morning can be beneficial during the hot months.

Adjusting my schedule, however, tends to disrupt my biological rhythm. I’ve started my days earlier than usual, hitting the pavement right after waking up. Although my body still resists this new timetable, I’m optimistic it will adapt.

Reflecting on my post-run exhaustion, it might be due to not running such a distance in a while; my body was probably caught off guard. I can’t shake off the feeling that I used yesterday’s achievement as an excuse to neglect my other responsibilities.

On a brighter note, today involves some baking. We bought puff pastry sheets yesterday and plan to create small pockets filled with various jams my wife has prepared. We’ve made these before with decent success and decided it’s worth doing again.

Our culinary agenda today also includes making pizza. It makes sense to let the puff pastry sheets warm to room temperature now so I can assemble and bake them simultaneously with the pizza, minimizing the time our oven warms the kitchen.

I plan to save some of these pastries for snacking while mowing the lawn next week. While it’s important to acknowledge and celebrate the completion of a challenging task, I must ensure it doesn’t sideline my other projects.

A Culinary Adventure: From Chocolate Delights to Pumpkin Pie Pleasures

Written on February 25, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

The essence of baking is akin to a thrilling adventure, where each attempt brings new insights, flavors, and, sometimes, the most delightful surprises. My recent foray into the world of desserts exemplifies this journey perfectly, starting with the festive celebration we hosted yesterday. The highlight was a Chocolate Raspberry Cake that became the star of the evening. Despite facing a minor hiccup with the ingredients – a shortage of eggs, to be precise – I decided to forge ahead, adjusting the recipe on the fly. The result? A cake that, albeit a tad denser and fudgier at its heart, was met with rounds of applause. It got me thinking: a bit more meringue might be the secret to achieving the perfect airy texture next time.

The cake’s frosting, however, was an outright triumph, needing no further tweaks. Its adaptability is its charm, and it quickly takes on new characters with the switch of jam flavors. This successful experiment left me buoyed and ready to tackle more culinary challenges.

Emboldened by yesterday’s success, today’s agenda includes baking a pumpkin pie, destined for a work potluck my wife is attending. My signature touch on these pies? A sprinkle of ground cloves over the unbaked pie for that extra layer of spice. However, today calls for a slight deviation. Drawing on a fascinating cultural insight shared by my wife – in Japan, ground cloves are reminiscent of standard stomach medicine, and thus, not everyone’s cup of tea – I’ve decided to opt for cinnamon instead. The goal is simple: to craft a Pumpkin Pie that resonates with her Japanese colleagues, offering them a slice that feels both familiar and exceptionally delightful.

This switch reminds us of flavors’ nuanced role in our lives, carrying the weight of memories, associations, and sometimes, even the power to transport us across borders. As I prepare the pie, I’m not just mixing ingredients; I’m weaving together a tapestry of tastes, hoping to create a culinary experience that transcends mere enjoyment and touches something more profound.

These baking episodes, with their trials, errors, and triumphs, are more than just moments in the kitchen; they’re a testament to the joy of experimenting, learning, and, most importantly, sharing. Whether it’s adjusting a recipe on the fly due to missing ingredients or tweaking flavors to honor cultural sensibilities, each dish tells a story. In this story, every ingredient, every flavor adjustment, and every shared slice is a character playing its part in the grand celebration of life’s simple pleasures.

So, here’s to the baking journey – a path filled with unexpected turns, delightful discoveries, and the warm glow of sharing. May every dish we create carry a piece of our heart, a dash of our creativity, and the sweet promise of bringing people together, one slice at a time.

A Sweet Gesture: Crafting a Gluten-Free Chocolate Raspberry Cake for My Sister’s Birthday

Written on February 23, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Amid the usual Friday flurry of tasks, this week brings a unique project: baking a birthday cake for my sister’s celebration tomorrow. By her request, it’s a chocolate raspberry cake, a concoction I’m eager to bring to life. To infuse the icing and layers with a burst of flavor, I’ve secured a jar of raspberry jam, imagining the layers soaked and filled with its tangy sweetness. The anticipation of its success fills me with hope.

