Overcoming the Daylight Savings Slump

Written 3/12/2024

Hello Dear Readers,

It’s been quite a challenging couple of days for me. As you might relate, the biannual shift for daylight savings has yet again wreaked havoc on my sleep schedule. The past few mornings have been particularly tough, and I’ve found myself needing extra sleep just to regain some semblance of energy. Thankfully, this morning marked a return to my usual waking hour. I may finally be acclimating to the new time, which bodes well for keeping on track with my routine.

With my energy levels somewhat restored and getting up at my usual time today, I’m optimistic about tackling my tasks—starting with mowing the lawn. Luckily, the weather forecast is on my side, predicting pleasant conditions for the rest of the week. This should give me ample opportunity to split the chore into manageable phases, planning to complete the other half of the lawn in the next few days.

Despite it still being March and the air carrying a chill, the afternoons have warmed up nicely. I usually wait for the sun to climb higher before stepping out, ensuring it’s warm enough for outdoor activities. Today seems perfect for completing those chores without needing to bundle up too much.

In another stroke of good fortune, I recovered enough to dive back into my exercise regimen. It’s a relief to return to my fitness routine, which I’ve missed over the past few days. Returning to the swing of things feels like I’ve created a major hill of challenges. Now, the path ahead will be a smoother descent.

As things slowly return to normal, I focus on maintaining this momentum and pushing forward. There’s a certain satisfaction in overcoming these minor disruptions and finding my stride again. Here’s to smoother days ahead and making the most of this season in terms of weather and personal achievements.

Embracing the Capricious Skies: Running Through Tennessee’s Weather Shifts

Written on March 4, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Tennessee’s weather has been showing off its unpredictable side, swiftly transitioning from the cold that calls for gloves to the warmth that warrants shorts. This rapid change signals a move towards what’s likely to be an intensely hot period soon. It’s a fluctuation reminiscent of mountain climates, where the weather seems to dance on a whim. My musings today drift towards this erratic weather pattern and how it weaves into the fabric of our daily lives, particularly for those whose routines intersect with the great outdoors.

In my household, the weather dictates the pace. My wife opts for the cool embrace of early mornings for her runs, sidestepping the later heat. I, on the contrary, have a preference for running a bit later in the day, which means keeping a vigilant eye on the day’s weather forecast is paramount for me. This necessity to rise early without dawdling, especially on days earmarked for running, becomes even more pressing.

Adding another layer to this seasonal dance is the advent of Daylight Saving Time. This biannual clock adjustment, looming on the horizon, introduces its own set of challenges. My wife, susceptible to the shift, begins realigning her schedule about ten days in advance to soften the jolt to her circadian rhythm. She’s already easing into a new sleep schedule in anticipation, showcasing our small attempts to maintain harmony with time’s ebb and flow.

Despite several snowy days, Tennessee has been basking in unexpected warmth. After checking both the time and the weather forecast, I find my anxiety abating; I’ll still be ahead of the day’s full heat when I embark on my run. A part of me yearns for the spring weather to settle in for good this time.

Neither the whims of weather nor the shift in daylight saving time can deter me from my runs, yet their influence is undeniable. Just last week, Monday teased us with warmth, only for winter to reclaim its hold for the rest of the week. Adaptability is key—adjusting my running schedule and attire to match the day’s forecast becomes a ritual in its own right.

This dance with the elements reminds us of the ever-present need to remain flexible and responsive to our environment. Tennessee’s weather, with its sudden warmth and unexpected cold snaps, mirrors the unpredictability of life itself. Yet, in these shifts, we find rhythm and resilience, learning to move gracefully through the changing seasons.

Embracing Sleep Patterns and Changing Habits

Today, I woke up later than I usually would. If you know me well, you know I’ve always had a tricky relationship with sleep. My natural tendency is to resist the allure of the bed, only succumbing to its embrace when my eyelids become too heavy to keep open. This means I’d push myself until the very last moment when I’d drop into slumber the minute my head touched the pillow. But this approach has its pitfalls. I often sleep late, so I stay up even later the following night, waiting for that same exhaustion to hit.

During the spring of this year, I decided it was time to shift gears and develop a healthier sleep pattern. So, I set a new goal: to wake up at 7 a.m. sharp, except on Thursdays and Sundays. These days, I allowed myself a little indulgence and set my alarm for 8 a.m. And guess what? This schedule worked wonders for me, and I followed it diligently. I also started using melatonin to ensure I drift off to dreamland without much ado. Its calming properties were just what I needed to ensure a peaceful night’s sleep.

However, today was an exception, reminding me that sometimes even the best-laid plans can go awry. But I’m determined not to let one slip throw me off my game. Tonight, I plan to get back on track, aligning my sleep with the schedule I’ve set for myself. External factors like daylight savings can play havoc with even the most regimented sleep routines. When the clocks are adjusted, I suggest shifting my alarms by an hour. This way, my waking hours remain consistent with the sun’s position, ensuring I benefit from natural light as much as possible.


In conclusion, sleep is a delicate dance of habits, routines, and external influences. The key is adjusting, adapting, and finding what works best for one’s body and mind. Here’s to more restful nights and energized mornings!