Adapting to a New Running Routine Amidst Summer Storms

Written August 17, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

This morning began like any other. I woke up early, quickly prepared for my daily run, and stepped outside, eager to cover some distance before the day’s responsibilities took over. However, today, there was an urgency: a race against the ominous dark clouds gathering in the sky. I knew a thunderstorm was coming, and I was determined to finish my run before it hit. Unfortunately, that plan didn’t pan out as expected.

Normally, I rely on my weather app to avoid running in storms. I’ve had the misfortune of being caught in a severe thunderstorm before, and I have no desire to repeat it. Running in the rain is one thing; running amidst lightning and thunder is another. As I stepped outside, the sky was an unsettling shade of gray, and the distant rumble of thunder was growing louder. I hesitated and checked my app again. The storm was imminent.

Reluctantly, I decided to delay my run. I wasn’t happy about it—I’ve grown accustomed to running first thing in the morning, and changing that routine always feels like a disruption. But safety comes first. I returned inside, reminding myself that this was just a temporary delay. The storm wasn’t forecasted to last long, and I could resume my run after breakfast.

As I waited, I couldn’t help but reflect on how much my running routine has changed over the past few months. During the summer, I shifted to early morning runs to avoid the heat, but even that routine was being challenged. It’s funny how quickly we adapt to new habits, only to find them disrupted again. I hadn’t planned on changing my schedule today, but I realized it’s a part of life—adapting to what comes our way, even if it’s unexpected.

There’s also the unpredictability of summer storms to consider. Sometimes, they bring a refreshing drop in temperature, making the post-storm air crisp and cool—perfect for running. Other times, they leave behind a suffocating blanket of humidity, making every step feel like a slog. Our last storm did just that, turning the air thick and muggy, far from the relief I was hoping for. Whether a storm will leave the weather better or worse is always a gamble.

As I sat at the table, finishing my breakfast, I rechecked the weather app. The storm was passing, and I felt a sense of relief. I wouldn’t let a bit of bad weather throw me off course. My commitment to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is strong, and I wouldn’t let this minor setback deter me. Most importantly, I would get my run in today, even if it wasn’t at my usual time.

When I finally stepped outside again, the air was cooler, and the clouds began to part. I set off on my run, grateful I hadn’t let the storm ruin my day. Life is full of unexpected challenges, but with some flexibility and determination, we can keep moving forward—one step at a time.

The Fine Line Between Stubbornness and Determination: A Personal Reflection

Hello Dear Readers,

In the intricate tapestry of language, certain traits appear deceptively similar. Yet, the context and magnitude of these characteristics can drastically alter their interpretation and reception. A fascinating example of this linguistic phenomenon is the contrast between ‘stubbornness’ and ‘determination.’ While stubbornness is often cast in a negative light, determination is celebrated as a virtue. According to the Oxford Dictionary, ‘stubborn’ implies a persistent unwillingness to change one’s opinion or attitude, whereas ‘determination’ is a steadfast firmness of purpose. Superficially, these descriptions mirror each other, but the fundamental divergence emerges from the circumstances in which these traits are displayed.


In an introspective exercise, I pondered whether it’s feasible to frame ‘stubbornness’ in a positive context, devoid of its typical negative connotations. Let me share a personal anecdote to illustrate this point:


Today, I found myself battling fatigue. The consequence of a late night and an unwavering commitment to my usual waking hour was that I struggled to remain alert and fulfill my daily responsibilities. Moreover, maintaining a civil and polite demeanor, which becomes increasingly challenging when I’m tired, was also on my agenda. I hoped that coffee would be my ally, providing enough energy to not only endure my 10k run and household chores like vacuuming but also to tackle the remainder of my to-do list. Throughout this ordeal, I constantly reminded myself of the promises made to myself and my wife, relying heavily on what I call my ‘native stubbornness’ to persevere.


This narrative is not a fabricated scenario but an accurate account of my day. The exercise of playing with words is indeed intriguing. It demonstrates how the perception of a trait like stubbornness can be transformed through the lens of personal commitment and the pursuit of goals. In this context, my ‘stubbornness’ transforms into a source of strength, a testament to my resolve to overcome lethargy and fulfill my obligations.


This exploration reveals the subtle yet profound differences in how we interpret and use words based on their context. Depending on the situation and the speaker’s perspective, the same behavior can be labeled as stubbornness or determination. In my case, stubbornness, usually perceived negatively, becomes a positive force driving me to adhere to my commitments despite physical exhaustion and mental fatigue.


In conclusion, the distinction between stubbornness and determination is more nuanced than it appears. It’s a matter of perspective, context, and the underlying intention behind the behavior. By reframing our understanding of these traits, we can appreciate the full spectrum of human characteristics and their role in our personal and professional lives. This realization not only enriches our understanding of language but also empowers us to recognize and harness these traits in ourselves and others for positive outcomes.