The Adventure of Deck Painting

Written September 15, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

The more we worked on this project, the more stripping the paint off our deck turned out to be a much bigger job than we had anticipated. When we began removing the paint, I discovered several layers of old paint underneath. It made me wonder if the wood beneath was still in good condition or had started to rot. My wife meticulously inspected each deckboard to check for soft spots. We found one completely rotten board hidden beneath all the paint.

She reminded me that our deck is over twenty years old, so it’s not surprising that it’s showing its age. She’s already considering replacing it with PVC boards, but that’s a project for the future. We’re trying to maintain it as best we can. The deck stairs also need repairs, so we’re budgeting to replace the whole thing in the next five years.

Because of her busy schedule, I’ve taken on most of the paint-stripping work, tackling it bit by bit. This is our first time attempting a project like this, so we’ve been turning to YouTube and blogs for guidance. There is so much content in removing paint from the decking, and it’s pleasant to discover how much you can learn from the internet. My wife even bought some materials to patch up the deck, determined to prevent rot from setting in. We’re learning as we go, making plenty of mistakes, but we’re figuring things out one step at a time. My wife, in particular, seems to enjoy the challenge of finding solutions to these problems. She believes you can learn something valuable from every experience. She also sees no learning as a waste.

I’m just glad she’s happy. I’ve been listening to audiobooks while I work, trying to fit this project in between my other tasks. The weather finally seems to be cooperating, so I’m tackling a few boards each day, hoping the paint stripper works as well as we need it to. It’s a slow process, but I’m optimistic we’ll get it done and have our deck looking good again soon.

Tackling a Deck Cleaning in the Summer Heat

Written August 30, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Yesterday’s work still made me feel stiff this morning. I’m not precisely sore, but I am definitely drained. My wife and I are in the middle of a big home improvement project: repairing and staining our deck. We’ve been clearing out the weeds and debris around it for the past few days to prepare for the work ahead. Yesterday was the big task of power washing everything, and while we managed to get a lot done, it definitely took a toll on both of us.

We woke up early because my wife had rented the power washer and wanted to get started as soon as possible. She was worried about fitting everything into the car, but I wasn’t too concerned. We’ve got an 18-year-old Toyota Corolla that my wife absolutely loves. It’s needed a few repairs over the years, but it’s been surprisingly reliable. Despite its age, it’s still going strong. That said, my wife gets frustrated with its small size when carrying renovation supplies.

Yesterday was no exception. We had a list of things to buy before we could get started. In addition to renting the power washer, we needed a few jugs of deck cleaner and a new scrubbing brush. Our old one had broken, and we wanted to ensure we had everything on hand before starting. So, we headed over to Home Depot to grab the supplies. It was a bit of a tight fit, but we managed to cram the rented power washer and all the supplies into our little coupe.

Once we got home, the real work began. My wife rented the power washer for nearly the entire day and was determined to make the most of it. Not only did we clean the deck, but we also tackled the siding and the driveway. It was a long day, made even more challenging by the weather. The temperature hit over 100°F, and even though we managed to finish before the full heat of the afternoon set in, it was still scorching and humid.

The chemicals in the deck cleaner didn’t help either. My wife felt sick from the fumes, becoming dizzy and queasy as we worked. We powered through it, though, and managed to get everything done. By the end of the day, the deck, siding, and driveway were all sparkling clean. Despite the exhaustion and discomfort, seeing the progress we had made was satisfying.

Our next project will be repairing the deck stairs, which were damaged a while back when we had a tree removed. We didn’t get as early of a start as we had hoped, thanks to my alarm being set later than planned, but we still accomplished our main goal of cleaning everything. The deck is now prepped and ready for the next phase: staining. However, we’ll need to wait until the temperatures drop before we tackle that. In this heat, staining the deck wouldn’t be ideal.

We’re relieved to have completed the hardest part of the job. There’s still more work to be done, but at least we’ve made a solid start. Home improvement projects can be tiring, but they’re always worth it.