Pushing Through: A Runner’s Resolve Amid Challenges

Written 4/17/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Even for someone as seasoned as myself, running can sometimes become more difficult. Lately, I’ve been caught up in the marathon-like task of mowing the lawn because our vacation to Key West is fast approaching. Living in Tennessee, the grass grows exuberantly, even in what should be the mild month of April. Despite feeling physically drained, there’s still a sense of pride in how much I accomplished with the lawn yesterday.

I’m not sure if my fatigue is due to my kidney condition or just the physical toll from overexertion, or perhaps it’s a combination of both. Before my stroke, I was never truly dedicated to running; it was more my wife’s passion than mine. Hence, it was unclear if my kidney condition contributed to my increased fatigue. Yet, even on such draining days, I lace up my shoes and hit the pavement. Running feels laborious, almost zombie-like in pace, to the point where I overslept this morning.

Despite this, I’ve committed to running, a pledge I made years ago. My wife has always believed that keeping active is essential for my brain’s recovery. It’s something I’ve come to rely on, a trusty routine to propel me forward. The weather, according to my app, promises a warmer day than I’d prefer for a comfortable run. Although still weary, I managed to catch up on some sleep. Maybe today, I’ll just be a few seconds off my usual pace.

Running holds another significant place in my schedule today. This week is our last before the vacation, and there won’t be much running while we’re away. Despite how my body feels, the anticipation of our trip and the break from my daily runs gives me a reason to push a little harder today.

Embracing the Unexpected: A Day of Chores, Changes, and Chats

Written 3/21/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Some days feel exponentially busier than others, and today has declared itself one of those. My to-do list is brimming with chores and appointments that demand my attention from dawn to dusk. The day kicked off with a late-morning dental appointment, which meant a tight schedule right from the start.

After dealing with my dental health, I was back home facing the challenge of mowing our lawn, which is no easy feat considering our house is perched on hilly terrain. Mowing on such an uneven surface requires more time and energy, and I wanted to get as much done as possible before it was time to start preparing our evening meal.

Amid this packed schedule, I had a glimmer of relaxation to look forward to: gaming with my friends. Unfortunately, one friend had to cancel earlier in the day due to another commitment, muting my brief respite. However, in a delightful turn of events, he later reached out to inform me that he was available after all. This unexpected change brought a sense of relief and joy—there was still some fun to be had at the end of this whirlwind of a day.

Despite this positive twist, a snag appeared in my plans. I had anticipated a more extended day to manage my tasks effectively. Last time, I had yet to manage to mow the lawn as thoroughly as needed, and today, I was playing catch-up. It’s a reminder of how dependent our schedules can be on various external factors like weather and other people. Today proved that even the most reasonable alternate plans can falter.

This day has taught me a valuable lesson: flexibility is crucial. Plans can shift, sometimes unexpectedly, for the better, and it’s important to adapt and make the most of the time available rather than putting things off. Even with a backup plan that seems foolproof, procrastination can lead to more stress and scrambling in the long run.

Today, today reiterated life’s unpredictability and the importance of rolling with the punches. Though the day was busy and, at times, challenging, it was also a reminder that unexpected changes can sometimes lead to delightful surprises and moments of joy amidst the chaos.

Weather Whiplash: Adapting to Tennessee’s Temperamental Climate

Written 3/19/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Living in Tennessee means signing up for a weather rollercoaster, especially during this time of year. When you think you’ve had a few picturesque days, the state throws you a curveball with temperatures swinging wildly from delightfully warm to unexpectedly frosty. This erratic weather pattern has once again made its mark, putting a damper on my well-laid plans.

Earlier this week, I was looking forward to a peaceful day of mowing the lawn. This chore becomes enjoyable under the soft embrace of mild sunshine. However, Tennessee’s whimsical weather had other plans. Out of the blue, we were hit by a day that combined both heat and cold extremes—a true puzzle for anyone trying to dress appropriately.