Our family navigates dietary restrictions, notably our mother’s need for a gluten-free diet, which invariably complicates baking endeavors, casting a shadow of uncertainty on the outcome. My sister’s young daughter also factors into my planning, and her youthful palate is a consideration when choosing flavors. In these moments, the internet proves an invaluable ally. Diving into the digital sea of gluten-free recipes, I finally surfaced with one that sparked confidence, a beacon of hope for a successful bake.

My sister, a proficient baker herself, has often delighted my wife and me with her baking prowess, crafting cakes for our birthdays that leave us in awe. The opportunity to reciprocate, to bake for her, feels like a heartfelt gesture, albeit one tinged with the recognition that my skills may not mirror hers. Yet, the endeavor isn’t solely about skill; it’s the thought, the effort, and the love poured into the cake that truly matters.

My wife reminds me of this, encouraging a focus not on the perfection of the outcome but on the affection and time dedicated to someone we cherish. Her words ease my mind, transforming my trepidation into budding excitement for the baking ahead.

In the grand tapestry of family life, these moments of shared effort, of trying to replicate the love we’ve been shown, add a layer of sweetness far beyond the taste of any cake. As I embark on this baking adventure, I’m reminded that it’s not just a cake I’m making—it’s a symbol of love, a testament to family bonds, and a celebration of the big and small joys we share together.

Rehabilitation Through Culinary Arts: Brian’s Journey Back from a Stroke

In April 2015, Brian experienced a life-altering brain stroke that challenged his daily functioning and independence. Known for his culinary prowess rather than his musical talent, despite a brief flirtation with the flute during his high school years, Brian found himself at a crossroads during his recovery. His therapist suggested engaging in activities like playing an instrument as part of his rehabilitation. However, it was his passion for cooking, deeply rooted in his family’s tradition of excellence in the kitchen, that offered a more fitting path to recovery.

Before the stroke, Brian was a proficient cook and baker, delighting in the creation of dishes and baked goods. The stroke in April left him relearning basic skills by July of the same year, marking the beginning of his journey back to the kitchen. That summer, despite the challenges, he and his father baked a cake for my birthday. Although it didn’t quite achieve its intended shape, it was a significant milestone in Brian’s recovery.

In the initial years following his stroke, I was hesitant to let Brian cook unaided. The potential dangers posed by kitchen utensils and the risk of forgetting to turn off the oven were considerable concerns. Despite having an alarm system, the fear of an accident loomed large. Meanwhile, Brian watched me juggle household responsibilities and a full-time job, his sadness at the situation palpable.

Recognizing the importance of engaging Brian in activities he loved, I began to include him in cooking tasks. By 2017, he had regained enough confidence and skill to prepare simple dishes independently. We started with easy Chinese and Japanese recipes, and over time, Brian’s proficiency grew to the point where he could outdo me in dishes like Nanbanzuke and Ma Po Tofu.

Initially limited to a repertoire of four to five dishes, Brian’s culinary skills expanded with the introduction of Hello Fresh, which provided him with a variety of recipes and emphasized the importance of following instructions. His adventure in cooking and baking evolved further as he began to explore recipes from websites, eventually baking cakes that won the admiration of his family, especially his sister, an accomplished baker herself.

Brian’s recovery underscores the slow but rewarding process of rehabilitation from a brain stroke. Cooking and baking, activities deeply connected to his family and personal identity, became therapeutic outlets that facilitated his recovery. The journey was not just about regaining lost skills but also about rediscovering his self-reliance and the joy of contributing to family occasions through his culinary creations. Brian’s story is a testament to the power of passion and perseverance in overcoming the challenges posed by a stroke. It highlights the importance of a supportive family and the transformative potential of engaging in meaningful activities as part of the recovery process.