How Small Changes To Make My Daily Routine Better

Written August 2, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Over the past few weeks, I’ve introduced some new routines into my daily life, including running and lawn mowing. While these activities are refreshing and beneficial, they’ve also presented challenges, particularly in maintaining my schedule. I’ve found it difficult to complete my tasks as smoothly as I would like, and it’s made me reflect on how we often need to make adjustments when we introduce something new into our lives. When you’re trying something unfamiliar, it’s common to tweak your routine multiple times before it feels right and fits seamlessly into your lifestyle. Without these adjustments, there’s a risk of falling into a pattern of making excuses to avoid specific tasks, especially the more daunting ones. Eventually, you might stop doing them altogether.

In my case, I’ve been trying to juggle multiple responsibilities—on top of my new running and mowing schedule; I still want to keep up with my regular chores, like laundry and vacuuming the house. It’s a balancing act, and I’ve noticed that when I try to pack too much into a single day, I get exhausted relatively quickly. The summer heat in Nashville only intensifies this fatigue, making it even harder to stay on top of everything. I realized that if I didn’t find a way to manage my time and energy better, I might start dropping some of these activities, which I didn’t want to happen.

After some trial and error, I discovered that the key to improving my routines—running, kombucha bottling, or laundry—was to start earlier. This simple change has made a significant difference. For example, I’ve started bottling kombucha and doing laundry a day earlier than I used to. Additionally, I’ve begun running and lawn mowing several hours earlier in the day. These adjustments have been surprisingly effective.

I implemented my new laundry plan this week, and it’s been a success. Instead of doing all the laundry in one go, I’ve split the tasks across two days. I tackle some of the laundry on Thursday and finish the rest on Friday. This change has had a positive ripple effect on my running routine. I’m not as exhausted as I used to be, so I have more energy left for my runs later in the day. In fact, I beat my target pace while running this morning—a small victory that felt incredibly rewarding. It’s incredible how a few simple tweaks can lead to such noticeable improvements in multiple areas of life.

From this experience, I’ve learned that starting tasks earlier not only helps me get them done more efficiently but also reduces the mental burden of having to begin them in the first place. There’s something liberating about knowing that I’ve already checked off a significant part of my to-do list by the time the day is in full swing. It’s one less thing to worry about, and that peace of mind is invaluable.

Looking forward, when I think about new routines or habits I want to develop, I’ll keep this lesson in mind: start earlier than necessary. This approach not only sets me up for success but also opens the door to further improvements down the line. While I might find opportunities to refine these routines in the future, for now, I’m satisfied with the progress I’ve made. It’s a good reminder that the most minor changes can sometimes have the most significant impact.

A Runner’s Diary in Humid Nashville

Written July 24, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Lately, the weather has been nothing short of erratic. We’ve oscillated between intense heat waves driven by hurricanes and sudden thunderstorms, keeping me on my toes. Typically, I check the weather app to gauge when rain might interrupt my week—this is crucial for planning things like lawn mowing, where timing is everything. More often than not, the rain is predicted well in advance, so I make it a point to regularly consult my weather app.

Just yesterday, while reviewing the forecast for today, I saw that rain was expected during my usual running time. This left me in a quandary, debating whether to brave the rain for my run or postpone it until tomorrow. The decision was challenging, as skipping a run disrupts my routine.

Despite the ominous forecast for this morning, fate seemed to have other plans, and the anticipated rain did not come to pass. Instead, I was met with an alternative challenge: running in the extreme humidity that characterizes Nashville’s summers. Humid weather here feels more oppressive than a straightforward downpour. It can make the air feel ten degrees hotter, and breathing becomes akin to inhaling steam vapor—much like what you’d experience near a humidifier in the vegetable aisle of a grocery store.

Following my run, the weather remained dry, yet the air was dense, almost pressing against my skin. Morning temperatures are more forgiving than the scorching heat of the afternoon. I’ve made this discovery recently, and it’s a primary reason I’ve shifted my runs to earlier in the day. My wife has also taken to morning runs, likely for the same reasons.

Navigating these unpredictable weather patterns has become a part of our daily routine. While the unpredictability can be frustrating, adapting our schedules and finding small victories in the timing of our activities—like avoiding the peak afternoon heat—adds a layer of satisfaction to our day. 

It’s about making the best of what we’re dealt with, whether mowing the lawn in a brief dry spell or choosing the lesser evil of humidity over rain for a run. As we adjust and adapt, the weather remains an ever-present factor in our plans, a reminder of nature’s unpredictability.

A Delicate Balance of Health and Habit – Staying Hydrated

Written July 6, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I’ve meticulously monitored my water intake to ensure my kidneys function more efficiently. I’ve integrated this routine into my daily schedule using my smartphone, as waiting until I feel thirsty usually indicates that I’m already too dehydrated.

