A Sweet Gesture: Crafting a Gluten-Free Chocolate Raspberry Cake for My Sister’s Birthday

Written on February 23, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Amid the usual Friday flurry of tasks, this week brings a unique project: baking a birthday cake for my sister’s celebration tomorrow. By her request, it’s a chocolate raspberry cake, a concoction I’m eager to bring to life. To infuse the icing and layers with a burst of flavor, I’ve secured a jar of raspberry jam, imagining the layers soaked and filled with its tangy sweetness. The anticipation of its success fills me with hope.

Our family navigates dietary restrictions, notably our mother’s need for a gluten-free diet, which invariably complicates baking endeavors, casting a shadow of uncertainty on the outcome. My sister’s young daughter also factors into my planning, and her youthful palate is a consideration when choosing flavors. In these moments, the internet proves an invaluable ally. Diving into the digital sea of gluten-free recipes, I finally surfaced with one that sparked confidence, a beacon of hope for a successful bake.

My sister, a proficient baker herself, has often delighted my wife and me with her baking prowess, crafting cakes for our birthdays that leave us in awe. The opportunity to reciprocate, to bake for her, feels like a heartfelt gesture, albeit one tinged with the recognition that my skills may not mirror hers. Yet, the endeavor isn’t solely about skill; it’s the thought, the effort, and the love poured into the cake that truly matters.

My wife reminds me of this, encouraging a focus not on the perfection of the outcome but on the affection and time dedicated to someone we cherish. Her words ease my mind, transforming my trepidation into budding excitement for the baking ahead.

In the grand tapestry of family life, these moments of shared effort, of trying to replicate the love we’ve been shown, add a layer of sweetness far beyond the taste of any cake. As I embark on this baking adventure, I’m reminded that it’s not just a cake I’m making—it’s a symbol of love, a testament to family bonds, and a celebration of the big and small joys we share together.

A Culinary Saturday: Embracing the Bustle with Love and Food

Written on January 14, 2024

Hello Dear Readers,

Saturdays have transformed into the pinnacle of my weekly routine, bustling with culinary endeavors to fill our home with an abundance of nourishing meals. This particular Saturday unfurls with a promise of busyness, as I’ve dedicated myself to a series of cooking tasks. My mission? To ensure my wife is well-stocked with delectable options for lunches and breakfasts in the week ahead.

Once my morning rituals are behind me, I’ll dive into the art of crafting guacamole, a vibrant start to my culinary marathon. Next on my agenda is the replenishment of my wife’s beloved breakfast burritos stash, followed by the preparation of salmon nanbanzuke. This Southern Japanese delicacy, featuring succulent salmon amidst tangy pickled vegetables, marks a novel addition to our weekly meal repertoire, despite being a dish I’ve mastered over numerous occasions, thanks to my wife’s teaching.

Cooking, for me, is not just a household chore; it’s a therapeutic journey. It’s about the rhythm and flow of processes: selecting ingredients, meticulous preparation, cooking itself, and the unavoidable cleanup that accompanies a small kitchen like ours. In such confined spaces, multitasking becomes necessary, with dish cleaning interwoven seamlessly into the cooking process.

This week’s introduction of nanbanzuke* to our meal plan is a testament to our adventurous culinary spirit, spurred by my wife’s occasional trips to her office. It’s essential for me that she has access to homemade, comforting meals during her workdays, a small but meaningful gesture of care.

Today, however, is not just another Saturday. It carries a sense of personal achievement as I’ve hit a new milestone in my fitness journey. The weights I’ve been lifting have seen an increase, a challenge that felt daunting yet achievable—a sweet spot that signals growth and resilience. This physical accomplishment mirrors the effort and love I pour into our meals, a balance between nurturing the body and the soul.

In essence, my Saturdays are more than just the busiest day of the week; they reflect love, dedication, and joy in the simple act of cooking. Whether whipping up a batch of breakfast burritos, delicately balancing the flavors of nanbanzuke, or pushing my physical limits, each task is imbued with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. This is how I choose to support and care for my wife, ensuring she steps into each week with the comfort of home-cooked meals and knowing that every dish is prepared with love.


Exploring the Delicious World of Nanbanzuke: A Japanese Delight with European Roots

RE: A Culinary Saturday: Embracing the Bustle with Love and Food

My husband wrote about Nanbanzuke, and now I want to write a blog about it.

Nanbanzuke, a dish celebrated in my hometown in the southern regions of Japan, carries a rich history that traces back to the Muromachi Period (1336AD-1392AD). Though it’s widely believed that the concept of Nanbanzuke arrived in Japan from Spain or Portugal around the 15th to 16th centuries, its essence has been deeply rooted in Japanese culinary tradition ever since. Initially inspired by Escabeche, a European dish of marinated fish or meat cooked in an acidic sauce with spices, Nanbanzuke has evolved to suit the Japanese palate.

The term ‘Nanban’ referred to Europeans during that era, highlighting the influence of European technology and culinary practices in Japan, particularly in Kyushu Island. Japanese adaptations of European dishes, like Nanbanzuke, reflect cultural integration and showcase local innovation in culinary arts.

Nanbanzuke, especially popular in the hot and humid summers of my small hometown, is cherished for its ability to prolong the shelf life of food, thanks to the vinegar in its marinade. While the local favorite is Chicken Nanbanzuke, I prefer using salmon, offering a delightful twist to this traditional dish.

Here’s how to create Salmon Nanbanzuke, a dish that marries the robust flavors of Japan with the zesty charm of European cuisine:




Salmon (1 lb)

1 carrot

1 bell pepper

½ red onion (sweet or yellow onions are also suitable)

1 TBSP olive oil

2 TBSP cornstarch (adjustable to preference)

2 TBSP potato flour (adjustable to preference)

Seasoning of choice (e.g., Slap Ya Mama)


For the Pickled Sauce:

1 Cup Dashi (Japanese soup stock, available at oriental stores)

2 TBSP Soy Sauce

3 TBSP sugar (adjust according to taste; I use a bit more than my parents did. Brian likes a bit sweeter)

½ tsp salt

Sliced dry Japanese chili for an extra kick


Preparation Steps:

Prep the Salmon: Cut the salmon fillet into bite-sized pieces for easy eating.

Coat the Salmon: In a bag, combine 1 TBSP olive oil, cornstarch, and potato flour. Add the salmon pieces and shake well to coat evenly.

Cook the Salmon: Though traditionally fried, use an air fryer at 400°F for about 10 minutes for a healthier option. This method ensures a crispy finish with less oil.

Prepare the Vegetables: Shred the carrot, bell pepper, and red onion, which allows the vegetables to blend seamlessly with the pickled sauce.

Simmer the Sauce: Bring the pickled sauce ingredients to a boil in a pot, ensuring the sugar dissolves completely.

Combine and Marinate: Layer the cooked salmon and vegetables in a glass container and pour the hot sauce over them. Seal and refrigerate.

Serve Chilled: The flavors of Nanbanzuke intensify overnight. It’s best enjoyed the next day and can last for a few days when refrigerated.

Salmon Nanbanzuke is a testament to the beautiful blend of cultures and the versatility of Japanese cuisine. This dish pays homage to its European roots and celebrates the unique adaptation that makes it distinctly Japanese. Whether you’re a fan of traditional recipes or enjoy experimenting with flavors, this dish will surely delight your palate and introduce you to a world where culinary traditions merge seamlessly.