The Struggle of Practicing My Own Advice: Coping with Loss and Self-Care

Hello to my cherished readers,

Today, I grapple with the tricky endeavor of heeding my counsel from just a day ago. As some may know, my long-time furry companion, Gambi, passed away yesterday at 16. Acknowledging the weight of this loss, I allowed myself to step back from my routine. Sure, I managed to pull off a single exercise set and even went for a run, but sitting down to write eluded me. Yet even as I mourn Gambi, who meant the world to me, I must acknowledge the importance of sticking to my other commitments. While I did fall short in some areas yesterday, I feel a sense of pride for pushing myself to do what I did manage to accomplish.

Yesterday was tough, no doubt about it. However, a surprising solace came in the form of exercise. It wasn’t a magic cure; emotionally, I was still shattered. Still, something about the physical activity provided me a slight reprieve. Reflecting on that experience has made it easier to muster the energy to exercise today. Slowly but surely, I intend to get back in the saddle. I’m not naïve enough to think that I’ll swiftly move on from the absence of Gambi in my life. Still, through sheer will and effort, I anticipate that, eventually, I’ll come close to being the person I was before.

Arguably, the most challenging part of this transition has been grappling with how ingrained Gambi was in my nightly ritual. For years, my bedtime routine commenced with calling Gambi into the bedroom. As I nestled into bed, I’d tell her I was ready for our usual evening snuggles. She’d promptly saunter over, perch on my right shoulder, and start purring, a comforting sound that had become as essential to me as a lullaby. The gaping void left by her absence makes me wonder how I’ll adapt my routine to compensate for this loss. Although uncertain about what will fill that emotional space, I am optimistic that something will eventually.

For now, the most I can do is heed the advice I’ve been doling out all along. It’s challenging, but if I expect to encourage others, it’s vital that I also live by those principles myself. Self-care and maintaining routine might feel like climbing a steep hill. Still, they’re crucial steps toward navigating through this emotional labyrinth.