Occasionally, my busy schedule leads me to miss these drinking reminders. Just last night, I was behind on my water quota, necessitating a late-evening rush to meet my goals. The result was less than ideal, as I had to wake up several times throughout the night to use the bathroom.

On one hand, it’s reassuring to know that my kidneys are functioning well enough to produce urine actively. I take some comfort in achieving my hydration goals, yet the disruption to my sleep is a trade-off I’m keen to avoid. It would be beneficial to complete my water intake earlier in the evening to minimize nighttime interruptions.

Managing my daily essentials—eating, drinking, exercising, working, and sleeping—sometimes feels overwhelming. Each element is crucial to my health, and maintaining a disciplined schedule seems to be the key to staying on track.

By closely monitoring my progress throughout the day, I aim to consistently meet or exceed my modest goal of 2 liters of water well before it’s time to wind down for bed. This proactive approach helps me stay hydrated and enhances my overall well-being by allowing for uninterrupted rest.

Time To Adjust My Daily Routine

Written 6/29/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

I’ve been experimenting quite a bit with my daily schedule. One significant change I made was to start running earlier in the morning. The main reason for this shift was the rising temperatures during the day. A summer day in Nashville can be near 100F (38C). Can you imagine how terrible that would be? By running first thing after waking up, I could enjoy the cooler morning air, making my runs much more pleasant. My running pace has been improving since the schedule adjustment.

However, this change brought a new challenge: when to have breakfast. When I finished my run and returned home in the morning, the temperature was already climbing, but it was still bearable. However, my hunger was almost unbearable. Ideally, I prefer to run after breakfast, but I find exercising on a full stomach uncomfortable.

Balancing my physical activities and eating schedule has always been tricky. I exercise regularly and do a lot of weekly physical yard work. My workouts help build muscle, which in turn burns more calories. Consequently, I wake up ravenous most mornings.

Every decision, no matter how small, has its pros and cons. I feel the consequences a lot more, especially regarding my physical condition. Even the timing of my meals can significantly impact how I feel and perform throughout the day. Therefore, adjusting my eating schedule has become a trial-and-error process. I’m confident that I’ll eventually find the right balance.

My wife has her own routine and preferences, particularly when it comes to eating. She dislikes eating late and avoids any food after 7 p.m. Most evenings, she spends her last two hours reading or planning for the next day. Since her activity level is much lower at night, she worries that going to bed with a full stomach will make her feel uncomfortable in the morning.

There is another adjustment I need to make – it’s time to prepare our supper. Previously, when I ran later in the day, I prepared our supper after my run. But with my new schedule, starting to cook after my run would feel more like lunch than dinner. This shift has left me disoriented, and I need to rearrange our daily routine to prepare supper at a suitable time.

Despite these challenges, I view my life as a continuous learning experience. No matter how minor, each change teaches me something new about myself and how to better manage my time and activities. I’m constantly learning how to adapt and find balance, and I know I’ll eventually get it right.

A Day of Surprising Progress and Simple Pleasures

Written on 3/14/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday marked a significant stride in my running journey, seeing me meet and surpass my target pace. This achievement was particularly gratifying after several challenging days, notably affected by the recent time change. Surprisingly, this adjustment to daylight saving time, which often disrupts routines, turned out to favor my running schedule. The crisp, pleasant weather further contributed to this unexpected success, proving once again how external conditions can impact athletic performance.

Reflecting on my run, I’ve begun to identify the specific speed I need to maintain to achieve my new, more ambitious pace. Tomorrow’s run will be a crucial test of this insight, determining whether I can consistently meet this enhanced standard. It’s an exciting prospect and adds a layer of intrigue to my usual routine.

Aside from running, my day was filled with other mundane but necessary tasks. The good weather wasn’t just perfect for running; it was ideal for yard work, too. With my to-do list in mind and the sun shining favorably, I set out to mow the lawn, an activity that, while routine, was enjoyable thanks to the day’s clear skies.

Typically, my Thursdays are reserved for gaming sessions with friends. These gatherings are not just about playing video games; they’re a cherished opportunity for camaraderie and relaxation. However, this weekend was different. My friends were out of town, making our usual online meet-up impossible. While I missed the banter and the competitive spirit of our games, their absence allowed me to focus more on my chores without the usual rush to finish before our session began.

This shift in schedule was a mixed blessing. On the one hand, I missed the laughter and shared excitement that our gaming sessions bring. On the other, having no time constraints made it easier to complete my tasks at a relaxed pace, which was unexpectedly satisfying.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been diligently working to improve my running speed, a goal that often seemed elusive. Yesterday’s performance was a beacon of progress, illuminating what is possible with persistence and favorable conditions. It was a reminder that sometimes, the elements align to reward our efforts when we least expect it.

