Maximizing Time Alone: A Cleaning Journey While My Partner’s Away

Written on March 23, 2024

My husband will be away, spending quality time with his siblings in the upcoming days—a trip I wished to join if only my schedule permitted. Unfortunately, the timing couldn’t have been more inconvenient. With the completion of consolidation reports, nearing the end of financial audits, and the final touches to our financial statements, my work as the sole accountant for our company has been more demanding than ever. The looming task of handling corporation tax still awaits me. Given these circumstances, taking time off was hardly an option. However, I managed to secure a single day to cherish moments with my husband before his departure.

After confirming my husband’s trip, I strategized to use this period to clean our home thoroughly. Although work obligations spilled into the weekend, I seized the chance for a comprehensive cleanup. My husband’s absence made this task more straightforward, allowing me to dive right into it with my trusted trio: vinegar, baking soda, and citric acid.

Admittedly, I often feel a pang of guilt for not maintaining a cleaner home. While my husband contributes to daily upkeep, my efforts are usually reserved for spot cleaning and tackling the bathroom and kitchen over the weekend. Yet, this often needs to be improved. The desire to clean windows, wallboards, and doors weighed on me, especially considering the recent surge in pollen, which likely invaded every corner of our house.

Determined, I dedicated four hours to an intense cleaning spree, focusing on our showers, bathrooms, kitchen appliances, and sideboards. The result was a significantly tidier home that not only looked better but also made me feel better.

Reflecting on this, I’m reminded of my grandmother’s wisdom. She often said that cleaning could clear one’s mind, which resonated with me deeply during this cleaning endeavor. Indeed, as I navigated through the chores, the clutter of my mind seemed to diminish alongside the physical clutter. This experience underscored the value of finding tranquility and satisfaction in the simplicity of household chores, particularly during solitude. It served as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a clean home and a clear mind, especially amidst the hectic pace of professional responsibilities.


While the initial motivation for this cleaning marathon was born out of necessity and the opportunity presented by my husband’s absence, it evolved into a therapeutic exercise that brought clarity and a sense of accomplishment. It’s a gentle reminder that sometimes, in the quiet moments of solitude, we find the space to rejuvenate and realign ourselves, ready to tackle the challenges ahead with a renewed spirit and a cleaner home.