This morning was a stark reminder of this unpredictability. I woke up to a chill that seeped right through the windows, the kind of cold that makes you think twice about stepping outside. A quick check on my smartphone confirmed my suspicions: the temperature had indeed dipped below freezing. The weather forecast wasn’t promising either, suggesting the cold bite in the air wouldn’t let up anytime soon.

Despite the frosty start, there’s a silver lining: The forecast hints at the return of lovely days soon. With this in mind, I’ve decided to shuffle my schedule around. Mowing the lawn today is off the table. Instead, I plan to tackle it on Thursday, when the weather is expected to be more forgiving. This small decision highlights how much the climate here influences even the simplest of daily tasks.

It leads me to ponder how many others in Tennessee or similar climates find their routines dictated by the weather. How often do construction workers, landscapers, or even local businesses have to adjust their plans based on the latest weather report? It must be a universal dance with Mother Nature, where each step is carefully placed to match her unpredictable rhythm.

Weather in Tennessee teaches you flexibility and patience, which are also helpful in life. The need to adapt to the weather here goes beyond just choosing the right coat; it’s about rearranging life’s little to-dos around the whims of the weather gods. As I look ahead to Thursday, I hope for a warm day to let me catch up on my outdoor chores without needing to bundle up or strip down. Until then, I’ll watch the thermometer and the other on my planner, ready to pivot as the weather dictates.

A Slippery Delivery: Navigating Winter Challenges

Written on January 22, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

This incident brought back memories of a recent struggle faced by my wife. Just a day prior, she had endeavored to tackle the same hill on her way to work, only to fail despite multiple attempts. Her resignation was a testament to the hill’s impassable state. Sharing the delivery van’s story with her, we found common ground in acknowledging the hill’s daunting challenge.

A part of me harbors guilt for the delivery personnel who braved such treacherous conditions to fulfill their duties. While a beautiful spectacle, the winter weather can transform familiar routes into hazardous obstacles, testing the resolve and skill of those who navigate them. Our delivery driver’s experience serves as a reminder of the unseen struggles that often accompany the convenience of home deliveries, especially in the grip of winter’s icy hold.

As we sat down to enjoy our Hello Fresh meal, our thoughts lingered on the challenges faced by those who work tirelessly to bring comfort and normalcy to our lives, regardless of the weather. It’s a humbling reflection that deepens our appreciation for the simple joys and conveniences we often take for granted.

In these moments, we’re reminded of the resilience and dedication of individuals who ensure that life goes on, even when nature throws its icy curves. It’s a testament to the human spirit’s perseverance, a quality that shines brightest against winter’s chill.

How Audible Made My Chores Fun

Hello, dear readers,

Today, I’d love to share a little secret that has completely changed how I do my daily chores. It’s Audible! Every morning, I slip on my headset and listen to an audiobook while making breakfast and taking medicine. It’s not just mornings, either. If I’m running, mowing the lawn, cooking, or cleaning, you bet I’ve got an audiobook playing in the background.

Before my stroke, I was an avid reader and could quickly lose myself in a book for hours. Unfortunately, one of the lingering effects of the stroke was double vision. Thankfully, that has improved thanks to some eye exercises; another hurdle was that my concentration took a hit. I found it frustrating to read because I got easily distracted.

But you know what? My love for books never died. I still had a long list of books I wanted to read. And this is where Audible became a real lifesaver for me. I’ve worked through that list with Audible while getting other things done. It’s been a win-win situation!

Here’s the cherry on top: Audible makes my chores enjoyable! Imagine that. There have been times when I’ve started a task I’d been avoiding to listen to another chapter of the audiobook I’m enjoying.

I understand Audible may not be for everyone. Still, I encourage you to find whatever tools help make your daily tasks easier and more enjoyable. If you’ve been avoiding your chores or have a reading list gathering dust, why not try Audible? It might improve your life, as it did for me.

That’s all for today. Until next time, happy listening!