The Enduring Value of Mythology in Modern Life

My fascination with mythology, particularly the Greco-Roman variety, has been a constant throughout my life. I recall enrolling in a mythology class during high school and, later, furthering my interest at university. At the time, these courses seemed more like a delightful dalliance with my hobbies than a foundation for serious academic pursuits. However, as time has passed, the richness of mythology has proven to be an unexpectedly valuable asset in my life.


The spark for this realization was reignited by my wife’s ambitious endeavor to delve into the depths of Western classical literature and, more broadly, the liberal arts. She embarked on this intellectual journey by revisiting seminal works such as Homer’s “Odyssey” and “Iliad,” along with Virgil’s “Aeneid.” These epic tales are steeped in the mythological traditions of ancient Greece and Rome, and my wife frequently found herself seeking clarity on the myriad references to gods and goddesses woven throughout these narratives. Fortunately, thanks to my educational background in mythology, I was able to shed light on her questions or at least guide her toward the answers.


This experience has underscored a profound lesson for both of us: there is no such thing as useless knowledge. Even if the immediate application of certain information seems trivial, serving merely as a conversational reference or a tidbit of trivia, its value extends beyond the superficial. We’ve reflected on how often we’ve heard the lament that specific fields of study, such as mathematics, are useless. Critics argue that mastering calculus or geometry is a futile endeavor doomed to irrelevance in everyday life. Yet, this perspective overlooks a fundamental truth – unused knowledge remains dormant not because it lacks utility but because the absence of understanding precludes its application.

The Seamless Intersection of Learning and Play

In my years mentoring fresh university entrants, I consistently emphasize a crucial point: the world is rife with learning opportunities if only we recognize and embrace them. Strikingly, many individuals develop a somewhat adversarial relationship with the concept of learning. Such a stance can act as a bottleneck to the vast reservoir of knowledge awaiting them.


Case in point, my wife holds a perspective that’s worth pondering. In her eyes, any learning endeavor should be riddled with challenges and moments of unease. Consequently, when she indulges in activities that bring joy or relaxation, she labels them as sheer entertainment, pushing aside any educational merits they might hold. Her viewpoint is not isolated; many people fall into the trap of demarcating entertainment and learning into separate realms. In doing so, they overlook the profound intersections where learning can be fun and enlightening.


From my vantage point, games serve as a stellar example of tools that straddle the line between fun and education, thereby proving that learning isn’t exclusively reserved for rigorous, structured environments. Games, by their very nature, are playgrounds of application. A good part of our learning trajectory revolves around applying the knowledge we gather. This application is most effective when it’s done purposefully, following an initial exposure to the concerned topic.


Take card games, for instance. At first glance, they might seem like mere instruments of leisure. But delve a little deeper, and you’ll uncover a rich tapestry of lessons on probability. Now, it’s essential to note that merely engaging in countless rounds of card games won’t magically equip you with the prowess to solve intricate probability conundrums. However, couple your card-playing experience with a conscious effort to explore the realm of probability, and you might find yourself armed with pertinent questions, real-world examples, and a heightened curiosity. The secret sauce here is introspection. Reflecting upon the game, understanding its underlying mechanics, and drawing parallels to broader concepts can transform a simple card game into a fertile ground for learning.


This transformative power isn’t exclusive to card games; it applies to a myriad of experiences. Consider the act of watching a movie. It’s easy to view it as passive entertainment, a means to escape reality momentarily. But, shift gears and engage your cognitive faculties, and suddenly, that movie can metamorphose into a lecture hall, offering insights into storytelling, character development, cultural nuances, and even historical contexts.


In essence, every experience – be it playing a game, watching a film, or even taking a leisurely walk – holds the potential to be educational. It’s all about perspective and intent. The onus is on us to shake off predefined notions, look beyond the obvious, and weave learning into the very fabric of our daily lives. When we do, we not only enrich our understanding but also discover the joy of seeing the world as a boundless classroom.

Juggling Work, School, and Life: My Journey to a Graduate Degree

Hey guys! So, one day, I woke up and thought, “I want to go back to school and finish my graduate degree.” Yep, even though I already have a full-time job. Crazy, right? I even decided to take not one, not two, but three courses each week. Oh, and I managed to pass two big CMA exams in just four months. So, how did I pull this off?

First things first, I had to sort out my schedule. We all have only 24 hours daily, no matter how busy. I spent about two weeks tweaking my daily plans until I found extra hours for my classes.

After figuring that out, I talked to my husband about my big idea. He was worried I might wear myself out, but he was super supportive. He even offered to help out with some chores around the house. Teamwork makes the dream work!

Initially, I decided to take it easy and sign up for two classes each semester. But guess what? I felt bold and bumped it into three courses to finish everything in just two semesters. Yeah, I soon found out that was a big oopsie. Grad school isn’t like undergrad; there’s way more work. I had tons of assignments and papers to write. I even had to take five vacation days from my job to catch up on schoolwork. It’s a good thing it wasn’t the busy end-of-year work season!

Despite the craziness, there were some rules I stuck to:

  1. Keep Running: Believe it or not, I still ran my usual 5K every morning. It’s my ‘me time.’
  2. Don’t Overeat at Night: I had to make sure I could focus on studying and feeling too full would make that hard.
  3. Use Spare Time Wisely: Any extra 15 minutes I had, I used for quick chores. A clean home makes a happy mind.
  4. Be Grateful: I couldn’t have done this without my amazing husband. He’s my rock.

So, after a chaotic but super rewarding year, I survived and thrived. I kept my grades up and even graduated with two honors. I know this was one of the craziest things I did. Whatever your big dream is, go for it. Just ensure you have a solid plan, an excellent support team, and a lot of determination.