In essence, the day blended personal achievement and the simple pleasures of daily life. Whether it’s the solitary rhythm of a good run or the methodical task of mowing the lawn, each element had its place, contributing to a fulfilling day. Even the absence of my friends, though initially disappointing, opened up space for reflection and uninterrupted productivity.

As I look forward to tomorrow’s run, I carry with me the lessons learned from today: the understanding of pace, the importance of adapting to changes, and the appreciation of the unexpected freedoms that come our way. These experiences, though seemingly small, are significant chapters in the story of personal growth and everyday resilience.

A Morning of Hustle: Navigating Through Routine and the Unexpected

Written on January 30, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Each day, as dawn breaks, my first act is physically exercising. It’s my unwavering ritual, the cornerstone of my day. However, today presented a slight deviation from the norm. The reason? My calendar was marked for my yearly health examination, a non-negotiable hour-long appointment.

In a flurry, I glanced at the clock, gauging my precious minutes before embarking on my journey to the clinic. A quick mental run-through of my morning tasks reassured me that I should manage to weave through my routine unscathed, barring any dallying. The key, I reminded myself, was efficiency—completing my exercises in time to ensure a leisurely walk to the clinic without compromising my daily goals.

But then, an unexpected reminder popped into my head. Weren’t we expecting our water delivery today? Given our dwindling supply, this was no minor detail. Hastily, I checked our schedule, and to my immense relief, the delivery was indeed slated for today. True to their word, the water arrived, sparing us the inconvenience of a dry spell—we were on our last bottle, after all.

I navigated through my morning chores and fitness regimen with haste and precision. The clock ticked away, but my pace was steady. A sense of accomplishment washed over me as I laced up my shoes, ready to head out. Despite the tight schedule and unforeseen considerations, I adhered to my morning ritual, ensuring that my day started positively.

Mornings like these remind me of the beauty embedded in our routines. Yes, they are occasionally interrupted by the unexpected, but isn’t that the essence of life? These slight deviations challenge our flexibility and resilience, pushing us to adapt and overcome. And as I stepped out, heading towards my annual check-up, I couldn’t help but appreciate the small victories that come from managing the chaos of everyday life.

So here’s to embracing the hurdles and cherishing the mundane. After all, it’s in these moments that we find the proper rhythm of our days.

Crafting Tomorrow: The Influence of Nightly Planning on Daily Tasks

Hello, cherished readers,

Every night, as the tranquil hush of impending slumber envelops me, I indulge in crafting a meticulous list of tasks for the upcoming day. This ritual, albeit simple, has become an integral part of my nightly routine, bridging the realms of rest and readiness. At times, this involves a candid conversation with my wife, enquiring about any shared plans or activities we might have on the horizon. It could be a shopping excursion for athletic shoes or perhaps a visit to the familiar aisles of our favored Asian grocery store.

My wife harbors a penchant for tackling these errands bright and early, setting the tone for the day with a burst of productivity. Knowing that these activities are lined up serves as a gentle nudge, encouraging me to rise and shine promptly, resisting the lingering temptation to indulge in a few more moments of blissful slumber.

Regardless of the nature of the tasks, whether they elicit joy or are somewhat mundane, I’ve discovered that anticipating them plays a pivotal role in their successful accomplishment. Suppose the tasks in question are not particularly enjoyable. In that case, pre-planning serves as a form of mental preparation, like bracing oneself for an impending impact. Conversely, suppose they are activities I find pleasure in. In that case, the anticipation allows me to savor the joy even before the task has commenced.

This nightly ritual of mapping out the subsequent day’s tasks has bestowed upon me a sense of direction and purpose. It acts as a compass, navigating me through the labyrinth of daily responsibilities and pursuits, ensuring I embark on each day with clarity and resolve. It is akin to laying down the foundation of a structure, providing the stability and support needed for the ensuing construction.

Moreover, the act of planning cultivates a mindset of readiness and adaptability. It transforms the unknown landscape of tomorrow into a well-charted territory, where each step is deliberate and every action purposeful. This transformation is not just about organization but also about fostering a mental state where motivation and anticipation are interwoven into the fabric of my day.

In addition, this practice has played a significant role in enhancing my relationship with my wife. The nightly dialogues have become a sanctuary of shared aspirations and mutual understanding. They offer a glimpse into each other’s worlds, fostering a deeper connection and a harmonious synchronization of our daily rhythms.

In conclusion, the simple act of nightly planning has rippling effects on my daily life. It not only helps in structuring my day but also fortifies the mental fortitude needed to face both enjoyable and challenging tasks. It fosters a symbiotic relationship with my partner, aligning our paths and nurturing a shared vision for the day ahead. So, dear readers, I invite you to explore the potential that lies in the quiet moments before sleep in crafting tomorrow today.