A New Focus – Posture

Written July 28, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday, my wife made a rather unsettling observation: my posture has visibly deteriorated. I’ve been vaguely aware of it, but hearing it from her made the issue into sharp focus. I’ve always had a habit of slouching—whether sitting in my chair or standing. Over the years, this bad habit has become more ingrained, almost second nature. What concerned my wife even more was when she spoke with my mother and discovered that she, too, had had difficulties maintaining proper posture due to bone alignment issues. This conversation made my wife think that my posture problems might be rooted in something similar.

This concern isn’t just about appearances or comfort. Poor posture can lead to various health issues, some extending beyond the apparent back pain or muscle stiffness. My wife, who has always been attentive to my well-being, pointed out that poor posture can adversely affect how we breathe and potentially negatively impact the health of our internal organs. Considering that I’m already dealing with compromised kidney function, the idea of adding more health complications to the mix is not something I take lightly.

Honestly, I can’t recall when I consciously maintained proper posture for any significant period. It’s one of those things I’ve always known I should do but never really attempted to correct. Perhaps it’s because the immediate consequences of poor posture aren’t always obvious, so it’s easy to let it slide. However, now that my wife has brought it to my attention, I’m realizing how important it is to address this issue before it leads to more severe problems.

Moving forward, I’ve decided to make a concerted effort to improve my posture. I plan to periodically assess how I’m sitting and standing throughout the day and make adjustments as needed. I know this won’t be an overnight change. Still, if I can consistently correct my posture, I believe it will feel more natural over time. The goal is to reach a point where good posture becomes the norm, and I won’t have to consciously think about it as much.

Of course, I’m unsure what benefits to expect from improving my posture. However, failing to correct it could lead to more significant skeletal issues caused by the excess strain that poor posture places on various body parts. This realization has made me even more determined to make this change.

My wife has also suggested that I consult a professional, such as a doctor or chiropractor, to better understand what might be contributing to my poor posture and how best to address it. It might be something as simple as strengthening my back muscles, or perhaps there’s a need for spinal alignment. Since neither of us is qualified to make these determinations, I’ll discuss this with my general practitioner at my next appointment. In the meantime, I’m committed to being more mindful of how I carry myself and making a conscious effort to sustain better posture throughout the day.

This journey toward better posture is just beginning. While I’m uncertain of the challenges and outcomes that lie ahead, I’m optimistic that this small change could have a meaningful impact on my overall health. I’m grateful to my wife for bringing this to my attention and for her continued support in helping me make these necessary adjustments.